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October 9, 2022, 9:37am

Table Wine Drinker
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Just wanting to let anyone interested known that the womens league game VS Sleaford is at Oasis Academy Wntringham and NOT at Brigg. Both teams have 100% records in the league, 1st VS 2nd, see you there town fans! KO 2PM #utm

PS I try to keep the promoting to a minimum on here nowadays as I know it’s not near the top of lots of people agenda but does it bother anyone with me posting about the ladies? If so it’s not a problem I’ll give it up as a wasted opportunity. Please don’t feel pressured into just saying yes I don’t mind reading it to be all PC. I value everyone’s opinion! UTM


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October 9, 2022, 9:49am

Recovering Alcoholic
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Quoted from lobsterpot
Just wanting to let anyone interested known that the womens league game VS Sleaford is at Oasis Academy Wntringham and NOT at Brigg. Both teams have 100% records in the league, 1st VS 2nd, see you there town fans! KO 2PM #utm

PS I try to keep the promoting to a minimum on here nowadays as I know it’s not near the top of lots of people agenda but does it bother anyone with me posting about the ladies? If so it’s not a problem I’ll give it up as a wasted opportunity. Please don’t feel pressured into just saying yes I don’t mind reading it to be all PC. I value everyone’s opinion! UTM

Can't see why it would. They are a team representing GTFC.
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Reply: 1 - 52
October 9, 2022, 9:55am

Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from lobsterpot
Just wanting to let anyone interested known that the womens league game VS Sleaford is at Oasis Academy Wntringham and NOT at Brigg. Both teams have 100% records in the league, 1st VS 2nd, see you there town fans! KO 2PM #utm

PS I try to keep the promoting to a minimum on here nowadays as I know it’s not near the top of lots of people agenda but does it bother anyone with me posting about the ladies? If so it’s not a problem I’ll give it up as a wasted opportunity. Please don’t feel pressured into just saying yes I don’t mind reading it to be all PC. I value everyone’s opinion! UTM

Promote as much as you like…let’s face it, we’ve had to put up with Fenty and his cronies talking shite on here for years…

'the poor and the needy are selfish and greedy'...well done Mozza
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Reply: 2 - 52
October 9, 2022, 4:36pm
Fine Wine Drinker
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Tweet 1579132210220658688 will appear here...
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Reply: 3 - 52
ska face
October 9, 2022, 4:40pm

Vodka Drinker
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Quoted from lobsterpot
Just wanting to let anyone interested known that the womens league game VS Sleaford is at Oasis Academy Wntringham and NOT at Brigg. Both teams have 100% records in the league, 1st VS 2nd, see you there town fans! KO 2PM #utm

PS I try to keep the promoting to a minimum on here nowadays as I know it’s not near the top of lots of people agenda but does it bother anyone with me posting about the ladies? If so it’s not a problem I’ll give it up as a wasted opportunity. Please don’t feel pressured into just saying yes I don’t mind reading it to be all PC. I value everyone’s opinion! UTM

Just don’t ask for someone to cover your bovril expenses
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Reply: 4 - 52
October 9, 2022, 5:43pm
Beer Drinker
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Quoted from lobsterpot
Just wanting to let anyone interested known that the womens league game VS Sleaford is at Oasis Academy Wntringham and NOT at Brigg. Both teams have 100% records in the league, 1st VS 2nd, see you there town fans! KO 2PM #utm

PS I try to keep the promoting to a minimum on here nowadays as I know it’s not near the top of lots of people agenda but does it bother anyone with me posting about the ladies? If so it’s not a problem I’ll give it up as a wasted opportunity. Please don’t feel pressured into just saying yes I don’t mind reading it to be all PC. I value everyone’s opinion! UTM

Please do keep reporting. And do what you can to get the club reporting on their official channels too.

The women’s team should be reported on. They are part of our club. And those reports should be published on the official channels, no matter whether the performances are good, bad or indifferent. It was disappointing to see that the official channels didn’t report on last weeks FA Cup game. I know the team lost last week, but it’s the FA Cup and the women’s team merit reporting on whether they’ve won or not.

I know of teams in the womens game that only report their victories, and to me that’s a bit poor form on their part. And so I’m sure we don’t want to gain a reputation of only reporting when there’s good news to share.

I’d also like to see the women’s team included in the Matchday programme too, like they were before.

So yes please do keep us informed 👍

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Reply: 5 - 52
Stranger in the Park
October 9, 2022, 6:58pm
Lager Top Drinker
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I've previously commented on the lack of cover online for the ladies' team and fully support maximum news and coverage of matches
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Reply: 6 - 52
October 10, 2022, 3:35am

Whiskey Drinker
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Gets my vote.. Keep posting
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Reply: 7 - 52
October 10, 2022, 3:46am

Table Wine Drinker
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Perhaps gtfcladies could have their own board on the fishy?
That way Lobsterpot and others can post and share news and opinion on the ladies team with abandon.
A legitimate ‘home’ for them  

Admins ?

you can take the boy out of grimsby......but you can't take grimsby out of his soul, his blood, his semen!  
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Reply: 8 - 52
October 10, 2022, 6:03am
Season Ticket Holder
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I can't see why they'd need a separate forum, keep posting on here it doesn't do any harm.
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Reply: 9 - 52
October 10, 2022, 6:58am
Beer Drinker
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Quoted from somersetmariner
Perhaps gtfcladies could have their own board on the fishy?
That way Lobsterpot and others can post and share news and opinion on the ladies team with abandon.
A legitimate ‘home’ for them  

Admins ?

No thank you, in my opinion, they deserve full coverage on here just like any other topic being discussed on the list of threads. They are a senior football team within Grimsby Town Football Club.

I see lots of women’s teams having to exist on their own stand alone media channels, instead of on their clubs main official channels. Often run by volunteers because their club isn’t giving them support. Can you imagine how disenfranchised that makes the players and people running those teams feel?

As it is, most of PR being put out there is by a parent of a Town women’s players, on his own Twitter feed. The club needs to get behind the women’s team more and give them the media support they deserve. Having a women’s team is not just a box ticking exercise in the world of equality and diversity.

Admin please don’t segregate any womens team discussion/news on here. That’s really not the right thing to do

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Reply: 10 - 52
October 10, 2022, 8:09am
Vodka Drinker
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Quoted from somersetmariner
Perhaps gtfcladies could have their own board on the fishy?
That way Lobsterpot and others can post and share news and opinion on the ladies team with abandon.
A legitimate ‘home’ for them  

Admins ?

Keep it here. With a subject line "Women Win" people can actively choose whether or not to open it.

Whilst it's on here, I will read it. Create another forum and I won't remember to look.
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Reply: 11 - 52
October 10, 2022, 8:11am

Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from DaleH

No thank you, in my opinion, they deserve full coverage on here just like any other topic being discussed on the list of threads. They are a senior football team within Grimsby Town Football Club.

I see lots of women’s teams having to exist on their own stand alone media channels, instead of on their clubs main official channels. Often run by volunteers because their club isn’t giving them support. Can you imagine how disenfranchised that makes the players and people running those teams feel?

As it is, most of PR being put out there is by a parent of a Town women’s players, on his own Twitter feed. The club needs to get behind the women’s team more and give them the media support they deserve. Having a women’s team is not just a box ticking exercise in the world of equality and diversity.

Admin please don’t segregate any womens team discussion/news on here. That’s really not the right thing to do

I’d agree with Dale in the spirit of inclusion you can’t segregate the ladies side on here and more importantly it should be covered but the Club in a similar manner to the mens side.

"Crombie you would have got to that if you weren't such a fat ba%$@rd" - George Kerr, inspiration from the dug out 70s style  
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Reply: 12 - 52
October 10, 2022, 8:18am
Vodka Drinker
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I agree all their games should be reported on.Obviously they are not up to the standards of the GTFC men but whenever I have seen them play I have been pleasantly surprised at the skill and enthusiasm shown. They also don't carry on with all the fouling at corners etc. nor diving and laying on the ground screaming that we see regularly in professional football
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Reply: 13 - 52
October 10, 2022, 8:19am

Barley Wine Drinker
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I’m not arsed either way but, if we’re after incision and equity, with the women’s game receiving a fair amount of interest then it needs to stay here. I’d imagine, should they have their own space, it wouldn’t be very active, much like Non Footy, it’s generally the same posters in there because people come here predominantly for football discussion.

'the poor and the needy are selfish and greedy'...well done Mozza
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Reply: 14 - 52
October 10, 2022, 8:30am
Beer Drinker
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It's really pleasing and encouraging to read the majority of the comments in here in favour of the women's team and the reporting etc.

If the people involved in the women's team today, are anything like they were previously, then I know that they really won't be inclined to wish to be above their station, and certainly would not want to be seen to try and force support for the women's team where there isn't support. Growth in popularity in the women's game, is growing very nicely without the need of it having to be forced or thrust upon people that don't want it. I don't think that it has ever been about that from anyone. But the simple fact remains, if as a club you choose to have a senior competitive women's team and choose that you want to embrace female football, then it deserves covering properly. Not that it needs to be up there alongside the bread and butter business of the men's coverage, which is after all the bit that makes the club sustainable. But it merits some regular coverage for all news relating to the women's team activity, and in respect of all of their games, results and match reports etc.

So very encouraged to read the comments on here in favour of the original posters question.

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Reply: 15 - 52
October 10, 2022, 9:44am

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The men's team only plays 50 games or so a year. Plenty of room for the women's!

'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.  
~ Alfred Lord Tennyson

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Reply: 16 - 52
October 10, 2022, 5:11pm

Table Wine Drinker
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Hi guys n gals, so what I’ll try to do instead of creating a new thread everytime is trawl down a few pages and add to them after each game or future fixtures. I very much agree with Dale in the fact that certain clubs don’t seem to report on their other teams in defeat which is very wrong. What if a close game ends in a 1-2 defeat but a local lass who we all knew well scored the goal of her life and no one remembered it ever as it was not reported on? I’m afraid town are guilty of this and it’s getting more and more apparent to me that there’s not much love for the womens team within the gtfc media structure. Anyhows that’s out of my hands. I can only tell you what I see on a matchday and yesterday we beat Sleaford 2-1 but we were not very good at all. I suppose if you win when playing poorly it’s only a good thing tho’ . We massively missed Captain Kim Brown and Libby Wright who are both out for a while now after ops. Anyways, Sunday, after a terrible goalkeeping error we trailed in the 1st 5 mins but levelled before half time with Ellie Wilson grabbing the goal. Town are usually so dominant especially when it comes to fitness 2nd half but a scrappy game looked like no more goals until Dani Brighton gambled on yet another goalkeeper error to poke the ball over the line and we stay 100% top of the table.
What’s happened to the midweek girls different age training sessions? These should be advertised every single day but appear to have fallen by the wayside. A friend of mine rang me last week on his way to Hull with his 11 year old daughter for a trial. She currently plays for GY boro. There’s no place for her in any kind of setup at gtfc that I’m aware of. How are we supposed to attract and improve if we can’t get our own in or are we to just ask mid age women to join at the start of each term? Anyways, next game is GY Boro at home in the County Cup this Sunday 16th Oct. Just check nearer the time weather it’s at Brigg Town or Wintringham tho’ as I couldn’t see it reported anywhere officially and the match was switched! UTM


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Reply: 17 - 52
It Bites
October 10, 2022, 5:50pm
Champagne Drinker
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How did the u9's get on this week ?
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Reply: 18 - 52
Les Brechin
October 10, 2022, 6:38pm

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Quoted from lobsterpot
Hi guys n gals, so what I’ll try to do instead of creating a new thread everytime is trawl down a few pages and add to them after each game or future fixtures. I very much agree with Dale in the fact that certain clubs don’t seem to report on their other teams in defeat which is very wrong. What if a close game ends in a 1-2 defeat but a local lass who we all knew well scored the goal of her life and no one remembered it ever as it was not reported on? I’m afraid town are guilty of this and it’s getting more and more apparent to me that there’s not much love for the womens team within the gtfc media structure. Anyhows that’s out of my hands. I can only tell you what I see on a matchday and yesterday we beat Sleaford 2-1 but we were not very good at all. I suppose if you win when playing poorly it’s only a good thing tho’ . We massively missed Captain Kim Brown and Libby Wright who are both out for a while now after ops. Anyways, Sunday, after a terrible goalkeeping error we trailed in the 1st 5 mins but levelled before half time with Ellie Wilson grabbing the goal. Town are usually so dominant especially when it comes to fitness 2nd half but a scrappy game looked like no more goals until Dani Brighton gambled on yet another goalkeeper error to poke the ball over the line and we stay 100% top of the table.
What’s happened to the midweek girls different age training sessions? These should be advertised every single day but appear to have fallen by the wayside. A friend of mine rang me last week on his way to Hull with his 11 year old daughter for a trial. She currently plays for GY boro. There’s no place for her in any kind of setup at gtfc that I’m aware of. How are we supposed to attract and improve if we can’t get our own in or are we to just ask mid age women to join at the start of each term? Anyways, next game is GY Boro at home in the County Cup this Sunday 16th Oct. Just check nearer the time weather it’s at Brigg Town or Wintringham tho’ as I couldn’t see it reported anywhere officially and the match was switched! UTM

I can make this thread a sticky if you want.


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Reply: 19 - 52
October 10, 2022, 7:54pm
Beer Drinker
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Some one is paying attention.

The Sleaford match review has been posted on line at.-  

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Reply: 20 - 52
October 10, 2022, 11:14pm
Beer Drinker
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Quoted from lobsterpot
Hi guys n gals, so what I’ll try to do instead of creating a new thread everytime is trawl down a few pages and add to them after each game or future fixtures. I very much agree with Dale in the fact that certain clubs don’t seem to report on their other teams in defeat which is very wrong. What if a close game ends in a 1-2 defeat but a local lass who we all knew well scored the goal of her life and no one remembered it ever as it was not reported on? I’m afraid town are guilty of this and it’s getting more and more apparent to me that there’s not much love for the womens team within the gtfc media structure. Anyhows that’s out of my hands. I can only tell you what I see on a matchday and yesterday we beat Sleaford 2-1 but we were not very good at all. I suppose if you win when playing poorly it’s only a good thing tho’ . We massively missed Captain Kim Brown and Libby Wright who are both out for a while now after ops. Anyways, Sunday, after a terrible goalkeeping error we trailed in the 1st 5 mins but levelled before half time with Ellie Wilson grabbing the goal. Town are usually so dominant especially when it comes to fitness 2nd half but a scrappy game looked like no more goals until Dani Brighton gambled on yet another goalkeeper error to poke the ball over the line and we stay 100% top of the table.
What’s happened to the midweek girls different age training sessions? These should be advertised every single day but appear to have fallen by the wayside. A friend of mine rang me last week on his way to Hull with his 11 year old daughter for a trial. She currently plays for GY boro. There’s no place for her in any kind of setup at gtfc that I’m aware of. How are we supposed to attract and improve if we can’t get our own in or are we to just ask mid age women to join at the start of each term? Anyways, next game is GY Boro at home in the County Cup this Sunday 16th Oct. Just check nearer the time weather it’s at Brigg Town or Wintringham tho’ as I couldn’t see it reported anywhere officially and the match was switched! UTM

You’ve nailed it.

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Reply: 21 - 52
October 10, 2022, 11:16pm
Beer Drinker
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Quoted from Trickytrev
Some one is paying attention.

The Sleaford match review has been posted on line at.-  


Great to see.

Great also to see Dani Brighton still doing her stuff. One of my faves. Not just because she’s a decent player, but also because she’s one of the nicest people you could ever wish to meet.

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Reply: 22 - 52
October 11, 2022, 1:40am

Table Wine Drinker
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Quoted from Les Brechin

I can make this thread a sticky if you want.

That’s a great idea !
I agree with Lobsterpot and Dale’s sentiments. it would be great for the ladies team to have a place come rain or shine

you can take the boy out of grimsby......but you can't take grimsby out of his soul, his blood, his semen!  
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Reply: 23 - 52
October 11, 2022, 7:37am

Table Wine Drinker
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The Ladies Team Profile Page


are there links for fixtures / results also ?

you can take the boy out of grimsby......but you can't take grimsby out of his soul, his blood, his semen!  
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Reply: 24 - 52
October 12, 2022, 6:03pm

Table Wine Drinker
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Hopefully this link works. Could admin possibly pin it to the top of this thread to save peeps having to trawl through and find it each week?


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Reply: 25 - 52
October 22, 2022, 7:36pm
Beer Drinker
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Nice to see the Women’s team page back in the Matchday programme today 👏👏👏

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Reply: 26 - 52
November 22, 2022, 5:44am

Table Wine Drinker
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Not posted for a while but another victory for our womens team yesterday, 3-1 away at Sleaford in the cup.
Ashley Dejonge x 2 and Emily Blyth.
Still 100% league record also. Would be nice to start getting more support for games. Get the kids down and get some flags up and singing going!


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Reply: 27 - 52
March 4, 2023, 12:50pm

Table Wine Drinker
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The lasses are at wintringham on Sunday VS Worksop 2pm KO and currently top of the league


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Reply: 28 - 52
March 4, 2023, 9:55pm

Table Wine Drinker
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Scrap that. Games off cos other team can’t field a team. Absolute joke as usual.


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Reply: 29 - 52
March 12, 2023, 4:54pm

Table Wine Drinker
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Quick update from the womens team who beat previous league leaders Gainsboro Trinity 3-0 this afternoon to return to the summit. Goals from Alesha Dejonge, Emily Blyth & Ellie Wilson means we need 7 more points from the last 5 games to win the title with a superior goal difference( or 8 points just to be sure! )

If any of you could get down for the remaining fixtures to cheer them onto the title it would be great! UTM


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Reply: 30 - 52
March 22, 2023, 2:56pm
Beer Drinker
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Am I the only person that is excited to see the women's team on the verge of promotion to Tier 5?
Obviously I have a vested interest because of my involvement in the team for 3 years. But even aside from that, I am so pleased for them to be able to finally get out of what is bit of poor league, and then challenge themselves at the next level which is good deal tougher. I've a lot of friends left there playing in that team, that I think a great deal of; and I am delighted that they have stuck with it and are on the verge of getting promoted.

Come on everyone get behind the girls' and cheer the players on if you can get there. But at the very least send them your best GTFC wishes


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Reply: 31 - 52
March 23, 2023, 5:19pm
Fine Wine Drinker
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Quoted from DaleH
Am I the only person that is excited to see the women's team on the verge of promotion to Tier 5?
Obviously I have a vested interest because of my involvement in the team for 3 years. But even aside from that, I am so pleased for them to be able to finally get out of what is bit of poor league, and then challenge themselves at the next level which is good deal tougher. I've a lot of friends left there playing in that team, that I think a great deal of; and I am delighted that they have stuck with it and are on the verge of getting promoted.

Come on everyone get behind the girls' and cheer the players on if you can get there. But at the very least send them your best GTFC wishes


Is there a reason why they play Home in Brigg?
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Reply: 32 - 52
March 23, 2023, 6:44pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from GrimPol

Is there a reason why they play Home in Brigg?

The pitch at BP has not been in a good condition for most of the year, so why make it worse?

You can please some of the forumites some of the time but not all the forumites all of the time
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Reply: 33 - 52
March 25, 2023, 3:18pm
Fine Wine Drinker
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Quoted from DB

The pitch at BP has not been in a good condition for most of the year, so why make it worse?

They never played at BP as I'm aware, but Brigg can't be the nearest pitch surely?
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Reply: 34 - 52
March 25, 2023, 6:25pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from GrimPol
They never played at BP as I'm aware, but Brigg can't be the nearest pitch surely?

Cleethorpes Town and Grimsby Borough are closer, after that it's Brigg. Then you have Boston, Lincoln and Gainsborough.

You can please some of the forumites some of the time but not all the forumites all of the time
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Reply: 35 - 52
April 11, 2023, 4:27am

Table Wine Drinker
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Theyve not played at Brigg all season. The play at Winrtigham Oasis. The wrbsite says Brigg but that's nothing to do with the club thats just down to the Lincs FA not updating their website.
The ladies are playing their next league game ar Blundell Park on Sunday 23rd April 2pm kick off and will be presented with the Championship trophy so it would be great to get people down to watch. Well done ladies. CHAMPIONS!!! UTM


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April 11, 2023, 5:55pm

Vodka Drinker
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I really hope they have the camera there in the Findus so we could have a good highlights package inc. the trophy presentation.
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April 12, 2023, 10:54pm
Vodka Drinker
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If the club are serious about the women's team they need to play in a stadium of some description locally. Hopefully that can happen soon and possibly as part of the training ground, as their efforts deserve more than a school field.

For those in the know, would another promotion mean they need to play in a stadium and what is the standard of Tier 5 compared to Tier 6?
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April 13, 2023, 4:48am
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I would assume (don't quote me on this) they'd need a tleadt a couple more promotions before the club had to start to consider providing proper facilities
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April 23, 2023, 1:33pm

Table Wine Drinker
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#gtfc women’s game VS Worksop is still ON but has been changed to Wintringham all weather pitch with a delayed kick off of just after 2pm.
Come over on down and see the Champions!! #utm


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April 30, 2023, 10:27am

Table Wine Drinker
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Our Champions play the last game of the season away at Lincoln Utd today at Priory Academy City of Lincoln academy, LN60EP,  2pm and admission is free.


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May 11, 2023, 2:14pm

Table Wine Drinker
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It’s match day and our Champions are in Town!


End of season friendly to celebrate the league title!

⚽️VS Healing Hotspurs Ladies

📅 Thursday May 11 7PM Kick Off

🏟️ Blundell Park

🎟️ Adults £3, Concessions £1



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mariner chopper
June 2, 2023, 1:44pm
Lager Top Drinker
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23/24 season

East Midlands Regional Football League Premier Division (5th Tier of Women's Pyramid)

1. Anstey Nomads
2. Basford United
3. Chesterfield Ladies
4. Dunton & Broughton United
5. Grimsby Town
6. Ilkeston Town
7. Lincoln United
8. Long Eaton United
9. Mansfield Town
10. Rotherham United
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June 6, 2023, 3:23pm

Table Wine Drinker
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I think i understand that the East Midlands Women's Regional Football League premier division is the gateway to the FA woman’s league.

A fantastic season ahead for the ladies !

you can take the boy out of grimsby......but you can't take grimsby out of his soul, his blood, his semen!  
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August 30, 2023, 7:20pm

Table Wine Drinker
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The Champions final friendly this Thursday evening before the season starts on Sunday. Come over and support the ladies if you’re in the area!  #gtfc #utm

Barton Town Women VS GTFC Women
The Easy Buy Stadium (off Pasture Road)
Barton Upon Humber
DN18 5RL


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Reply: 45 - 52
September 3, 2023, 3:09am

Table Wine Drinker
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GTFC Women 1st game of season today away VS
Rotherham Utd.

🕖 2pm, Sunday, September 3
🏟 Roundwood Sports Complex, Parkgate
💷 Adults: £3; concessions: £2; children: free


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mariner chopper
September 15, 2023, 2:39pm
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Drawn at Home to Lincoln united in Second Qualifying Round of FA Cup
Sunday 1st October

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September 23, 2023, 2:02pm
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What step are GTFC ladies at? Just curious, I've been asked to linesman a game in the south west regional women's Premier Division (basically 1 step below national tier).
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Reply: 48 - 52
April 25, 2024, 6:23am
Beer Drinker
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Disappointing to see the Women’s team relegated last night after defeat v Lincoln Utd. Ultimately paid the price for not recruiting more players to compete at that level and challenge for promotion.

If the women’s team is ever going to be anything more than tokenism in ticking a box to say it’s got female football in the community, with just a female inclusion and participation ethos, then it has to have a rethink. Because other EFL clubs with women’s teams are in the female game to take it seriously, endeavouring to climb the women’s football pyramid. The area already has grassroots clubs providing women’s football with more of a participation ethos. GTFC should be differentiating itself and should be the club leading the way in the area, and wanting to climb that female football pyramid with a competitive and winning mentality. I hope that is what the club wants for the women’s team.

The new CEO has a fantastic track record in women’s football. She has a big job to do with the men’s team. But I hope too that she comes in with a desire to see the women’s team progress and succeed, and that some of her expertise and know how will be concentrated on building successful women’s football.

The starting point for next season, is a leader signing some better players to get promotion again. But players that aren’t just able to win the league below, but then also compete strongly at the level above next time around. There are a few good players in the squad, but they needed even more good players around them in order to progress and succeed.

Fingers crossed for a rethink, because some of those players that have been there a good while now, need and deserve some support.

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Reply: 49 - 52
May 9, 2024, 6:54am
Beer Drinker
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Eden Pedersen, proper player. Player of the match last night and deservedly so.

Town must keep hold of her and 5 other core players next season. And they must recruit a lot more capable players too, to not only get promotion back to the league they’ve just been relegated to, but also to then compete to get promotion after that too, to The FA Women’s National League. That is a level that the club is very capable of reaching. If Nettleham Ladies can achieve it (before they changed their name to Lincoln City Ladies), and now a small club like Lincoln United have done it, then a much bigger club like Grimsby Town FC should be more than capable than getting there, if the club backs those core players and gives them what they need.

A women’s team at a club like ours, must not be allowed to lose any more pace on the momentum that women’s football is travelling at. It needs the desire and the tools to be moving upwards not downwards. There’s 5-6 very good players in that team, but they need support from the club, and they need good recruitment and coaching to help them out. Because by the sounds of it, if they don’t get that support from the club, then the club could be losing some of them. That would be disastrous and very sad for women’s football at the club.

GTFC please take women’s football seriously. Having a women’s team must not be just tokenism or a participation project. It’s a competitive sport.

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Reply: 50 - 52
May 9, 2024, 10:46am

Barley Wine Drinker
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I thought that the club did take it seriously?? How don’t they do that?

Rose is on fire

And your scotch eggs are fu(king vile
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Reply: 51 - 52
June 26, 2024, 8:16pm
Lager Top Drinker
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Totally agree with what you have said Dale. In any sport you need to be given the best opportunity to succeed, and that success will become the breeding ground for even more success. Any success in the Ladies game makes the club look good and more professional... It is a small price to pay... Come on GTFC support your Ladies Team. I am sure they will make you proud...
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