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Artell blames fans for defeat

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February 13, 2024, 8:52am
Guest User
Quoted from Chrisblor
lmao the best bit is where he calls out the OP of this thread for spreading balderdash

This is typical of you, putting stuff on here that is not correct.  This is what he said, and I quote, "You just told me that the fans forum, which I don't go on is saying that I am blaming the crowd for defeats.  I'm pretty sure that if we get the transcript that is not what I said at all".

So where in those two sentences did he call out the OP of that thread for spreading balderdash?

You love making stuff up to fit your agenda don't you!

Reply: 190 - 214
February 13, 2024, 10:12am

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That quote suggests that's exactly what he said  

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Reply: 191 - 214
February 13, 2024, 10:16am
Shandy Drinker
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Oh dear. Sometimes I wish a Mod would delete a thread and we can start it all again as ver 2.0, but improved.
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Reply: 192 - 214
February 13, 2024, 10:20am
Guest User
Quoted from SpiritOf98
Oh dear. Sometimes I wish a Mod would delete a thread and we can start it all again as ver 2.0, but improved.

ok - but not this thread. Just delete is fine.
Reply: 193 - 214
February 13, 2024, 10:29am

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Quoted from sam gy

He doesn't read it, it was Tondeur who informed him of the post.

Yeah, sounded like Tondeur had told him about it before the interview started. "Hey Dave guess what they are saying on The Fishy...", probably only giving the opinion of OP and ignoring the many balancing views on here.

Anyway, Hi John! You're clearly a lurker not a poster.
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Reply: 194 - 214
February 13, 2024, 10:33am

Brandy Drinker
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Quoted from pizzzza

Yeah, sounded like Tondeur had told him about it before the interview started. "Hey Dave guess what they are saying on The Fishy...", probably only giving the opinion of OP and ignoring the many balancing views on here.

Anyway, Hi John! You're clearly a lurcher not a poster.

I wouldn't bet on it.
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Reply: 195 - 214
February 13, 2024, 10:34am
Champagne Drinker
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Quoted from smokey111

Hoof it, by the sounds of it.

I sit in the main stand and I don’t shout hoof it as I’m prepared to give it the time that is needed but yes many around me are now shouting/screaming hoof it and generally abusing everything that’s trying to be done. I find it extremely disappointing and whilst I’m here I’ll say the playing away thing is a thing as generally the support are doing what it says on the tin, supporting!!!
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Reply: 196 - 214
February 13, 2024, 10:56am

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Quoted from pizzzza

Yeah, sounded like Tondeur had told him about it before the interview started. "Hey Dave guess what they are saying on The Fishy...", probably only giving the opinion of OP and ignoring the many balancing views on here.

Anyway, Hi John! You're clearly a lurker not a poster.

This is not true. John is one hundred percent WayneGTFC.

Not posted for a long time but when he did it was ace.

Batch, Crombie, Moore K, Wiggington, Cumming, Waters, Bonnyman, Ford, Emson, Drinkell, Whymark. Love you all, You are the reason I'm on here. You've had help from Todd, Handyside, Futcher P, Groves, Mendonca, Macca etc etc etc. Up The Mariners!!!!!!!!!
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Reply: 197 - 214
February 13, 2024, 2:05pm
Special Brew Drinker
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Quoted from 123614

This is typical of you, putting stuff on here that is not correct.  This is what he said, and I quote, "You just told me that the fans forum, which I don't go on is saying that I am blaming the crowd for defeats.  I'm pretty sure that if we get the transcript that is not what I said at all".

So where in those two sentences did he call out the OP of that thread for spreading balderdash?

You love making stuff up to fit your agenda don't you!

Another day another attack from the keyboard Pootin
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Reply: 198 - 214
February 13, 2024, 5:35pm

Elemér Berkessy
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Quoted from 123614

This is typical of you, putting stuff on here that is not correct.  This is what he said, and I quote, "You just told me that the fans forum, which I don't go on is saying that I am blaming the crowd for defeats.  I'm pretty sure that if we get the transcript that is not what I said at all".

So where in those two sentences did he call out the OP of that thread for spreading balderdash?

You love making stuff up to fit your agenda don't you!


gary jones
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Reply: 199 - 214
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