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February 24, 2018, 5:13pm
Vodka Drinker
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To the car. Much better. The players looked confident, aggressive and  willing to attack. Peno looked soft from where I was but probably a peno. Hooper once again proved why he shouldn't be on the pitch and we couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with a shot gun from 2 foot away.

However, we were better. Clifton looked good, he looked sharp, committed and confident very good full debut ( why wasn't he being played?). Mills looked a real leader today commanding Clifton guiding him telling him where to go wbilst still being on point for his defensive and attacking duties. Dixon probably had his best game today. DJ was impressive and looked a more rounded player today.

I don't mind Roy Keane making £60,000 a week. I was making the same when I was playing. The only difference was I was printing my own - Mickey Thomas

The area you are trying to protect at corners is the goal - Chris Kamara

I once said Gazza's IQ was less than his shirt number and he asked me: What's an IQ? - George Best
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February 24, 2018, 5:18pm
Vodka Drinker
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Yet we still didn't win or score ..

Wilko out and asap as we are now in a relegation scrap , get a man in to sort this shower of shite out.

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Reply: 1 - 102
February 24, 2018, 5:20pm
Table Wine Drinker
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We can be as unlucky and near to a win as we can but we aren't are we, we are a defeated side thats going for the exit.
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Reply: 2 - 102
February 24, 2018, 5:20pm

Barley Wine Drinker
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We lost. We cant score we dont threaten., i wouldnt say it was much better at all. Exeter were pants and they cane away with 3 points with ease. We have a flipping england international centre back on the bench who we seem to not want to play, DJ our only outlet, 2 forwards poor, hooper especially for his dire penalty. Rose and berrett dreadful in the middle and clarke should be shot for his pathetic tackle
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Reply: 3 - 102
February 24, 2018, 5:25pm

Vodka Drinker
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Not close to being good enough. They had no ambition to win and we barely had a shot on target.

John Fenty and the board should be ashamed of themselves.
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Reply: 4 - 102
February 24, 2018, 5:29pm
Fine Wine Drinker
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We don't need a manager, we need a bloody miracle.

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Reply: 5 - 102
dapperz fun pub
February 24, 2018, 5:30pm
Special Brew Drinker
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I thought the effort was there just not the quality we just didn’t look like breaking them down only plus point Clifton debut
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Reply: 6 - 102
February 24, 2018, 5:32pm

Recovering Alcoholic
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Their keeper didn't have a shot to save, even with a free hit from 12 yards. That's the reality.

Also a special mention to JF, who after pleading for restraint all week from the fans and mostly getting it, thought it was a good idea to tell my nephew to fook off in full earshot of all and sundry. Nice example there John.

No goals in the side anywhere and it feels like 2010 to me. Other teams winning and it's not been a good day.
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Reply: 7 - 102
Ruston AT
February 24, 2018, 5:32pm
Table Wine Drinker
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I know we blame the referee but he was conned, their number11 should gone for the elbow on Clarke. Not that that would've made much difference, we wouldn't have scored against 9.
Slade has sold us down the river, JF has run the lifeboat aground. We are only going one way ...oblivion.
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Reply: 8 - 102
February 24, 2018, 5:33pm
Shandy Drinker
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Very frustrating isn't it. Very ordinary oposition but it's down to our own failings again. Clarke totally responsible for an awful and unnecessary tackle. The only time they had a man in our box in the first half. Clarke is a very poor player and the decision to let Pearson go seem even more unfathomable.
Can't fault the effort but we've got so little to offer. Bad day for other results. I think we'll stay up as this league is so poor but u have to wonder where a win's going to come from when u can't score from a penalty. UTM
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Reply: 9 - 102
dapperz fun pub
February 24, 2018, 5:36pm
Special Brew Drinker
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Why is Clarke playing when he’s clearly leggy and a poor decision maker , why have brought the villa centre half in if they won’t play him ?? Btw slade ur a girl private
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Reply: 10 - 102
February 24, 2018, 5:38pm
Table Wine Drinker
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Quoted from Perkins
We don't need a manager, we need a bloody miracle.

Think that will continue whilst we persist in a team with Dixon and Berrett, and what the hell has McAllister done to not even make the bench when Kelly does?

Great to see Clifton get a start but can't understand why some of the above players keep getting picked when everyone else seems to see those players as a weak link.

We have a stronger starting 11 yet for some reason never seem to put out anything close to what popular consensus is our strongest team.

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Reply: 11 - 102
Rodley Mariner
February 24, 2018, 5:38pm
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We look bereft of confidence and quality. No lack of effort but we're in real trouble now. It's hard to do when we're on such an awful run but he's got to try and find a team and a formation and go with it as it can't help the players when we are constantly changing shape and personnel.
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Reply: 12 - 102
grimsby pete
February 24, 2018, 5:39pm

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Quoted from ginnywings
Their keeper didn't have a shot to save, even with a free hit from 12 yards. That's the reality.

Also a special mention to JF, who after pleading for restraint all week from the fans and mostly getting it, thought it was a good idea to tell my nephew to fook off in full earshot of all and sundry. Nice example there John.

No goals in the side anywhere and it feels like 2010 to me. Other teams winning and it's not been a good day.

Did your nephew say anything nasty to Fenty first Ginny ?

Like please leave our club.

                             Over 37 years living in Suffolk but always a mariner.
                             69 Years following the Town

                              Life member of Trust

                               First game   April 1955
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Reply: 13 - 102
February 24, 2018, 5:58pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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Was it better ? Cant even be bothered to try and remember....end result was another loss without as much as a whimper.  Their keeper didnt have a thing of note to do did he ? Not even from a penalty FFS.

We have ZERO quality...ZERO threat....waste of time getting a new manager in now as the squad he will have are just fking not good enough to win games...may as well wait til the summer and save money for the next rebuild.

Clifton finally gets a game but gets stuck on the wing !!  Cardwell looks like the player he now is...someone who has hardly kicked a ball in 6 months and any confidence he did have now destroyed.

Only positive for me was listening to a young lad sat next to me and his running commentary....he had travelled all the way up from Plymouth to watch Town today...his comments, insight and  thoughts were bang on.  JF could do worse than give the managers job to him, he spoke more sense than the last three incumbents put together...and he was probably 12 yrs old.

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Reply: 14 - 102
February 24, 2018, 6:02pm
Table Wine Drinker
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Quoted from ginnywings
Their keeper didn't have a shot to save, even with a free hit from 12 yards. That's the reality.

Also a special mention to JF, who after pleading for restraint all week from the fans and mostly getting it, thought it was a good idea to tell my nephew to fook off in full earshot of all and sundry. Nice example there John.

No goals in the side anywhere and it feels like 2010 to me. Other teams winning and it's not been a good day.

Hopefully Nick Dale will impose a ban on Fenty for using foul language against one of your family members.

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Reply: 15 - 102
February 24, 2018, 6:02pm

Whiskey Drinker
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Another 3 points lost to an average team. The missed pen was crucial. We worked hard and had loads of posession but we did not create clear openings just hopeful balls into a crowded area which they defended well. We do not have a creative midfield player to pick a pass for the strikers which is why they all struggle to score. Macca did not have a save to make and nearly got to their pen. Not sure how a new manager can make these players any better. Situation looks grim as we drop 2 more places today.
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Reply: 16 - 102
February 24, 2018, 6:07pm
Cocktail Drinker
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There's just not enough about this team to believe that we've got what it takes to get out of trouble. No threat whatsoever. DJ did well and Harry Clifton had a great debut though.
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Reply: 17 - 102
February 24, 2018, 6:08pm
Mariners Trust
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Very glad to see it isn't just me  this week who can see that whatever is wronng it isn't down to lack of effort.
The game was decided in that five minutes covered by the two penalties. Their guy scored well even though Macca went the right way. We didn't. I can barely put into words my feelings about Hooper's effort. We go one down. We are notoriously bad at getting back into games yet within one minute we are gifted an opportunity to get back level. I instinctively knew after backing his performance last week  Hooper would prove me wrong but to miss the target from 12 yards is unforgiveable and this coming from a player who buried a penalty with ease last week.
Plenty around us saying their penalty wasn't but from my view Clark recklessly went in with both legs around their players standing leg...only one outcome.
Positives? Clifton started well but faded a little second half. DJ showed a willingness to attack wide and run at and beat defenders and Mills was superb-ran himself into the ground.
Exeter were happy for a point and utilised all the time wasting that they could get their hands on when they found themselves in front.
As Buckley said post match changes brought no improvement overall. For the umpteenth time this season their keeper didn't need to make a save. I'm loathe to single Matt out for criticism especially as Hurst and Bignot wanted him (apparently) last season but he cannot jump without fouling his opponent and his first touch is amongst the worst I've seen from a Town player in nearly 50 years.
I actually thought Dixon did OK and think sometimes the first mistake he makes people are on him although I accept that people may feel about him as I do about Matt! Cardwell will run all day but lacks the guile at the moment to deal with experienced defenders. It's a shame that only now is he being given some game time.

The aim of argument or discussion should not be victory but progress.

Joseph Joubert.
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Reply: 18 - 102
February 24, 2018, 6:12pm

Season Ticket Holder
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Slade has really fooked us, sold our best and brought in average players, JF should have got rid earlier too much of a task with what weve got IMO
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Reply: 19 - 102
February 24, 2018, 6:13pm
Table Wine Drinker
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Much the same as the majority of this seasons home games, plenty of huff and puff, but no end product. This Exeter side were not a patch on the side that came here last season, created very little, and we gave them a soft penalty. Whilst we dominated the first half we created no clear-cut chances in either half, and resulted in trying to convert from goalmouth scrambles. The front two did nothing, and Hooper performance was summed up with his awful penalty miss. It was nice to see Clifton given a start, and he was fairly bright first half, but this team is seriously lacking in quality and confidence. Teams are now starting to creep up on us, and whilst certain people still bury their heads in the sand, the reality is that we are in a relegation battle. I intially was prepared to give Wilco at chance till the end of the season, but I feel we need somebody with fresh ideas, who can make an impact now before it's too late....UTM
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Reply: 20 - 102
February 24, 2018, 6:14pm
Meths Drinker
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Quoted from ginnywings
Their keeper didn't have a shot to save, even with a free hit from 12 yards. That's the reality.

Also a special mention to JF, who after pleading for restraint all week from the fans and mostly getting it, thought it was a good idea to tell my nephew to fook off in full earshot of all and sundry. Nice example there John.

No goals in the side anywhere and it feels like 2010 to me. Other teams winning and it's not been a good day.

What provoked the Dear Leader's outburst?

Through the door there came familiar laughter,
I saw your face and heard you call my name.
Oh my friend we're older but no wiser,
For in our hearts the dreams are still the same.
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Reply: 21 - 102
February 24, 2018, 6:19pm
Champagne Drinker
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Quoted from ginnywings
Their keeper didn't have a shot to save, even with a free hit from 12 yards. That's the reality.

Also a special mention to JF, who after pleading for restraint all week from the fans and mostly getting it, thought it was a good idea to tell my nephew to fook off in full earshot of all and sundry. Nice example there John.

No goals in the side anywhere and it feels like 2010 to me. Other teams winning and it's not been a good day.


So what was actually said?

“There's nothing wrong with the car except that it's on fire.”- Murray Walker
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Reply: 22 - 102
February 24, 2018, 6:22pm

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Was this in the bottom corner of the middle block in the upper in injury time?
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Reply: 23 - 102
lew chaterleys lover
February 24, 2018, 6:30pm
Vodka Drinker
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To the car. Much better. The players looked confident, aggressive and  willing to attack. Peno looked soft from where I was but probably a peno. Hooper once again proved why he shouldn't be on the pitch and we couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with a shot gun from 2 foot away.

However, we were better. Clifton looked good, he looked sharp, committed and confident very good full debut ( why wasn't he being played?). Mills looked a real leader today commanding Clifton guiding him telling him where to go wbilst still being on point for his defensive and attacking duties. Dixon probably had his best game today. DJ was impressive and looked a more rounded player today.

I think you must have rose tinted glasses on because your nemesis Slade has gone.

More effort granted, but that is about all. I don't recall the keeper having a save to make, not even from the penalty.
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Reply: 24 - 102
February 24, 2018, 6:32pm
Fine Wine Drinker
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Quoted from LH
Was this in the bottom corner of the middle block in the upper in injury time?

If it was, the bloke sat there was telling Fenty You fu*k off, till he was spoken to by the steward.

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Reply: 25 - 102
February 24, 2018, 6:35pm

Recovering Alcoholic
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It was getting toward the last knockings of the game. Frustration was building as usual, when my nephew got his phone out and looked at the other scores. He suddenly stood up and shouted over to the area the board occupy "we are going down, have you seen the other scores", to which JF shouted back fook off. My nephew then shouted back " no, you fook off". Of course the stewards came straight over to us, as it seems it's ok for the majority shareholder to swear in front of women and kids, but not us. I pointed out that JF swore at us first and he mumbles something about everyone being upset, then wandered back over to his guard duty of protecting the front of the area where the directors sit. I should have chinned him and got myself a 5 year ban to save myself from having to watch any more of that sh1te. Haven't seen a win since November and only 2 goals in 2018, and they wonder why they get stick.

Do you know what John, you don't get to tell us when we can and when we can't complain, and you don't get to tell us where we can do it either. I wish you would now just leave the club and put us into admin if you have to. I'd rather watch a reformed GTFC at King George stadium than watch you lot on the board continue to destroy this club. It's painful. There is not one ounce of joy left in being a GTFC fan, so thank you all for that.
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Reply: 26 - 102
Mrs Doyle
February 24, 2018, 6:36pm
Whiskey Drinker
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One thing is patently obvious we have to try something different maybe at corners that thing we did years ago when the players stood together then split in all directions. Anything switch wingers try something different.

Exeter had nothing they were probably the most ineffective team to come here we gave them a goal but alarmingly once again despite all our possession cannot remember testing their keeper once.

Wilco looked peed off every time we got forward the wrong option or lack of vision ensued can't remember the number of times he shouted out in frustration.

Clifton, Cardwell and D.J. all had decent games and Mills looked assured none of the players played badly but lack of penetration, skill, luck up front once again cost us. It just had to be hooper, didn't it?
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Reply: 27 - 102
February 24, 2018, 6:37pm

Vodka Drinker
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Quoted from Hagrid
We lost. We cant score we dont threaten., i wouldnt say it was much better at all. Exeter were pants and they cane away with 3 points with ease. We have a flipping england international centre back on the bench who we seem to not want to play, DJ our only outlet, 2 forwards poor, hooper especially for his dire penalty. Rose and berrett dreadful in the middle and clarke should be shot for his pathetic tackle

Agree with all of this plus the centre mid of Rose and Berret were an embarrassment.
Even if we had Kane up front we still wouldn't win a game because the service to the forwards is non existent.
Exeter like a lot of teams I've seen here are no great shakes, if only we had a half decent side.
We are going to be a non league team next season.
MOM by a long way DJ

In his three stints as Grimsby Town manager spanning over 10 years the club was never relegated and he also guided them to three promotions.
Only 14 managers have reached 1,000 matches in charge of a Football League team by 1998 and Buckley is one of them.
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Reply: 28 - 102
February 24, 2018, 6:37pm
Beer Drinker
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Can we still sign unattached players?
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Reply: 29 - 102
February 24, 2018, 6:40pm
Table Wine Drinker
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Quoted from Pouton4ever
Can we still sign unattached players?

Yes I believe so.
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February 24, 2018, 6:43pm

Recovering Alcoholic
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Only if they were released during the transfer window. Not that i care because i'm done.
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Reply: 31 - 102
grimsby pete
February 24, 2018, 6:43pm

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Quoted from Pouton4ever
Can we still sign unattached players?

Do you know one that can score goals ?

                             Over 37 years living in Suffolk but always a mariner.
                             69 Years following the Town

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Reply: 32 - 102
February 24, 2018, 6:51pm
Vodka Drinker
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More effort granted, but that is about all. I don't recall the keeper having a save to make, not even from the penalty.

I wouldn't call Slade my nemesis, I just rightly saw the excrement storm we would be in before most.

Pretty sure thats what I said. But it was certainly a better performce. They would never of scored today but fir the peno. But neither would we but we know that going into games.

Macca had one sot to save the peno.
Defence apart from Clarke were solid and never looked like conceding.

Midfield defended well and created chances, movement on and off the ball was positive rather then the usual static crap we usually see.

Attack wouldn't of scored after another 90 days despite chances being created.

I don't mind Roy Keane making £60,000 a week. I was making the same when I was playing. The only difference was I was printing my own - Mickey Thomas

The area you are trying to protect at corners is the goal - Chris Kamara

I once said Gazza's IQ was less than his shirt number and he asked me: What's an IQ? - George Best
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Reply: 33 - 102
February 24, 2018, 6:51pm
Beer Drinker
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Quoted from grimsby pete

Do you know one that can score goals ?

Bet you that Sol Campbell does
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Reply: 34 - 102
Mrs Doyle
February 24, 2018, 6:59pm
Whiskey Drinker
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Bet you that Sol Campbell does [/quote

Irrelevant we need somebody with fresh ideas who can deliver NOW WITH THIS SQUAD.

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Reply: 35 - 102
February 24, 2018, 7:00pm
Vodka Drinker
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Quoted from ginnywings
It was getting toward the last knockings of the game. Frustration was building as usual, when my nephew got his phone out and looked at the other scores. He suddenly stood up and shouted over to the area the board occupy "we are going down, have you seen the other scores", to which JF shouted back fook off. My nephew then shouted back " no, you fook off". Of course the stewards came straight over to us, as it seems it's ok for the majority shareholder to swear in front of women and kids, but not us. I pointed out that JF swore at us first and he mumbles something about everyone being upset, then wandered back over to his guard duty of protecting the front of the area where the directors sit. I should have chinned him and got myself a 5 year ban to save myself from having to watch any more of that sh1te. Haven't seen a win since November and only 2 goals in 2018, and they wonder why they get stick.

Do you know what John, you don't get to tell us when we can and when we can't complain, and you don't get to tell us where we can do it either. I wish you would now just leave the club and put us into admin if you have to. I'd rather watch a reformed GTFC at King George stadium than watch you lot on the board continue to destroy this club. It's painful. There is not one ounce of joy left in being a GTFC fan, so thank you all for that.

Fenty out.

Up The Mariners!
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Reply: 36 - 102
February 24, 2018, 7:06pm

Recovering Alcoholic
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Clifton did very well today and can be very proud of his performance , DJ and Mills had a decent game but the rest just aren't  good enough (apart from Macca who didn’t have that much to do though)

Grimsby and proud!
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Reply: 37 - 102
Mrs Doyle
February 24, 2018, 7:13pm
Whiskey Drinker
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Been to B.P. every game and not one team as dominated us but at the same time we have very rarely forced an opposition keeper to earn his wages,

The atmosphere was morgue-like again there was simply nothing to ignite them not even a spark. Fans and players alike look as though relegation is now merely just a formality.
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Reply: 38 - 102
February 24, 2018, 7:14pm

Recovering Alcoholic
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Quoted from Mrs Doyle
Been to B.P. every game and not one team as dominated us but at the same time we have very rarely forced an opposition keeper to earn his wages,

The atmosphere was morgue-like again there was simply nothing to ignite them not even a spark. Fans and players alike look as though relegation is now merely just a formality.

It's 2010 all over again. Nothing on the pitch, nothing off it.
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Reply: 39 - 102
February 24, 2018, 7:18pm
Shandy Drinker
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may  be the other young pros will get a chance.They can not be any worse than that shower.
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Reply: 40 - 102
February 24, 2018, 8:19pm
Coke Drinker
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Quoted from moosey_club
Was it better ? Cant even be bothered to try and remember....end result was another loss without as much as a whimper.  Their keeper didnt have a thing of note to do did he ? Not even from a penalty FFS.

We have ZERO quality...ZERO threat....waste of time getting a new manager in now as the squad he will have are just fking not good enough to win games...may as well wait til the summer and save money for the next rebuild.

Clifton finally gets a game but gets stuck on the wing !!  Cardwell looks like the player he now is...someone who has hardly kicked a ball in 6 months and any confidence he did have now destroyed.

Only positive for me was listening to a young lad sat next to me and his running commentary....he had travelled all the way up from Plymouth to watch Town today...his comments, insight and  thoughts were bang on.  JF could do worse than give the managers job to him, he spoke more sense than the last three incumbents put together...and he was probably 12 yrs old.

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Reply: 41 - 102
forza ivano
February 24, 2018, 8:20pm

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Can’t add too much more. Clifton was decent enough first half, but was anonymous second half. Hooper actually did okay first 30, held the ball up quite well. His touch is certainly much better than rose and mills who were both awful technically.
Deffo penalty for them ours was as soft as last week. Apart from that neither side could produce a chance, despite dj and cardWells efforts.
We just don’t look like creating a chance let alone scoring. Certainly better effort than last week and their heads didn’t drop after conceding. So is a bit improved, but with the results elsewhere I think we’re doomed to relegation
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Reply: 42 - 102
February 24, 2018, 8:24pm
Vodka Drinker
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Quoted from forza ivano
mills who were both awful technically.

Mills techniqually awful? He was superb today, I don't think he lost a ball he was controlling, he was putting crosses in on his weaker foot and bending the ball around others with the outside of his boot.

I don't mind Roy Keane making £60,000 a week. I was making the same when I was playing. The only difference was I was printing my own - Mickey Thomas

The area you are trying to protect at corners is the goal - Chris Kamara

I once said Gazza's IQ was less than his shirt number and he asked me: What's an IQ? - George Best
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Reply: 43 - 102
forza ivano
February 24, 2018, 8:32pm

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Mills techniqually awful? He was superb today, I don't think he lost a ball he was controlling, he was putting crosses in on his weaker foot and bending the ball around others with the outside of his boot.

Uh? Yeah the outside of the boot cross was fine, but what about all the other misplaced passes and poor control?
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Reply: 44 - 102
February 24, 2018, 8:38pm
Vodka Drinker
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Quoted from forza ivano

Uh? Yeah the outside of the boot cross was fine, but what about all the other misplaced passes and poor control?

I don't think that was Mills, he was having a great game, he misplaced one or two passes but no more then you would in any normal game, his control certainly wasn't poor.

I don't mind Roy Keane making £60,000 a week. I was making the same when I was playing. The only difference was I was printing my own - Mickey Thomas

The area you are trying to protect at corners is the goal - Chris Kamara

I once said Gazza's IQ was less than his shirt number and he asked me: What's an IQ? - George Best
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Reply: 45 - 102
forza ivano
February 24, 2018, 8:39pm

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Think we will have to agree to disagree.dont doubt his commitment, but he ain’t much of a footballer imho
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Reply: 46 - 102
February 24, 2018, 8:42pm
Vodka Drinker
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If you'd said that about Rose forza, I would agree with you but not Mills, thought he had a cracking game and was exactly who Clifton needed behind him, telling him where to go who to mark where to stand.

I don't mind Roy Keane making £60,000 a week. I was making the same when I was playing. The only difference was I was printing my own - Mickey Thomas

The area you are trying to protect at corners is the goal - Chris Kamara

I once said Gazza's IQ was less than his shirt number and he asked me: What's an IQ? - George Best
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Reply: 47 - 102
February 24, 2018, 8:43pm

Vodka Drinker
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Home now after a good trip to Lincolnshire excellent fish and chips, then 3pm it all went wrong again. Thought we were better than last week and heads did not drop when we went behind. Mills by along way our best defender, Clarke is an idiot, unless its on his head he's hopeless, Clifton looked a better player than Berrett/Rose, would deffo start him again next week, Cardwell has energy and really chases things down, looks a better player than Matt, Hooper, well we nearly all think hes pants and you could see he had no confidence with his body language as he stepped up for the penalty. DJ great game when he got going 2nd half and his running got us the sending off, but still not one real shot on target in 97 mins
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Reply: 48 - 102
Roast Em Bobby
February 24, 2018, 8:53pm
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Same old same old, last 3 games have almost been carbon copies of each other - though we were very slightly better today. Maradona could be playing up front and we wouldn't score.

We desperately need a fresh voice in the dressing room and a new plan that the players can believe in and realistically achieve in order to gain some confidence -said it before the game in another thread and still think it now - we need to get back to basics and just try to keep a clean sheet as a starting point. We are not going to score our way out of the position we are in so we should go ultra defensive and just try to nick a point from the next couple of games. If we achieve that then we can start thinking about attack again.
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Reply: 49 - 102
February 24, 2018, 8:54pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from GTFCOliver

Welcome aboard....enjoyed your views and comments today. Hope that journey home goes ok.

Keep the faith. UTM

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Reply: 50 - 102
February 24, 2018, 9:24pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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Mills was a contender for MOTM for me so I'm amazed anybody thought he had a poor game. In fact, all the defence played pretty well, with Clarke's stupid rush of blood to the head the exception.

I thought we were much improved from the recent games I've seen (all at home), with better passing and organisation but the result was the same, of course. Cardwell did quite well up front, I thought - was a nuisance, worked hard, won some headers and occupied their defence quite well, not to mention winning the penalty. Not his fault that the crosses into the box were more hit and hope than they should have been.

Jaiyesimi did pretty well in attack without really putting in a killer ball, Clifton did OK considering he was out if position but despite being on top for much of the game, we didn't get in behind their defence nearly enough. Our midfield was on top for a change, defensively speaking, but didn't do anything progressive with the ball when it was won.

As usual, we butchered 2 or 3 counter-attacking chances through terrible passing and decision-making. Can't see that changing with the current bunch of players.

I'd be encouraged with the general performance if we'd not seen the same thing happen so often over the past few months. Doesn't matter if we compete well enough for a point or more, we still manage to give them away.

Have to say that Dembele wouldn't be near the squad for me at the moment. His cameo today was terrible - first touch, awful control which led to a throw-in and it didn't get much better after that. Bad news that Wilks and Jackson are out for a while as they might be able to add something a bit different.
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Reply: 51 - 102
Lincoln Mariner 56
February 24, 2018, 9:52pm
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The only real positive today was that we did actually get a lot more men in their box which should increase your chance of scoring. However, we fail from all opportunities to deliver anything like quality crosses into the box. DJ spoiled much of his excellent wing play by being unable to cross the ball with his left foot, Mills is ok and does get forward well but how many quality crosses does he actually put in plus he has a tendency to dwell on the ball often resulting in poorly placed passes or easily intercepted ones. From midfield Berrett’s balls into the box are ok from corners but his free kicks and other crosses from open play were often too high or over hit. Why did he not release his pass early when we broke in the second half? Initially under no pressure with four town players ahead of him two on each flank and he still fluffed it. Why do respective managers keep selecting this guy? If McAllister cannot add more to this team I would be amazed.

Rose ok first half but anonymous second except for his continued ability to give away endless free kicks all over the pitch with ill judged challenges.

In reality this is such a poor group of players I doubt any Manager will get much out of them. We have to hope that any future games played as today’s ends with us winning by the only goal as the chances of scoring one is slim and two nigh on impossible. But getting men in the box may result in one bit of good fortune falling our way and someone actually taking the chance.

Oh one other positive is still not seen a really good side at BP this season so that allows a glimmer of hope!
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Reply: 52 - 102
February 24, 2018, 10:12pm

Barley Wine Drinker
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Part of me thinks that Wilco did all he could with the selection the players application was better and they tied hard, then part of me thinks that the players don't realize what's actually at stake here.  

Firstly great to see Harry Clifton start a good few months overdue in my opinion, watching his work rate versus the likes of Berret tells you all you need to now about what it means to pull on a Town shirt.

Thought we started o.k. and though we lack real talent many players had a go and did their best, again though we failed to work their keeper. Up until their penalty I sensed a goal was coming for us and actually after the penalty we responded much better to going behind than in previous weeks.

After we missed the penalty we still kept our heads up but the we where never going to score as the mixture  anxiety and lack of class is meaning we have zero composure anywhere in the box. What was good though is we did get more players into the box which is a good sign.

The players,

Macca - Hard to tell as in reality he didn't have to make a proper save
Mills  - Good overall, he cares.  
Dixon - Should not keep RHJ out
Clarke - Poor, once again a liability
Collins - See above
Rose - Good first half anonymous after the break
Berret - FFS
Clifton - Went for it 1st half and needs to go into the center  
Cardwell - Keep him in and sooner or later he will be able to remove the L Platers
Hooper - Did o.k. first half but looking at the penalty someone needs to explain to him whats at stake and how much it means to us.
DJ - Did well, needs a run of games as there is a player in there somewhere

The Ref - Clown
Exeter City - The best side I saw at BP last year, not sure what happened to that side as today we saw a set of twisting b@stards.

Today everyone around us won and our nest 5 games are Carlisle A, Port Vale H, Gimps A, Coventry A, Stevenage H...............set your Sat Nav's for Ebsfleet, Maidstone and Salford as ladies and gentlemen we are going down with the Barnet.  

However comes in won't save us with this group as they are just not good enough.


"Crombie you would have got to that if you weren't such a fat ba%$@rd" - George Kerr, inspiration from the dug out 70s style  
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Reply: 53 - 102
February 24, 2018, 10:29pm
Snakebite drinker
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Just got home to Surrey. In my view they did play better than last week and certainly far better than under Slade. They did try to play football on the ground rather than lumping it in the air. And Town were on top until the stupid penalty and that was the only threat from Exeter. Who have been at the top of the table all season so a plus point for the defence.

Up front there was plenty of effort in my view but nothing would fall for them. Clifton and Cardwell did well and DJ worried them and that led to the sending off.

There is still plenty to worry about and I think Town are favourites to be relegated but the improvement today and the fact their heads didn't drop after going behind is another postitive. With the defence a little more settled and if we get Ben Davies back we are going to be harder to score against. Hopefully we can pick up a few more points in the last 11 games.

I wanted Slade gone because of his 'must not lose' attitude rather than trying to win so I will support whoever is in charge. So a trip to Carlisle is very likely next Saturday where I hope to see Town score and pick up some points.
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Reply: 54 - 102
February 24, 2018, 10:40pm
Cocktail Drinker
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Quoted from ginnywings
I should have chinned him and got myself a 5 year ban to save myself from having to watch any more of that sh1te.

Must say you actually made me laugh 😂

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Promise a man someone else's fish and he votes Labour.
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Reply: 55 - 102
February 24, 2018, 11:13pm
Coke Drinker
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First time visit this season.  Seen worse football than today's team
M.    Grimsby had more possession admittedly they didn't benefit from it but I thought there was some good play from Grimsby.  All that is needed are a couple of Good strikers. But wasn't that bad to be honest.
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Reply: 56 - 102
February 24, 2018, 11:53pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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Just thinking, how often has is been in recent months that one of our attacking players has been considered our man of the match? Not very often, I'm guessing - it's generally been a defender or a midfielder (i.e. Summerfield). Says a lot about the limitations of the squad we currently have.
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Reply: 57 - 102
February 25, 2018, 1:11am

Brandy Drinker
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Just back to Finsbury Park Travelodge after watching CockSparrer. Made a nice change.
Was thinking of saying intercourse football but being a thick girl private I've train tickets to bloody Carlisle.
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Reply: 58 - 102
February 25, 2018, 2:16am
Lager Top Drinker
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Quoted from jonnyboy82
Yet we still didn't win or score ..

Wilko out and asap as we are now in a relegation scrap , get a man in to sort this shower of shite out.

Wtf, that was some of the best football we've played in months and you first reaction is to intercourse off the man who helped produce it.

Seriously. Yes we lost but this match was a huge step in the right direction.
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Reply: 59 - 102
February 25, 2018, 5:10am
Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from SheepGTFC

Wtf, that was some of the best football we've played in months and you first reaction is to intercourse off the man who helped produce it.

Seriously. Yes we lost but this match was a huge step in the right direction.

Thank you Mr Fenty but you talk balderdash.

Only one effort on target, a weak header by Matt with about 10 minutes to go.

Hooper has been excrement all season yet starts, Clifton had a great debut even though played out of his preferred position but is taken off in favour of two players who were shite, Berret and Rose.

Same old after match interview, we must try harder in training, we shouldn't need to rely on others, erm I couldn't give a intercourse what they do in training it's what they do in the match that matters and as for not relying on other teams, the man is clearly deluded.
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Reply: 60 - 102
February 25, 2018, 7:43am
Cocktail Drinker
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Quoted from SheepGTFC

Wtf, that was some of the best football we've played in months and you first reaction is to intercourse off the man who helped produce it.

Seriously. Yes we lost but this match was a huge step in the right direction.

Seriously you are deluded. We were better, yes, but not once did we look likely to score. 4 points out of 42, zero goal threat, look at those upcoming games. Yeah, we the "fans" (nice touch) are happy as sheep in excrement.
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Reply: 61 - 102
February 25, 2018, 7:50am

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Second half highlights on ifollow says it all .

0 efforts on goal shown .

Lower F5
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Reply: 62 - 102
Mariner Ronnie
February 25, 2018, 8:01am

Lower Findus
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Just my opinion.

Last week at Cambridge I said to my dad that Wilko did the right thing by giving even the mediocre of players a second chance despite watching them play, you never know how they may change with a new man in charge.

With this it was clear to see that Sam Kelly and JJ hooper should’ve never donned a town shirt again. I said now you’ll see if Wilko will have the gut to drop them altogether. Which he didn’t. 😒

For a striker to miss the target completely is completely unforgivable given the circumstances, anybody who went to aldershot in 09/10 season will agree that it is pivotal in staying up or going down.

For me, I’d never play JJ again, he needs replacing with Vernam at Carlisle and Berrett with Summerfield. If that happens I think we could get some kind of result. (I hope).


See you at Carlisle ⬛️⬜️⬛️⬜️

Today we got our team back - town fan leaving Wembley may 2016
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Reply: 63 - 102
February 25, 2018, 10:08am

Recovering Alcoholic
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Sadly, Hooper is a better footballer than Matt, who is complete toss. I've never seen such a big player be so easy to defend against, and don't even get me started on his touch. Clifton only got a game because he was the last man standing, with Summerfield reporting ill in the morning. He faded second half, which is to be expected and was rightly replaced by Dembele, who was utter gash, and has been for a while now. Clifton showed much promise but it's a big ask to expect him to perform miracles.

You can't really put too much blame on Wilko. It's 09/10 all over again, when Woods took over from Newell, with a sh1te squad to work with. This scenario has been over a year in the making. Since Hurst left, the board have chosen the wrong man twice. Fair enough with Bignot, he fooled everyone, but we should have stuck with that formula and invested the Bogle transfer money into the best young manager and players in non league. If we had, i'm absolutely certain we wouldn't be in this mess now.
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Reply: 64 - 102
sam gy
February 25, 2018, 11:32am
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Quoted from Mariner Ronnie

For a striker to miss the target completely is completely unforgivable given the circumstances, anybody who went to aldershot in 09/10 season will agree that it is pivotal in staying up or

I get your point Ronnie, but it’s happened to far, far better players than JJ Hooper.

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Reply: 65 - 102
sam gy
February 25, 2018, 11:33am
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Quoted from ginnywings
Sadly, Hooper is a better footballer than Matt, who is complete toss. I've never seen such a big player be so easy to defend against, and don't even get me started on his touch. Clifton only got a game because he was the last man standing, with Summerfield reporting ill in the morning. He faded second half, which is to be expected and was rightly replaced by Dembele, who was utter gash, and has been for a while now. Clifton showed much promise but it's a big ask to expect him to perform miracles.

You can't really put too much blame on Wilko. It's 09/10 all over again, when Woods took over from Newell, with a sh1te squad to work with. This scenario has been over a year in the making. Since Hurst left, the board have chosen the wrong man twice. Fair enough with Bignot, he fooled everyone, but we should have stuck with that formula and invested the Bogle transfer money into the best young manager and players in non league. If we had, i'm absolutely certain we wouldn't be in this mess now.


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Reply: 66 - 102
February 25, 2018, 11:51am

Special Brew Drinker
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Quoted from ginnywings
Sadly, Hooper is a better footballer than Matt, who is complete toss. I've never seen such a big player be so easy to defend against, and don't even get me started on his touch. Clifton only got a game because he was the last man standing, with Summerfield reporting ill in the morning. He faded second half, which is to be expected and was rightly replaced by Dembele, who was utter gash, and has been for a while now. Clifton showed much promise but it's a big ask to expect him to perform miracles.

You can't really put too much blame on Wilko. It's 09/10 all over again, when Woods took over from Newell, with a sh1te squad to work with. This scenario has been over a year in the making. Since Hurst left, the board have chosen the wrong man twice. Fair enough with Bignot, he fooled everyone, but we should have stuck with that formula and invested the Bogle transfer money into the best young manager and players in non league. If we had, i'm absolutely certain we wouldn't be in this mess now.

I don't get this criticism of Bignot when we never had chance to see him finish his rebuild in the summer. He brought some good players to the club and they have all been discarded by Slade.

The Future is Black & White.
"The commonest thing on this planet is not water , as some people believe, but stupidity ". Frank Zappa
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Reply: 67 - 102
February 25, 2018, 12:09pm

Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from rancido

I don't get this criticism of Bignot when we never had chance to see him finish his rebuild in the summer. He brought some good players to the club and they have all been discarded by Slade.

He brought in better players but where they better professionals? He disengaged popular senior pros which had a negative impact on the group, he failed to reduce the wage bill, he added a head of recruitment who just seemed to set out the cones, he hung players out to dry in the media, he dropped the better players for the bigger games, he signed Gavin Gunning and told us how great he was and he set the team up with some crazy
tactics and formations. Additionally if reports are to be believed his buys where on silly money and an even sillier bonus structure.

Apart from that he did o.k. in his 6 months.


"Crombie you would have got to that if you weren't such a fat ba%$@rd" - George Kerr, inspiration from the dug out 70s style  
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Reply: 68 - 102
Vance Warner
February 25, 2018, 12:21pm
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Quoted from HertsGTFC

He brought in better players but where they better professionals? He disengaged popular senior pros which had a negative impact on the group, he failed to reduce the wage bill, he added a head of recruitment who just seemed to set out the cones, he hung players out to dry in the media, he dropped the better players for the bigger games, he signed Gavin Gunning and told us how great he was and he set the team up with some crazy
tactics and formations. Additionally if reports are to be believed his buys where on silly money and an even sillier bonus structure.

Apart from that he did o.k. in his 6 months.


If the board were stupid enough to arrange those contracts then there's only one person to blame and it's not Bignot. There's no way we would be in a worse position now with him in charge.
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Reply: 69 - 102
Lincoln Mariner 56
February 25, 2018, 12:34pm
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Quoted from HertsGTFC

He brought in better players but where they better professionals? He disengaged popular senior pros which had a negative impact on the group, he failed to reduce the wage bill, he added a head of recruitment who just seemed to set out the cones, he hung players out to dry in the media, he dropped the better players for the bigger games, he signed Gavin Gunning and told us how great he was and he set the team up with some crazy
tactics and formations. Additionally if reports are to be believed his buys where on silly money and an even sillier bonus structure.

Apart from that he did o.k. in his 6 months.


Whatever his faults he was the only Manager who immediately identified that a midfield of Summerfield and Berrett was not good enough and did something about it.
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Reply: 70 - 102
February 25, 2018, 12:44pm

Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from Vance Warner

If the board were stupid enough to arrange those contracts then there's only one person to blame and it's not Bignot. There's no way we would be in a worse position now with him in charge.

I guess we'll never know. To be fair unless it's a stupid contract boards tend to pay what managers feel is right.

So for example  ..... if MB goes to JF and tells him "this lad Asante I've worked with him for a couple of seasons he's ace, many people including myself Micky and the cone layer think he's better than Bogle who we've just had a 1 million offer for, we need to sign him as Bogle will go/has gone and we'll need to replace his goals. He is moving up from the midlands he wants a big salary and a bonus but he is really good. It's within the budget just as long as I keep to my word and move some players out. He's better than what we have trust me John".

What does JF do turn round and say "sorry Marcus I know more about football than you so we're not paying it". Maybe maybe not but what we understand happened was that the club where happy to pay better deals for better players on the proviso MB moved some other out and balanced the wage bill, he failed to do this and that along with other stuff cost him his job.        

"Crombie you would have got to that if you weren't such a fat ba%$@rd" - George Kerr, inspiration from the dug out 70s style  
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Reply: 71 - 102
February 25, 2018, 12:52pm

Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from Lincoln Mariner 56

Whatever his faults he was the only Manager who immediately identified that a midfield of Summerfield and Berrett was not good enough and did something about it.

Really? So that's why Hurst was regularly using Comley, Chambers, Vose and Berret in numerous games before he left. Check out the line up for Luton away when we won and controlled the game from start to finish.  

Selective memory of your painting a picture that it was all Summers and Berret before Bignot arrived.

"Crombie you would have got to that if you weren't such a fat ba%$@rd" - George Kerr, inspiration from the dug out 70s style  
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Reply: 72 - 102
February 25, 2018, 1:00pm
Fine Wine Drinker
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Quoted from HertsGTFC

I guess we'll never know. To be fair unless it's a stupid contract boards tend to pay what managers feel is right.

So for example  ..... if MB goes to JF and tells him "this lad Asante I've worked with him for a couple of seasons he's ace, many people including myself Micky and the cone layer think he's better than Bogle who we've just had a 1 million offer for, we need to sign him as Bogle will go/has gone and we'll need to replace his goals. He is moving up from the midlands he wants a big salary and a bonus but he is really good. It's within the budget just as long as I keep to my word and move some players out. He's better than what we have trust me John".

What does JF do turn round and say "sorry Marcus I know more about football than you so we're not paying it". Maybe maybe not but what we understand happened was that the club where happy to pay better deals for better players on the proviso MB moved some other out and balanced the wage bill, he failed to do this and that along with other stuff cost him his job.        

If Gary Whild was just a ‘cone layer’, was Steve Croudson just a kit man?

Jordan Magrew
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Reply: 73 - 102
February 25, 2018, 2:19pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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I don't think you can categorically state we would have been better off under Bignot now. It was utterly chaotic and, frankly, we fluked one or two results which made his tenure look better than it was.

This doesn't abrogate Slade's poor performance in charge though I wonder how much of his remit was to get rid of the big salaries which were apparently handed out willy-nilly under Bignot. He certainly got rid of those players by hook or by crook but his own signings have proven very poor indeed.

Personally, I reckon we'd have at least half a dozen more points had, say, Clements been a regular starter this season given his good form for us last year.
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Reply: 74 - 102
February 25, 2018, 3:03pm
Beer Drinker
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I generally thought it looked slightly better but I have a question that confused me. At an attacking corner why oh why do we insist on leaving 4 players outside the box. This then leaves 4 players plus goal keeper plus one player taking the corner not in an attacking area. This then makes it less than a 50/50 play. Surely even if we made it 8 vs 11 we may have a chance of a penalty or God forbid a goal.
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Reply: 75 - 102
February 25, 2018, 3:45pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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What I can never understand is why, at set pieces you never have somebody running in behind across the other side, just in case the ball misses everyone or is cleared out wide. So often, the ball ends up running out of play when a player running up the far side would be able to pick it up and put it straight back in the box. I know you're 'wasting' a player if the ball doesn't go across the goal, but I think it worthwhile as often as not.

But then, what do I know? I'd always have a player stood right at the edge of the box both attacking and defending corners to pick up half-clearances either way and nobody seems to do that either.
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Reply: 76 - 102
February 25, 2018, 4:07pm
Whiskey Drinker
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Well I thought the performance was better than recent weeks and we showed more attacking intent so it's clear Wilkinson prefers a more attacking set up but regardless we have a very poor squad, I would like a new manager in for the Carlisle game however, I know the squad is excrement but hopefully a new manager can have the "new manager effect" and pick up a few fluke wins, that should see us safe, otherwise we will go down unfortunately.
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Reply: 77 - 102
February 25, 2018, 4:20pm
Vodka Drinker
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The rot started before Bignot and Slade. In fact it began also immediately after that fantastic Wenbley day

More could have been done to keep the nucleus of the promotion winning side together if only more money had been invested

I don't dispute that it needed strengthening to cope with Div 4 but better cash offers could and should have been made to keep Amond Toto and Arnold at the club. Money talks and if sufficient had been dangled in front of them they would have stayed.

Nolan should have been made a tasty enough offer to get him to sign permanently. Pearson, Tait, Clay and East should have been retained together with Disley and Bogle to form the basis with the others mentioned of a decent side (certainly one which would stuff the current team)

An opportunity missed which less than two years later is biting us badly

On bended knee is no way to be free - Peter R de Vries

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Reply: 78 - 102
February 25, 2018, 4:25pm
Whiskey Drinker
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Quoted from Ipswin
The rot started before Bignot and Slade. In fact it began also immediately after that fantastic Wenbley day

More could have been done to keep the nucleus of the promotion winning side together if only more money had been invested

I don't dispute that it needed strengthening to cope with Div 4 but better cash offers could and should have been made to keep Amond Toto and Arnold at the club. Money talks and if sufficient had been dangled in front of them they would have stayed.

Nolan should have been made a tasty enough offer to get him to sign permanently. Pearson, Tait, Clay and East should have been retained together with Disley and Bogle to form the basis with the others mentioned of a decent side (certainly one which would stuff the current team)

An opportunity missed which less than two years later is biting us badly

Oh the same Danny East who is foundering about in non league? I thought he was gash.
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Reply: 79 - 102
February 25, 2018, 4:26pm

Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from Ipswin
The rot started before Bignot and Slade. In fact it began also immediately after that fantastic Wenbley day

More could have been done to keep the nucleus of the promotion winning side together if only more money had been invested

I don't dispute that it needed strengthening to cope with Div 4 but better cash offers could and should have been made to keep Amond Toto and Arnold at the club. Money talks and if sufficient had been dangled in front of them they would have stayed.

Nolan should have been made a tasty enough offer to get him to sign permanently. Pearson, Tait, Clay and East should have been retained together with Disley and Bogle to form the basis with the others mentioned of a decent side (certainly one which would stuff the current team)

An opportunity missed which less than two years later is biting us badly

Talking sense there.....

"Crombie you would have got to that if you weren't such a fat ba%$@rd" - George Kerr, inspiration from the dug out 70s style  
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Reply: 80 - 102
February 25, 2018, 4:31pm
Vodka Drinker
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Quoted from Davec

Oh the same Danny East who is foundering about in non league? I thought he was gash.

Our current full backs are worse than gash and anyway I advocated keeping him for that first season back in Div 4 as part of a good co-ordinated proven squad. The wheel was loose at the start of the 2017/7 season due to the team being split up and shortly after Hurst went it came off completely.

On bended knee is no way to be free - Peter R de Vries

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Reply: 81 - 102
Mariner Ronnie
February 25, 2018, 5:13pm

Lower Findus
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Quoted from Ipswin

Our current full backs are worse than gash and anyway I advocated keeping him for that first season back in Div 4 as part of a good co-ordinated proven squad. The wheel was loose at the start of the 2017/7 season due to the team being split up and shortly after Hurst went it came off completely.

Bit unfair on mills there, he’s loads better than east.

Today we got our team back - town fan leaving Wembley may 2016
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Reply: 82 - 102
February 25, 2018, 5:14pm
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What on earth was Clarke thinking making that challenge, from behind, with covering defenders, with the lad going away from goal? He's supposed to be an experienced defender and our captain.......  leading the way! Don't see what he offers... Bring in Suliman I say, he can't do much worse IMO!

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old, Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn, At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, We WILL remember them"
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Reply: 83 - 102
February 25, 2018, 6:08pm

Special Brew Drinker
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Quoted from HertsGTFC

He brought in better players but where they better professionals? He disengaged popular senior pros which had a negative impact on the group, he failed to reduce the wage bill, he added a head of recruitment who just seemed to set out the cones, he hung players out to dry in the media, he dropped the better players for the bigger games, he signed Gavin Gunning and told us how great he was and he set the team up with some crazy
tactics and formations. Additionally if reports are to be believed his buys where on silly money and an even sillier bonus structure.

Apart from that he did o.k. in his 6 months.


And where are these senior players now? Slade got rid of Pearson and Disley! Macca spit his dummy out because he was replaced by a better keeper.
He never got chance to reduce the wage bill because he wasn't given the summer to get rid of the dross.Look at the dross that Slade brought in, Woolford, Kelly , Hooper etc.
If his buys were on silly money then that is down to the Board in endorsing that.
He dropped better players to try experimental formations - we were safe and he had the luxury of experimenting without it affecting the clubs' league status.
He only signed Gunning until the summer - we don't know if he would have retained him.

The Future is Black & White.
"The commonest thing on this planet is not water , as some people believe, but stupidity ". Frank Zappa
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Reply: 84 - 102
February 25, 2018, 6:29pm
Fine Wine Drinker
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Good Post Ipswin
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Reply: 85 - 102
February 25, 2018, 6:34pm
Shandy Drinker
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I don't think bignot was the fruit loop he was made out to be by our leaders,the players he brought in  would not be in a relegation battle like this lot.
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Reply: 86 - 102
February 25, 2018, 6:39pm

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He might have been a bt unprofessional behind the scenes and pick some crazy formations but Bignot knew a player when he saw one. You’ve got to ask whether you want one decent player on a good wedge or two shite ones for the same price really....
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Reply: 87 - 102
Lincoln Mariner 56
February 25, 2018, 6:42pm
Brandy Drinker
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Quoted from HertsGTFC

Really? So that's why Hurst was regularly using Comley, Chambers, Vose and Berret in numerous games before he left. Check out the line up for Luton away when we won and controlled the game from start to finish.  

Selective memory of your painting a picture that it was all Summers and Berret before Bignot arrived.

You always comment a big thing of how crap Bignot was, not so sure you were of that opinion until he was sacked but can’t be bothered to check, but in reality he had better players and results then Slade and if we had kept a few of his signings like Osbourne Jones and Clements we would not be in this mess.

You are also the leading critic of Gunning who seems appreciated at both Port Vale & Forest Green because he actually does a good job.

If Bignot had stayed we would not be in this position and Berrett would be long gone so a double win. At the end of the day Hurst signed the Berrett & Summerfield in the first place so he is certainly culpable and whilst Summerfield has looked good this year I believe this is mainly due to the fact at how poor the rest of the players are.
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Reply: 88 - 102
February 25, 2018, 6:50pm
Shandy Drinker
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If I remember rightly he also wanted to implement an u21 or u23 side to produce more talent although he knew it would take a while rather than getting loanees in.
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Reply: 89 - 102
February 25, 2018, 6:50pm
Fine Wine Drinker
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It's amazing that people now criticise the breaking up of the promotion squad, when almost everyone was in agreement that it needed significant improvements after it had limped over the line.  Hurst knew this more than anyone and set about laying the foundations for a pretty good L2 side, which contained Summerfield and Berrett as central figures, don't forget.  

There's no point in debating Bignot's reign again, but I've always maintained that he wasn't as useless as some make him out to be and I'd much rather we'd kept him than replace him with Slade.  It's not just the manager who decides how much money players are paid - if the board were concerned about the budget they should have made that clear when identifying targets during that January window.  

It's amazing that Fenty is suddenly keen on a young manager after he'd given up on that philosophy so easily last season.  It's too late to start fantasising about philosophy and a long-term vision now anyway, we've got too many fires to put out.  Only God knows what we should do next.
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Reply: 90 - 102
Lincoln Mariner 56
February 25, 2018, 7:27pm
Brandy Drinker
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Excellent points MD a young Manager will make mistakes & fans and a Board need to be aware of that and be prepared to accept this situation for what it is.

At least Bignot committed to the players he wanted and got the club to financially back his opinion we will never know if he would have succeeded but you cannot 12 months later then profess to want exactly what we had!!!

My memory is not great but did Bignot select “bizarre” teams before we reached is allegedly agreed target number of points? At least we won big games away scoring 3 goals at teams like Carlisle, Blackpool and Plymouth under his reign.
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Reply: 91 - 102
February 25, 2018, 8:31pm

Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from Lincoln Mariner 56

You always comment a big thing of how crap Bignot was, not so sure you were of that opinion until he was sacked but can’t be bothered to check, but in reality he had better players and results then Slade and if we had kept a few of his signings like Osbourne Jones and Clements we would not be in this mess.

You are also the leading critic of Gunning who seems appreciated at both Port Vale & Forest Green because he actually does a good job.

If Bignot had stayed we would not be in this position and Berrett would be long gone so a double win. At the end of the day Hurst signed the Berrett & Summerfield in the first place so he is certainly culpable and whilst Summerfield has looked good this year I believe this is mainly due to the fact at how poor the rest of the players are.

I'll save you looking back I was pleased to see Bignot go for numerous reasons, one of many being that he treated good professional footballers like Josh Gpwling like excrement making him train with the kids when he should have utilized his experience even if he wasn't in the squad.  

If Bognot had stayed you can't say what position we would have been in but he took over a well drilled, organised side with excellent unity and team spirit  in a play off position and started on a program of revolution when evolution would have done.

Whether or not Berret would have been here I don't know either but as Marcus was good at signing payers and not moving them on I'd not be comfortable calling that one. Take a look at what he's done at Chester it's not only GTFC where history appears to repeat itself.

Re Gunning he can't have been that appreciated at Port Vale as they moved him on to FGR!!!

As for being a better option than Slade? I think that they where both poor appointments, yes we scored 3 at Plymouth, Carlisle and Blackpool but we also scores 3 at Chesterfield and Cheltenham so I'm not sure that means a lot.

Hurst signed Summerfield and Berret one has applied himself this season the other is a liability he also signed Amond, Tait, Andrew, Nolan, Pearson, Arnold, Toto, Bogle etc.. who we would all have back in a heartbeat.      

"Crombie you would have got to that if you weren't such a fat ba%$@rd" - George Kerr, inspiration from the dug out 70s style  
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Reply: 92 - 102
Lincoln Mariner 56
February 25, 2018, 9:03pm
Brandy Drinker
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It appears that all managers treat players they do not want like excrement as recently witnessed with Slade’s treatment of Asante & Clements and reading between the lines how Wlilco is treating McAllister. All of these if correct are wrong as all players, unless for disciplinary reasons, should be treated with respect.

Thought you might quote Chesterfield & Cheltenham and both were good wins but not sgausides then top of the league, in a promotion place or pushing for the play offs. Bignot realised that neither Berrett or Summerfield were good enough and the way this season is going he was right. Was it revolution or experimental? Who knows but he was learning his craft and no doubt made some big mistakes, apparently though fully backed by JF who within 2 months then sacked him and allegedly then tells Slade to reduce the wage bill.

All history now but there are a number of us who would have preferred the “roller coaster” existence to what we have endured since, too many fans spout about patience and demonstrate the opposite after two or three crap performances, it just is not like that and maybe a rough journey may get us to the promised land which at present is limited to league 2 survival
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Reply: 93 - 102
February 25, 2018, 9:10pm

Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from Lincoln Mariner 56
It appears that all managers treat players they do not want like excrement as recently witnessed with Slade’s treatment of Asante & Clements and reading between the lines how Wlilco is treating McAllister. All of these if correct are wrong as all players, unless for disciplinary reasons, should be treated with respect.

Thought you might quote Chesterfield & Cheltenham and both were good wins but not sgausides then top of the league, in a promotion place or pushing for the play offs. Bignot realised that neither Berrett or Summerfield were good enough and the way this season is going he was right. Was it revolution or experimental? Who knows but he was learning his craft and no doubt made some big mistakes, apparently though fully backed by JF who within 2 months then sacked him and allegedly then tells Slade to reduce the wage bill.

All history now but there are a number of us who would have preferred the “roller coaster” existence to what we have endured since, too many fans spout about patience and demonstrate the opposite after two or three crap performances, it just is not like that and maybe a rough journey may get us to the promised land which at present is limited to league 2 survival

Good post, it could be argued we where on a bit of a roller coaster up up until after the Notts County game, after that for some reason things just went South badly. We'll never know but all that matters now is getting the points we need to finish 22nd or above.  

"Crombie you would have got to that if you weren't such a fat ba%$@rd" - George Kerr, inspiration from the dug out 70s style  
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Reply: 94 - 102
February 26, 2018, 3:21pm

Special Brew Drinker
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Quoted from LH
He might have been a bt unprofessional behind the scenes and pick some crazy formations but Bignot knew a player when he saw one. You’ve got to ask whether you want one decent player on a good wedge or two shite ones for the same price really....

Like Woolford and Kelly. There are two wages we never should be paying. If the average League 2 wage is £1200 a week ( which I saw printed in a national paper ) then those two players represent a possible £125,000 wasted which could have been used as an inducement to keep better players.

The Future is Black & White.
"The commonest thing on this planet is not water , as some people believe, but stupidity ". Frank Zappa
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Reply: 95 - 102
forza ivano
February 26, 2018, 3:29pm

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Quoted from rancido


Like Woolford and Kelly. There are two wages we never should be paying. If the average League 2 wage is £1200 a week ( which I saw printed in a national paper ) then those two players represent a possible £125,000 wasted which could have been used as an inducement to keep better players.

someone told me that Useless Dixon is paid £2000 - £2500 per week. shoorly shum mishtake?
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Reply: 96 - 102
February 26, 2018, 3:39pm

Special Brew Drinker
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Quoted from Lincoln Mariner 56
It appears that all managers treat players they do not want like excrement as recently witnessed with Slade’s treatment of Asante & Clements and reading between the lines how Wlilco is treating McAllister. All of these if correct are wrong as all players, unless for disciplinary reasons, should be treated with respect.

Thought you might quote Chesterfield & Cheltenham and both were good wins but not sgausides then top of the league, in a promotion place or pushing for the play offs. Bignot realised that neither Berrett or Summerfield were good enough and the way this season is going he was right. Was it revolution or experimental? Who knows but he was learning his craft and no doubt made some big mistakes, apparently though fully backed by JF who within 2 months then sacked him and allegedly then tells Slade to reduce the wage bill.

All history now but there are a number of us who would have preferred the “roller coaster” existence to what we have endured since, too many fans spout about patience and demonstrate the opposite after two or three crap performances, it just is not like that and maybe a rough journey may get us to the promised land which at present is limited to league 2 survival

...and he then increases it again with dross unnecessary signings.

The Future is Black & White.
"The commonest thing on this planet is not water , as some people believe, but stupidity ". Frank Zappa
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Reply: 97 - 102
February 26, 2018, 3:42pm

Special Brew Drinker
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Quoted from forza ivano

someone told me that Useless Dixon is paid £2000 - £2500 per week. shoorly shum mishtake?

Shoorly not another Fishy poster who reads Private Eye!

The Future is Black & White.
"The commonest thing on this planet is not water , as some people believe, but stupidity ". Frank Zappa
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Reply: 98 - 102
February 26, 2018, 4:35pm

Vodka Drinker
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I'll save you looking back I was pleased to see Bignot go for numerous reasons, one of many being that he treated good professional footballers like Josh Gpwling like excrement making him train with the kids when he should have utilized his experience even if he wasn't in the squad.  

If Bognot had stayed you can't say what position we would have been in but he took over a well drilled, organised side with excellent unity and team spirit  in a play off position and started on a program of revolution when evolution would have done.

Whether or not Berret would have been here I don't know either but as Marcus was good at signing payers and not moving them on I'd not be comfortable calling that one. Take a look at what he's done at Chester it's not only GTFC where history appears to repeat itself.

Re Gunning he can't have been that appreciated at Port Vale as they moved him on to FGR!!!

As for being a better option than Slade? I think that they where both poor appointments, yes we scored 3 at Plymouth, Carlisle and Blackpool but we also scores 3 at Chesterfield and Cheltenham so I'm not sure that means a lot.

Hurst signed Summerfield and Berret one has applied himself this season the other is a liability he also signed Amond, Tait, Andrew, Nolan, Pearson, Arnold, Toto, Bogle etc.. who we would all have back in a heartbeat.      

Gunning wasn't moved on. He would be out of contract in Jan and was offered an 18 month contract by Port Fale in December, he turned them down for a bigger wedge offered by Village Green. Was a favourite of many fans at Vale and they were v disappointed he left
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Reply: 99 - 102
February 26, 2018, 5:06pm
Vodka Drinker
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Quoted from MarinerDevil
It's amazing that people now criticise the breaking up of the promotion squad, when almost everyone was in agreement that it needed significant improvements after it had limped over the line.  Hurst knew this more than anyone and set about laying the foundations for a pretty good L2 side, which contained Summerfield and Berrett as central figures, don't forget.  


It wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't broken it up so drastically or so quickly and then copulated off. If he'd kept the spine, keeper, 2xCB (Toto and Shaun) 2xmid (Nolan and Disley) and the 2 strikers (Amond and Bogle) and built on from there

On bended knee is no way to be free - Peter R de Vries

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February 26, 2018, 7:47pm

Special Brew Drinker
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Quoted from Ipswin

It wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't broken it up so drastically or so quickly and then copulated off. If he'd kept the spine, keeper, 2xCB (Toto and Shaun) 2xmid (Nolan and Disley) and the 2 strikers (Amond and Bogle) and built on from there

But some of the players you mentioned were released by Slade - Disley and Shaun. Amond could have stayed but turned down an 18 month deal in the January. Bogle was sold under Bignot and Toto left to go to pastures new under Hursts' watch. So Hurst didn't really break up the squad as much as you imply.

The Future is Black & White.
"The commonest thing on this planet is not water , as some people believe, but stupidity ". Frank Zappa
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February 26, 2018, 8:01pm
Vodka Drinker
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Quoted from rancido

But some of the players you mentioned were released by Slade - Disley and Shaun. Amond could have stayed but turned down an 18 month deal in the January. Bogle was sold under Bignot and Toto left to go to pastures new under Hursts' watch. So Hurst didn't really break up the squad as much as you imply.

Toto, Amond, Arnold and Nolan were simply not offered enough money to stay simple.

I didn't say Hurst released Shaun and Disley merely that if he had kept and built around a spine (missed Arnold out earlier BTW) which included them he could have built the 'Div 4 quality' side he wanted - the disapperance of those players was the beginning of the rot continued by firstly Bignot and then Slade

On bended knee is no way to be free - Peter R de Vries

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