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April 12, 2024, 8:07pm
Brandy Drinker
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Not really much more info but a reminder it's drawing closer .

Will the first and last games be at weird kick off times ?
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April 12, 2024, 8:09pm
Whiskey Drinker
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I just hope it’ll still concern us
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April 12, 2024, 11:52pm

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Yes. The TV matches will all kick off outside the window so the latest it can be is 1pm, and the earliest is 5:30pm, assuming they are on Saturdays. That includes the opening weekend. There are 5 matches a week in L1/L2 so I guess it's reasonable that 2 L2 matches every weekend will be moved. I am guessing they might have an early one and a late one maybe, Or it may be that L1/L2 are moved to Sunday and they play the Championship on Saturday. They'll probably be spread over the whole weekend one way or the other. The Championship is going to be terrible if you want to watch games with half the games being moved!

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~ Alfred Lord Tennyson

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Reply: 2 - 53
April 13, 2024, 8:50am

Whiskey Drinker
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Quoted from GrimRob
Yes. The TV matches will all kick off outside the window so the latest it can be is 1pm, and the earliest is 5:30pm, assuming they are on Saturdays. That includes the opening weekend. There are 5 matches a week in L1/L2 so I guess it's reasonable that 2 L2 matches every weekend will be moved. I am guessing they might have an early one and a late one maybe, Or it may be that L1/L2 are moved to Sunday and they play the Championship on Saturday. They'll probably be spread over the whole weekend one way or the other. The Championship is going to be terrible if you want to watch games with half the games being moved!

There will be 2 games each from L1 and L2 at 12:30 every standard Saturday. An additional game from either division will also be shown at a different time- rumoured to be Sunday lunchtime.

On International weekends it’s fairly safe to assume the games will be spread across Saturday and Sunday at 12:30 and 15:00 before the international matches start later in the day.

Don’t be surprised if up to 30 of our league matches are on Sky Sports next season.
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April 13, 2024, 9:00am
Lager Top Drinker
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It's all about the money & financial survival of the fittest & the most well run management team of football clubs, this is where Grimsby Town will do well as they have local & very good owners with the football club at their heart, preservation of league status is an absolute must to be part of the future in the EFL. Relegation to oblivion ( National League) is not an option.
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April 13, 2024, 9:53am
Champagne Drinker
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The way of the world..everything dictated by money. Decisions based on money. Lower league clubs haven’t a choice in accepting any deal from media - be it a good one or bad. This one has many question marks but the marketing re more opportunities to see your side on the box swayed many. The added finances another bribe, I mean convincing argument - but again no proportion to the top level. Can’t help but be a tad cynical ..it’s a never ending circle..more money via tv deals to the top, more money to spend - rest of the footballing world have to spend merely to compete, putting themselves in jeopardy long term. Some teams will break rules, lose points, pfft..so what. Other, more genuine teams, will actually struggle to survive..long term. Will anyone in governance/power/football top brasses care?? No..they’ll bang on about what a great deal they got, and how much more money they were given etc etc.

The other cynical part for me is this a deal designed in trying to stop the ‘watch on dodgy box’ sections..ever growing I might add. Why? Because they’re being priced out of watching the National game. I’ve no idea how some do it..week in..week out..up and down the country..if you’ve a family it’s ridiculous the costs, never mind going on your own.


I’d be interested/having a keen eye on season ticket take ups here and elsewhere..of course some clubs have already started selling, but for clubs like us who have to wait..will they announce the different kick off times at same time as release fixture list? Or in advance? I doubt it.. so it’ll be nigh on impossible to plan travelling to away games for fans. Who’ll end up buying tickets, and no doubt rearranging work Rota’s, arranging travel etc and it have to be altered. No thought for the supporters at all.

But as said..money dictates.

‘I just f*cking threw myself at it’

Mani D 23 May 2022
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April 13, 2024, 11:17am
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This aspect of relegation is the one which worried me the most. Miss out on this (which after 20 years of financial struggle would be the most Town thing in the world to happen) and it effectively consigns us to non league for years and years, if not for good.

I don’t agree with the changes, but it isn’t going away.
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April 13, 2024, 12:34pm
Vodka Drinker
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These changes do not help supporters, especially away fans with unsocial KO times.

More money for clubs sounds good but every team benefits.  Therefore, no real relative changes.

Clubs do not go bust with a lack of money.  It is down to very poor management, bad decisions, and spending money that they do not have.  How you use the money that you have is key.  Look at Chelsea and Man United.

(ITV Digital money allowed to pay a Chinese international an obscene amount of money in wages).
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April 13, 2024, 2:07pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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I don't know if I missed it, but how much are we getting from Sky?, is it on a televised match by match or a lump sum split between all clubs?

You can please some of the forumites some of the time but not all the forumites all of the time
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April 13, 2024, 4:27pm
Brandy Drinker
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Quoted from 140381
This aspect of relegation is the one which worried me the most. Miss out on this (which after 20 years of financial struggle would be the most Town thing in the world to happen) and it effectively consigns us to non league for years and years, if not for good.

I don’t agree with the changes, but it isn’t going away.

Originally I sort of agreed but seeing it's only 300k a season the main question for me is how much will it affect matchday revenue ?

We don't know , but say if we lose 15k fans  over the season it would almost wipe out the financial benefit or if it's a lesser number it will at least wipe out part of the gain ; I suppose the other thing is I'm not sure what the current deal provides in terms of revenue with the ifollow on top?
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