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Just back ( youth edition )

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December 5, 2023, 10:11pm
Cocktail Drinker
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What a performance from the boys, the better team all game against 2022 seasons beaten finalists. 1-0 winners in extra time. A lot of scouts at the game tonight.. and so was David Artell. I’m sure he’ll be very happy with what he saw and may well be looking at giving a few more of them pro deals.
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forza ivano
December 5, 2023, 10:15pm

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They were brilliant
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December 5, 2023, 10:17pm
Cocktail Drinker
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I think this could well end up being our best set of youth lads we’ve ever had. Put this result into perspective, Forest beat Man City youth last month
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ska face
December 5, 2023, 10:22pm

Vodka Drinker
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They’d probably beat the first team at this rate.
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December 5, 2023, 10:30pm
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Would've been great to have seen a bit more possession but I thought for large periods that was a great example of how to control a game when you don't have the ball.

I think we have several promising prospects. And plenty of that line-up, including the goalscorer (who was magnificent by the way), are only 1st year YT's as well.

Well done lads.

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you will make one."
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forza ivano
December 5, 2023, 10:30pm

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Quoted from LocalLadGTFC
I think this could well end up being our best set of youth lads we’ve ever had. Put this result into perspective, Forest beat Man City youth last month

They'd have to do well to beat the achievements of the youth team of the mid 70s  think we got 4 or 5 into the first team from that batch
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December 5, 2023, 10:36pm
Whiskey Drinker
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What's the furthest we've ever gone in this comp, anyone know?

I seem to remember from the depths of my memory that about 20 odd years ago we had a big youth cup game. Not sure of The round though. John oster, who was a star for the first team by then was allowed by the manager to play in it as he was still eligible and duly got himself sent off and was then suspended when we needed him for the first 11! Think we got beat as well. My memory could be totally wrong on all of this tho!

Anyone else remember anything vaguely like this or am I making it all up?!?!
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Lincoln Mariner 56
December 5, 2023, 10:44pm
Brandy Drinker
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Remember us losing at Newcastle but can’t remember if that was the Youth Cup or one of the regional competitions linked to the league youths were playing in at that time.
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December 5, 2023, 11:14pm
Champagne Drinker
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Welll worth two and half hours in the cold. Overall impression was a very disciplined performance and no weak links rather than any outstanding individuals. First time in Main Stand for 30 years the roof reminds of the pick a stick game how many beams could you remove before the roof fell in.
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December 6, 2023, 12:00am
Table Wine Drinker
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We beat QPR in a youth cup final at Loftus Road in 2009. I was there and we were all over them.

It was an Alliance cup final, so presumably not FA Youth Cup.

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