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September 7, 2011, 8:17pm
Vodka Drinker
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There is something pretty big around the corner I fear. As carrot top said, what we have seen so far is merely a sticking plaster.

It is one thing when a high street retailer goes out of business (Woolworths). It is another when a clutch of banks need bailing out (RBS, Lloyds, Northern Rock). You know something is starting to look bad when an entire small country declares bankruptcy (Iceland). It gets worse when a series of slightly larger countries need bailing out (Ireland, Greece, Portugal). Then you start to worry when people start thinking larger countries like Italy, Spain and France maybe having some real trouble. And when the world's largest economy - the United States of America - is a mere few hours away from defaulting on its' debts for the first time ever........then it is squeaky bum time.

Cairns; America is the great economic paradox. The world's largest lender is also the world's largest borrower. In effect it's economy is so large it could pay back its' creditors overnight and have no debt whatsoever. It is just that it chooses not to.

Mr McGee, don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

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September 7, 2011, 8:49pm
Vodka Drinker
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2012 is, of course, when the Mayans predict the world will end. It reminded me of a dream I had last night in which the world ended; and I say a dream because it wasn't frightening. It was calm, peaceful and colourful as it was set in the countryside.

In my dream people all over the world started disappearing. There was no panic, everybody just seemed quite resigned to their fate. They packed their belonging and went.No one knew where, they just went. There was no outbreak of disease, no great catastrophy, no force. Even I seemed quite resigned to my fate. Only at the end when there were a handful of people were left (of which I was one obviously as it was my dream) did panic creep in. Then I woke up.

So, all you budding Freud's out there. What did it mean?

Mr McGee, don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

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jock dock tower
September 7, 2011, 10:37pm
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Town to get relegated this season?

No attempt at ethical or social seduction can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred of the Tory party. So far as I'm concerned they're lower than vermin. Aneurin Bevan.
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September 7, 2011, 10:46pm

Vodka Drinker
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Quoted from kingofthekippers
2012 is, of course, when the Mayans predict the world will end. It reminded me of a dream I had last night in which the world ended; and I say a dream because it wasn't frightening. It was calm, peaceful and colourful as it was set in the countryside.

In my dream people all over the world started disappearing. There was no panic, everybody just seemed quite resigned to their fate. They packed their belonging and went.No one knew where, they just went. There was no outbreak of disease, no great catastrophy, no force. Even I seemed quite resigned to my fate. Only at the end when there were a handful of people were left (of which I was one obviously as it was my dream) did panic creep in. Then I woke up.

So, all you budding Freud's out there. What did it mean?

Possibly connected to your religion?


                           Hitman Hearn - BP Gangsta
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September 7, 2011, 10:59pm

Vodka Drinker
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Quoted from carrot top
Thought I would revive this thread for debate.
As we all know it is 2012 next year, and alhough I do not see it as the end of the world, I do believe there will be some major change.
I think the current economic system is all set for collapse as the debts worldwide are not sustainable. Austerity measures only put a temporary plaster on the wound, they are not cures.
Are we looking at a 'new world order' as many people feel or are there other solutions to this mess. I personally dont believe that the politicians ultimately control what goes on really, there are much more powerful people (eg Billderbergs) out there who pull the strings and they will be keen to hold onto their power at any cost. It will be a very bumpy ride for us all next year.
I'll probably be ridiculed as some sort of nut for posting this now.

To be honest there is so much evidence of this iminent and certainly pre-planned 'change' now that I can't believe anyone could doubt it or mock it.
Gorden Brown mentioned the NWO in at least 4 separate speeches yet the phrase seems to have gone unquestioned and even, really weirdly, completely unnoticed.
I would love to know what these people believe that allows them to live with themselves for the things they have done in order to bring about and ensure this very sinister globalisation takes place. Maybe there is some kind of greater knowledge which only this little boys' club is privy to? I just dont' know.


                           Hitman Hearn - BP Gangsta
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carrot top
September 7, 2011, 11:24pm

Cocktail Drinker
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We are fed bullshit daily and unfortunately just bimble along as per usual, but really what else can we do. I certainly feel powerless at the moment, but at some point something will have to give. Will it be too late though. I hope not as I want to see Town promoted one more time (joke). Seriously though think about the Shite we are constantly fed regarding 'we are all in this together' rubbish etc. Prices on the up consistently and our leaders saying we have to tighten our belts blah blah blah! 'Times they are a changing'

[color=black]The Ecky 1977
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September 7, 2011, 11:54pm

Vodka Drinker
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Quoted from carrot top
We are fed bullshit daily and unfortunately just bimble along as per usual, but really what else can we do. I certainly feel powerless at the moment, but at some point something will have to give. Will it be too late though. I hope not as I want to see Town promoted one more time (joke). Seriously though think about the Shite we are constantly fed regarding 'we are all in this together' rubbish etc. Prices on the up consistently and our leaders saying we have to tighten our belts blah blah blah! 'Times they are a changing'

An unfortunate thing, and something that is not helped in any way imo by the very selfish mindset that results from a capitalist society, is that we see ourselves as a billion helpless individuals rather than one enormously powerful body.
I still find it nothing short of astonishing that such a small number of people can have so much control over so many. How does this happen? When you think about it it's really quite incredible. Something we take for granted though cos that's 'just how it is'.


                           Hitman Hearn - BP Gangsta
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September 8, 2011, 9:26am

Fine Wine Drinker
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Quoted from upthestripes

I still find it nothing short of astonishing that such a small number of people can have so much control over so many.

Just like communism then?

TBH take the Fishy as a microcosm, and you see how the world would be run if left to everyone to sort it out. To quote Blackadder "Give the likes of Baldrick the vote and we'll be back to cavorting druids, death by stoning, and dung for dinner."

Byddwn ond yn canu pan fyddwn yn pysgota
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September 8, 2011, 11:38am
Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from kingofthekippers
2012 is, of course, when the Mayans predict the world will end. It reminded me of a dream I had last night in which the world ended; and I say a dream because it wasn't frightening. It was calm, peaceful and colourful as it was set in the countryside.

In my dream people all over the world started disappearing. There was no panic, everybody just seemed quite resigned to their fate. They packed their belonging and went.No one knew where, they just went. There was no outbreak of disease, no great catastrophy, no force. Even I seemed quite resigned to my fate. Only at the end when there were a handful of people were left (of which I was one obviously as it was my dream) did panic creep in. Then I woke up.

So, all you budding Freud's out there. What did it mean?

Means you're mental? Seriously though, do you believe the world will end in 2012?
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carrot top
September 8, 2011, 12:25pm

Cocktail Drinker
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Quoted from mariner91

Means you're mental? Seriously though, do you believe the world will end in 2012?

It's not about the end of the world, more like a new beginning. I believe we have almost reached the end of our current cycle and something big has to give. It might not be all bad though.

[color=black]The Ecky 1977
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