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October 22, 2009, 3:31pm
Vodka Drinker
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Well tonights QT looks like it will be more explosive then if we had a fans forum tomorrow. If you're unaware bonk eyed racist Nick Griffin is on the panel all in aid of free speech and on the left wing BBC no less! So if you're tuning in to Question Time for the first time and I wouldn't be surprised if that meant the vast majority of BNP supporters anyway here's a little drinking game to keep you occupied.

Drink One Shot If:

Nick Griffin mentions any of the words or phrases:


“Ordinary People”

“Democratically Elected”




“Our Troops”


Somebody in the panel or the audience receives a round of applause for calling him bigoted/foolish/a Nazi tossbag/insert your own amusing but accurate insult here.

Drink Two Shots If:

Somebody asks why Nick Griffin keeps banging on about Dunkirk when we lost that one.

Nick Griffin is accused of being racist

Nick Griffin accuses that person of being a Stalinist

Drink Three Shots If:

Nick Griffin moans about how television isn’t as good as it used to be. What happened to ‘The Black & White Minstrel Show’ and ‘Love Thy Neighbour’?

He breaks into a version of ‘I Will Survive’

Down All Drinks If:

He attempts a comedy foreign accent.

Feel free to add your own!

We do the DN35 Podcast
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October 22, 2009, 6:03pm
Vodka Drinker
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The irony of all this is that the big furore that's been created by the opposition to him being on has given the BNP more press coverage than they ever could have wished for.

How stupid of these people.

What exactly are they all so scared about anyway? Is there really a risk that Nick Griffin will put on such a display of erudition that we'll all become raging racists and civil unrest will ensue?

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October 22, 2009, 6:20pm
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I think if he gets a round of applause down all drinks
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grimsby pete
October 22, 2009, 7:00pm

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Its all kicking off outside the beeb now,

Should be an interesting programme tonight.

                             Over 37 years living in Suffolk but always a mariner.
                             69 Years following the Town

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                               First game   April 1955
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October 22, 2009, 7:10pm
Vodka Drinker
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Quoted from grimsby pete
Its all kicking off outside the beeb now,

Should be an interesting programme tonight.

Question Time meets UFC

We do the DN35 Podcast
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October 22, 2009, 7:11pm

Coke Drinker
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The one thing that makes me giggle is that all these anti-facist groups such as the UAF are nothing but hypocrites. By protesting the BNP appearance on QT they then portray themselves as facist as the do not wish a perfectly legitimate political party its right to put forth its views on the BBC.
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October 22, 2009, 7:17pm
Lager Top Drinker
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Quoted from grimsby pete
Its all kicking off outside the beeb now,

Should be an interesting programme tonight.

Yep, same people were on the roof of the Houses Of Parliment, same people were on the runway at Stansted, same people were protesting at the G10 summit.  Full time protesters I'm afraid.  I want to see Mr Griffin tonight to make my own mind up about him and his party.  The stories aren't good so far but he has a right to speak and moeover we have a right to be able to listen.  There are serious race issues in this country and burying our heads in the sand won't resolve them.  We don't need fascism but then we don't need softy easy far left politics either.  IMO of course

Gone fishing, can't be ar5ed any more,
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Civvy at last
October 22, 2009, 7:42pm

Barley Wine Drinker
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What an amazing country we live in.

Get a duly elected party on Question Time and the looney left are up in arms big style.

Get a load of Radical muslims spitting at troops, protesting about all things British (whilst taking all the benefits possible) and they are just doing what they are entitled to do.

Maybe, just maybe if the government did a half decent job on imigration, the BNP would be where it belongs. - NOWHERE.  

As it is they have every right to be invited on national TV to put forward their views. Fair play to the BBC (and I never thought I'd be typing that).  For once they have got it right.

The wife was going away for a girly weekend.
I jokingly remarked  'I don't know whether to spend it watching porn or watching football'
'you may as well spend it watching porn' she replied
That's understanding darling what makes you say that? I asked

She said 'Well you already know how to play football'  
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October 22, 2009, 8:06pm
Vodka Drinker
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Instead of condemning the BBC for allowing the BNP onto Question Time, Peter Hain, Alan Johnson and the rest of the Labour government should be sitting down and asking why three million people voted for the BNP in the European elections. The irony is that many of those voters were previously Labour supporters and a bigger ideological shift you could not get in British politics.

Why do such people feel that they have to vote for the BNP? Is it because in straitened economic times they feel immingration is making the problems even worse? Do these former Labour voters feel abandoned by their traditional representatives?

Instead of condeming the BNP and calling their supporters Labour needs to sit down and talk to these people to find out just what went wrong. If Labour keep on ignoring such people then that will do more to popularise the BNP than any one-hour current affairs programme can.

Mr McGee, don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

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October 22, 2009, 9:43pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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Plenty of politicians and political commenators on the radio today lining up to have their say, only one came up with some sensible comments as to the rise of the BNP,
Of the three recently held major party annual conferences, none of them had immigration on the agenda ,the average working class voter, who may have shifted to BNP, is not a racist but is worried about unemployment, influx of cheap foreign labour etc and as the BNP are the only ones with this high on their list of priorities then they will prosper in a relatively small way.
I am glad they are on Q.T and i hope Nick Griffin comes across really well and forces the immigration issue onto the main parties agenda's.

Sick and tired of posturing politicians who are now all running scared from this minority party threat. The expenses scandal has once again shown them for what they are and its about time someone upset the apple cart a bit.

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