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Artell's pre- Colchester interview

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Southwark Mariner
February 12, 2024, 7:47pm
Whiskey Drinker
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Tweet 1757117459247530310 will appear here...

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Spurn boy
February 12, 2024, 8:19pm

Snakebite drinker
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A very open and honest interview, I truly believe we will improve and pull away from our current position in the league and just hope the players have the same belief.

Dead Eye Dobbin stood motionless waiting, waiting, waiting for the ball to arrive. Back came the right foot, Down came the right foot, Bang ! Headlines around the world as the ball flew into the very top right hand corner of the goal.( Jim Dobbin scoring in the 89th minute for Town against Newcastle United away 24/10/1992 )
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February 12, 2024, 8:28pm
Whiskey Drinker
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After a terrible interview on the weekend I do think that was much better from him. Interesting that JT had fact checked the  'first error leading to a goal caused by playing out from the back point' and found it to be True.
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February 12, 2024, 8:38pm

Barley Wine Drinker
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Good interview both in terms of the questions & answers.

Let’s see what the next 5 days brings.

"Crombie you would have got to that if you weren't such a fat ba%$@rd" - George Kerr, inspiration from the dug out 70s style  
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Reply: 3 - 37
February 12, 2024, 9:29pm
Fine Wine Drinker
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Much better interview, got to get a result tomorrow, although truthfully I am not too confident. I will bet against us and be delighted to lose my money. I dont think he is a bad bloke at all but I don't trust this team. Nervous about the game tomorrow could go 3:0 either way. They will be in  our faces and we need to take our chances.  Utm
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Reply: 4 - 37
February 12, 2024, 10:30pm
Whiskey Drinker
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Time is a great healer. I think we've all calmed down from immediately after the defeat on Saturday and we'll go to Colchester with renewed belief.

However, I still feel like I'm hoping we'll get a result there, rather than believing it.

He certainly talks well, with carefully chosen words. You can tell he's methodical and a thinker. But in trying to be balanced, there's just a few too many areas where I'm still left wondering what to think.

For example, he was 'delighted' that Wilson stayed. If that's how he was feeling, why let him speak to Crawley? You don't let a striker you're delighted by leave for a team in the same division.

It's not a relegation battle but it is. It's easier to play away because the fans will stick with us 'through thick and thin' but I'm not having a go at the home fans, etc.

I'm not deliberately trying to stir things up, I want Artell to be successful with us. I have nothing against him. I just think, given some appalling results and performances, and while he's presiding over one of the worst home runs in our recent history, it should be healthy to remain sceptical.

This isn't me saying he should go, or anything like that. We just need to see something more from this team, perhaps sooner than he'd like.

If he really understood the situation then he'd know this. I appreciate the work he's doing but the evidence so far, on the whole, is that it's not translating. Danny Rose may think we pass it out from the back much better since Artell joined, but that's not something that's bearing fruit.

I do worry that this will end the way previous endeavours have ended. This isn't just about surviving; it's also about seeing something to get excited about next season. Both are still in the balance for me.

Maybe the tide will turn tomorrow. I certainly hope so!

"Don't shine that light in my face, mate - I've just lost a pint of blood."
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Reply: 5 - 37
February 12, 2024, 11:10pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from RichMariner

For example, he was 'delighted' that Wilson stayed. If that's how he was feeling, why let him speak to Crawley? You don't let a striker you're delighted by leave for a team in the same division.

It's not a relegation battle but it is. It's easier to play away because the fans will stick with us 'through thick and thin' but I'm not having a go at the home fans,

He can be delighted if he wanted him to stay but acknowledging that if Wilson wanted to go he wouldn't stand in his way as he would be left with a disinterested or unhappy player in the camp.

It is easier to play away from BP....its also easier to watch away from BP too ..i find you get alot less of the wondrously witty and supportive shouts like "Why don't you just fck off Rogers" ..when at away games. Artell is bang on...Cartwright getting pelters, booing , ironic cheers when he hits a long kick.....it must suck the life out the players as much as it has me listening to it at times this season.  

We are supposed to be supporters.....clues in the name.

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Reply: 6 - 37
February 12, 2024, 11:53pm
Table Wine Drinker
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Delighted Wilson stayed .But left him out of the squad Saturday. Really!!
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Reply: 7 - 37
February 13, 2024, 12:16am
Whiskey Drinker
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Quoted from Norseman
Delighted Wilson stayed .But left him out of the squad Saturday. Really!!

Scores  tomorrow

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Reply: 8 - 37
February 13, 2024, 1:26am
Vodka Drinker
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A genuine question. What do people find so good about the interview? In this audio clip alone he:

• Had multiple cringeworthy digs at his predecessor.
• Gave a false generalisation of our previous playing style.
• Spoke about our relegation season inaccurately.
• Suggested fans are on the back of Harvey Cartwright (despite having been seen/heard berating him himself).
• Contradicted himself regarding whether we’re in a relegation fight.
• Said nothing to really justify why he’s stubbornly sticking to a failing plan.

Up The Mariners!
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