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New Week - 06.06am train from Colchester

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February 12, 2024, 8:03am
Lager Top Drinker
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Good morning. Now in the 2nd hour of my train journey today reflecting on the weekend and my emotion on Saturday.

Whilst I stand by everything i said I’m moving to focus on looking forward and trying to do something to help.

In summary;
- I am 47, born in Grimsby and have been watching since 1983
- I have been a member of The Fishy since 2005 and I find it a very useful information source for me living away and I enjoy the vast majority of contributors opinions
- I am currently attending less games and spending less money than I ever have, but I like the ambition that has been injected and some solid success to date (pre this season)
- I go less partly due to time, partly due to the advancement of mariners tv and streaming and partly perhaps due to getting a bit older, but something is still holding me back.
- I want us to be successful and I want to take some responsibility and accountability myself to do my bit

Quite clearly, things are not going to plan. Mistakes are also happening (innocent mistakes in my opinion). The trends are worrying, but we have a good honest bunch at the top who no doubt are trying their very best and haven’t found the silver bullet yet.

So I commit the following 5 things this week.

1. I will take 10 friends and family including myself to Colchester tomorrow night to support the team. I will do nothing but cheer. My local game. Easy to do.
2. I will buy 2 season passes for the remainder of the season for “The Fishy” fan base. I will speak to Grimrob about how this should and can be allocated on a weekly basis
3. I will buy 2 season passes for 2024/2025 season on the same basis for The Fishy, irrespective of the division.
4. I will buy 1 x full home kit, 1 x full away kit, 1 x third kit and 1 x full goalie kit (if we do them !) and ask the fishy to allocate to fishy members whose families would benefit.
5. I”m a commercial guy with 26 years experience in large businesses (mainly food retail and manufacturing) and i will offer some spare time to the club voluntarily if they feel any of my skills can assist in trying to bring new money to help the sustainability journey.

Tomorrow is a very important game. I wish the team every success and everyone a safe journey who is going.

I encourage every single Fishy contributor to commit one thing that will help the club between now and the end of the season this week.  Doesn’t need to cost anything, it’s just an extra push of “support” that our board, manager and players quite clearly need. I’m encourage you to reply on this thread so they can see it.

UTM and Up the Fishy friends

Have a great week - (Grimrob) I will be in touch to seek advice how to make  the fishy stuff happen.
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February 12, 2024, 8:15am

Recovering Alcoholic
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It's a good and wothy post, but for me, I think I have already given plenty.

I want some back from the team because I am fast losing faith.

Success is always around the corner. Next window, next season, next manager, but it never materialises and the club never seem to learn.

I want sexy football  but we wont get that back in non league will we?
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February 12, 2024, 2:16pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from stevethefish
Good morning. Now in the 2nd hour of my train journey today reflecting on the weekend and my emotion on Saturday.

Whilst I stand by everything i said I’m moving to focus on looking forward and trying to do something to help.

In summary;
- I am 47, born in Grimsby and have been watching since 1983
- I have been a member of The Fishy since 2005 and I find it a very useful information source for me living away and I enjoy the vast majority of contributors opinions
- I am currently attending less games and spending less money than I ever have, but I like the ambition that has been injected and some solid success to date (pre this season)
- I go less partly due to time, partly due to the advancement of mariners tv and streaming and partly perhaps due to getting a bit older, but something is still holding me back.
- I want us to be successful and I want to take some responsibility and accountability myself to do my bit

Quite clearly, things are not going to plan. Mistakes are also happening (innocent mistakes in my opinion). The trends are worrying, but we have a good honest bunch at the top who no doubt are trying their very best and haven’t found the silver bullet yet.

So I commit the following 5 things this week.

1. I will take 10 friends and family including myself to Colchester tomorrow night to support the team. I will do nothing but cheer. My local game. Easy to do.
2. I will buy 2 season passes for the remainder of the season for “The Fishy” fan base. I will speak to Grimrob about how this should and can be allocated on a weekly basis
3. I will buy 2 season passes for 2024/2025 season on the same basis for The Fishy, irrespective of the division.
4. I will buy 1 x full home kit, 1 x full away kit, 1 x third kit and 1 x full goalie kit (if we do them !) and ask the fishy to allocate to fishy members whose families would benefit.
5. I”m a commercial guy with 26 years experience in large businesses (mainly food retail and manufacturing) and i will offer some spare time to the club voluntarily if they feel any of my skills can assist in trying to bring new money to help the sustainability journey.

Tomorrow is a very important game. I wish the team every success and everyone a safe journey who is going.

I encourage every single Fishy contributor to commit one thing that will help the club between now and the end of the season this week.  Doesn’t need to cost anything, it’s just an extra push of “support” that our board, manager and players quite clearly need. I’m encourage you to reply on this thread so they can see it.

UTM and Up the Fishy friends

Have a great week - (Grimrob) I will be in touch to seek advice how to make  the fishy stuff happen.

There are many fans who are great but this is something over and above all of us. Thank You

You can please some of the forumites some of the time but not all the forumites all of the time
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Son of Cod
February 12, 2024, 2:26pm
Champagne Drinker
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Maybe we can have some sort of Fishy Idiot of the Week competition and the winner has to go to a match in the full goalie kit?

Fair play though Steve, if you do those things then that's absolutely fantastic of you. Could the STs be offered out for people that are struggling a bit financially perhaps? Has to be some kind of semi-anonymous way of getting people in the ground that would like to go but can't always afford it.
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February 12, 2024, 2:43pm
Brandy Drinker
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I think It's a great idea and thought Steve tbh fair play .

I get Ginny's view aswell

It mirrors my own contradiction on Town - can we do more ? but I also feel we have done enough in many ways .

I hope they win tomorrow night for people like Steve & Ginny + the rest of us of course .
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February 12, 2024, 3:23pm
Champagne Drinker
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Great stuff Steve. I had a similar feeling of ‘I must do more’ when the window shut so I went to Accrington to show support. It was worth it. I will make a pledge of attending as many of the away matches as I can this season, I am a season ticket holder so home is covered. It’s great to read a post like yours Steve because as of late it’s difficult coming on the fishy which of course I totally understand why. Patience I think is a good pledge for a lot of people to give. I also understand Ginnys views as well. UTM!
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February 12, 2024, 3:54pm
Snakebite drinker
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Agree with the sentiment in the original post but i have been giving my all to my club since the early 80's and the last twenty or something years i feel i'm putting more into this relationship than i'm getting back, granted there have been one or two highlights but in the main i feel like i am being cheated on, every summer we kiss and make up but by christmas the love is one sided once again so i'm out of giving for the next few months, come see me again in July when i will be fooled once again into believing we have a future together  

All Town aren't we ..... UTM  
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February 12, 2024, 4:53pm
Lager Top Drinker
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Ginny - thanks for the reply. I understand. My only query is if you feel the intentions at the club are correct (?)…then if you do we all have the ability to do a little more if we want to. Something tiny by hundreds or thousands of people will make a difference.

If we don’t that’s perfectly reasonable to say I’ve done enough too and the club need to “own” that part too.,

I want to try and give a push forward and encourage others to do the same, only if they want to
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February 12, 2024, 4:55pm
Lager Top Drinker
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DB - Thanks for your note. My point is I need to do more and there are many thousands that have always and continue to contribute way more than me.  A collective push will help us push on. Thanks again.
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February 12, 2024, 4:57pm
Lager Top Drinker
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Son of cod. Love your ideas.👍. However fishy fans want to do it I’m dead relaxed
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