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November 29, 2023, 1:21pm
Special Brew Drinker
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Thought last nights performance was his best in the EFL for Town that's got to be his standard nobody in our squad can pass like him when he's on form. Great to see at last I think he will thrive under the new Manager I can't believe after one training session we can produce a first half that was like Buckleyball in parts That Glennon pass to Khan was a thing of beauty I want more of that and if I get it seats will be at a premium. Good Times UTM
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November 29, 2023, 1:58pm
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Quoted from 1mickylyons
Thought last nights performance was his best in the EFL for Town that's got to be his standard nobody in our squad can pass like him when he's on form. Great to see at last I think he will thrive under the new Manager I can't believe after one training session we can produce a first half that was like Buckleyball in parts That Glennon pass to Khan was a thing of beauty I want more of that and if I get it seats will be at a premium. Good Times UTM

I thought he had a good game too, but tbh, the majority of his passes were safe passes, 10 to 15 yard passes to a teammate in space and not under pressure whilst not under pressure himself.  This is not a dig at him, just an close observation of him once he came on for Glennon.

Reply: 1 - 22
November 29, 2023, 2:03pm
Brandy Drinker
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Isn't that a good thing?


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November 29, 2023, 2:09pm

Barley Wine Drinker
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His movement and drive were also noticeable. Same with the whole team for the majority of the game. It was about being confident and going forward

What a refreshing change

Rose is on fire

And your scotch eggs are fu(king vile
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Reply: 3 - 22
November 29, 2023, 2:10pm
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Isn't that a good thing?

Yes it is, and that's why I said he had a good game.  I just thought that some posts after the game were a little overwhelming regarding his performance, such as 'absolute class' , 'brilliant' etc. when there were other players doing the same as him.  And FWIW my opinion is that Mullarkey was the MOTM, despite his slip for their goal.

Reply: 4 - 22
November 29, 2023, 2:13pm
Whiskey Drinker
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Most of us knew he was a great player , some seemed to think that him getting 15 minutes every 3-4 games was enough to judge him on.

Now I don’t like to speak I’ll of the dead ( or the sacked ) but he was never a Hurst player , most of this squad aren’t hurst players either which might make our new mangers job that but easier and might make our viewing experience easier on the eye
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Reply: 5 - 22
November 29, 2023, 2:16pm
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Quoted from grimps
Most of us knew he was a great player , some seemed to think that him getting 15 minutes every 3-4 games was enough to judge him on.

Now I don’t like to speak I’ll of the dead ( or the sacked ) but he was never a Hurst player , most of this squad aren’t hurst players either which might make our new mangers job that but easier and might make our viewing experience easier on the eye

Lets hope so, but Great?

Reply: 6 - 22
November 29, 2023, 2:16pm
Vodka Drinker
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A bit harsh on Hunt. Man City do ok with many short and accurate passes.

Against Sutton quite a few of our short passes resulted in us losing possession.
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Reply: 7 - 22
November 29, 2023, 2:23pm
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Quoted from TownSNAFU5
A bit harsh on Hunt. Man City do ok with many short and accurate passes.

Against Sutton quite a few of our short passes resulted in us losing possession.

Agreed, and that would indicate that some of our players are not as good passers as Hunt, but my point is that a good professional footballer will make those passes 9 times out of 10, that doesn't make him great, or brilliant, or outstanding but an average footballer playing in a League Two side.

Reply: 8 - 22
November 29, 2023, 3:07pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from 123614

Agreed, and that would indicate that some of our players are not as good passers as Hunt, but my point is that a good professional footballer will make those passes 9 times out of 10, that doesn't make him great, or brilliant, or outstanding but an average footballer playing in a League Two side.

I fully admit to being a paid up member of the Alex Hunt Fan Club but I was probably most surprised by his movement and running last night, something that we haven't seen enough of. It seemed that the shackles were off - great to see and long may it continue.
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Reply: 9 - 22
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