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40 minute halves

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August 13, 2023, 7:37pm
Table Wine Drinker
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Quoted from golfer
Fcuck the players - it means I'll miss my bus and my place in the fish shop queue

I couldn't care about the players' legs or your supper but I
do wonder about my eighty-plus years old bladder coping.
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August 13, 2023, 9:23pm

Cocktail Drinker
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Quoted from golfer
Fcuck the players - it means I'll miss my bus and my place in the fish shop queue

Well leave early then and let those that want to watch the game, watch it 😁

Baldrick ! The only impression you can do is that of a man with no talent !!
GTFC team 09/10 - Baldrick, Baldrick, Baldrick, Baldrick, Baldrick, Baldrick, Baldrick, Baldrick, Baldrick, Baldrick, Baldrick.
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August 13, 2023, 9:35pm
Champagne Drinker
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Quoted from Sussexmariner

I was thinking the same….therefore I’m about to start a GoFund me page to raise money for professional players particularly players in the top 6 clubs of the premiership to compensate for having to work an extra 10 minutes in their already hectic week.

Please give generously

They will be wanting to work from home next
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Reply: 22 - 34
August 13, 2023, 9:43pm

Fine Wine Drinker
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Quoted from aldi_01
Is slowing the game down cheating or is it any different to teams just knocking it about the back four to waste time or getting in the corner?

... yes?

Because if a team is knocking it about the back four, the opposing team has a chance to close them down, with the ball still being in play and all. It's a fair and open game, and if a team is able to do that, the onus is on the opposing team to do something about it - it's their perogative.

But if someone if feigning injury, taking ridiculous amounts of time to leave the pitch for a sub, or feigning cramp (good old Crocombe), then there is nothing in the 'legal rules' the opposition can do
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Reply: 23 - 34
August 13, 2023, 9:47pm

Fine Wine Drinker
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FWIW I am a massive fan of the new rule of adding proper time on. It'll take a while for it to influence playing culture (which timewasting in other leagues is much worse than in England), but it will change stuff. If 40 minute halves have to be the compromise (I don't think this is necessary btw) then fine, it's still a higher % of minutes played as opposed to minutes timewasted.
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Reply: 24 - 34
August 13, 2023, 10:01pm

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They have opened a can of worms really. 5 subs inevitably lead to longer playing time. It's only a matter of time before more changes are made. I suspect stopping the clock and having 60 mins playing time must be tempting especially if they can squeeze 4 quarters in as it allows more advertising breaks and would be good for bladders and allow more money selling refreshments. That won't come in overnight but you may see a series of incremental changes leading to it. Cricket is slowly reinventing itself to suit the armchair punter, football may go down that road. I do wonder if we'll also see free-kick specialists who just come on for short periods, more like other sports. I can see the number of subs only going up and players being allowed to come on and off. With so much more being televised next season at our level change is in the offing.

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~ Alfred Lord Tennyson

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Reply: 25 - 34
August 13, 2023, 10:37pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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If the time is being added for the subs coming on, then it really isn't adding to the time the players are running around. The extra time added shouldn't be an issue.
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August 14, 2023, 5:57am
Brandy Drinker
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As much as I don't like the gamesmanship of timewasting against us , none of us were complaining when Max was doing it .

I am pretty old school in my thinking on the game , it seems many variables that can give the weaker teams some sort of chance is being taken away - Var , more subs and now 100 minute + games which is going to give teams with the better subs/squads an advantage .

I just liked it as it was .
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August 14, 2023, 6:48am
Season Ticket Holder
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I 100% get it. I like the fact they'll add time on for time wasting. I cant remember which game it was i was watching (its early, im tired) But to add 10 minutes on in the first half when there was no evidence of this just an injury that took about 5 minutes is bizarre.
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ska face
August 14, 2023, 7:55am

Special Brew Drinker
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I honestly don’t get what anyone’s problem is with this. It’s just formalising the process which already existed but was difficult to properly enforce?

You can probably go back through every match thread for the past 5 years and there’s someone moaning saying there wasn’t enough/was too much injury time. Premier League managers are the worst culprits, as always, as their cushy jobs depend on it.
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