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Lincoln Mariner 56
September 18, 2021, 8:38pm
Brandy Drinker
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For me workmanlike performance against a side that had plenty of possession but never looked like creating a chance. Agreed with Hurst’s post match summary in that we looked a little “leggy” and got caught on our heels a bit today but in reality we won without getting out of first gear.

For me a left sided and left footed midfield player and another striker would make us real title contenders and give the team real balance. Not to say it would be Harry that drops out of the side as he is so versatile he can cover and play in many positions.

Comfortable win despite not being the greatest spectacle but we are not getting caviar every week and all that really matters is we won 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😄😄.
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Reply: 30 - 48
forza ivano
September 18, 2021, 9:22pm

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Quoted from Fillipe Noche
What another super day at Blundell Park

Awesome result, enjoyed me hot dog, and the atmosphere was brill again.

Also, lovely to see John Fenty back at Blundell Park enjoying the occasion with his lovely family. And nice to see Justin Whittle too.

Keep up the great work fans. This Town Knows

feck off you feckin knobb
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Reply: 31 - 48
September 18, 2021, 9:28pm
Snakebite drinker
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Quoted from PB
A very different opposition and game from Tuesday, but a great effort and result. I need to mention Towler who was brilliant and my Mom. He quietly and efficiently just gets on with it, and I don’t think he put a foot (or head) wrong this afternoon.
One other point is that the right flank combination of Efete and Sousa was way to good for them, and the they had no answer other than to foul one or the other. Crookes and Bapaga Down the left is obviously work in progress.

Basically, I agree with all three of your points except that, even with only half a an hour on the pitch, McAtee would be my MoM. Different class. But Towler was magnificent. Never missed a header and strong on the ground too. Hard to believe he’s only 19!
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Reply: 32 - 48
September 18, 2021, 9:48pm
Vodka Drinker
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A  good day at the office.  Functional and effective.   The season might be underpinned by wins against unfashionable sides.  McAtee is so important to the team.

9 different scorers this season is surreal. A real plus.

Great credit to to the 29 Eastleigh fans who made the very long trip for little no reward.
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Reply: 33 - 48
September 18, 2021, 10:56pm
Fine Wine Drinker
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Quoted from Fillipe Noche
What another super day at Blundell Park

Awesome result, enjoyed me hot dog, and the atmosphere was brill again.

Also, lovely to see John Fenty back at Blundell Park enjoying the occasion with his lovely family. And nice to see Justin Whittle too.

Keep up the great work fans. This Town Knows

A great day agreed
You can never resist a comment that would always make you unpopular. You are a bit odd I find
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Reply: 34 - 48
September 18, 2021, 11:10pm
Special Brew Drinker
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Quoted from SheepGTFC
Want to call out, laugh and point at all the naysayers from preseason banging on about Hurst's recruitment, lack of a goalscorer and our chances in the league.

Get copulated the lot of you.

I’ll put my hands up here, I wouldn’t call myself a ‘naysayer’ in so much that I felt we’ve been going about our business in the right way, however I’ve been vocal in saying that I felt our chances of promotion this season were slim at best. You just don’t finish bottom of League Two, make 14 or 15 signings and go straight up again - especially when clubs in the National League are seemingly spending at unprecedented levels. The way we’ve started goes against logic - it shouldn’t be happening, but the fact it is is testament to all a concerned.  

These are early days, but I have to admit that I’ve been taken aback by how good, how together this team looks already. It was imperfect at times today, but it never really felt in doubt. When we played Weymouth just a few weeks ago I remarked at how bizarre it felt to be watching a side with nine debutants (ten if you were to include Pearson) - the team felt somewhat alien to me. Less than a month on they feel every bit a Town team, a proper Town team, potentially the most likeable set of players since since the late 90s. Time will tell on that one.

In terms of the game itself, expectations were understandably high in this one and it’s perhaps understandable that things felt a bit flat. There was an element of spontaneity about the atmosphere and electricity of Tuesday evening - the reason nights like that are special is because they don’t happen every week.

Sloppy at times first half, but comfortably the better side and rarely in trouble - Taylor popping up in the right place at the right time to thwart their one real opportunity says a lot about the way this side is set up. Missed the goal, but watching the Upper Findus erupt from the vantage of the fan zone was at least something.

Second half was much better, and though Eastleigh did spurn a free header at the back post at 1-0, it does seem to be characteristic of this level that you tend to get away with one or two of those a game.

The real turning point did seem to be McAtee’s arrival on the pitch. For a lad not long turned 22, he has some fúcking presence. The fans, and even more significantly the players, seem to look to him to set the level, and it can’t be a coincidence that we improved tangibly as soon as he came on. He looks to me like a player who can go on to play at least two levels higher than this, if not more. I’m left scratching my head as to how the hell we got him and what the fúck Scunny were doing with him - he’s a class act.

It was a cracking finish by Fox for the second, a proper pile driver, but again kudos to McAtee for how he manages to get the ball under control to lay it off for the shot in the first place. I’ll forgive him for the penalty miss - he’s utterly talismanic.

One final word on Bapaga. He hasn’t got a left foot, and looks totally lost out on the left wing. In the ten minutes or so he had on the right I thought he looked a totally different and very capable player, winning the penalty no less. Something to think about there, because he came here very highly rated, he just doesn’t look comfortable on the left.

All-in-all, a very effective if not sensational victory. Two tricky away game up next - four points (or more) from those and we look very well set, and potential for another big crowd for Dover in a couple of weeks’ time.

Really enjoying this. UTM!

A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner.
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Reply: 35 - 48
September 18, 2021, 11:24pm

Barley Wine Drinker
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Firstly though I was a bit disappointed to not see McAtee start I think this was a good call by Hurst to mix it up a bit in terms of selection Bapaga looks like he needs game time and some confidence and Foxy has been more than patient. I’m sure Max would have been in line for a start if he wasn’t injured.

In terms of selection I think it was great to see Hurst give Alex Hunt the job if playing in front of the back 4 as that’s a big responsibility and a good learning for the lad.

Overall I think this was a really professional performance from Town after a good away win, a big mid week home win the Town have old would have really struggled today and the game would have been a non event. Not this group though they can play, trust each other, have a good work rate and just seem to stick to the plan. Oh yeah and they have a real winning desire and winning is a great habit.

Some stuff I noticed….

Macca, very tittle to do,again! Our back 4 looked pretty solid today..

Effete, a unit and just looks like he’s really progressing. Really good header for the goal.

Crookes, not only does he resemble Gregor Robertson in style he’s similar in that he’s very tidy and does the basics really well.

Waterfall, amazing what confidence does for players, enough said.

Towler, first time I’ve seen him and he’s going to be a good player for sure. Looks a bit like Stuart Broad too from a distance. Knows when to play and when to boot it.

Hunt, will have learnt a lot today but he’s a big player for us at the moment, it’s fair to say he can take a corner.

Harry, looked a bit jaded but the big difference is that he’s moving forward with the ball at his feet rather than playing it sideways or backwards

Foxy, busy, busy, busy and very tidy in everything he does, great strike for the goal.

Bapaga, grew into it but you can see he’s got ability and potential, worked harder off the ball today too.

Soussa, he’s not only a tricky f*****r he’s starting to show some real intelligence too. His work rate is strong and he’s just getting better.

Taylor, again getting better and the defensive block in the 1st half illustrates what this side is about. He like a few others look better than NL level.

The addition of McAtee just made the difference at the right time this kid just loves to cause chaos. If I was a Scunt I’d be severely p1ssed off that he came to us as he’s making such a difference on and off the ball.

This side and our support do not look like a non league outfit and today underlined that. The only downer for me was the muppets in the upper who each game boo the players taking the knee, many of whom go home and away and a few of them do the same to watch England 🤷‍♂️ Whether or not you agree with the knee just booing people for making a non confrontational display of their views and values belongs in a past decade. Personally I find it a bit embarrassing.

Like I say today was a really professional display from the players and staff.

At the moment BP feels like a good place to be on and off the pitch, credit to all, long may it continue.


P..S. 6,000+ ……. Awesome support 👏👏👏

"Crombie you would have got to that if you weren't such a fat ba%$@rd" - George Kerr, inspiration from the dug out 70s style  
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Reply: 36 - 48
September 19, 2021, 6:57am
Table Wine Drinker
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Will post now i'm more sober , not perfect by any stretch but result never in doubt at times our football or atmosphere didn't reach tuesday night but i expected that in a way , it was telling how fit we looked after a hard week or so , main talking point in upper findus was mcatee , i will have my say on this lad again he his the best player to put on a grimsby shirt in years i can't believe we got him , love watching him play his control vision movement getting others to play round him belongs in lge 1 at least , he will win us games when we are below par in this lge , also a mention to back four never saw macca make a save enough said , enjoy your sunday utm
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Reply: 37 - 48
September 19, 2021, 8:00am
Snakebite drinker
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I’m very impressed with the style Hurst has implemented. The full backs Crookes and Efete are fantastic at not just defending but playing the ball out or running with it. They’re both 24/23, which is fantastic for us - brilliant finds from Mr Hurst. We’ve not had fantastic full backs in quite a while - my mind goes back to Tait as the standout best, prior to that Gregor was dependable.

Hunt, Fox, Clifton and Coke give us a quality midfield, with defensive work rate, forward passing and genuine quality.

The oldies up top - LJL, Taylor and hopefully Grant - offer us some experience and a figure up there; flanked by the pace of Wright, the skill of Sousa and the immense quality of McAttee.

Sousa has been a very special find, as I for one was surprised looking at his history to think he would be a game changer and really nuisance for the opposition. We’ve had skilfull wingers before who run up blind alleys (Neilson, Makreth etc), but Sousa knows what to do and tries to produce something.

McAttee has been a gem, showing realn Cantona-esque quality and able to control a game.

McKeown has been decent so far, but having the much improved Waterfall and highly promising Towler as the athletic “legs” of the two helps a lot. Good combination and again, kudos to Hurst for sticking with Waterfall. I wasn’t confined Pearson and Waterfall would work; but having a unit (Pearson and Waterfall) paired with some athleticism (Towler and Longe King) gives us 2 fantastic pairings at this level.

Absolutely buzzing - UTM!
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Reply: 38 - 48
September 19, 2021, 9:16am
Barley Wine Drinker
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There’s some good footage in here - especially the first goal and the crowd/singing.


"You should do what you love while you can"
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