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New loan signing??

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Epworth Mariner
February 27, 2024, 1:54pm
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On twitter … not sure if it’s true?

Former Aston Villa striker Caleb Chukwumeka has agreed to sign for Grimsby Town on a deal until the end of the season.

The striker, who has also played for Northampton Town has an additional year clause in his contract.

Chukwumeka has been on trial at the club for the past two weeks.

#gtfc #mariners #avfc
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February 27, 2024, 1:58pm

Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from Epworth Mariner
On twitter … not sure if it’s true?

Former Aston Villa striker Caleb Chukwumeka has agreed to sign for Grimsby Town on a deal until the end of the season.

The striker, who has also played for Northampton Town has an additional year clause in his contract.

Chukwumeka has been on trial at the club for the past two weeks.

#gtfc #mariners #avfc

It'd be a free agent as you cant sign loans

its also from a notoriously stupid and balderdash twitter account so think it ends there
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February 27, 2024, 1:59pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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Unattached and (marginally) more experienced than Obikwu.

Worth a punt, if true, I suppose. Might end up becoming a Harry Cardwell-esque hero by falling over at the right point.
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February 27, 2024, 2:52pm

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Surprised Chelsea have let him go so soon.

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Northbank Mariner
February 27, 2024, 3:14pm
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Ignore it....that twitter account just spouts bullshit and never, ever gets anything right...
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February 27, 2024, 3:48pm

We urine On Your Fish Yes we do yes we do
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Quoted from Abdul19
Surprised Chelsea have let him go so soon.

No that's his brother this one played for Burnley, as i signed him on FM haha

My Grimsby Legends
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February 27, 2024, 6:48pm
Beer Drinker
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Quoted from Meza

No that's his brother this one played for Burnley, as i signed him on FM haha

I signed Caleb on FM. He scored 3 goals for me in two seasons. Sounds perfect for us.
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forza ivano
February 27, 2024, 8:14pm

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The way things ate going, if he was to  sign the pessimist in me says that the news would be immediately followed by na tweet  that Rose was out for the season
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February 27, 2024, 8:17pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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Why are people commenting like this was anything other than a completely random, made up nugget of bullsh1t?

"You should do what you love while you can"
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February 28, 2024, 12:15am
Snakebite drinker
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Maybe rather than saying on Twitter, provide a link to where it was said. Twitter is a bit like a pub, you'll find interesting people there, clever people, idiots and absolute scumbags. So being on Twitter gives no indication of who they are or if they are reputable.

Plus, how are people supposed to investigate this without a link? They got to scour the whole of twitter to find the information you have?
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