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No 1 ugliest stadium in England

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September 28, 2023, 5:17pm
Cocktail Drinker
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September 28, 2023, 5:36pm
Table Wine Drinker
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What do we win?

from the banks of the river humber, to the shores of sicilly
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September 28, 2023, 5:37pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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I think that's extremely unfair. It's not even the ugliest in Lincolnshire! Glanford Park is worse although admittedly currently no longer home to any club.
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September 28, 2023, 5:39pm

Champagne Drinker
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A bit harsh on Huddersfield - Accrington is the worst ground I’ve been to in the Football League

Blundell Park - The Home of Grimsby Town Football Club (still)  
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September 28, 2023, 5:42pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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One thing BP is not, is an ugly stadium. It's got loads of character due to the differing construction of the stands. The Findus is a bit crummy, but the rest have something about them. Weird video, really, all told.
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September 28, 2023, 5:44pm
Snakebite drinker
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When I saw the Notts crest I thought that we was going to be in there but more than happy for it to be Grimsby instead

Only joking
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lew chaterleys lover
September 28, 2023, 5:48pm
Vodka Drinker
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She seemed more upset that it is in a residential area. What on earth is wrong with that? Much better than a concrete retail park. Its by the sea with a cracking view from the upper; it boasts the oldest stand in the land (therefore holds more memories than any other stadium) is unique in that it is in a completely different town so I wish these self serving bandwagon hopping nobodies would just butt out and respect our heritage.
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September 28, 2023, 5:54pm
Snakebite drinker
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To be far to Stuntpegg she does some really good and interesting videos and usually is decent and honest about the grounds that she visits,she’s proper football mad and not a bandwagon jumper
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September 28, 2023, 5:59pm
Brandy Drinker
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She obviously has a different taste in football grounds to me ,even on looks .

I love BP , and a fair few others on that list i am fond of

Really like Meadow Lane to Chalky Notts .
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Northbank Mariner
September 28, 2023, 6:01pm
Whiskey Drinker
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What do women know about football stadia, if its not all chintsy with pink powder puff paint they are clueless...oh, sorry, I was just preempting what Fenty would say...
Personally BP is good looker, certainly compared to FGR, Salford, and Glumford Park...
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