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Supporters Trust - The End of GTFC

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October 5, 2011, 7:32pm

Whiskey Drinker
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It's true that many local players are capable of playing at GTFC level - for half a game. That is where the difference comes and why so few lads make it through the ranks to the first team. They can be decent players but they are not good enough often enough.

So if the skill level is there, they need work on their fitness and stamina, the opposite of Makofo.

Former lover of all things GTFC . . .
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October 5, 2011, 7:45pm
Special Brew Drinker
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Quoted from STB

So if the skill level is there, they need work on their fitness and stamina, the opposite of Makofo.

Well ..... sort of. I think Chris would back me here that while fitness and stamina do matter they are not as important as the mental bit. That's why players fade in and out of matches, make bad decisions, lose track of the game. Lots of promising kids have purple patches but the question is whether they can keep it up for a full game, week in-week out ............ plus have the right attitude off the field.

“If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.”
― John Stuart Mill, On Liberty."
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October 5, 2011, 10:41pm
Guest User
Quoted from forza ivano
PS sorry it was like a 80s gloryhole post, but there was so much wrong with this, it merited dissection!

Keep those digs coming.  
forza say what you like I don't mind but just remember it's (Y)OUR club that's going down the plughole and YOU'RE the one that's likely soon gonna be stumping up YOUR extra money for no real reason except to
a) pay for the chairmanship of the man who bollocksed it all up in the first place before he resigned
b) keep the club afloat for a little while longer (with a view to doing it indefinitely I'd guess)

But of course it's all worthwhile because "you'll get a real say on the day to day running of GTFC" won't you ?

I'm sure Fenty, Chapman and Elstrom are really quaking in their boots under one member one vote !

Have it your way.

Quoted from forza ivano
Who knows who might be out there - 1 or 2 people may now be interested, given the changed political/shareholder landscape, to get involved in the club

With GTST and Fenty in voting coalition ?!
Hope I'm wrong but I very much doubt it.

I guess you know what's gonna happen and why.
I really hope Parker isn't necessarily out of this and just personally, I guess he isn't.
Especially when fans might gamble their hard earnt money on the strength of the current board setup to gain the success we desperately need to keep the club afloat long term.

An away win against Mansfield and who knows, maybe it IS the right time to stick our money in.  

But personally I don't think a "let's keep afloat" strategy alone will work indefinitely- think it's like sellotaping over holes in a ship.  

Obviously there's always a chance and I'd love to be proved wrong so my sincerest best of luck to all who "show willing" and "step up to the plate".

Or maybe I should say good luck Rob and Paul cos if the day is saved for us all, it'll most likely be THEM who do most of the saving....

Talking of saving I'm glad no-one took my crap advice to start saving in case of any emergency so well done to all who chose to disagree for the sake of it simply because it was me.  
Reply: 62 - 68
October 5, 2011, 11:36pm
Brandy Drinker
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Quoted from mariner2000
Interesting that there is no mention on the OS - shows how highly the club rate the news!!!

Yes, cos back in the old days  Pravda was always banging on about how good the Apollo programme was, what excellent machines IBM was making available to the average American.

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Reply: 63 - 68
October 5, 2011, 11:38pm
Brandy Drinker
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Quoted from STB

You've probably seen a lot more at both levels Chris so I respect your judgement.
Luke Mascall looked a class act to me and I was impressed with Luke Beecham.
Brad Beattie in the Borough goal looked brilliant and despite only leaving school in May gave a superb performance.
Maybe they are miles away from GTFC's standard but it was better to watch than many games I've seen at BP.

And what about that lad Andy Taylor? CDAJATL!
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October 5, 2011, 11:44pm
Brandy Drinker
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Quoted from Kris Mustampa
I certainly dont expect us ever to reach the situation where the fans run the club but equally feel the Trust (and the fans) have a significant part to play going forward.

I have no idea as to the % of who owns what but my guess is forza ivano isnt too far away from the truth.

It seems every man and his dog seems to know what the motives and targets are of both JF and MP when, in truth, I dont think anyone really knows. Even sonik may know what John tells him but he seems a little brainwashed although i understand totally why he is so protective.

We, as fans may never know the truth so we have a choice. We can carry on fearing the worst, worrying and dreaming of all manner of conspiracy theories which may or may not have a degree of foundation.

The alternative is to try and collate our collective views and support and mould ourselves into a genuine voice.

I havent joined the Trust previously but have downloaded the forms this afternoon and intend to jon tomorrow.

Do you want a say or do you prefer to sit and moan. The choices really are that stark!

PS The title of this thread sums up the misplaced opinions but also bears little resemblance to the opening post?

Spot on.
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October 5, 2011, 11:45pm
Brandy Drinker
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Quoted from GrimRob

It's not voices we need though it's money  

I think we need some brains. Someone's been throwing money at the club for years and look where it's got us.

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October 5, 2011, 11:53pm
Brandy Drinker
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Quoted from mariner2000
I think there are some very good points, the trust accepting the money is a very bad idea, one which may well leave us with no income into the club and mp and jf blaming other shareholders for not investing.

as for the trust introducing new money why should their increased shareholding change something they have failed to do so far.

How many people would prefer the board position from 2 months ago.....

I can't see the logic of this idea that it's bad for the club. Parker and Fenty had already signalled the end of their largesse before Parker donated the shares. So we're no worse off.

Possibly the opposite. Parker was faced with the stark choice of splurging hundreds of thousands on buying everyone else out because he went over the 51% mark. Now he's not facing that he might have some spare cash, purely as a one-off to keep the club afloat this season. (hopefully   )

There wll be trouble ahead, but the club has been living beyond its means for years. This was going to happen whoever owns the shares.

Look at what was achieved at Exeter. Years of hard work by dedicated supporters kept the club going until they hit lucky in the Cup.

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dapperz fun pub
October 6, 2011, 8:34am
Special Brew Drinker
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I think we need some brains. Someone's been throwing money at the club for years and look where it's got us.

it depends whos throwing the money and i cant remember crawley being a footballing force untill recently
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