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February 10, 2024, 5:07pm
Vodka Drinker
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Another shitshow from a manager well out of his depth. Was the wrong appointment and he’s taking us down. Could have been easily 6/7 had Stockport not resorted to game management.

We have two crucial games in the next week. We can’t afford to limp on with Artell for those.

Up The Mariners!
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February 10, 2024, 5:11pm
Beer Drinker
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Quoted from davmariner
Another shitshow from a manager well out of his depth. Was the wrong appointment and he’s taking us down. Could have been easily 6/7 had Stockport not resorted to game management.

We have two crucial games in the next week. We can’t afford to limp on with Artell for those.

Our season isn't going to be defined by losing 3-1 to the likely champions of the league. Defending was poor again but Stockport are a very good team. Going forward we had flashes of good play but as whole clearly not on Stockport's level. We are definitely starting to get into must win territory now and have to pick up a result on Tuesday.
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February 10, 2024, 5:13pm

Barley Wine Drinker
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Thinking its the wrong man at the wrong time. He is stubborn as intercourse and we have a defence who cant defend yet he insists on this playing from the back. Maher and Dodgers were horrific today.

Has artell improved us? No. Not at all

I didnt expect a win today, but i dont expect the same mistakes week in week out when we are still in need of points.

Credit Vernam for a good 2nd half
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February 10, 2024, 5:20pm

Special Brew Drinker
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All you can say is that the result looks far better than we were expecting at half past three when another cricket score looked on that cards. So at least our goal difference wasn't hammered as badly as it might have been.

I guess we had the toughest fixture of the bottom five, so the fact that only Doncaster gained ground is one crumb of comfort.
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February 10, 2024, 5:22pm
Snakebite drinker
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Cartwright kicking the ball straight to a Stockport player for the first goal and with Town being asleep when Stockport took their free kick which led to their second goal did not help. Giving two 'soft' goals to the potential champions was not a good plan.
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February 10, 2024, 5:23pm

Vodka Drinker
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Quoted from Hagrid
Thinking its the wrong man at the wrong time. He is stubborn as intercourse and we have a defence who cant defend yet he insists on this playing from the back. Maher and Dodgers were horrific today.

Has artell improved us? No. Not at all

I didnt expect a win today, but i dont expect the same mistakes week in week out when we are still in need of points.

Credit Vernam for a good 2nd half

Lucky Stockport sat back a bit 2nd half and just tried to get us on the break. 1st half all it took was a bit of a press and we fall to pieces again. Our keeper, defence and midfield are not clever enough to play Artells style.  Vernam needs to start next game, as has been best attacker on the pitch last 2 games.
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Reply: 5 - 168
February 10, 2024, 5:26pm

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How about the players ignore the bolloc.ks instructions from our Pep and play to their strengths?

Lower F5
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Reply: 6 - 168
February 10, 2024, 5:26pm

Special Brew Drinker
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Quoted from MarinerRob
Cartwright kicking the ball straight to a Stockport player for the first goal and with Town being asleep when Stockport took their free kick which led to their second goal did not help. Giving two 'soft' goals to the potential champions was not a good plan.

I don't think it was the plan. We have been gifting the opposition soft goals all season , both under PH and DA. Some of them decision making by players this season has been beyond belief.

The Future is Black & White.
"The commonest thing on this planet is not water , as some people believe, but stupidity ". Frank Zappa
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February 10, 2024, 5:26pm
Cocktail Drinker
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I thought Artell had improved us, and I was one that thought we should persist with how we were playing. I'm now turning because what we're being served at home is nothing less of shambolic. He said he wants to turn BP into a fortress, well that fortress is made out of flipping cardboard because we're weak as urine at the back and the mentality of some of these players is just astonishing. Harvey Rodgers passed more balls to them and into the stands today than he did to a black and white shirt. I gave him credit last week for a good performance to go and follow it up with that, it's like he's afraid of the ball. Vernam and Rose should be the first names on the team sheet and I feel we need to change the way we set up. As much as I can't tolerate Kieran Green, at least he flipping runs. Holohan showed why Artell had him out the side, him and Clifton got battered worse than the fish at Papas today and that's saying something. Setup shop with Green and Thompson sat infront of the back four and let Arthur, Abo, Charles and Danny attack. Abo Eisa has scored 9 goals this season and I still don't think he's actually that good...
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Reply: 8 - 168
February 10, 2024, 5:30pm

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Starting to think that the Crewe side he brought to BP a few years back might just have been playing a excrement Jolley? Town side. Worryingly though this is the brand of football the owners want us to be playing 😳.
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