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Football Twit of the Week πŸŽ–

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October 2, 2023, 1:27pm
Brandy Drinker
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Quoted from Kris2

Brothers from Rotherham, both as braindead as each other so it probably runs in the family. Most supporters of Sheff Wednesday are rightly drunk off with the actions of a couple of idiots who mocked a dead child for no reason, no supporter of any club will defend that unless they are idiots themselves and we have plenty of those supporting our own club. Everybody I know in Sheffield into or not into football wants the guy who did it punished.

It's really blown up over them-  people putting threats to them , bits and pieces - address published online , their numbers , workplaces (former now) .

Those simpletons need to be a lesson to anyone thinking of doing anything daft , crude or idiotic to not because the whole world is watching these days .

Their lives are probably ruined and you have to say they deserve it really .

He described it as 'enjoyable banter ,that went too far '

Bizarre how some people's minds work
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October 2, 2023, 7:15pm
Season Ticket Holder
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I wanted to say anyone who didn't go or watch Saturday moaning but I have to go with the scum sheff wed fan.
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October 3, 2023, 6:29am

Barley Wine Drinker
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Scunny fans booing their own fans for trying to take a stand…

'the poor and the needy are selfish and greedy'...well done Mozza
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October 3, 2023, 12:04pm
Brandy Drinker
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First time , no Fenty. Things must be bad. - Just read that , and now I know why.
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