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David Frazer
April 24, 2024, 4:32pm
Lager Top Drinker
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Just read its 12.6% and a 7 figure sum!

Yes Hagrid they will need lots of help as jf ran you down and down im afaid BUT your new CEO could do no worse than  taking ours for lunch and picking his brains on revenue streams etc etc and joking apart its going to take a 5yr+ plan ,like it or not.

Sadly the greed of the premiershite has made everything about money.
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David Frazer
April 24, 2024, 5:29pm
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5million shares at 40p @ £2million quid i read from companies house!

That would buy you some new toilets
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Reply: 241 - 788
April 25, 2024, 9:33am
Vodka Drinker
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You know what, that's even more of a feather in the cap for Lincoln as they try to level up the playing field a bit in their league.

In some ways it's a slap in the face as we're not getting outside investment, but as Hagrid points out it's clearly not a case that people aren't out there - it's about if they align with what 1878 deem as the vision.  I know that's uncomfortable for some people because it feels like we're treading water (at best) without that injection of funds.  

But I'm still sceptical about all this investment at Sincil Bank.  The opening line of the official club statement says it all:

Quoted Text

Ron and Andrew Fowler have joined the investment group at Lincoln City through their Liquid Investments, Inc. entity.

Investment group.  That's people who are coming together with the belief that they'll get a return on their investment in a product.   This isn't a case of donation or charity, they'll want something back.  I just don't get what the return is going to be.  I'm not a business mind and I'm asking lay person questions here.  Where's the return on millions of pounds investment in a League One side with a natural ceiling?  It will take an astronomical amount of investment/debt to compete in the second tier and even then it's not an appealing sell to a future investor is it?  

Bringing it back to GTFC - our position isn't all too different, albeit further down the chain and earlier in the journey.  We need investment to progress but long term security of the club shouldn't be compromised.  1878 are smart people, they'll want a return on their investment too and we can't kid ourselves of that.  The comfort is in the fact that they're Town fans in the first place.

It'll be interesting in say 5 or 10 years time to see how the investment at Lincoln has panned out.
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forza ivano
April 25, 2024, 9:42am

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enough of bigging them up. This si the sort of stuff I really want to read

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Reply: 243 - 788
April 25, 2024, 10:49am
Brandy Drinker
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Quoted from diehardmariner
Where's the return on millions of pounds investment in a League One side with a natural ceiling? .

There is no return, and the natural ceiling has already been reached if not bettered this season.

The Imps are about the 13th biggest club in terms of attendances and revenues in the 3rd Tier. Yet here we are 1 game away from reaching the play-offs.

I honestly didn’t think The Cowley years would ever be topped, but I may need to re-evaluate this?

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Reply: 244 - 788
April 25, 2024, 11:31am
Vodka Drinker
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Do you want some magic beans as well?
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Reply: 245 - 788
April 25, 2024, 11:51am

Special Brew Drinker
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For me the key question is Why?

Why are these people with no link to the city sudden happy to invest millions in the club? What is the end game? There must be some plan otherwise they are simply wasting their money for no reason.

Can anyone explain this?
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Reply: 246 - 788
April 25, 2024, 12:06pm
Vodka Drinker
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100% my view Ron.

No-one, or should I say very few, will invest in a football club with no return.  The people who do that are at least one of filthy rich, incredibly generous/blinded by their long standing affiliation with the club or stupid.  That I'm aware of none of the Lincoln investment group match that criteria.

They'll want something back.  There has to be a point where the level of investment made more than outstrips the potential for a return.  The phrase pissing into the wind comes to mind.
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Reply: 247 - 788
April 25, 2024, 12:59pm
Special Brew Drinker
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Think it's obvious with the Imps and a seemingly supportive Council and growing fanbase the return on investment will come via a new ground .No reason they can't fill a 15k stadium. They are and have been the lower league model to follow on and off the pitch since the Cowley’s. We're miles behind thanks to Fenty but I think the gap will close over the next 12-18 months. The problem with that view we need to see winning football I and many others are sick of watching urine poor football in the EFL.
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Reply: 248 - 788
April 25, 2024, 1:11pm
Snakebite drinker
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Quoted from diehardmariner
And chasing that unsustainable dream ended so well for Scunny didn't it...

*cue David Frazer raging at his PC whilst holding his photo of Landon Donovan with a Lincoln City scarf*

To be fair Scunny had a complete bafoon at the helm who was Gambling the club away.
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