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Still believe the lier?

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October 3, 2021, 9:21pm
Meths Drinker
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Through the door there came familiar laughter,
I saw your face and heard you call my name.
Oh my friend we're older but no wiser,
For in our hearts the dreams are still the same.
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October 3, 2021, 11:19pm

Recovering Alcoholic
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The flip flop man. You can almost see him swaying with the wind.

He's doing quite well at the moment though.

He's tackling global warming by ridding us of petrol and making gas & electric so expensive, no one can afford to turn on the heating or lights.

He's tackling the obesity epidemic by making sure there is no food on the shelves.

He's fixing the NHS by killing off all the old and infirm.

Way to go Bozo.
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October 4, 2021, 6:33am

Barley Wine Drinker
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Iā€™m sure someone will point and say ā€˜the opposition arenā€™t much betterā€™ā€¦like thatā€™s some sort of justification.

If you think locally, anyone that voted for Vickers and Nici must be scratching their head and wondering what on earth they did.

If thereā€™s a Tory voter out there that genuinely thinks heā€™s done and is doing a good job then theyā€™re probably more deluded than we care to imagine. Whichever your political persuasion, Johnson is horrific and his cabinet are much the sameā€¦

'the poor and the needy are selfish and greedy'...well done Mozza
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October 4, 2021, 6:48am
Meths Drinker
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Quoted from aldi_01
Iā€™m sure someone will point and say ā€˜the opposition arenā€™t much betterā€™ā€¦like thatā€™s some sort of justification.

If you think locally, anyone that voted for Vickers and Nici must be scratching their head and wondering what on earth they did.

If thereā€™s a Tory voter out there that genuinely thinks heā€™s done and is doing a good job then theyā€™re probably more deluded than we care to imagine. Whichever your political persuasion, Johnson is horrific and his cabinet are much the sameā€¦

There lies the problem of modern day politicians of all parties, none are better than the other because the vast majority are career politicians. The word being CAREER and that comes first, above their respective parties and especially more than the electorate they pretend to support.

Voting time is not about who's best for the job, it's about who's the worst and then vote for the other guy.

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October 4, 2021, 8:26am
Table Wine Drinker
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As a conservative, I've been disappointed in the PM. Have to be honest. He seems reactive at best, always going with public opinion and doesn't seem to stand up for what he believes. So many backtracks.

The main oppostion are doing their best to tear themselves apart, Starmer's only policy seems to be hindsight, he thinks men have cervix's, he bores people to death with his pre written speeches. This country needs good opposition, yet there is none whatsoever.

Truly dark days for British politics.
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Reply: 4 - 29
Les Brechin
October 4, 2021, 10:09am

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What's a lier?  


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October 4, 2021, 10:12am

Recovering Alcoholic
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Quoted from fishboyUTM
As a conservative, I've been disappointed in the PM. Have to be honest. He seems reactive at best, always going with public opinion and doesn't seem to stand up for what he believes. So many backtracks.

The main oppostion are doing their best to tear themselves apart, Starmer's only policy seems to be hindsight, he thinks men have cervix's, he bores people to death with his pre written speeches. This country needs good opposition, yet there is none whatsoever.

Truly dark days for British politics.

As a socialist, I agree sadly.

Starmer is no statesman and not one to fire the imagination of the voters. He needs replacing quickly IMO if Labour are to get elected.

He's making no headway against a calamitous opposition.
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Reply: 6 - 29
October 4, 2021, 1:42pm
Beer Drinker
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I am a conservative voter but I didn't vote for Johnson the man just has no redeeming features and unfortunately was a car crash waiting to happen. I always said to people during the worst of COVID if we think the Government is bad now, wait until the lockdowns ease and things get back to "normal", then we will really see how bad this man and his incompetent sycophants are. Oh dear I never thought things would be this bad this quick though.

But if history tells us one thing it is that a bad opposition, or a lack thereof, leads to a bad Government. Until Starmer gets a real grip on Labour, and I do think he is a decent man in a very difficult position, expect Johnson to keep bumbling along as if everything in the garden is rosy, until he calls a snap election in an act of self preservation. And no I still will not vote for the clown.

The world weighs on my shoulders
But what am I to do
You sometimes drive me crazy
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Reply: 7 - 29
October 4, 2021, 1:58pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from fishboyUTM
As a conservative, I've been disappointed in the PM. Have to be honest. He seems reactive at best, always going with public opinion and doesn't seem to stand up for what he believes. So many backtracks.

The main oppostion are doing their best to tear themselves apart, Starmer's only policy seems to be hindsight, he thinks men have cervix's, he bores people to death with his pre written speeches. This country needs good opposition, yet there is none whatsoever.

Truly dark days for British politics.

He doesnā€™t stand up for what he believes because he doesnā€™t have any principles. Or political or economic proficiency, just slogans, most of which are completely meaningless. ā€˜Get brexit doneā€™, ā€˜oven ready dealā€™, ā€˜build back betterā€™, ā€˜levelling upā€™ā€¦.all of them utterly f@cking meaningless. As has been said, ā€˜you can campaign with slogans, but you canā€™t govern with themā€™. The man is and always has been a clown, and how people thought he would be a decent prime minister is just beyond my imagination. The collection of nasty, entitled careerist cabinet sycophants are the worst I can remember, and I lived through the thatcher years. The great brexit con is unfolding and this lot have no plan at all, reacting to everything too late and with little substance.
The opposition have nothing to do with it. A leaking fridge would show better leadership and statesmanship. A national disgrace and embarrassment.

"You should do what you love while you can"
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Reply: 8 - 29
October 4, 2021, 2:50pm
Meths Drinker
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Quoted from Les Brechin
What's a lier?  

Dunno. I blame spellchecker.  

Through the door there came familiar laughter,
I saw your face and heard you call my name.
Oh my friend we're older but no wiser,
For in our hearts the dreams are still the same.
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Reply: 9 - 29
October 4, 2021, 2:53pm
Meths Drinker
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It's refreshing that the only self-acknowledged Conservative voters (so far) have the honesty to admit the man's a buffoon.

Starmer's clearly not up to it as he's not landed any real punches, and the Labour left don't help by constantly attacking the leader. When will they learn?

Through the door there came familiar laughter,
I saw your face and heard you call my name.
Oh my friend we're older but no wiser,
For in our hearts the dreams are still the same.
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Reply: 10 - 29
October 4, 2021, 7:58pm
Meths Drinker
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Boris became PM for one reason, and one reason only. The question was do you want us to stay in the EU or leave. Labour said stay Boris said leave. So he won.

We now have an inept PM whose cabinet has more holes than a colander who has no idea how to govern. What is worse, if it can be worse, is an opposition that is hell bent on sorting itself out because it cannot, or does not know, how to congeal a formidable opposition party.

Decades ago with the poor government we have, any opposition would have had a field day. As I posted before we have career politicians whose only priority is themselves. We now live in the whim of politicians, both red and blue. We don't have a rosy future as a nation, not even a future but an existence.

You can please some of the forumites some of the time but not all the forumites all of the time
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Reply: 11 - 29
October 4, 2021, 10:18pm
Meths Drinker
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Youā€™re talking like there was no choice DB. As difficult as it was, there was a choice, and enough of the British people chose Brexit at any price. We get the politicians we deserve.

Labour under Corbyn was actually ambivalent about Brexit. They didnā€™t stand on a Remain ticket in 2019. They would have done a different deal and followed a different timetable, but theyā€™d have done Brexit.

There was loads of guff about him being a dangerous red, but that was just media nonsense to scare people. In European terms he was left of centre, promising reforms no more radical than the social democracies of Northern Europe.

Through the door there came familiar laughter,
I saw your face and heard you call my name.
Oh my friend we're older but no wiser,
For in our hearts the dreams are still the same.
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Reply: 12 - 29
October 4, 2021, 11:40pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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The biggest issue is that it's not just a case that Johnson is utterly unfit for the job he has carelessly lied his way into, it's that he knows he isn't any use so has done his utmost to surround himself with ministers who are so inept they make him look a bit less bad.

Some of the mind-numbingly dim nonsense we have to put up with from these people is bad enough, but then you realise they are the ones pushing terrible policies written for them by the shady right-wing thinktanks (funded by, well, who knows who funds them?) which which will have terrible outcomes. Generally for the poorest in society most of all. The only question is whether their ineptitude will make things even worse than they would otherwise be or not?
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Reply: 13 - 29
October 5, 2021, 6:19am

Barley Wine Drinker
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Irony is that some of those protest you mention swallowed the nonsense. They bought in to the bullshit.

Christ, I know nurses, teachers even coppers who voted for this flipping excrement show. One nurse thinks the government did all they can through the pandemicā€¦that in itself worries meā€¦

'the poor and the needy are selfish and greedy'...well done Mozza
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Reply: 14 - 29
October 5, 2021, 6:22am
Meths Drinker
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Quoted from KingstonMariner
Youā€™re talking like there was no choice DB. As difficult as it was, there was a choice, and enough of the British people chose Brexit at any price. We get the politicians we deserve.

Labour under Corbyn was actually ambivalent about Brexit. They didnā€™t stand on a Remain ticket in 2019. They would have done a different deal and followed a different timetable, but theyā€™d have done Brexit.

There was loads of guff about him being a dangerous red, but that was just media nonsense to scare people. In European terms he was left of centre, promising reforms no more radical than the social democracies of Northern Europe.

We always have a choice at any election. Years ago politicians spelt out their intentions and there was a vast difference between the parties. Today the difference is that thin it's hard to see at times. Boris won because he promised Brexit within a year, something the nation had voted for. Cameron resigned and threw his dummy out, May failed to do what the people wanted and the Buffoon won.

That said if we had known covid was around the corner, a national shortage of lorry drivers was imminent and another government that has more leaks than a colander Boris would never be in power today. I often think that in times of a national emergency that we should have a coalition government until the waters calm. Alas, I cannot think of a strong person to lead, nor anybody to fill the cabinet.

As I posted all we have are career politicians whose only interest is themselves.

You can please some of the forumites some of the time but not all the forumites all of the time
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Reply: 15 - 29
October 5, 2021, 11:29am
Meths Drinker
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But the remain camp said all along that we would not be able to weather any shocks to the system as well outside the EU. So even if no one knew we were going to face Covid, there was bound to be a crisis at some point.

Iā€™d argue that not all politicians are careerists. Corbyn, whether you agree with his policies or not, is a man of principle.

Iā€™d also argue that the people didnā€™t vote for the kind of Brexit we got. Just over half of those who voted chose Brexit. Some of those believed we were going to be in the Single Market. In fact they were told we would have the same access. And as I said earlier, it didnā€™t have to be done this way. The whole thing could have been delayed until the Covid crisis was over.

Even ā€˜career politiciansā€™ could see that.

Through the door there came familiar laughter,
I saw your face and heard you call my name.
Oh my friend we're older but no wiser,
For in our hearts the dreams are still the same.
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Reply: 16 - 29
October 5, 2021, 5:14pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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Never did
Never will

Bozo is a shyster
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Reply: 17 - 29
October 5, 2021, 8:21pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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I voted Tory all my life till Johnson became leader.
He lied to his bosses, he lied to his wives, he lied to his mistresses. Heā€™s lied to all of us. Our country is a shambles.
Itā€™s lamentable that Labour isnā€™t miles ahead in the polls. Starmer is weak and, as a lawyer, heā€™s too forensic. Someone with passion would be ripping Bozzer a new one by now.
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Reply: 18 - 29
October 5, 2021, 10:15pm

Recovering Alcoholic
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Quoted from MuddyWaters
I voted Tory all my life till Johnson became leader.
He lied to his bosses, he lied to his wives, he lied to his mistresses. Heā€™s lied to all of us. Our country is a shambles.
Itā€™s lamentable that Labour isnā€™t miles ahead in the polls. Starmer is weak and, as a lawyer, heā€™s too forensic. Someone with passion would be ripping Bozzer a new one by now.


Labour scored a massive own goal electing that personality vacuum as leader.
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Reply: 19 - 29
October 5, 2021, 10:25pm
Meths Drinker
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Quoted from ginnywings

Quoted from The Old Codger
I voted Tory all my life till Johnson became leader.
He lied to his bosses, he lied to his wives, he lied to his mistresses. Heā€™s lied to all of us. Our country is a shambles.
Itā€™s lamentable that Labour isnā€™t miles ahead in the polls. Starmer is weak and, as a lawyer, heā€™s too forensic. Someone with passion would be ripping Bozzer a new one by now.


Labour scored a massive own goal electing that personality vacuum as leader.

And there lies the problem. Both of them are only worried about being popular. A Bufffoon and a Whimp; neither of them fit to lead their party, never mind the country.

You can please some of the forumites some of the time but not all the forumites all of the time
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Reply: 20 - 29
October 6, 2021, 8:37pm

Recovering Alcoholic
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A rousing speech by Bozo today. No mention of shortages, cuts or price hikes, just pure unadulterated "Look at me folks, aren't I great".
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Reply: 21 - 29
October 6, 2021, 9:12pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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Lots of lies and nonsense as well, of course.
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Reply: 22 - 29
October 6, 2021, 9:29pm

Recovering Alcoholic
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Quoted from Maringer
Lots of lies and nonsense as well, of course.

Of course.
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Reply: 23 - 29
October 6, 2021, 9:53pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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Reply: 24 - 29
ska face
October 6, 2021, 10:04pm

Special Brew Drinker
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Ian Dunt and the rest of the hand-wringing, gen-x, centrist liberal commentariat wĆ”nkers got the government they wanted and worked hard to achieve. They couldnā€™t stand Corbyn because he showed them up for the empty, shallow frauds that they are. Now they can sit back, assume the position of ā€œthe good guysā€, file their columns every week and collect their hefty paychecks.

I live in hope that the Toynbees, the Friedlands, the John Harrises and Helen Pidds of this world suffer greatly at the hands of the government they chose to put into power. It gave me great joy to see Rafael Behr had suffered a heart attack - which he blamed on Corbyn - and only wish it had finished him off.

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Reply: 25 - 29
October 7, 2021, 8:15am
Cocktail Drinker
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The only reason we donā€™t have a trade deal with the USA is because there is a doddering old fool serving as President! I predicted he would be a disaster and with his approval ratings now sinking to its lowest level (even a month after his Afghanistan debacle) heā€™s proving me correct.
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Reply: 26 - 29
October 7, 2021, 10:28pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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Itā€™s not the only reason though is it. Thatā€™s just crass and false.

"You should do what you love while you can"
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Reply: 27 - 29
October 8, 2021, 1:37am
Meths Drinker
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Quoted from Humbercod
The only reason we donā€™t have a trade deal with the USA is because there is a doddering old fool serving as President! I predicted he would be a disaster and with his approval ratings now sinking to its lowest level (even a month after his Afghanistan debacle) heā€™s proving me correct.

Like you were the only person pointing out the flaw in American politics, or the fact Biden was the lesser of two evils.

But regardless of who is in the Whitehouse, the fundamentals don't change. The UK is not that important to the US. The 'Special Relationship' is just a sickeningly sychophantic fairy tale that PMs tell themselves. We were never gonna get a good trade deal. The orange plonker would have screwed us if he could. The senile one still might.

Through the door there came familiar laughter,
I saw your face and heard you call my name.
Oh my friend we're older but no wiser,
For in our hearts the dreams are still the same.
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Reply: 28 - 29
October 8, 2021, 6:15am

Barley Wine Drinker
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Itā€™s the sheer arrogance to think weā€™re important to themā€¦weā€™re notā€¦

The biggest shock from Johnsonā€™s speech was the fact he kissed the right woman on the way upā€¦heā€™s not got the beat track record for thatā€¦

'the poor and the needy are selfish and greedy'...well done Mozza
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