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Artell blames fans for defeat

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February 10, 2024, 6:39pm
Cocktail Drinker
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Quoted from AndyGTFC
Let's not chat utter balderdash now.

He blamed the players for abandoning what they were doing and reacting to the booing but that he understood the fans reaction. So he's not blaming the fans, he's blaming the players.

Exactly how I intepreted it, it's on the players to drown out the noise from the fans.
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February 10, 2024, 6:39pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from AndyGTFC
Let's not chat utter balderdash now.

He blamed the players for abandoning what they were doing and reacting to the booing but that he understood the fans reaction. So he's not blaming the fans, he's blaming the players.

So what you are saying is that the players are not professionals as they do not do what the manager says.

You can please some of the forumites some of the time but not all the forumites all of the time
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February 10, 2024, 6:40pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from headingly_mariner
He's a not doing very well, but he's right a portion of the fans were absolute twits today. It had no bearing on the result because the game was lost, but to boo you own players for not twatting it is embarrassing.

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Phil the cod
February 10, 2024, 6:41pm
Lager Top Drinker
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A 10 year old boy behind me called it spot on shrieking in his best balls not dropped yet voice " hey artell, just get it up top and stop f.cking about with it"

Jus saying, it ain't rocket science Dave.
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February 10, 2024, 6:43pm

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Quoted from barralad

I'd quite like a comparison of the number of times passing out from the baclk has cost us a goal with how many goals we've coceded from aimless punts upfield which have come back with interest.

I’d rather we compete from aimless punts upfield than just give a free pass to the opposition on fhe edge of our box .

Lower F5
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February 10, 2024, 6:43pm

Table Wine Drinker
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Quoted from toontown

Yeah it's cringingly embarrassing that it so obviously isn't working but he insists on playing in a way that's gifting teams so many goals against us.

Try to lean a bit more towards that style sure, but don't be so rigid and unable to do anything but pressure ourselves.

Well fooked off with today's performance and really really concerned with that interview - we won't be changing style and if that gets us relegated he just shrugs, leaves and blames the fans I guess. Meanwhile we are the ones left holding the excrement.

That is similar to my takeaway from DA's thoughts. We're in a dog fight but he's wanting to participate with an inebriated rabbit that's been told to move quickly.
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February 10, 2024, 6:44pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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If anyone there today...honestly thinks that crowd reaction DIDN'T influence the players then .....fck me.

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February 10, 2024, 6:44pm

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Fans are fans and every club has them. Ultimately they pay his wages. You have to keep your mouth shut. The guy sounds out of his depth. He's been out of work for 18 months, long term unemployed territory, and then we offered him a 2.5 year deal. Unfortunately he's better out than in and we may just have to take the hit. It was the first time the new owners have been through this to be fair to them.

'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.  
~ Alfred Lord Tennyson

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Reply: 27 - 214
February 10, 2024, 6:45pm
Special Brew Drinker
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DA blames the fans eh?
Well first 2 goals today we gifted them with a shiny ribbon on.
We had a corner today and Eisa/another took it short lost the ball and Stockport got a corner.What do you work on all week Mr Artell because its not set pieces ? Today's horror show stemmed from the dangerous brothers Maher and Rodgers not being able to play out defend or distribute.Added to this they got zero help from CM  to me with this squad the best form of defence is attack maybe we should try that Danny Rose must be fed up he runs his balls off for nothing every game  I didn't expect to beat Stockport and predicted 1-3 Colchester is massive we cang afford to lose.
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February 10, 2024, 6:45pm

Cocktail Drinker
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Quoted from DB

So what you are saying is that the players are not professionals as they do not do what the manager says.

I'm saying he didn't blame the fans.

People can think what they want about the manager or the players but we're excrement enough without people trying to claim he said something he didn't.  
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