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Artell blames fans for defeat

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pen penfras
February 11, 2024, 11:00am

Cocktail Drinker
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Quoted from davmariner

Agree with this. But will the owners accept they’ve made a mistake and cut their losses? Or will they stubbornly continue down a path that’s destined to fail?

I think the only way we sell a decent amount of season tickets next season is too replace him and pick up a few wins towards the end of the season. That might bring a slight bit of optimism about next season. I suppose it would if we had a decent run in and playing well, but that seems unlikely right now
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Reply: 110 - 214
February 11, 2024, 11:01am
Shandy Drinker
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Quoted from pen penfras

What's your point? It's going well? We either draw or get hammered at the moment. Under Hurst we were missing tap ins every week and losing by 1 goal. You could see how we could turn that around. Artell has made us look like we'll concede loads more and with the exception of Notts County game we don't look like scoring any more.

It's awful and if you can't see that this is markedly worse then you might need help of some sort.

Its a real worry. Performances through out the team have dropped, even since Hurst was sacked. There doesn't appear to be any improvement,  anywhere.
Still defensively naive, passing it awkwardly around the back -  the passing game that appeared to be working has gone out of the window. We have barely created a chance in 120mins of football now. Tactically terrible. Just high press this team and they crumble. Didn't take L2 managers long to figure Artell out.  

Most strikingly and certainly most worryingly we have slipped closer to the trap door and seem to have no fight in us whatsoever.

Cant see Artell turning this around now.

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Reply: 111 - 214
February 11, 2024, 11:02am

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Quoted from 123614

The thing is, I can't see how changing the way we play again, is going to be very productive.  Again, it will take time to change and adapt, and as the Forum shows, people don't like to give the manager time, he said when he first came into the job that it would take many months.  

It was unbelievably naive to embark on a process that will take many months when we were a few points above the relegation zone. Even if we stay up season ticket sales will tank. Football managers don't get "many months". Bignot and Holloway talked about grandiose long term plans and utterly failed in the here and now. A year ago everyone was talking about us and the future looked bright now we have reverted to relegation fodder.

'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.  
~ Alfred Lord Tennyson

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Reply: 112 - 214
February 11, 2024, 11:02am
Shandy Drinker
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Unpopular opinion but don’t really care the club is both run and managed by used cars salesmen’s looks to good to be true moto. Wearing thin now, need action and results no more poppy c**k sort it out
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Reply: 113 - 214
February 11, 2024, 11:07am

Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from GrimRob

It was unbelievably naive to embark on a process that will take many months when we were a few points above the relegation zone. Even if we stay up season ticket sales will tank. Football managers don't get "many months". Bignot and Holloway talked about grandiose long term plans and utterly failed in the here and now. A year ago everyone was talking about us and the future looked bright now we have reverted to relegation fodder.

Using more purest terms & referencing Artell is doing the same thing in his interviews as Holloway & Bignot. There are some real personality similarities here across all 3 managers with a message that kind of says “I am the messiah” when he may turn out to be a very naughty boy.

"Crombie you would have got to that if you weren't such a fat ba%$@rd" - George Kerr, inspiration from the dug out 70s style  
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Reply: 114 - 214
February 11, 2024, 11:55am
Guest User
Quoted from pen penfras

What's your point? It's going well? We either draw or get hammered at the moment. Under Hurst we were missing tap ins every week and losing by 1 goal. You could see how we could turn that around. Artell has made us look like we'll concede loads more and with the exception of Notts County game we don't look like scoring any more.

It's awful and if you can't see that this is markedly worse then you might need help of some sort.

I don't need your advice on any kind of help I might need thankyou.

Reply: 115 - 214
February 11, 2024, 11:56am
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Quoted from davmariner

Hi David Artell’s mum.

How old are you?

Reply: 116 - 214
February 11, 2024, 12:01pm
Vodka Drinker
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Quoted from 123614

How old are you?

To be honest, old enough to know you’re a bit odd

Up The Mariners!
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Reply: 117 - 214
February 11, 2024, 12:02pm
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Quoted from davmariner

To be honest, old enough to know you’re a bit odd

I very much doubt that.

Reply: 118 - 214
It Bites
February 11, 2024, 12:06pm
Champagne Drinker
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Artell didn’t blame the fans at all . It’s like a click bait headline that only a simpleton or a tacky journalist would write .
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Reply: 119 - 214
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