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November 28, 2023, 11:06pm
Cocktail Drinker
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Post match interview

Everyone is buzzing about how good we was on the deck and he says we are a million miles away, certainly raised a smile on my face and I can't wait to go on this journey.. Stella Artel in hand.
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Reply: 10 - 52
November 28, 2023, 11:07pm
Whiskey Drinker
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Hunt looks so so much better bombing forward with the ball than playing on the tip toes of Central defenders as a deep midfielder. My only criticism of him would be sometimes went for extravagant Hollywood balls from a deep position when it wasn't necessary. Superb run that so nearly set up a goal though. Surely played his way back into the starting 11?

The whole team was transformed though in terms of some crisp passing and speed of movement. Would have taken a draw before kick off but ended up really disappointed we didn't win. Massive improvement and more from Artell please!

Hopefully he can sort out our appalling retention of the ball when we have a throw in as well, were bloody awful at them and have been for ages now.
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Reply: 11 - 52
Limerick Mariner
November 28, 2023, 11:09pm
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Quoted from barralad
A famous manager once said "Football bloody hell". The turn round from Saturday's depressing dirge was bordering on miraculous. All of a sudden we had players working for each otther, excellent, crisp passing and a willingness to get the ball into areas that could hurt the opposition...at speed. First half was the best 45 of the season so far. Great work from Rose and a typically smart finish from Pike. The defence was organised and snuffed out most of what MKD could conjure up.
It's early (Very) days but if that's what Artell can do after one session we just vould be looking at better times ahead.
Stella Artell.

Splendid. Reassuringly expensive as well as Jason Stockwood would no doubt say…
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November 28, 2023, 11:44pm
Champagne Drinker
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Well, hands up if you'd have taken a point before kick off? Hands up if your gutted it wasn't three.
That was so much better than I dared to hope, neat tidy passing, good pressing, composure and boy they worked hard tonight. Just a shame the finishing wasn't better because we would have won that handsomely.
We were far and away the better team in the first half and  2-0 would have been a fair reflection. Second half more even as we seemed to sit back more. Interesting that DA indicated that wasn't the plan but the players "reverted to type". My view was that their subs made a bigger impact on the game than ours did in the second half. Having said that we still made very good chances
When I first saw Rodgers, Mullarkey and Conteh I thought they looked very good signings and that's what I thought again walking away tonight. They're back, as was Alex Hunt who played like a man with a very large point to prove.  Thought Gnahoua was excellent as well tonight, there's a proper footballer in there
It's only one game, but if that's what we can come to expect we won't be in trouble
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grimsby pete
November 29, 2023, 12:29am

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I predicted a draw but it could have been 3 points instead of just 1,

Well that's the first game of the new era done looking forward to read the fishy after a game now instead of how boring it was.

Takes our unbeaten run to six games now keep it up lads.

                             Over 37 years living in Suffolk but always a mariner.
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Reply: 14 - 52
November 29, 2023, 12:31am
Beer Drinker
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Well, hands up if you'd have taken a point before kick off?

Hand gong up. Convinced we were due a drumming. Happy with that result.
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stuart brace was king
November 29, 2023, 2:12am
Lager Top Drinker
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Quoted from Son of Cod

Bang on. Hunt was very good. I really don't get why Hurst insisted he was more of an anchor man/holding midfielder. Get that silky little wizard on the edge of the opponent's box for me, really pleased to see Artell use him like that. Some excellent touches from him throughout the second half. The only criticism of his performance I would have is that he could have been a bit greedier on a few occasions and shot when he picked a pass.

What a ridiculous venue for L2 football too. My first time there and definite Darlington vibes. Milton Keynes an absolute pain to walk around too using Google Maps.

Also David Artell's Black and White Army doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, can we please ditch a syllable and go with Dave?

Stella Artell's Black and White Army ?
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Reply: 16 - 52
November 29, 2023, 4:16am
Whiskey Drinker
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Quoted from Theimperialcoroner
Very close to what would have been a fine win. Both Eisas should’ve won it. I’d say on balance we deserved that. The passing across the back line scares me silly, but the way we moved the ball up the pitch was delicious at times. Difficult to pick fault with any Town players tonight even if with an ounce more composure we win that 3 or 4 :1

Yeah the playing it around in the box gave me flash backs of Holloways team but without the ball coming straight back or being taken off a defender
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Reply: 17 - 52
November 29, 2023, 7:43am

Barley Wine Drinker
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On the face of it a much better performance and one where we didn’t wilt when it went to 1 - 1.

I think the pitch size helped with being able to pass & move better, we’ll have to work a lot harder though to find space at home and several away grounds but if we have that application & intent we’ll certainly improve.

There were signs under Ben & Shaun but last night looked like another game where the fear factor reduced a bit more especially towards the end when we still insisted on attacking with 4 players up there rather than “settling for a point”.

Hopefully the knocks to Glennon & Pyke won’t be too serious as both have added real value in the last couple of weeks.

As DA eludes to that was just a glimpse and there’s loads of work ahead to get us up the table and playing decent football.

The other thing that resonated last night is that the players looked like they’re enjoyed it which if that builds will be a real factor in any improvement.

"Crombie you would have got to that if you weren't such a fat ba%$@rd" - George Kerr, inspiration from the dug out 70s style  
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November 29, 2023, 8:19am
Vodka Drinker
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Last night left me convinced that we have do have the right players, we just need them playing in the right way. For us to have already started playing with a real identity after 24 hours gives me some real hope that we’ve landed a really good coach here.

It was night and day compared to every other performance this season and was actually enjoyable to watch for once, that’s all we can really ask for at this point.
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