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Running like emson
November 30, 2023, 10:10pm

Lager Top Drinker
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November 30, 2023, 10:22pm
Coke Drinker
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Popbitch tells this story slightly differently...

>> Oh Henry <<
Pissing off Kissinger

There's a Henry Kissinger story that has passed into legend about how he once attended a Grimsby Town FC match as the guest of (then-)foreign secretary Anthony Crosland and became a life-long fan of the team. According to Crosland's wife, the story isn't true – but the truth is arguably funnier.

Kissinger did travel up Grimsby way at the request of Crosland in April '76, but he did not go gladly. In fact, Kissinger was supposedly pretty miffed to be called to a breakfast meeting at RAF Waddingham, 100+ miles outside of London. But he did so as a favour to Crosland who insisted he had to stay close to Grimsby for a very important "constituency appointment".

It wasn't until later that Kissinger discovered Crosland's crucial "appointment" was Grimsby Town v Gillingham. And was even more drunk off as a result.
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November 30, 2023, 10:26pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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Good. Kissinger was an absolute scumbag, so anything which discomfited him is good.

He wasn't very popular in Cambodia, for example:

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ska face
November 30, 2023, 10:29pm

Vodka Drinker
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At least it’ll be warm where he is tonight.
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December 1, 2023, 3:37am
Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from SouthwarkMariner
Popbitch tells this story slightly differently...

>> Oh Henry <<
Pissing off Kissinger

There's a Henry Kissinger story that has passed into legend about how he once attended a Grimsby Town FC match as the guest of (then-)foreign secretary Anthony Crosland and became a life-long fan of the team. According to Crosland's wife, the story isn't true – but the truth is arguably funnier.

Kissinger did travel up Grimsby way at the request of Crosland in April '76, but he did not go gladly. In fact, Kissinger was supposedly pretty miffed to be called to a breakfast meeting at RAF Waddingham, 100+ miles outside of London. But he did so as a favour to Crosland who insisted he had to stay close to Grimsby for a very important "constituency appointment".

It wasn't until later that Kissinger discovered Crosland's crucial "appointment" was Grimsby Town v Gillingham. And was even more drunk off as a result.

That’s it? That’s the story?!

"You should do what you love while you can"
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December 1, 2023, 9:06am
Shandy Drinker
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This is what Kevin Jeffreys' biography of Crosland had to say about it. Kissinger visited at dawn while on his way to Rhodesia, seems unlikely he stuck around for the match:

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December 1, 2023, 9:19am
Fine Wine Drinker
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Quoted from Maringer
Good. Kissinger was an absolute scumbag, so anything which discomfited him is good.

He wasn't very popular in Cambodia, for example:


The only Scumbag I see is the one talking ill of the dead.
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December 1, 2023, 9:31am
Vodka Drinker
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Quoted from ska face
At least it’ll be warm where he is tonight.

Absolutely terrible comment whether joke or not
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ska face
December 1, 2023, 9:33am

Vodka Drinker
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The only shame is that there isn’t a hell for Kissinger to go to.
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December 1, 2023, 10:07am
Mariners Trust
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Quoted from Zero_as_a_limit
This is what Kevin Jeffreys' biography of Crosland had to say about it. Kissinger visited at dawn while on his way to Rhodesia, seems unlikely he stuck around for the match:

First time I've seen this but it concurs with Susan Crosland's version. The Foreign Office staff who had to get up at 4 a.m. were apparently equally spitting feathers. Kissengers plane left Waddington by midday.

The aim of argument or discussion should not be victory but progress.

Joseph Joubert.
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