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Posted by: Badger57, September 28, 2023, 5:17pm
Posted by: moss_side_mariner, September 28, 2023, 5:36pm; Reply: 1
What do we win?
Posted by: mariner91, September 28, 2023, 5:37pm; Reply: 2
I think that's extremely unfair. It's not even the ugliest in Lincolnshire! Glanford Park is worse although admittedly currently no longer home to any club.
Posted by: Teestogreen, September 28, 2023, 5:39pm; Reply: 3
A bit harsh on Huddersfield - Accrington is the worst ground I’ve been to in the Football League
Posted by: Maringer, September 28, 2023, 5:42pm; Reply: 4
One thing BP is not, is an ugly stadium. It's got loads of character due to the differing construction of the stands. The Findus is a bit crummy, but the rest have something about them. Weird video, really, all told.
Posted by: Chalky, September 28, 2023, 5:44pm; Reply: 5
When I saw the Notts crest I thought that we was going to be in there but more than happy for it to be Grimsby instead

Only joking (angel)
Posted by: lew chaterleys lover, September 28, 2023, 5:48pm; Reply: 6
She seemed more upset that it is in a residential area. What on earth is wrong with that? Much better than a concrete retail park. Its by the sea with a cracking view from the upper; it boasts the oldest stand in the land (therefore holds more memories than any other stadium) is unique in that it is in a completely different town so I wish these self serving bandwagon hopping nobodies would just butt out and respect our heritage.
Posted by: Chalky, September 28, 2023, 5:54pm; Reply: 7
To be far to Stuntpegg she does some really good and interesting videos and usually is decent and honest about the grounds that she visits,she’s proper football mad and not a bandwagon jumper
Posted by: Mappers, September 28, 2023, 5:59pm; Reply: 8
She obviously has a different taste in football grounds to me ,even on looks .

I love BP , and a fair few others on that list i am fond of

Really like Meadow Lane to Chalky Notts .
Posted by: Northbank Mariner, September 28, 2023, 6:01pm; Reply: 9
What do women know about football stadia, if its not all chintsy with pink powder puff paint they are clueless...oh, sorry, I was just preempting what Fenty would say...
Personally BP is good looker, certainly compared to FGR, Salford, and Glumford Park...
Posted by: BenBB, September 28, 2023, 6:06pm; Reply: 10
Can't beat Blundell Park for history or character! I quite like it, but biased as a Town fan and it's the first and one of the only stadiums I've been to for a football match bar new Wembley (I really need to go to an away day at some point). Looking as good as it ever has after the refurbs 1878 have done.

Not what's on the outside, it's what's on the inside!
Posted by: Spurn boy, September 28, 2023, 6:11pm; Reply: 11
Blundell Park is a ground that is not only historic but the home of our beloved Mariners, generations of my family have watched football over the years here. We have never really bothered much about the ground although replacing the Barrett stand sort of modernised us a bit and improved the ground but ultimately we go to watch our team. I think the away fans probably don’t appreciate our stadium as much as we do. UTM
Posted by: SpiritOf98, September 28, 2023, 6:15pm; Reply: 12
Seen her vids before and she does some good stuff. This will always be subjective tho, what are we looking for in an ugly structure? If it's basic aesthetics then it's a little unfair, old structures age and look unfashionable and are subject to weather conditions. There are expensive towers going up in London as we speak that I find horrific aesthetically.
So many other grounds could be in the running but I think we come out of it ok, as noted a lot of the trimmings look new. Look at the turnstyle area and the signs on the walls, bright and bold and professional, for that Oldham fail badly. You can't just keep giving your wooden doors a lick of paint, they are rotting away, at some point safety becomes an issue.
Chesters Deva ground is pretty poor too, for such a new ground. That distant shots shows some stand supports that actually look like scaffolding poles.
And that's the point, BP is bloody old, sneering away fans may think it's some sort of stick to beat us with but criticism will be met with a nonchalant shrug. What can we do about it? It's where we watch our team, a place with memories that we love.
Posted by: Poojah, September 28, 2023, 6:19pm; Reply: 13
Ain’t no way BP is uglier than Holker Street.
Posted by: Chalky, September 28, 2023, 6:21pm; Reply: 14
Quoted from Mappers
She obviously has a different taste in football grounds to me ,even on looks .

I love BP , and a fair few others on that list i am fond of

Really like Meadow Lane to Chalky Notts .

A gold star on its way to you kind sir

I like old grounds as they’ve got character and history ,grounds where non of the stands match and looks grubby I love as one day we will all be forced to the outskirts of towns and cities and be playing in various sized Mc.stadiums which all look the same
Posted by: chaos33, September 28, 2023, 6:23pm; Reply: 15
I mean - it’s an opinion and fair enough, but what a load of absolute b0ll0cks.
Posted by: AncientExiledMariner, September 28, 2023, 6:28pm; Reply: 16
It wasn't the best video. She'd already made her mind up so was really selective about what she showed. Just some concrete walls, houses, and the away entrance. I noticed she didn't display the Smith stand as it's quite good looking compared to some grounds and would undermine the point. Yeah, there are flaws, and yeah it's not at the top, but I cannot say it's at the bottom.
Posted by: louth_in_the_south, September 28, 2023, 6:30pm; Reply: 17
Tbf BP is one of those grounds that is probably unappealing to an away fan as they arrive and shudder at the prospect of getting out their car .
That’s why we love it 😁
Posted by: MarinerDevil, September 28, 2023, 6:52pm; Reply: 18
The No Name Stand admittedly looks awful from the outside but I think the ground as a whole looks nice on the inside. The surrounding area is probably quite intimidating for an away fan though.
Posted by: chaos33, September 28, 2023, 6:52pm; Reply: 19
I reckon there are plenty of away day experiences in the EFL way worse than Cleethorpes and The BP.

Ostensibly and probably almost inarguably, there are also clutches of uglier, more soulless, less atmospheric stadiums (if it is a physical and mental assessment) than our home.
Some of those deemed ugly in that original hash up are actually really superior to loads not even named, and well worth visiting. Boundary Park and Huddersfield are both great. Leeds Road was better though. More atmospheric. More characterful. That’s a better barometer for judging relative ugliness in my book.
Posted by: moosey_club, September 28, 2023, 7:02pm; Reply: 20
She is an ugly old bird ....but she is our ugly old bird. 🥰
Posted by: Chalky, September 28, 2023, 7:05pm; Reply: 21
I recently went to Stadium MK and didn’t rate it at all,no character and to big for the area,we took a decent crowd there but I can imagine clubs like FGR and the like feeling lost in there,much rather go to BP
Posted by: Maringer, September 28, 2023, 7:09pm; Reply: 22
You could say the same for MK, not just the stadium!
Posted by: moss_side_mariner, September 28, 2023, 7:19pm; Reply: 23
To be fair to the girl who made the video, it wasn’t her choice. She just filmed at the grounds that Talksport had named the ugliest grounds.

She does some really good videos from all over and covers lots of topics like catering and atmosphere.
Posted by: lew chaterleys lover, September 28, 2023, 7:33pm; Reply: 24
I had my two pennyworths earlier in the thread, but it begs the question:-

What could we do with BP in the next 3 years to make it more appealing (to some naysayers) purely in terms of aesthetics?

I am not talking about the structure, just cosmetic improvements that would not cost the earth.

My first suggestion would be to paint the front facade in a smart black and white design and have a new "Grimsby Town Football Club" complete with the club badge (with flag, obviously). I did think it just needed a good clean, but that dull grey colour is not good.  
Posted by: Gaffer58, September 28, 2023, 7:51pm; Reply: 25
I love good old BP, if someone thinks it’s ugly, do I really care, it’s a bit like having a scruffy mongrel dog, it may be ugly but you still love that dog.
Posted by: ginnywings, September 28, 2023, 8:25pm; Reply: 26
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Posted by: Grimal, September 28, 2023, 9:12pm; Reply: 27
In my opinion Sixfields is an ugly soulless stadium and along with the town, a shite hole to venture in.
Posted by: grimsby pete, September 28, 2023, 10:20pm; Reply: 28
Quoted from Maringer
You could say the same for MK, not just the stadium!

I went to MK. once they do like a roundabout don't they   ;D
Posted by: SouthLakesMariner, September 28, 2023, 10:30pm; Reply: 29
Quoted from moosey_club
She is an ugly old bird ....but she is our ugly old bird. 🥰

..... phew, thought for a split second we were heading for a GB News moment there.
Posted by: GollyGTFC, September 29, 2023, 7:52am; Reply: 30
Quoted from Spurn boy
Blundell Park is a ground that is not only historic but the home of our beloved Mariners, generations of my family have watched football over the years here. We have never really bothered much about the ground although replacing the Barrett stand sort of modernised us a bit and improved the ground but ultimately we go to watch our team. I think the away fans probably don’t appreciate our stadium as much as we do. UTM

Generations of my mum’s family lived in rented 2 up 2 down slum houses in the long ago demolished slums of Blaydon-upon-Tyne with one outside toilet and no fixed bath. My mum was born and lived in one until she was 9 when her family moved to the luxury of a modern 3 bedroom council house with separate indoor WC & Bathroom in Staffordshire when the coal mines in the North East were closing and many of the effected miners and their families moved to other parts of the country. My grandad moved to work in Stoke.

If you told my mum back the when she was 9 and having to go out in the snow in winter for the toilet that she would own her own house before she was 22 and her son would own his own house and would have 3 indoor toilets (and houses with that amount of toilets would be the norm) she wouldn’t have believed you.

But the world moves on. I wouldn’t want to live in those conditions despite how many generations of my family did so before.

In doesn’t bother me how many generations of my family have gone to BP, the world has moved on and it’s no longer fit for purpose. It’s become a poorly located, dump on a footprint too small to redevelop into a modern football stadium the size that will allow us to compete with clubs of similar potential.
Posted by: BobbyCummingsTackle, September 29, 2023, 10:43am; Reply: 31
Her arrival at BP set the tone for this. Not many walk across the beach, climb over the sea wall and walk across the footbridge!!
Posted by: Ruston AT, September 29, 2023, 10:54am; Reply: 32
Quoted from moss_side_mariner
What do we win?

Exactly this, who cares what others think!
Posted by: grimsby pete, September 30, 2023, 12:26pm; Reply: 33
I love our old ground it's a proper football ground all it needs is for the empty spaces to be filled in with seats and a few posts removed.

I know that will make the roof fall in so we better  put a new roof on the main stand while we are at it.  ;D
Posted by: arryarryarry, October 1, 2023, 4:17am; Reply: 34
Quoted from moosey_club
She is an ugly old bird ....but she is our ugly old bird. 🥰

And there was me thinking she was a bonny looking lass.
Posted by: WOZOFGRIMSBY, October 1, 2023, 8:47am; Reply: 35
Am thoroughly disappointed with this. There’s a new bridge for a start!

I’ve been to many grounds far worse than this. Off the top of my head, Hartlepool, scunts, Luton.

And, it’s about ugliest grounds, not ugliest areas. The houses have naff all to do with it. Some people like modern identikit stadiums, others like the unique architecture that an older stadium has.

It may be a Sh1t hole. But it’s our Sh1t hole
Posted by: moosey_club, October 1, 2023, 9:23am; Reply: 36
Quoted from arryarryarry

And there was me thinking she was a bonny looking lass.

Whose first thought on seeing a post box near a ground would be "would you sh1t in this if your team lost ?"
Classy lady.
Posted by: grimps, October 4, 2023, 11:40am; Reply: 37
Quoted from moss_side_mariner
To be fair to the girl who made the video, it wasn’t her choice. She just filmed at the grounds that Talksport had named the ugliest grounds.

She does some really good videos from all over and covers lots of topics like catering and atmosphere.

Yeah at least she got off her bottom and went and had a look around for herself
Posted by: Madeleymariner, October 4, 2023, 2:06pm; Reply: 38
Her arrival at BP set the tone for this. Not many walk across the beach, climb over the sea wall and walk across the footbridge!!

I often do :)
Posted by: GollyGTFC, October 4, 2023, 2:38pm; Reply: 39
Am thoroughly disappointed with this. There’s a new bridge for a start!

I’ve been to many grounds far worse than this. Off the top of my head, Hartlepool, scunts, Luton.

And, it’s about ugliest grounds, not ugliest areas. The houses have naff all to do with it. Some people like modern identikit stadiums, others like the unique architecture that an older stadium has.

It may be a Sh1t hole. But it’s our Sh1t hole

Non league. Non league. New stadium about to be built.
Posted by: GollyGTFC, October 4, 2023, 2:41pm; Reply: 40
The worst ground I’ve seen Town play in for a Football League match was definitely Layer Road. Honourable mentions to Bristol Rovers’ current home & Underhill though.
Posted by: grimps, October 4, 2023, 4:42pm; Reply: 41
Quoted from GollyGTFC
The worst ground I’ve seen Town play in for a Football League match was definitely Layer Road. Honourable mentions to Bristol Rovers’ current home & Underhill though.

Anyone that went to The Shay at Halifax back in the 80s would know which was the widest ground ever .
Saying that even that place is better than Blundell park these days
Posted by: NorfolkImp, October 4, 2023, 6:45pm; Reply: 42
Quoted from grimps

Anyone that went to The Shay at Halifax back in the 80s would know which was the widest ground ever .
Saying that even that place is better than Blundell park these days

Yes, The Shay with its Cinder track was dreadful.

Eastville at Bristol Rovers, County Ground, Northampton & Somerton Park, Newport also deserve honourable mentions watching The Imps.
Posted by: WOZOFGRIMSBY, October 4, 2023, 10:46pm; Reply: 43
Quoted from grimps

Anyone that went to The Shay at Halifax back in the 80s would know which was the widest ground ever .
Saying that even that place is better than Blundell park these days

Shame they couldn’t get the burgers sorted 🤔😉
Posted by: grimps, October 5, 2023, 3:24am; Reply: 44

Shame they couldn’t get the burgers sorted 🤔😉

Yeah as a way of letting Halifax know we wasn’t happy with their facilities , Town fans tipped the burger van over 😂
Which then resulted in a cavalry charge into the rand by West Yorkshire Police’s mounted section .
I also went the year before when Town fans was placed on that mud bank behind the goal.
That game was a bit like the Barrow game on Tuesday were we totally dominated and lost , I think we had 30 odd corners that night
Posted by: Grimsby2012, October 5, 2023, 12:05pm; Reply: 45
Luton is by far the worst I've visited in the league.

Well, before the recent upgrades anyway.
Posted by: EvilFish, October 5, 2023, 1:45pm; Reply: 46
Donny's current ground is the worst I've visited. Like spending the afternoon in a carpet showroom. Utterly depressing.

Some people seem to want a stadium like that. I'd rather have a shed next to a field.
Posted by: Madeleymariner, October 5, 2023, 2:13pm; Reply: 47
They can use mine its really big and next to a field, I  would expect free entry though as wouldn't charge rent
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