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February 12, 2024, 7:49am
Brandy Drinker
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Biggest for a long long time .

Saturday & yesterday my morale in regards to Town was at the level of Holloway , Fenty , Burton and Tranmere many moons ago ; worrying we are a busted flush once more with players on the verge of giving up with confidence at rock bottom .

I never thought Stockport & Accrington would define our season a point on reflection was a bonus I wasn't expecting . But these two games will define our fate I feel , one way or another .

This season has been poor , but not yet a disaster . There is understandably a lot of blame flying around right now and tbh I'm scrambled in thought as to where and why it has actually gone wrong.

I'm contradicted on Artell - he's either a good coach thrown under the bus with fixed instruction to play 'the Grimsby way ' at whatever cost ,or a bad coach unwilling to adapt to a situation that could become dire (I honestly don't know which one ) .

The players have looked good on occasion , early on in the season and the odd game under Artell playing total football in which we should have gained more points , converting draws into wins but just didn't manage to ; on the flip side when we have been bad , we have been really bad hence the fanbases increasing frustration and anger .

I like Stockwood & Pettit , no doubt best intentions at heart . But I find it staggering they would rip up a plan 360 midway through a season , effectively listen to the fanbase on playing style and try and implement it on squad that's clearly not capable just months after saying that the 'football side will always be controlled by the manager ' on more than one occasion - their thinking must have been changed somewhat in the matter of months , talking about 'game models' and pathways , when many just want to see 3 points on a Saturday - not a critic, just like the playing style seemingly  a massive u turn in their thinking - I'm more interested - why + now ?

I think all us as fans can do is put the negativity and anger to one side , at least for now . Hope Artell and the players have got it in them to gain points in these crucial games and get behind them - some of them will be non league players next season , we need to make sure at whatever cost it's not with us and get them over the line . We might be the best hope .
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February 12, 2024, 8:05am
Barley Wine Drinker
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You can’t seriously be thinking that the owners are dictating the way we play and that’s why they took the decisions to fire and hire?

I think there’s a certain amount of popular conflation going on. The owners had to sack Hurst. They didn’t want to. Nobody can have wanted that. He wasn’t dismissed because the owners have a manuscript in a locked chest that has a ‘Grimsby way’  secret formula of artistic football and left wing conspiracy staffing policy. The results were poor. The performances were inadequate. The league position was a concern.

Artell was appointed because they liked the cut of his jib and the way he promises to play appeals to everyone - neat, pretty, flowing football that wins games. Any club would want that, so he’s given his chance. Any notion that the owners dictate or push a way of playing on the coaches is just daft in my view. They’ll let Artell get on with it and back him. If it falls apart completely, and results and performances are becoming entrenched and disastrous then Artell will likely get himself sacked. It won’t be because the owners have sold him down the river by insisting he plays out from the chuffing back. It’ll be the managers pig-headedness in failing to adapt and judge that will ultimately do for him. This is on the Head coach and the players. Either they’ll find a way, or they won’t.

My only question for the owners would be - Are you providing enough money for the recruitment of quality players at this level?

"You should do what you love while you can"
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February 12, 2024, 8:24am
Special Brew Drinker
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There is no Grimsby way its bollox there was a Buckley way and that's it from 25 years ago.
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February 12, 2024, 8:55am
Brandy Drinker
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Quoted from chaos33
You can’t seriously be thinking that the owners are dictating the way we play and that’s why they took the decisions to fire and hire?

I think there’s a certain amount of popular conflation going on. The owners had to sack Hurst. They didn’t want to. Nobody can have wanted that. He wasn’t dismissed because the owners have a manuscript in a locked chest that has a ‘Grimsby way’  secret formula of artistic football and left wing conspiracy staffing policy. The results were poor. The performances were inadequate. The league position was a concern.

Artell was appointed because they liked the cut of his jib and the way he promises to play appeals to everyone - neat, pretty, flowing football that wins games. Any club would want that, so he’s given his chance. Any notion that the owners dictate or push a way of playing on the coaches is just daft in my view. They’ll let Artell get on with it and back him. If it falls apart completely, and results and performances are becoming entrenched and disastrous then Artell will likely get himself sacked. It won’t be because the owners have sold him down the river by insisting he plays out from the chuffing back. It’ll be the managers pig-headedness in failing to adapt and judge that will ultimately do for him. This is on the Head coach and the players. Either they’ll find a way, or they won’t.

My only question for the owners would be - Are you providing enough money for the recruitment of quality players at this level?

I think the way we play was non-negotiable on appointment of a new manager for sure , which probably narrowed down their shortlist and them thinking Artell was the man to deliver on their model , maybe that's a good thing . Time will tell I guess?
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February 12, 2024, 8:57am
Brandy Drinker
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Quoted from 1mickylyons
There is no Grimsby way its bollox there was a Buckley way and that's it from 25 years ago.

I agree , not sure where it's come from the only success has been from organisation, grit and determination in the last 10 years the rest has been struggle in league 2 and relegation on a loop.
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February 12, 2024, 9:38am

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I’ve been a fan for 40 years and have never thought or been led to believe there is a Grimsby Way .

Lower F5
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February 12, 2024, 9:50am
Guest User
Quoted from louth_in_the_south
I’ve been a fan for 40 years and have never thought or been led to believe there is a Grimsby Way .

I see fans from South Yorkshire clubs on my non-league travels who wistfully recall games against Grimsby in the early to mid-80s and the entertainment value. We had the Buckley years too but 1985 to 1988 was poor (Mick Lyons-awful). The last twenty years haven't seen 'a Grimsby way' that you would want emulating.
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It Bites
February 12, 2024, 9:57am
Champagne Drinker
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There isn’t a Grimsby way . There never was and there never will be . It’s what ever the manager decides and the players can execute. The Grimsby Way is a naive and childish notion that exists in the minds of fantasists . Buckley Way , yes . Grimsby way No
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February 12, 2024, 11:16am

Whiskey Drinker
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The Grimsby way seems to be thefookit up way
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February 12, 2024, 11:34am
Brandy Drinker
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Best case

Win v Colchester and Donny
Sutton and FGR both lose

GTFC …35

Everyone happy. Panic over….

Worse case…….🤬🤬
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