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Forum Statistics
Basic Statistics
Member Statistics Forum Statistics
Total Members: 6,516 members
Active Users: 203 users

Most Users Online: 1,489 users
January 21, 2024, 9:37am
Clicks over the past 1 hours: 1,630
Categories: 1
Boards: 5
Topics: 202,886
Messages: 1,297,118
Forum Statistics
Top Posters Newest Members
1. cmackenzie4 (58,868 posts)
2. grimsby pete (56,296 posts)
3. ginnywings (28,153 posts)
4. Team Member Les Brechin (23,904 posts)
5. KingstonMariner (22,096 posts)
6. Abdul19 (20,552 posts)
7. Team Member promotion plaice (19,923 posts)
8. DB (19,749 posts)
9. moosey_club (16,301 posts)
10. mariner91 (15,661 posts)
1. Watch and Shoot (4 posts)
2. Bl4nco01 (0 posts)
3. Mattew (0 posts)
4. EkdantamClinic (0 posts)
5. Stuart Blackbourn (0 posts)
6. RaxGrimzby (0 posts)
7. RobboGrimzby (0 posts)
8. Stevenss6551 (0 posts)
9. thomasjack9654 (0 posts)
10. hbarker145 (0 posts)
Top Boards Top Topics (replies)
1. Archive (1,009,498 messages)
2. Non Football (190,179 messages)
3. The New Fishy (63,460 messages)
4. Classic Threads (33,909 messages)
5. Mariners Trust (72 messages)
1. Word Association Game (86,624 replies)
2. Change/add-a-letter/remove-one Word Game thread... (60,873 replies)
3. Lets count to a million... (14,321 replies)
4. Scunthorpe. (4,605 replies)
5. Ex-GTFC players thread (4,401 replies)
6. The Ska Face Summer rumour/transfer thread (4,018 replies)
7. Coronavirus (3,468 replies)
8. Official January Transfer Window Thread (3,406 replies)
9. Two words (3,018 replies)
10. Rumours - just one thread, please !! (2,971 replies)

Extended Statistics By Day
July 27, 2024
9,413 Clicks
0 Threads
8 Replies
0 New Members
376 Most Online
0 New
July 26, 2024
84,597 Clicks
3 Threads
218 Replies
0 New Members
564 Most Online
0 New
July 25, 2024
75,039 Clicks
4 Threads
165 Replies
0 New Members
532 Most Online
0 New
July 24, 2024
87,012 Clicks
2 Threads
174 Replies
0 New Members
427 Most Online
1 New
July 23, 2024
93,873 Clicks
3 Threads
130 Replies
0 New Members
575 Most Online
0 New
July 22, 2024
84,098 Clicks
0 Threads
162 Replies
0 New Members
552 Most Online
0 New
July 21, 2024
68,279 Clicks
3 Threads
123 Replies
0 New Members
497 Most Online
0 New

Breakdown By Day
Day Clicks Threads Replies New Members
Sunday 42,087,628 8,315 204,856 16,993
Monday 44,502,688 9,277 234,143 20,377
Tuesday 46,758,927 9,923 262,691 21,408
Wednesday 43,537,544 8,885 221,026 20,406
Thursday 41,823,440 8,355 209,514 21,749
Friday 41,782,631 8,087 203,206 18,772
Saturday 49,395,856 11,238 284,364 18,682

Breakdown by Month
Clicks | Threads | Replies | New Members | Spam Caught | Average
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