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grimsby pete
June 28, 2009, 4:21pm

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We have discussed Aliens and Ghosts,

So now tell me what happens once we leave this earth,

Do we go to heaven or hell ?

Do we go back to our alien family out there in space ?

Will our spirits live on and we go round haunting our favourite or last known place, ?

Or  nothing,

I think this is it guys,

Once we leave here ,thats it gone , nothing,

So enjoy yourselves while your are here,

It does not get any better than this,

What do you think ?

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June 28, 2009, 5:47pm
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Worm food.





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June 28, 2009, 6:31pm
Vodka Drinker
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What's next? Well, when my old man went his next journey was to the crematorium.

Personally I'd like to think there is a heaven (and by default a hell) but I suspect that when we exhale our last breath that is it. After all, no one says there is a heaven for the chickens on the poultry counter at Tesco's.

Do the concepts of heaven and hell exist because mankind has the intellectual capacity to create something to answer the eternal question of what happens to us when we die?

Mr McGee, don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

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Civvy at last
June 28, 2009, 6:39pm

Barley Wine Drinker
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Not convinced that this one is the only journey in our existence. But I don't believe in God etc, most wars are caused by religion in one way or another and there is too much suffering in the world to let me believe there is a supreme being.  However, I do believe that some part of our "inner being" travels on.  There are too many "messages after death" around and that convinces me that there is some form of after life.  It does not for one moment change the way I live my life on this earth though.  

The wife was going away for a girly weekend.
I jokingly remarked  'I don't know whether to spend it watching porn or watching football'
'you may as well spend it watching porn' she replied
That's understanding darling what makes you say that? I asked

She said 'Well you already know how to play football'  
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June 30, 2009, 11:20pm
Whiskey Drinker
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Quoted from Civvy at last
However, I do believe that some part of our "inner being" travels on.  There are too many "messages after death" around and that convinces me that there is some form of after life

most of these seem to be really bogus though, and i dont believe in them. People tend to imagine what they want to believe, we're afraid of what we dont know, its a natural feeling, everyone scared to enter a pitch black room since they dont know whats beyond, by inventing life after death, they can try to put peoples minds at ease, telling them its ok, if you believe in us, and follow our rules, you will have a life after death, its a great technique to control the people, look at Islam, their willing to kill 'infidels' for a place in their heaven. They are actualy willing to kill themselves to enter the after life

id love for something to be after life, but i highly doubt it exists

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July 1, 2009, 10:32am
Whiskey Drinker
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I'd love to believe there is a heaven, but I'm not quite impressionable enough. I can see why people do believe in it though, makes death easier to take I suppose if you think that's not the end. I believe our energy goes on, after we've died and been eaten by worms and such like, our energy is transferred into the soil and is nutrients for plants etc. That's a nice non-religious thought I think, that our life-force does go on in some way. After all, the notion of heaven (and hell) and of life after death is a man-made notion. The religious books are the word of man, not some bearded deity (if you believe otherwise, please sign yourself in at the nearest mental health centre).

But who knows? No one. We'll just have to wait and see (or not).
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Les Brechin
July 1, 2009, 2:46pm

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I'm afraid thats it. Once your gone your gone.  When I had my major op last year I was put under and next thing I know I was coming round (albeit 6 hours later). Don't believe all this "out of body experiences" and "shining light" excrement that some people bang on about.


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July 1, 2009, 3:00pm
Fine Wine Drinker
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If you believe in Multi-verses then we could just pass through to another reality. I want mine to be one in which town are top of the Premier League. Trust me, if science is anything to go by then there is a reality where town are top and everything else in your life is the same. Brilliant!

Otherwise, I do think there could be something - energy has to be passed on to another form - it doesnt just go away. Maybe there is a big creator (god) out there who's having a laugh at us thinking our lives are so significant.
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July 1, 2009, 4:38pm
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Quoted from DubaiMariner
If you believe in Multi-verses then we could just pass through to another reality. I want mine to be one in which town are top of the Premier League. Trust me, if science is anything to go by then there is a reality where town are top and everything else in your life is the same. Brilliant!

Otherwise, I do think there could be something - energy has to be passed on to another form - it doesnt just go away. Maybe there is a big creator (god) out there who's having a laugh at us thinking our lives are so significant.

Energy will be transferred from one form to another. From your body into worm pooh... Your thoughts and memories are electrical impulses in your brain which simply stop being produced. I'm not against people believing, I simply don't myself. The whole religion thing gets my goat though. Sitting in a cold draughty church (although quite appealing today!) declaring that you're worthless doesn't appeal to me.

The whole belief that some cosmic Zombie Jewish guy can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his body, drink his blood and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in all mankind because some ribby woman was convinced by a magic, talking snake to eat an apple from a magic tree doesn't do it for me...





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July 1, 2009, 5:31pm

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Quoted from Biccys

The whole belief that some cosmic Zombie Jewish guy can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his body, drink his blood and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in all mankind because some ribby woman was convinced by a magic, talking snake to eat an apple from a magic tree doesn't do it for me...

Phew,if only you had written the bible, religious knowledge would have been a darn sight easier at school.Still I suppose it doesn't exist anymore it will be some multi-religious hotch potch in a pc world.

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