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October 22, 2009, 9:56pm
Vodka Drinker
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Quoted from moosey_club
Plenty of politicians and political commenators on the radio today lining up to have their say, only one came up with some sensible comments as to the rise of the BNP,
Of the three recently held major party annual conferences, none of them had immigration on the agenda ,the average working class voter, who may have shifted to BNP, is not a racist but is worried about unemployment, influx of cheap foreign labour etc and as the BNP are the only ones with this high on their list of priorities then they will prosper in a relatively small way.
I am glad they are on Q.T and i hope Nick Griffin comes across really well and forces the immigration issue onto the main parties agenda's.

Sick and tired of posturing politicians who are now all running scared from this minority party threat. The expenses scandal has once again shown them for what they are and its about time someone upset the apple cart a bit.

I quite agree. As a card carrying member of the Labour Party (although I think Gordon really is a moron) I abhor the BNP and everything it stands for. However what it does do is put focus on the one issue that really worries many people and that is unchecked immigration. Labour (and the rest) continue to stick their heads in the sand on this matter when so many votes stand on it.

Now, I believe if most BNP switchers fully understood what the BNP stood for they run a mile but whilst they speak something akin to what they want to hear, they will listen. If Labour truly met these voters halfway (ie clamp down on new immigrants, abolish benefits for such new immigrants, tighten our borders) and put such measures actually into place then BNP talk of deportation would be irrelevant. The BNP would be irrelevant.

But I'm afraid whilst the likes of Peter Hain and Alan Johnson (who in many respects I admire and would make a good replacement for Gordon Moron) continue to talk as they do, nothing will happen. Just save us from Harriet Harperson!

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October 22, 2009, 10:11pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from kingofthekippers

I quite agree. As a card carrying member of the Labour Party (although I think Gordon really is a moron) I abhor the BNP and everything it stands for. However what it does do is put focus on the one issue that really worries many people and that is unchecked immigration. Labour (and the rest) continue to stick their heads in the sand on this matter when so many votes stand on it.

Now, I believe if most BNP switchers fully understood what the BNP stood for they run a mile but whilst they speak something akin to what they want to hear, they will listen. If Labour truly met these voters halfway (ie clamp down on new immigrants, abolish benefits for such new immigrants, tighten our borders) and put such measures actually into place then BNP talk of deportation would be irrelevant. The BNP would be irrelevant.

But I'm afraid whilst the likes of Peter Hain and Alan Johnson (who in many respects I admire and would make a good replacement for Gordon Moron) continue to talk as they do, nothing will happen. Just save us from Harriet Harperson!

Unfortunately what has happened with the rise and rise of the P.C brigade is that everyone is now sh/t scared of being labelled racist if you raise concerns about immigration. Racism is hostility to members of other races based on a belief that your own race is superior , it is not about having concern about further immigration due to economic meltdown of your own country.

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Manchester Mariner
October 22, 2009, 11:02pm

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I do usually watch question time but I'm not tonight as I can hazard a guess that watching it would not tell me anything I dont already know about the BNP or any of their policys outside of race. I'm in two minds as to whether he should be on there but I reckon he should and from what I have seen previously I doubt he will show much proof of being a politician, even a bad politician.

Quite cringeworthy seeing the protestors on the news, a fair few white student types with dreadlocks.

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October 22, 2009, 11:09pm
Vodka Drinker
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It is quite fun to watch the illegitimate squirm.

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October 22, 2009, 11:29pm
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Nick Griffin's Imigration policy is right in my opion. Immigrants are hopping over countries just as and better equiped than us to get here
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October 22, 2009, 11:37pm
Vodka Drinker
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Well Griffin has lost all those homosexual racists now.  

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October 23, 2009, 12:05am
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It was all a fix the audience was picked by the BBC so Nick Griffin had no chance
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October 23, 2009, 12:07am
Vodka Drinker
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Quoted from Wrawby_Mariner
It was all a fix the audience was picked by the BBC so Nick Griffin had no chance

Right. It's like a leftist Munich Putsch isn't it Wrawby.  

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October 23, 2009, 12:12am
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Im just saying, it wasnt a fair argument it was a witchhunt
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October 23, 2009, 12:12am

Table Wine Drinker
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Nick Griffin is no more against homosexuals than that syeed woman who was on there.
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