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July 6, 2017, 3:38pm
Whiskey Drinker
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I'd rather have had a mural promoting loyalty and passion .
We've had players of various ethnicities , nationalities and backgrounds play for our club and remain loyal throughout their time here.
You could have had Tony Ford , Big Keith and even Bogle and got the message across without having to tell us how to think.
Our fans respect any player of any colour or persuasion as long as they a talented , give their best and loyal to the club.
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July 6, 2017, 4:15pm

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I think we need the season to get started!

'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.  
~ Alfred Lord Tennyson

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Reply: 71 - 101
jock dock tower
July 6, 2017, 4:18pm
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You seem to be twisting your knickers round your logic. No-one is saying (as far as I know) that "showing inclusivity to all of the above is a personal attack", that would be idiocy. What I said and what others think too is that the mural is a political statement not a club celebration.

Political statements about "multicultural", "celebrating diversity" and so on actually promote division in society. If you don't understand that then read up on the history of East Lancs and the West Riding in the 1970s for example and follow it through to what happened in Rotherham, Rochdale, Keighley and so on. Check up on the areas of Birmingham and Leeds that give sustenance to terrorists. All of these areas have "celebrated diversity" for years and effectively divided themselves along racial and religious grounds.

This is not the place for political discussion though, or for bad mouthing from a soapbox those who happen to have thought things through a bit more over the years than you appear to have done.
The best thing to do with the mural is spray over it and start again from the viewpoint of celebrating our club as it has been a part of our normal society for generations, not some pretence at a rainbow nirvana.

Errr, that's what you've just done?

No attempt at ethical or social seduction can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred of the Tory party. So far as I'm concerned they're lower than vermin. Aneurin Bevan.
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Reply: 72 - 101
jock dock tower
July 6, 2017, 4:27pm
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One question. Who commissioned the mural in the first instance? If it wasn't the club - and I really don't know the answer - but someone who wanted to do something for the club but with the club's backing they could probably have got funding from a number of organisations because it does celebrate diversity. But why do we have this argument anyway about a great piece of athat celebrates GTFC and it's diversity? We can't airbrsh the likes of Tony Ford out of our history, not would we want to.

Note, celebrating diversity doesn't mean being divisive. It's what the S*n, Daily Mail, Express and Telegraph would like you to believe, but it's far from the truth. I don't disagree about faith schools by the way, or a personal level I find the thought of religion determining what children can learn to be repulsive.If you really want to see how divisive such schools can be don't look at inner city Leeds or Birmingham for the comparison but the likes of Glasgow where they breed bigotry on a scale you can't imagine.

Like another poster as soon as I saw it on FB last night I realsied the usual suspects would be in with a vengance. Such a sad, sorry reflection on our scoiety.

No attempt at ethical or social seduction can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred of the Tory party. So far as I'm concerned they're lower than vermin. Aneurin Bevan.
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Reply: 73 - 101
July 6, 2017, 4:30pm

Recovering Alcoholic
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Been there, done it. It's not multicultural, it's integrated. Largely because there is no single dominant incoming culture. The same used to be true of Tiger Bay, East Ham etc.

The difference is that in the 70s councils in West Yorks etc, set up situations for non-integration. Printing all documents in Urdu for instance. They encouraged the setting up of community councils dominated by religious leaders and more recently allowed the truly divisive expansion of faith schools which were effectively for the "one true faith".

I'm only saying this to show some people on here that there isn't anything simplistic about the issue and that the promotion of diversity is incredibly old fashioned and is proved to fail. I am amazed that,some younger people fall for this three card trick from decades ago and think it actually works and is a good thing. Integration is what matters. Togetherness as one society not trying to amalgamate different societies in the same geography.

How very magnanimous of you.  
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Reply: 74 - 101
July 6, 2017, 4:32pm
Special Brew Drinker
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Quoted from mariner91

Isn't multicultural and integrated essentially the same thing? In the last three years I've had various flatmates from various different backgrounds including Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, Jamaican, French, Nepalese and South African and I'd say that's probably quite a good reflection of the local area as a whole. Surely that is multicultural?

I agree, they should be the same thing. But they aren't.

The reason is that "multicultural" was hijacked by politicians local and national and pet council and quango members in the 1970s and they made it synonymous with "diversity". It was in effect a positive discrimination and to do that they had to identify and actively promote the largely single source incomer community as a separate entity. They also hijacked all terminology connected with the issue of immigrant integration so that any form of dissent was labelled as racist. There was a headmaster called Ray Honeyford in Bradford who was as far from a racist as you could get but lost his job for suggesting the influx of non-english speakers had failed to even try to assimilate into the existing community and was crippling the education system. They were able to continue with this exorcism of opposition because they encouraged new immigrants to settle in the same areas while the old community died off or moved out. So places like Bradford and Dewsbury where I lived in the early 70s soon had their own little knot of immigrant only based Labour councillors.

There is a certain irony to this discussion in as far as younger people who are attracted to the Corbyn ideal as the antidote to the sins of Baby Boomers are so naive as to accept Abbott's very hippy based ideas that led directly to those misguided policies of the 70s and left us with the divisiveness we have today.  

Perhaps we should draw a veil over this argument now, or at least move it to non-football Rob.

“If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.”
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Reply: 75 - 101
July 6, 2017, 4:52pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from mariner91

Haha it's rough round the edges I'll give you that but lots of development in the last few years and even more planned. An up and coming area as they say.

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Reply: 76 - 101
July 6, 2017, 5:02pm
Whiskey Drinker
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Quoted from Southwark Mariner
Nice training video for any budding graffiti artists:


I'm sure that's Banksy in the green hood.  

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Reply: 77 - 101
July 6, 2017, 5:09pm
Whiskey Drinker
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Quoted from Grim74

No chip it's just a urine poor desperate effort to shout about diversity! Wouldn't it be better if it was a legends Mural? Or if you really want to cry diversity then what about a fans Mural with people past and present related to the club, not pretend ones like Melanie Onn but  Super fans like Graham Holness, Bernard Morley, Roly Godfrey, Jonny (you know who I mean) even John Tondour, you could have Andrew De Freitas as much as I dislike him he would tick the old diversity box, the list is endless but at least these people have love for the Town I bet Zhang doesn't give us a second thought these days.

  Jonnyboy82 ?  
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Vance Warner
July 6, 2017, 5:21pm
Fine Wine Drinker
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Do you mean posts or posters? Posters would be a nice ageist thing to say for someone who is so equality driven and non-discriminatory.

I meant posts that's why I said posts. Thanks for realising I am equality driven and non-discriminatory.
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