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Stan Bowles died at age 75

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February 24, 2024, 8:04pm
Vodka Drinker
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A very talented and skilful player.  Still remember him on a wet and muddy night at BP dribbling past Town players as if they were statues.

Playing for Crewe or Carlisle.  
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February 24, 2024, 8:14pm

Champagne Drinker
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He. was playing for Crewe - scored twice as I remember in an unexpected defeat 2-3 - think it was the the McMenemy season when Town won Division 4.
Very talented player

Blundell Park - The Home of Grimsby Town Football Club (still)  
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Lincoln Mariner 56
February 24, 2024, 8:53pm
Brandy Drinker
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Quoted from Teestogreen
He. was playing for Crewe - scored twice as I remember in an unexpected defeat 2-3 - think it was the the McMenemy season when Town won Division 4.
Very talented player

It was, on loan from Man City I believe, on a Tuesday night and one of his goals was a 25 yard screamer that it was difficult not to applaud even if it was for the opposition. Loved watching him play for QPR in the seventies.
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grimsby pete
February 24, 2024, 8:59pm

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We only lost 2 homes games that season both in the same week.

Crewe was one and Stan won that game on his own.

                             Over 37 years living in Suffolk but always a mariner.
                             69 Years following the Town

                              Life member of Trust

                               First game   April 1955
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February 24, 2024, 9:00pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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RIP. Another great player has gone. His skills will be remembered.

You can please some of the forumites some of the time but not all the forumites all of the time
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February 24, 2024, 9:21pm
Champagne Drinker
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Quoted from Lincoln Mariner 56

It was, on loan from Man City I believe, on a Tuesday night and one of his goals was a 25 yard screamer that it was difficult not to applaud even if it was for the opposition. Loved watching him play for QPR in the seventies.

The 25 yarder was a rocket into the Osmond end very late in the game for a 3-2 win  I was a 15 year year standing in the pontoon and I still remember it clearly . Yes it was our championship season and we lost two home games consecutively Tuesday and Saturday our only home defeats that season The other if I remember correctly was 1 or 2 nil to Southport
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Limerick Mariner
February 24, 2024, 9:25pm
Whiskey Drinker
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Was always in my England mavericks team that I’d pick and enact their games in the garden as a kid. Bowles up front with Frank Worthigton, Rod Marsh Tony Currie and Alan Hudson playing behind them. Dave Thomas out wide. No boring Revie teams for me. The great QPR side of 75 was under represented in the England team - too much style for Revie. I expect a partnership of Bowles and Worthington would have rocketed the apres-match bar bill and they would have scored plenty off the pitch as well…RIP
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February 24, 2024, 10:12pm
Fine Wine Drinker
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Quoted from HerveJosse

The 25 yarder was a rocket into the Osmond end very late in the game for a 3-2 win  I was a 15 year year standing in the pontoon and I still remember it clearly . Yes it was our championship season and we lost two home games consecutively Tuesday and Saturday our only home defeats that season The other if I remember correctly was 1 or 2 nil to Southport

I'd totally forgot that untilI read that, I must have been about 15 and stood in the Barrett stand, 2-2 and I thought we'd at least got a draw and the Stan hit a screamer from outside the box! Like a lot of other players,gifted but troubled.
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February 24, 2024, 10:18pm
Coke Drinker
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Quoted from Lincoln Mariner 56

It was, on loan from Man City I believe, on a Tuesday night and one of his goals was a 25 yard screamer that it was difficult not to applaud even if it was for the opposition. Loved watching him play for QPR in the seventies.

He wasn't on loan at the Alex.  He was in trouble at City all the time.  They loaned him to Bury but he didnt make it to Gigg Lane. He was then sacked.  There was a rumour that he put one on Malcolm Allison.  So he had some redeeming features.  He was sold for £12,000 to Carlisle as part of the "Sell one a year to survive" policy.
I edited the sale figure I had put £90.000.  This getting old thing makes you do things like that - sorry lads.
Also a quote from Ernie Tagg (2nd best alex manager- only got the job and dumped his milk round because you stole Jimmy Mcguigan Thank you ever so much). If Stan could pass the bookies as well as he passes a ball he would be a very rich man."
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Heswall Mariner
February 24, 2024, 10:24pm

Fine Wine Drinker
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I think he once said that he was thought of as a footballer who gambled  - but actually he was a gambler who played football.
He remains one of my real heroes - up there with the best.
RIP Stan Bowles.
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Fishy Forum Fishy Boards The New Fishy › Stan Bowles died at age 75

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