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JS where is the day cup money.

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November 28, 2023, 1:34pm

Vodka Drinker
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Quoted from mimma

Please tell us Monkeyboy how you know this. Where you in the room when these discussions took place? Or, as usual, just spouting crap. Nobody believes your rubbish so why don't you give it up?

monkeyboy’s the only person on here with a 100% unblemished rumour record, absolute gold standard.

Plenty shown their ařses in the last couple days and over the summer with their dogger sources, but monkeyboy’s called everything spot on for the last few months.
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Reply: 20 - 27
November 28, 2023, 3:47pm
Vodka Drinker
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Looking at who we brought in over the summer.

Eastwood - Hurst worked with him before (twice?)
Cartwright - Hurst had/has relationship with Hull over young loanees.
Mullarkey - Went back in for him after a snub in January

Rodgers - Don't think there's any history
Conteh - Don't think there's any history
Gnahoua - Hurst worked with him before
Vernam - Went back in after sixty-seven previous snubs
Pyke - Don't think there's any history
Wilson - Don't think there's any history
Rose - Don't think there's any history - but seem to recall he's gone in for him before.

5 of the signings are ones that Hurst has history, be it working with them, tried to sign before or used contacts/existing networks.  Pretty sure he spoke about the stats/numbers for Wilson and Pyke which perhaps suggests they were more data led than Hurst's 'feel' element.  Conteh was a very un-Hurst like signing and in my opinion is yet to be properly utilised.  

Thought it once he was dismissed and then even more so after Artell's comments about the identify of the place and this plan of the club rather than the manager.  The club out grew Hurst.  Having Hurst in charge was about getting us back on track and then it's about building the identify of the place, the Grimsby way as Stockwood has referenced a few times in recent weeks.  

I reckon Hurst was given a fair chance on that, bringing in some of his own type players but then also having to bring in some of the data-led signings too. But trying to build a new style of play for the side.  Less pragmatic and functional and more expressive.  It was done in pre-season and it we started the season like that, but you could see Hurst was restless with it.  The very first slight wobble (Bradford away, second half) and he reverted back to his tried and tested.

Don't get me wrong, results are always the main marker but I would hedge money that it was just as much the resistance to work with that identify as it was the results that saw Hurst fall on his sword.  The run of results late 2021 in the Conference were far worse than what cost Hurst his job.  But he was saved because 1878 were assured by what they were seeing in performances and data, they felt that approach would still return what they expected.  Two years on it wasn't working.  Even picking up a win at Donny wouldn't have changed that, the approach would still be one that didn't fit this identity.  

Fair play to 1878, they gave Hurst chance to adapt and fit to their ethos.  But he couldn't.  I never got the impression that he was someone who was too keen to relinquish control of anything at the club, including recruitment.  What will be interesting is how Artell adapts to having a guy leading on recruitment, having never had that before.  It's one thing saying you want that and it was hard not having it, putting faith and trust in someone else is another matter.  Even more so when your head is in on the chopping block as well.
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Reply: 21 - 27
November 28, 2023, 4:24pm

Recovering Alcoholic
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Quoted from diehardmariner
Looking at who we brought in over the summer.

Eastwood - Hurst worked with him before (twice?)
Cartwright - Hurst had/has relationship with Hull over young loanees.
Mullarkey - Went back in for him after a snub in January

Rodgers - Don't think there's any history
Conteh - Don't think there's any history
Gnahoua - Hurst worked with him before
Vernam - Went back in after sixty-seven previous snubs
Pyke - Don't think there's any history
Wilson - Don't think there's any history
Rose - Don't think there's any history - but seem to recall he's gone in for him before.

5 of the signings are ones that Hurst has history, be it working with them, tried to sign before or used contacts/existing networks.  Pretty sure he spoke about the stats/numbers for Wilson and Pyke which perhaps suggests they were more data led than Hurst's 'feel' element.  Conteh was a very un-Hurst like signing and in my opinion is yet to be properly utilised.  

Thought it once he was dismissed and then even more so after Artell's comments about the identify of the place and this plan of the club rather than the manager.  The club out grew Hurst.  Having Hurst in charge was about getting us back on track and then it's about building the identify of the place, the Grimsby way as Stockwood has referenced a few times in recent weeks.  

I reckon Hurst was given a fair chance on that, bringing in some of his own type players but then also having to bring in some of the data-led signings too. But trying to build a new style of play for the side.  Less pragmatic and functional and more expressive.  It was done in pre-season and it we started the season like that, but you could see Hurst was restless with it.  The very first slight wobble (Bradford away, second half) and he reverted back to his tried and tested.

Don't get me wrong, results are always the main marker but I would hedge money that it was just as much the resistance to work with that identify as it was the results that saw Hurst fall on his sword.  The run of results late 2021 in the Conference were far worse than what cost Hurst his job.  But he was saved because 1878 were assured by what they were seeing in performances and data, they felt that approach would still return what they expected.  Two years on it wasn't working.  Even picking up a win at Donny wouldn't have changed that, the approach would still be one that didn't fit this identity.  

Fair play to 1878, they gave Hurst chance to adapt and fit to their ethos.  But he couldn't.  I never got the impression that he was someone who was too keen to relinquish control of anything at the club, including recruitment. What will be interesting is how Artell adapts to having a guy leading on recruitment, having never had that before.  It's one thing saying you want that and it was hard not having it, putting faith and trust in someone else is another matter.  Even more so when your head is in on the chopping block as well.

I thought it was PH who pushed for a recruitment appointment, and it was he who had a hand in choosing Joe Hutchinson.
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Reply: 22 - 27
November 28, 2023, 4:28pm
Brandy Drinker
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Quoted from toontown
Day cup, night trophy, mid-afternoon vase - loads of possible new football knock out formats for sky

Yes! A game played at night with no floodlights with a glow-in-the-dark ball.
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Reply: 23 - 27
The Yard Dog
November 28, 2023, 4:32pm
Cocktail Drinker
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Quoted from Yoda
Hurst and JS have wasted the day cup money on no mark players on big money and long contracts.
Why sign Vernham the guy is a walking sick note why give him a three year deal it’s embarrassing.
Less Guardian articles and do some player research and run the club.

The empire is about to strike back, so you better watch out.

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Reply: 24 - 27
November 28, 2023, 5:47pm
Lager Top Drinker
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Absolute trash comment, completely out of context. What blows my mind more is it got 20 ticks
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Reply: 25 - 27
November 28, 2023, 6:16pm
Whiskey Drinker
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Quoted from diehardmariner
Looking at who we brought in over the summer.

Eastwood - Hurst worked with him before (twice?)
Cartwright - Hurst had/has relationship with Hull over young loanees.
Mullarkey - Went back in for him after a snub in January

Rodgers - Don't think there's any history
Conteh - Don't think there's any history
Gnahoua - Hurst worked with him before
Vernam - Went back in after sixty-seven previous snubs
Pyke - Don't think there's any history
Wilson - Don't think there's any history
Rose - Don't think there's any history - but seem to recall he's gone in for him before.

5 of the signings are ones that Hurst has history, be it working with them, tried to sign before or used contacts/existing networks.  Pretty sure he spoke about the stats/numbers for Wilson and Pyke which perhaps suggests they were more data led than Hurst's 'feel' element.  Conteh was a very un-Hurst like signing and in my opinion is yet to be properly utilised.  

Thought it once he was dismissed and then even more so after Artell's comments about the identify of the place and this plan of the club rather than the manager.  The club out grew Hurst.  Having Hurst in charge was about getting us back on track and then it's about building the identify of the place, the Grimsby way as Stockwood has referenced a few times in recent weeks.  

I reckon Hurst was given a fair chance on that, bringing in some of his own type players but then also having to bring in some of the data-led signings too. But trying to build a new style of play for the side.  Less pragmatic and functional and more expressive.  It was done in pre-season and it we started the season like that, but you could see Hurst was restless with it.  The very first slight wobble (Bradford away, second half) and he reverted back to his tried and tested.

Don't get me wrong, results are always the main marker but I would hedge money that it was just as much the resistance to work with that identify as it was the results that saw Hurst fall on his sword.  The run of results late 2021 in the Conference were far worse than what cost Hurst his job.  But he was saved because 1878 were assured by what they were seeing in performances and data, they felt that approach would still return what they expected.  Two years on it wasn't working.  Even picking up a win at Donny wouldn't have changed that, the approach would still be one that didn't fit this identity.  

Fair play to 1878, they gave Hurst chance to adapt and fit to their ethos.  But he couldn't.  I never got the impression that he was someone who was too keen to relinquish control of anything at the club, including recruitment.  What will be interesting is how Artell adapts to having a guy leading on recruitment, having never had that before.  It's one thing saying you want that and it was hard not having it, putting faith and trust in someone else is another matter.  Even more so when your head is in on the chopping block as well.

Agree with lots of that.

Just one point is that pyke was at Shrewsbury a couple of years after Hurst left and again at scunny a year or two after he left. So possible one of his contacts he may have still had at either club pointed him in his direction as somebody worth looking at. It's tenuous but 2 out of 2 lower league clubs Hurst had worked at bar town are in pykes playing career might point to an indirect connection.
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Reply: 26 - 27
November 28, 2023, 7:05pm
Champagne Drinker
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Someone better at stats then me will be able to explain why if most players now average 5-10 clubs in there career and play most of their careers at  a similar level then the chances of them bumping into their uncles cousins best friend every time they go down the street is 98 percent plus
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Reply: 27 - 27
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