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Premiership is destroying the people's game

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The Yard Dog
December 5, 2023, 4:33pm
Cocktail Drinker
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Do the supporters have the power to stop the Premiership from destroying the people's game?

Thirty odd years ago the FA gave the Premiershit most of the power in football in this country and their nothing we can do about now.

The FA have no real power in football in this country, they are just puppets now, some say that they were always puppets.

Reduced the Premiershit from 22 team to 20 team
Parachute payments to the relegated teams, give them a unfair advantage.
Football on the television every day.
FA Final moved from its traditional date and time in the football calendar to accommodate overseas viewers and to fit in with the European competitions schedule.
Scheduled games times being moved at short notice to accommodate overseas viewers, with no consideration to the supporters of the match.
Replays removed from League Cup ties (also Premiershit this Cup competition to be scrapped).
Agents taking money out of the football pyamid. The Premiershit during the period of 1/2/22-31/1/23 spent £320 million on agents, that never comes back into football.
Premiershit clubs hoovering up all the up and coming talent from the lower leagues for peanuts.
Imposing U21's teams into the lower leagues cup competition.
Pre-season friendlies were played against the lower league teams, giving them opportunity to generate much needed revenue, now played in Asia, America against European teams.
Overpaid players, who have too much power now with the help of their agent, under minding managers.
Football rules being constantly changed to accomodate technology which was meant to improve the game, now ruining the game.
A wash of talentless foreign players.
Most of the clubs in Premiershit are owned by foreign now, would never happen in Germany.
Some foreign mangers calling for a winter/christmas break, players playing too many games, but happy to expand the number of European matches by increasing the European competitions next season.  
No replays beyond the 5th round in the FA cup
5th round FA cup ties played midweek instead of the weekend

Now the FA are giving the Premiershit The FA Cup, to ruin at the expense of every football club, this cannot be allowed to happen, but we are powerless to stop the beast that is the PREMIERSHIT.

[/b]The FA Cup is set to undergo a dramatic shake-up that features scrapping of replays and the final being played on a Premier League weekend.

A report from the Daily Mail suggests the FA are preparing to hand control of the world's oldest national competition to the Premier League; a decision that will no doubt have major consequences.[b]

So what will change and why are they doing it? According to the report, the Premier League will look to sell overseas TV rights for the FA Cup from the 2024/25 season onwards.

This, in effect, will give top-flight clubs control of the domestic calendar.

According to the report, the Premier League are pushing for change due to the expansion of the Champions League, which will feature 10 matches in the group stage from 2024 onwards.

The Premier League's offer includes terms such as the abolition of FA Cup replays; a controversial move that will no doubt upset teams lower down the pyramid who rely on gate receipts and revenue from big away days.

As well as having no replays, early rounds of the competition will also be played in midweek to avoid interference with the league calendar.

Another change that has raised concerns amongst fans is the end of a stand-alone weekend for the FA Cup final at the end of the season.

In fact, the final will be brought forward to a regular weekend of Premier League fixtures, with it likely being held on the penultimate Saturday of the season before a full set of games on the Sunday.

The Premier League would offer an increased payment to the FA which would allow them to further fund grassroots football as a result of the landmark changes.

Here's how fans have reacted to the potential shake-up.

One fan commented: "I love the FA Cup and still think for the lower clubs it's magical but the final being played on a PL weekend is a travesty. I remember waking at 7am as a kid on the day of the final and watching all of the build-up, it was class. Disappointing."

Another wrote: "Scrapping FA Cup replays, moving the early rounds to midweek and playing the final on a regular Premier league weekend is a terrible plan. Any sport that bends to the will of the richest will be a poorer one overall. What are they doing to the world's best cup competition?"

A third said: "Everything in football is up for sale. Not only in England but globally. It’s just a vehicle now for the suits/owners PR, their vanity and to move money around. Only thing they can’t buy is games soul but that’s it. FA & FA Cup is for everyone not the Premier League elite.

A fourth commented: "The FA Cup is arguably the last remaining bastion of heritage and tradition in English football. Selling the FA Cup to the Premier League for unfettered commercial exploit (at the expense of lower league clubs) would also spell the end of the @FA as a guardian of English football."

A fifth added: "Some lower league clubs earn up-to £1m from replays and provide fans with amazing days out. Non league part time players will have to lose out on money/annual leave playing games on a midweek when it’s not necessary. Killing the FA Cup and killing the game."

Former FA chairman David Bernstein has warned the FA against selling TV rights to the Premier League.

Speaking to The Times, he said: “It is vital the FA maintains complete control of the FA Cup. We have already seen the loss of cup replays and the FA Cup being squeezed, and if the international rights are taken over by the Premier League this will be another sign of the weakening of the competition.

“The FA Cup has suffered because of the success of the Premier League and European competitions — no one can pretend it has the same status as 20 or 30 years ago. Even if it means more money than the FA could get elsewhere, it puts more authority into the hands of the Premier League.

“One of the key issues behind the setting up of an independent regulator is the power of the Premier League and to ensure there is balance, and this would make it even more powerful when it comes to determining fixtures.”

Allow this to happen and they will be no football pyamid in years to come, just what the elite want, just European football.

I wish the big six had intercourse off with their breakaway super league, well the so called big six Chelsea, Man City were never one of the big six, only in recent times with foreign money have they become big clubs. I have many league programmes were we played Man City & Chelsea, not so many against Man U, Arsenal, Liverpool & Tottenham.

SHOW SOME BALLS FA, instead of rolling over and having your belly tickle and taking the easy money,which will be peanuts.

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It Bites
December 5, 2023, 4:43pm
Champagne Drinker
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Times have changed now . Things change all the time . From LG1 down everything is ok if stupid owners could live within their means . Forget the prem and the championship, Football is and will always be ok .
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December 5, 2023, 5:11pm
Vodka Drinker
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That’s a lot of opinion based on a daily mail article !
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December 5, 2023, 5:35pm
Whiskey Drinker
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I never really bother watching any Prem games these days , if I do it’s usually in a pub or on a dodgy stick
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December 5, 2023, 5:43pm

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The European super league is still very much alive , just biding it’s time .

Lower F5
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Bristol Mariner
December 5, 2023, 6:11pm

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Saw Daily Mail in the message and ignored it sorry

GTFC Exile, Bristol Mariners
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grimsby pete
December 5, 2023, 6:45pm

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It does not effect us when was the last time we got a big club in the cup ?

Some people like watching football every day because we are house bound and can not get to a game.

I enjoy watching all standards of football from the prem down to non league.

Most true supporters would not go to a prem game or watch them on tv if they could get to see thier own team play.  

If you dont like it dont watch it simples .

                             Over 37 years living in Suffolk but always a mariner.
                             69 Years following the Town

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                               First game   April 1955
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The Yard Dog
December 5, 2023, 7:39pm
Cocktail Drinker
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Quoted from It Bites
Times have changed now . Things change all the time . From LG1 down everything is ok if stupid owners could live within their means . Forget the prem and the championship, Football is and will always be ok .

The owners don't live within their means.

Bradford, Portsmouth have been in adminstration 3 times, Palace, Bournemouth, Barnsley, Bury, Luton, Rotherham & Derby have all been in adminstration twice and the following teams have entered into adminstration once and played in the Premiership Bournemouth, Crystal Palace, Portsmouth, Hull City, QPR, Bradford City, Leicester City, Derby County, Luton Town, Ipswich Town, Wimbledon, Leeds United, Southampton, Leicester City, Coventry City, Barnsley, Bolton Wanderers & Wigan Athletic

Its the stupid owners as you put it chasing the dream of Premiership football for their club.

I do not have your confidence that football is ok and will be ok.

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Reply: 7 - 13
December 5, 2023, 8:40pm
Snakebite drinker
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Quoted from Bristol Mariner
Saw Daily Mail in the message and ignored it sorry

Daily Mail or not its a very valid read.
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Reply: 8 - 13
December 6, 2023, 8:11am
Brandy Drinker
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Quoted from The Yard Dog

The owners don't live within their means.

Bradford, Portsmouth have been in adminstration 3 times, Palace, Bournemouth, Barnsley, Bury, Luton, Rotherham & Derby have all been in adminstration twice and the following teams have entered into adminstration once and played in the Premiership Bournemouth, Crystal Palace, Portsmouth, Hull City, QPR, Bradford City, Leicester City, Derby County, Luton Town, Ipswich Town, Wimbledon, Leeds United, Southampton, Leicester City, Coventry City, Barnsley, Bolton Wanderers & Wigan Athletic

Its the stupid owners as you put it chasing the dream of Premiership football for their club.

I do not have your confidence that football is ok and will be ok.

I agree to an extent in the wider context , and as a football fan it's not great .

But from a Town perspective at least we are in safe hands and the hope from a selfish point of view is that more clubs self destruct lower down and we rise through gradually and sustainably as they implode .
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