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GTFC Player Predictions 23/24

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July 31, 2023, 4:22pm

Table Wine Drinker
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With the season fast approaching, it’s time to… ‘predict’

Let’s hear your predictions for the squad in the upcoming season - feel free to wait a few days to see if we make any last minute signings.

I shall save the responses and we can see how you all do by May (sadly, the only reward is ‘Fishy’ pride). Feel free to add as much, or as little, reasoning as you’d like.

Goalkeeper to play the most minutes:

Outfield player to play the most minutes:

*Top goal scorer:

*Most assists:

Player of the season:

Young player of the season:

*feel free to guess an amount too!
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July 31, 2023, 4:32pm
Barley Wine Drinker
Posts: 19,749
Posts Per Day: 15.11
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Rep Score: +14 / -13
Approval: +4,133
Gold Stars: 397

Goalkeeper to play the most minutes:  Eastwood

Outfield player to play the most minutes: Hunt

*Top goal scorer: Wilson

*Most assists: Rose

Player of the season: Conteh

Young player of the season: Braithwaite

You can please some of the forumites some of the time but not all the forumites all of the time
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July 31, 2023, 4:59pm
Cocktail Drinker
Posts: 1,786
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Reputation: 77.08%
Rep Score: +9 / -3
Approval: +4,992
Gold Stars: 150
Goalkeeper to play the most minutes: Eastwood

Outfield player to play the most minutes: Rodgers

*Top goal scorer: Clifton

*Most assists: Eisa

Player of the season: Conteh

Young player of the season: Conteh
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July 31, 2023, 5:03pm

Posts: 5,701
Posts Per Day: 1.04
Reputation: 69.75%
Rep Score: +20 / -10
Location: Grimsby
Approval: +6,735
Gold Stars: 137
Goalkeeper to play the most minutes: Eastwood

Outfield player to play the most minutes: Rodgers

*Top goal scorer: Rose

*Most assists: Glennon

Player of the season: Conteh

Young player of the season: Conteh
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July 31, 2023, 5:20pm
Snakebite drinker
Posts: 486
Posts Per Day: 0.27
Approval: +733
Gold Stars: 32
Goalkeeper to play the most minutes: Cartwright

Outfield player to play the most minutes: Clifton

*Top goal scorer: Rose

*Most assists: Clifton

Player of the season: Rodgers

Young player of the season: Conteh
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July 31, 2023, 7:56pm
Whiskey Drinker
Posts: 3,481
Posts Per Day: 0.57
Reputation: 91.63%
Rep Score: +13 / 0
Approval: +6,313
Gold Stars: 71
Gk most mins: Eastwood

Outfielder most mins: Rodgers

Top scorer: Wilson

Top assists: rose

Poy: mularkey

Ypoy: conteh
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July 31, 2023, 8:19pm
Champagne Drinker
Posts: 2,176
Posts Per Day: 0.36
Reputation: 93.06%
Rep Score: +31 / -1
Location: Grimsby
Approval: +2,785
Gold Stars: 173
Gk most mins: Eastwood

Outfielder most mins: Rodgers

Top scorer: Clifton

Top assists: Glennon

Poy: Clifton

Ypoy: Conteh

‘I just f*cking threw myself at it’

Mani D 23 May 2022
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July 31, 2023, 8:25pm
Barley Wine Drinker
Posts: 16,301
Posts Per Day: 2.68
Reputation: 75.44%
Rep Score: +69 / -23
Approval: +20,505
Gold Stars: 235
Goal _ Eastwood
Most minutes - Maher
Golden Boot _ Wilson
Assists _ Eisa
Poy _ Mullarkey
YPOY_ Conteh

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August 1, 2023, 1:02pm
Brandy Drinker
Posts: 2,628
Posts Per Day: 0.44
Reputation: 82.35%
Rep Score: +20 / -4
Approval: +1,232
Gold Stars: 35
Goalkeeper to play the most minutes: EASTWOOD

Outfield player to play the most minutes: MAHER

*Top goal scorer: ROSE

*Most assists: GLENNON

Player of the season: ROSE

Young player of the season: CONTEH
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August 1, 2023, 1:19pm
Barley Wine Drinker
Posts: 15,661
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Reputation: 86.03%
Rep Score: +78 / -12
Location: Lincs
Approval: +20,527
Gold Stars: 273
Quoted from thefish
With the season fast approaching, it’s time to… ‘predict’

Let’s hear your predictions for the squad in the upcoming season - feel free to wait a few days to see if we make any last minute signings.

I shall save the responses and we can see how you all do by May (sadly, the only reward is ‘Fishy’ pride). Feel free to add as much, or as little, reasoning as you’d like.

Goalkeeper to play the most minutes:

Outfield player to play the most minutes:

*Top goal scorer:

*Most assists:

Player of the season:

Young player of the season:

*feel free to guess an amount too!

Goalkeeper to play the most minutes: Eastwood

Outfield player to play the most minutes: Harry 'The Machine' Clifton

*Top goal scorer: Rose

*Most assists: Clifton

Player of the season: Conteh

Young player of the season: Conteh

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