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Posted by: NewtoN, January 9, 2022, 10:03am
Grimsby Town Football Club can confirm that defender Ryan Sears has left the club after his contract was terminated by mutual consent.
Posted by: quebec38, January 9, 2022, 10:10am; Reply: 1
Real shame but I guess he’s only got himself to blame. For me it’s a REALLY stupid decision he’s made at the time but it’s away from football. The club have made a strong stance now though that they won’t take this sort of stuff anymore and you can’t really blame them. We want good players but also good people.

Always gave his best in the few appearances he made. I am sure he can find another NL club at least. No ill feelings from me - I just hope he’s learnt such a valuable lesson now.
Posted by: sydney, January 9, 2022, 10:13am; Reply: 2
What did he allegedly do
Posted by: Hagrid, January 9, 2022, 10:15am; Reply: 3
No allegedly. He drunk drove. 3 times over the limit
Posted by: thefish, January 9, 2022, 10:15am; Reply: 4
Quoted from sydney
What did he allegedly do

I don’t think it’s ‘allegedly’… he was caught drink driving.
Posted by: Davec, January 9, 2022, 10:18am; Reply: 5
Well his departure was pretty much inevitable as soon as he got caught drink driving.

The fact it has taken 9 days into January would this mean we have a replacement already sorted out? I doubt Hurst would wave bye to him if it then leaves us short of players.
Posted by: jamesgtfc, January 9, 2022, 10:20am; Reply: 6
About time. I don't have time for anybody who thinks it's ok to get in their car at 4am after a heavy night on the booze. That isn't a mistake, it's absolutely stupid and dangerous.
Posted by: immariner, January 9, 2022, 10:20am; Reply: 7
We don't know that it's a stance though do we, unless someone has some insider intel. Not sure you can sack someone unless driving is an essential aspect of their job. Might merely be a practical decision with where he's living and obviously unable to drive.
Posted by: Davec, January 9, 2022, 10:21am; Reply: 8
Quoted from jamesgtfc
About time. I don't have time for anybody who thinks it's ok to get in their car at 4am after a heavy night on the booze. That isn't a mistake, it's absolutely stupid and dangerous.

Oh it got described by some fans on Facebook as a "minor mistake" when in reality drink driving is anything but a minor mistake!
Posted by: aldi_01, January 9, 2022, 10:22am; Reply: 9
I guess the wider issue and debate could be that if other players were in the car with him, are they not as responsible, you’re hardly a friend of you allow your mate to drink drive, and so forth…however, he is ultimately responsible for himself and he put his keys in the ignition and drove knowing he had had more than a couple.

Hurst has moved players on for less.
Posted by: Civvy at last, January 9, 2022, 10:24am; Reply: 10
Quoted from Hagrid
No allegedly. He drunk drove. 3 times over the limit

Not only that. He also had the entire squad, the youth team and GTFC ladies team and their families in the car at the time. (Apparently)  😉
Posted by: Davec, January 9, 2022, 10:25am; Reply: 11
Quoted from Civvy at last

Not only that. He also had the entire squad, the youth team and GTFC ladies team and their families in the car at the time. (Apparently)  😉

That explains why Dale left the ladies team then? 😉
Posted by: HertsGTFC, January 9, 2022, 11:01am; Reply: 12
Interesting that there is a gap between him being found guilty and having his contract terminated, you'd assume that it was so he could get a club in the window but if he's a free agent it wouldn't have mattered anyway.

Posted by: jamesgtfc, January 9, 2022, 11:07am; Reply: 13
Quoted from HertsGTFC
Interesting that there is a gap between him being found guilty and having his contract terminated, you'd assume that it was so he could get a club in the window but if he's a free agent it wouldn't have mattered anyway.


As he was contracted to us after the summer window closed he would have been unable to join a league team until now but he could freely move to another non-league team.
Posted by: jamesgtfc, January 9, 2022, 11:10am; Reply: 14
Quoted from aldi_01
I guess the wider issue and debate could be that if other players were in the car with him, are they not as responsible, you’re hardly a friend of you allow your mate to drink drive, and so forth…however, he is ultimately responsible for himself and he put his keys in the ignition and drove knowing he had had more than a couple.

Hurst has moved players on for less.

Agree with this too and I would hope all 24 players that crammed into his car have had a stern talking to as well.
Posted by: TheRealJohnLewis, January 9, 2022, 11:16am; Reply: 15
The contract has been terminated by mutual consent, which means he hasn't been sacked and more than likely he has now found a new club closer to his home, which makes it easier for commuting.
Posted by: TownSNAFU5, January 9, 2022, 11:22am; Reply: 16
The Club have found the high moral ground. A massive change and improvement on what has happened in recent times with a convicted fraudster being introduced to the Club.  As one example.
Posted by: davmariner, January 9, 2022, 11:32am; Reply: 17
No player should be getting that drunk up during a season and it goes without saying that they shouldn’t be driving a car. Good riddance to the buffoon.  
Posted by: male private Nale, January 9, 2022, 11:32am; Reply: 18
The club have made a stance it would appear and so have many fans on here.

Lets hope nothing untoward happens off field to any of our star players such as Mcatee, not sure everyone would be as happy if the same approach was to happen to a bigger name player.

Setting precedents can be a high risk move.
Posted by: gtfcmd, January 9, 2022, 11:56am; Reply: 19
Posted by: Zmariner, January 9, 2022, 12:29pm; Reply: 20
Good luck to him. A stupid mistake for sure but most of us have made a few, I know that I have.
From the Hurst interviews I got the impression he did not settle well here. We move on utm
Posted by: pen penfras, January 9, 2022, 12:48pm; Reply: 21
Quoted from TownSNAFU5
The Club have found the high moral ground. A massive change and improvement on what has happened in recent times with a convicted fraudster being introduced to the Club.  As one example.

Rob Eagles and Scott Brown might think that this is something the club did long before new owners.
Posted by: jamesgtfc, January 9, 2022, 12:59pm; Reply: 22
Quoted from pen penfras

Rob Eagles and Scott Brown might think that this is something the club did long before new owners.

All of them didn't fare well under the management of Hurst after their drunken misdemeanours.
Posted by: headingly_mariner, January 9, 2022, 1:17pm; Reply: 23
Sure we will see another right back added fairly swiftly, one that doesn’t have to get the bus to training.
Posted by: Maringer, January 9, 2022, 1:44pm; Reply: 24
A shame as he looked a decent player for this level. No surprise he's back in Wales nearer family. Would be a flipping nightmare to get across there on public transport from this neck of the woods. New signing incoming, you'd guess? I don't think Revan has looked solid enough to be regular cover for right-back.
Posted by: aldi_01, January 9, 2022, 2:03pm; Reply: 25
Quoted from pen penfras

Rob Eagles and Scott Brown might think that this is something the club did long before new owners.

Or perhaps the management of the team is the common denominator…

We could say the club took a stance but then we’d have to ignore the times they didn’t…

Either way, he’s gone, May be he’s jumped and gotten himself sorted before sitting it out for most of the year…

Decent enough but he’s not going to make the list of well remembered GTFC players…
Posted by: ginnywings, January 9, 2022, 2:05pm; Reply: 26
Think it's just a logistics thing. He hasn't got transport, so makes life difficult for all concerned.

If he was to be sacked for the drink driving offence, surely that would have happened before now.

Frees up a squad place for someone else. Maybe a defender who can cover centre back and right back duties like Crookes can on the other side.
Posted by: Belfast Town, January 9, 2022, 2:05pm; Reply: 27
I’d be surprised if a ready-made replacement is in place to come in just yet. This was the outcome of a disciplinary and dismissal process.  It’ve no doubt though that we’ll see a replacement in the next week or two.
Posted by: Abdul19, January 9, 2022, 2:10pm; Reply: 28
Quoted from ginnywings
Think it's just a logistics thing. He hasn't got transport, so makes life difficult for all concerned.

If he was to be sacked for the drink driving offence, surely that would have happened before now.

Frees up a squad place for someone else. Maybe a defender who can cover centre back and right back duties like Crookes can on the other side.

Agreed, makes sense for everyone.
Posted by: forza ivano, January 9, 2022, 2:13pm; Reply: 29
Quoted from Belfast Town
I’d be surprised if a ready-made replacement is in place to come in just yet. This was the outcome of a disciplinary and dismissal process.  It’ve no doubt though that we’ll see a replacement in the next week or two.

Lad on Facebook thinks we might be signing Keenan Ferguson from Boston apparently can play both full back and centre back
Posted by: TheRealJohnLewis, January 9, 2022, 2:41pm; Reply: 30
Quoted from Belfast Town
I’d be surprised if a ready-made replacement is in place to come in just yet. This was the outcome of a disciplinary and dismissal process.  I've no doubt though that we’ll see a replacement in the next week or two.

He's not been sacked, Hurst will have wanted to get rid, but if he was to have sacked Sears then it wouldn't have been by mutual consent. Hurst will have wanted him gone and Sears will have wanted to move closer to home for logistical reasons = mutual consent.

Posted by: BlackandWhiteBarmy2, January 9, 2022, 2:46pm; Reply: 31
Hmmm I'm never sure about a players quality when he has dropped from the likes of Spurs and the Blades and ended up at Boston only signing after a lengthy trial. I always think that clubs at a higher level would be interested when he became available, however we've all seen players that have been exceptions to this. I don't think Boston would be likely to let him go only half way through his first season.

I thought Sears looked like he was going to be a decent player but unfortunately poor decision making put paid to that.
Posted by: Mayaman, January 9, 2022, 3:09pm; Reply: 32
You don't necessarily need to sack a football player if you want rid.  You just don't pick them.  Anyone worth their salt will want to play and not get a salary for sitting on their backside.  I liked Sears but I prefer Efete's attacking prowess.
Posted by: ska face, January 9, 2022, 4:23pm; Reply: 33
Remember Hurst mentioning, about 7/8 games in, that it was the first time Sears and lived away from home and as a young lad was finding it slightly hard to settle. This coupled with the drink driving probably explains why he’s dropped a level or two when he looked quite handy in the few appearances he made for us.
Posted by: Saudimariner, January 9, 2022, 4:30pm; Reply: 34
Quoted from Davec

Oh it got described by some fans on Facebook as a "minor mistake" when in reality drink driving is anything but a minor mistake!

Was he driving a Morris Minor?
Posted by: moosey_club, January 9, 2022, 6:22pm; Reply: 35
Hope he learns and develops as a human being.
Posted by: jaygy, January 9, 2022, 7:31pm; Reply: 36
........ Googles Newtown FC
Posted by: BlackandWhiteBarmy2, January 9, 2022, 8:06pm; Reply: 37
Quoted from jaygy
........ Googles Newtown FC

He'll be playing with Sean McAllister if he's fit.

Posted by: It Bites, January 9, 2022, 8:16pm; Reply: 38
Quoted from moosey_club
Hope he learns and develops as a human being.

Or just an Adult
Posted by: jamesgtfc, January 9, 2022, 8:20pm; Reply: 39

He'll be playing with Sean McAllister if he's fit.

Totally forgot about him. One of those players that got better the longer he wasn't playing.

Not one of Hursts' best signings it has to be said.
Posted by: Meza, January 9, 2022, 8:24pm; Reply: 40
So what i dont get in all this is the lack of coverage (its not a bad thing from a GTFC perspective staying out of the headlines) on what actually happened, I'd have thought RH would have gotten whiff of this.  

To me it looks like PH bollocked them, JM repaid him by getting sent off and Bapaga hasn't played since and Sears has moved on.  

Anyway probably time to put this behind us and then give the team the backing for the 2nd half of the season.  C'mon Town.
Posted by: jamesgtfc, January 9, 2022, 8:35pm; Reply: 41
Quoted from Meza
So what i dont get in all this is the lack of coverage (its not a bad thing from a GTFC perspective staying out of the headlines) on what actually happened, I'd have thought RH would have gotten whiff of this.

I think there is an element of the local media trying to look good in the eyes of the new regime. They've stayed awfully quiet on badge-gate too which is especially strange for Grimsby Live given the bizarre headlines we've seen recently; including an article that was later taken down last week about Bapaga.

Ryan Sears is from Newtown so the move makes sense given his new transport limitations but it was the Newtown press that actually broke the story and I don't recall Grimsby Live riding on the back of it.
Posted by: TAGG, January 10, 2022, 1:29pm; Reply: 42
Gone back to his hometown club???
Posted by: psgmariner, January 10, 2022, 4:06pm; Reply: 43
His exit had nothing to do with the 'misdemeanour' according to Hurst.
Posted by: ginnywings, January 10, 2022, 4:22pm; Reply: 44
Don't think he ever settled by the sound of it. Decent player but not a huge loss.
Posted by: diehardmariner, January 11, 2022, 2:17pm; Reply: 45
Hmmm I'm never sure about a players quality when he has dropped from the likes of Spurs and the Blades and ended up at Boston only signing after a lengthy trial. I always think that clubs at a higher level would be interested when he became available, however we've all seen players that have been exceptions to this. I don't think Boston would be likely to let him go only half way through his first season.

Most players who 'make it' from the non-league scene tend to go through that process of getting released from a pretty decent standard, dropping down quite a way where they probably rediscover their passion for the game and a burning desire to succeed again.  

To be at Spurs and Sheffield United he's got to have had something about him technically and probably athletically too.  
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