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Anti-racism protests

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grimsby pete
August 30, 2020, 3:39pm

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Quoted from headingly_mariner

Did they not get sentences of 16, 13 and 13 years? That’s a long time to be in prison.

It’s a long time to reflect on the their stupidity and the utter tragedy they have caused.


I would agree with you if they served the full time but they will be out in half of those sentences which to my mind is criminal itself.

They took a life for gods sake and dont tell me they did not know he was there or are you a non driver. ?

                             Over 37 years living in Suffolk but always a mariner.
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ska face
August 30, 2020, 5:46pm

Special Brew Drinker
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They won’t be considered for release until they’ve served at least 2/3rds of their sentence. The sentencing remarks are always interesting to read - https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-co.....ng-remarks-FINAL.pdf
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Reply: 281 - 290
August 31, 2020, 7:12am

Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from grimsby pete

I would agree with you if they served the full time but they will be out in half of those sentences which to my mind is criminal itself.

They took a life for gods sake and dont tell me they did not know he was there or are you a non driver. ?

As pointed out, they’re unlikely to be able to apply for parole until they’re 2/3 through and then it’s a lottery with the parole board granting release for only 1 in 5.

In addition to that, the criticism of the whole, serve half your sentence, is odd as it’s been law for a long time now. Longer than most think and although it may be more prevalent or known, it’s been around for ages. It works too but again, that doesn’t fit an agenda.

Perhaps if the government followed through (unlikely I know) to release and recalculate sentences for those on illegal sentences and indeterminate then we’d free up space and be able to provide proper rehabilitation...again though, I’m aware this isn’t the agenda. Some folk would rather we have a privately operated, cash for numbers system like America. A system that is catastrophically under performing and does more harm than good because it’s literally a cash cow.

'the poor and the needy are selfish and greedy'...well done Mozza
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Reply: 282 - 290
August 31, 2020, 11:02am
Special Brew Drinker
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Quoted from aldi_01

As pointed out, they’re unlikely to be able to apply for parole until they’re 2/3 through and then it’s a lottery with the parole board granting release for only 1 in 5.

In addition to that, the criticism of the whole, serve half your sentence, is odd as it’s been law for a long time now. Longer than most think and although it may be more prevalent or known, it’s been around for ages. It works too but again, that doesn’t fit an agenda.

Perhaps if the government followed through (unlikely I know) to release and recalculate sentences for those on illegal sentences and indeterminate then we’d free up space and be able to provide proper rehabilitation...again though, I’m aware this isn’t the agenda. Some folk would rather we have a privately operated, cash for numbers system like America. A system that is catastrophically under performing and does more harm than good because it’s literally a cash cow.

I don’t think people want an American privatised jail system. What they want to see is violent people taken off the streets for a long period of time, sentences that mean what they say and an end to the constant “last chance” court appearances by repeat offenders.  To give someone 21 years when the world and his dog know it really means  release them after 14 is an insult and con that was thought up to look tough while keeping prison numbers within budget. On top of that we had an industry invented by the likes of Lord Longford to release convicts into society to help with their reform. This too had attractions for the inmate costs but it has always been underfunded and so gives an other axe to grind when someone reoffends.

If you lose someone to a violent criminal act or are a victim of one then your first reaction is going to be anger. It happened to me so I know. The judicial system has to balance that against other issues like intent and circumstance but once you start to add in sentencing instructions that have ideological or budget roots we are on dodgy ground. To my mind the killers of the PC deserve to serve a full tariff just as much as the Manchester bomber does. They were both deliberate acts where the perpetrator knew the likely consequences regardless of their backgrounds and education. They knew it was wrong, indeed evil, but didn’t care. There is no excuse. If in future someone makes one on whatever grounds I sincerely hope they fail.

“If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.”
― John Stuart Mill, On Liberty."
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Reply: 283 - 290
August 31, 2020, 11:16am
Vodka Drinker
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If you lose someone to a violent criminal act or are a victim of one then your first reaction is going to be anger. It happened to me so I know.

Sorry to hear Ron.

Like you Ive often seen injustices in this life and it angers me no end .Ive learnt to try to release the anger  as it doesnt do me no good to have that  in me.Just tears you apart. People that do others wrong will pay in this life or the next(being a Catholic myself I believe there is something beyond this world). Hence life is precious and if you against that you go against everything.

God bless you.

One life,one love .
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Reply: 284 - 290
August 31, 2020, 12:23pm
Special Brew Drinker
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Quoted from Rick12
Sorry to hear Ron.

Like you Ive often seen injustices in this life and it angers me no end .Ive learnt to try to release the anger  as it doesnt do me no good to have that  in me.Just tears you apart. People that do others wrong will pay in this life or the next(being a Catholic myself I believe there is something beyond this world). Hence life is precious and if you against that you go against everything.

God bless you.

Thank you Rick. Keeping anger forever just eats away at you so that's wrong. But on the other hand we should never forget how angry we felt at the time because that is a part of us and informs our opinions and beliefs. What it should never do is be the whole of them, the sole reason for our opinions.

Looking at some of the posts they show a lack of balance between liberal reformers and the hang 'em high brigade, polarised. That's wrong. They are not exclusive, there is room for both in a penal policy. My concern is when pragmatism disappears and one starts to be the boss for no other reason than an ideology or more often an anti-ideology.

“If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.”
― John Stuart Mill, On Liberty."
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Reply: 285 - 290
Boris Johnson
September 3, 2020, 7:18am
Table Wine Drinker
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Thank you Rick. Keeping anger forever just eats away at you so that's wrong. But on the other hand we should never forget how angry we felt at the time because that is a part of us and informs our opinions and beliefs. What it should never do is be the whole of them, the sole reason for our opinions.

Looking at some of the posts they show a lack of balance between liberal reformers and the hang 'em high brigade, polarised. That's wrong. They are not exclusive, there is room for both in a penal policy. My concern is when pragmatism disappears and one starts to be the boss for no other reason than an ideology or more often an anti-ideology.

id have put them up against a wall and shot them....but that's me
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Reply: 286 - 290
September 3, 2020, 9:11pm
Champagne Drinker
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Quoted from Boris Johnson

id have put them up against a wall and shot them....but that's me

Wonderful balanced view.

“There's nothing wrong with the car except that it's on fire.”- Murray Walker
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Reply: 287 - 290
September 4, 2020, 6:23am

Barley Wine Drinker
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Best example I ever saw of the whole eye for an eye thing being a complete and utter waste of time was listening to a holocaust survivor.

He categorically disagreed with capital punishment, he believed, and had the support of friends who had been through the holocaust too when he said that many of the Nazi’s that were executed shouldn’t have been. As he said, it didn’t actually make the lib go away, but nor did it make him feel good. Simply doing it to them because they did it to others did not make it right or just.

He spoke eloquently about the fact we could’ve learned from those SS officers, we could’ve understood just how powerful propaganda could be and used them to ensure things like that were not to happen again.

Similarly, I spoke at length with some families whilst working in custody, from the US, and as Ron points out, spending your days hating the perpetrator just eats you away. One family had actively worked hard to get the death penalty removed for the person who had killed their father/husband...they were positive people who led an amazing life and were fighting the point of capital sentences. On the other hand, another family I met were so torn up and frustrated, angry, sad and empty in some ways. They were constantly waiting for the phone, desperate to know the execution date and so forth. There desperation to see the perp executed was eating away at them...I spoke with other families who had been to executions and the all said it didn’t make there lives any better or easier and one even admitted they felt an element of guilt.

It’s all very complex but it’s really easy to say you’d just take em round the back and shoot them. It’s more in-depth than that.

'the poor and the needy are selfish and greedy'...well done Mozza
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Reply: 288 - 290
September 4, 2020, 8:19am
Vodka Drinker
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Quoted from aldi_01

It’s all very complex but it’s really easy to say you’d just take em round the back and shoot them. It’s more in-depth than that.

Nice post Aldi.

Personally I think there should always be punishment to some degree as otherwise people will never learn. Having said that I feel those that do get away with harming others(hence you hear of murders being unsolved etc) may have got away from mans law but not their consciousness.

One life,one love .
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