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A costly shame for some

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January 11, 2025, 12:41pm

Special Brew Drinker
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Spare a thought for the food vendors they are mostly private owners now ....  they would have got stock in done a load of pre prep some to the state the food can't be returned to freezer etc....... I know of one that was doing his first match today so he probably bought in loads as not knowing what he would sell (away end) and from knowing him he would have got excited and stocked to  the max including condiments


    Town have given me some of my highest highs and my lowest lows ........ God it is like a marriage
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promotion plaice
January 11, 2025, 12:44pm

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Who foots the bill for the police, there would have been a large police presence today ?

When Leeds trainer Les Cocker was once told Norman Hunter had broken a leg, he asked: “Whose is it?”
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January 11, 2025, 12:57pm
Coke Drinker
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Cooks cooks have donated their supplies to local charities which is a brilliant gesture
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Ashby mariner
January 11, 2025, 1:12pm
Lager Top Drinker
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Walking my dog in the fields near brigsley all week. I thought it would be a miracle if it was on with the ground being rick solid. Should of been called off earlier GTFC!!
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January 11, 2025, 1:17pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from promotion plaice

Who foots the bill for the police, there would have been a large police presence today ?

Me and you !
Pretty sure the club only pay for police in the ground ...loads of them in Cleethorpes this morning...easiest overtime they have had in a while.


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It Bites
January 11, 2025, 1:22pm
Brandy Drinker
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Let’s call this what it is  . An embarrassment all round . Those stupid tweets over the last few days , including this morning make the club look amateur at the least
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January 11, 2025, 1:48pm
Vodka Drinker
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Quoted from moosey_club

Me and you !
Pretty sure the club only pay for police in the ground ...loads of them in Cleethorpes this morning...easiest overtime they have had in a while.

Correct . Only pay for about 6 for a ‘cat A ‘ game.  
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NG16 Mariner
January 11, 2025, 3:23pm
Coke Drinker
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Quoted from It Bites
Let’s call this what it is  . An embarrassment all round . Those stupid tweets over the last few days , including this morning make the club look amateur at the least

Absolutely. I even took the added precaution of calling the club prior to setting out from Derbyshire. I was told - no inspection planned - game is on. Arrive just after 11am and guess what. Match postponed after a pitch inspection. If the pitch was unplayable for the 12.30 start time - why not put the kick - off back to 3pm? Sun was out. Beautiful blue sky day. Was this called off by the Ref after an inspection when the club thought the pitch playable? Perhaps a statement from the club rather than the bland sorry for the late notification would help to understand the situation.
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January 11, 2025, 3:28pm

Whiskey Drinker
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Quoted from NG16 Mariner

Absolutely. I even took the added precaution of calling the club prior to setting out from Derbyshire. I was told - no inspection planned - game is on. Arrive just after 11am and guess what. Match postponed after a pitch inspection. If the pitch was unplayable for the 12.30 start time - why not put the kick - off back to 3pm? Sun was out. Beautiful blue sky day. Was this called off by the Ref after an inspection when the club thought the pitch playable? Perhaps a statement from the club rather than the bland sorry for the late notification would help to understand the situation.

Would you be saying that (kick off later) if you'd travelled on train with a fixed return ticket booked on a train at 3PM?

And the sun never reaches certain parts of the pitch at this time of year does it? I imagine these were the problem areas.
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NG16 Mariner
January 11, 2025, 3:36pm
Coke Drinker
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Quoted from GollyGTFC

Would you be saying that (kick off later) if you'd travelled on train with a fixed return ticket booked on a train at 3PM?

And the sun never reaches certain parts of the pitch at this time of year does it? I imagine these were the problem areas.

Good point Golly. Was just letting off steam after a wasted 4 hour return journey
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