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Posted by: MuddyWaters, December 30, 2017, 6:55pm
If you're an ST holder, would you renew next season with RS as manager? For me, it would be three less renewals unless we see a genuine improvement in quality & recruitment. We even made Scott Brown look good today.
Posted by: gtfcmd, December 30, 2017, 6:58pm; Reply: 1
i wont replace my 3 st if nothing changes soon getting board of watching the rubbish week in week out
Posted by: promotion plaice, December 30, 2017, 6:58pm; Reply: 2

A poll would be interesting   ;)
Posted by: ginnywings, December 30, 2017, 7:00pm; Reply: 3
No chance! My brother won't either and although i can't speak for the other two that attend in my group, i'd be surprised if they renew. In fact, i said today that if anyone hears me contemplating buying one next season, punch me really hard in the face.
Posted by: headingly_mariner, December 30, 2017, 7:02pm; Reply: 4
I won't be renewing if the prices go up.
Posted by: HertsGTFC, December 30, 2017, 7:08pm; Reply: 5
I’ll renew if the old man does but only as going to BP is the only time he really gets out of the house,it will definitely not be for football reasons based upon where the club is on and off the pitch. Feeling very flat about many things associated with GTFC at the moment ☹️
Posted by: ginnywings, December 30, 2017, 7:11pm; Reply: 6
I won't abandon the club however, just attend under my own terms.
Posted by: Gaffer58, December 30, 2017, 7:12pm; Reply: 7
HertsGTFC, not taking the urine but your dad would probably get more enjoyment from sitting on a park bench watching the ducks at the moment. Plus one of them might score( with a lady duck).
Posted by: heppy88, December 30, 2017, 7:19pm; Reply: 8
No won’t be renewing if the status quo continues. Sad really, as going to the football has been something our whole family has been enjoying for quite a few years. In many ways going to BP has brought our family closer together. Many of my friends and their families stopped going week in week out a few years ago. We have hung on in there, but to be honest its becoming an expensive chore. Today was awful.
Posted by: HertsGTFC, December 30, 2017, 7:21pm; Reply: 9
Quoted from Gaffer58
HertsGTFC, not taking the urine but your dad would probably get more enjoyment from sitting on a park bench watching the ducks at the moment. Plus one of them might score( with a lady duck).

Posted by: friskneymariner, December 30, 2017, 7:24pm; Reply: 10
After 27 years I have already made the decision I will not renew my season ticket next season.
Posted by: LH, December 30, 2017, 7:33pm; Reply: 11
Quoted from friskneymariner
After 27 years I have already made the decision I will not renew my season ticket next season.

Was that the decision for the 91/92 season or this coming one?
Posted by: sam gy, December 30, 2017, 7:34pm; Reply: 12
Just out of curiosity, would this topic and these responses have been posted a week ago?

Genuine question, not being narky.

I think right now we’re a mid table team with a mid table budget...sometimes we look ok, others we look absolutely crap.
Posted by: TheCodfather1966, December 30, 2017, 7:35pm; Reply: 13
Its a no from me if Slade is still here. I love the club, but hate the Board and the way the club is run.  Slade is a joke of a manager and should never have been brought back to the club in the first place.  Feel good factor at this club is 0%.

Posted by: Tradjazz, December 30, 2017, 7:36pm; Reply: 14
Grandson has already given up the ghost and refuses to go. So that's one seat in the Upper that won't be renewed. As for myself, I am seriously considering giving up as I am not enjoying anything at the moment. There's loads of live football on TV on a Saturday afternoon including all Premiership 3:00 kickoffs if you know how.
:) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Posted by: ginnywings, December 30, 2017, 7:49pm; Reply: 15
Quoted from sam gy
Just out of curiosity, would this topic and these responses have been posted a week ago?

Genuine question, not being narky.

I think right now we’re a mid table team with a mid table budget...sometimes we look ok, others we look absolutely crap.

I'd already decided before today. I don't like the Slade brand of 'football' and didn't last time but we were just coming to our second season back in the league and i thought the club needed the money up front for the budget despite my dislike of the manager. I stumped up for a season ticket but soon regretted it as the football is just as one dimensional as i remember. Recent events on and off the pitch have just confirmed to me that the club just never get it right and i think they have treated the fans with contempt more than once. I can still hear Jacob Marley telling us to shut up among other atrocious things that have happened recently. It's not all related to Slade and the football on offer.
Posted by: MuddyWaters, December 30, 2017, 7:55pm; Reply: 16
Quoted from sam gy
Just out of curiosity, would this topic and these responses have been posted a week ago?

Genuine question, not being narky.

I think right now we’re a mid table team with a mid table budget...sometimes we look ok, others we look absolutely crap.

I'll answer your question with pleasure.

We've produced, at best, average performances most of the season, particularly at home. Our board seem intent on mid-table mediocrity, they've employed a manager whose middle name is 'mundane' and the club seems to allow players to come & go as they please. For my money (times three - I pay for three!), I'm fed up with watching players with loads of ability such as Sam Jones stroll around like lazy-arsed fuckwits because they are being told to play percentage football. Remember Crawley, Colchester and others at home - all poor games with little atmosphere - no attacking intent other than pass to Dembele and see what he can do. We subbed our best attacking threat today (DJ) - WTF is going on?
Posted by: 75 (Guest), December 30, 2017, 8:00pm; Reply: 17
Put it this way, I have a season ticket but I didn't go today. A little under the weather but I could have ambled down there, just didn't really want to. I'm at the end of my tether.
Posted by: HertsGTFC, December 30, 2017, 8:04pm; Reply: 18
Quoted from ginnywings

I'd already decided before today. I don't like the Slade brand of 'football' and didn't last time but we were just coming to our second season back in the league and i thought the club needed the money up front for the budget despite my dislike of the manager. I stumped up for a season ticket but soon regretted it as the football is just as one dimensional as i remember. Recent events on and off the pitch have just confirmed to me that the club just never get it right and i think they have treated the fans with contempt more than once. I can still hear Jacob Marley telling us to shut up among other atrocious things that have happened recently. It's not all related to Slade and the football on offer.

Pretty similar to me Ginny, I was embarrassed to be a Town supporter watching the fans forum debacle and still feel quite flat after half a dozen of our “top boys” who go away tried to pick a fight with my lad at Notts County. They couldn’t argue with any Country fans so turned on their own - again!

I can live with the football not being great as things go in cycles but there is an apathy throughout our club at the moment which is spreading so quickly that I don’t look forward to going some weeks at the moment.

Lots of things associated with GTFC are completely rudderless TBH. Nothing is getting dealt with or moved forward.
Posted by: RoboCod, December 30, 2017, 8:06pm; Reply: 19
They should halve the players wages, season tickets and on the day admission prices while the goal difference is zero or less.
Honestly don't see anything else giving this shower of shite the wake up call they require.
Posted by: lukeo, December 30, 2017, 8:11pm; Reply: 20
Not a St holder but now scribbled out the 4 away games I had planned to go to. I will only go if things change dramatically
Posted by: psgmariner, December 30, 2017, 9:42pm; Reply: 21
Apropos nothing I can't stand those fickle Lincoln fans who only go when they win.
Posted by: Davec, December 30, 2017, 10:00pm; Reply: 22
No, I wiLloyd pick and chose my games from now on. I also used to go to 70% away games but this season I've only been to Mansfield, port Vale and Notts County, I don't know when my next one will be. Even having 2nd thoughts about Lincoln away.

It looks like Season ticket sales will drop drastically next season so Fenty will know how the fans are feeling about things but having said that he will probably say that most fans have been bullied not to buy season tickets so he won't take into account the season ticket sales.
Posted by: marinernige, December 30, 2017, 10:12pm; Reply: 23
Stk holder , but under the present regime , i won't be renewing , feel like the club/team,that i've loved and followed for nearly 50 years are having the life sucked out of it,
Last season attended 40 out of 46 matches , i haven't been away since Exeter , and only attending home matches now because of having a stk , but leaving totally numb and not great to live with (apologies to my wife and family) as my daughter said on the way home today,maybe its time i stopped going , think she's right .
Posted by: Zmariner, December 30, 2017, 10:16pm; Reply: 24
Quoted from 75
Put it this way, I have a season ticket but I didn't go today. A little under the weather but I could have ambled down there, just didn't really want to. I'm at the end of my tether.

Exactly the same for me , a season ticket cannot get me there! I listened on the radio , one of the worst benches I ever recall us having. Woolford, Vernon.......  slade signings Kelly, Hooper.,Dixon, even to some degree Clarke only Dembele shines. I thought Slade would do well but massively disappointed utm
Posted by: marinernige, December 30, 2017, 10:22pm; Reply: 25
Agreed with mom , thought Luke Summerfield worked his soaks off only one trying to drive the team on.
Posted by: lew chaterleys lover, December 30, 2017, 10:30pm; Reply: 26
Well if we all stop going we will become even more tinpot than we are now.

We are all disappointed, but I prefer to show my displeasure at the games (or roar my approval)

That is why I don't agree with those who say we shouldn't boo or make our feelings known at the matches - better that than sounding off on here or worse not going at all.

Mind you I have low expectations - I realised a long time ago that we will just be plodding along till Fenty goes.
Posted by: TAGG, December 30, 2017, 10:31pm; Reply: 27
Three of us ST holders after the game said we would probably not get one next season if Slade & Wilko are still in charge.
I can see just over 1000 STs sold next season and crowds down to around 2500/3000 mark if things don't change at the top and if Slade & Wilko are still around.
Posted by: promotion plaice, December 30, 2017, 10:42pm; Reply: 28

We are only 6 points off a play-off spot so we could still get promoted.

I've had a drink   :)
Posted by: thevera, December 31, 2017, 7:43am; Reply: 29
Slade has got previous with a large number of Town fans including me  and for that reason i am sorry John it was a bad appointment. It was always going to be a huge task for him to win over those fans and in the time he has been here nothing points to him achieving that. At this moment in time, and i have felt this way for a couple of months now, there is no way i will be renewing with him at the club.
I will pick and choose games and if things look a whole lot better this time next year I will get a half season ticket if they offer them. It will hurt and I would hope to be back full time soon but the danger is I may get out the habit and with many others could be lost forever. Doubt it will happen but as I say that's the danger.
Posted by: golfer, December 31, 2017, 9:06am; Reply: 30
As a punishment my daughter makes my grandaughter go to the match. If she locks herself in her bedroom on a saturday morning I know she has been naughty during the week. A day at the match used to be a treat for good behaviour.If she misbehaves now we just spell out the letters S.L.A.D.E.   :)
Posted by: Hagrid, December 31, 2017, 9:17am; Reply: 31
I have more important things to spend my money on, attempting to get a deposit for a mortgage, an extra 400 quid would be welcome
Posted by: Mrs Doyle, December 31, 2017, 9:58am; Reply: 32
Quoted from MuddyWaters
If you're an ST holder, would you renew next season with RS as manager? For me, it would be three less renewals unless we see a genuine improvement in quality & recruitment. We even made Scott Brown look good today.

Talking of season ticket holders anyone know why the stewards were asking S.T. holders in the main stand to show them their books BEFORE they went through the turnstiles??

Posted by: Mendonca1995, December 31, 2017, 10:05am; Reply: 33
Yeah what was all that about ???
Posted by: MuddyWaters, December 31, 2017, 10:13am; Reply: 34
Quoted from Mrs Doyle

Talking of season ticket holders anyone know why the stewards were asking S.T. holders in the main stand to show them their books BEFORE they went through the turnstiles??

Sometimes they check just to make sure that someone hasn't just been given a ticket.
Posted by: ginnywings, December 31, 2017, 10:27am; Reply: 35
Quoted from MuddyWaters

Sometimes they check just to make sure that someone hasn't just been given a ticket.

And what if the ST holder has not taken his book to the ground? I just take the relevant ticket.
Posted by: Civvy at last, December 31, 2017, 10:30am; Reply: 36
Quoted from Mrs Doyle

Talking of season ticket holders anyone know why the stewards were asking S.T. holders in the main stand to show them their books BEFORE they went through the turnstiles??

I heard a rumour that some of the main stand ‘lads’ were planning to smuggle smoke bombs in, hidden in season ticket books 😉
Posted by: LH, December 31, 2017, 10:36am; Reply: 37
Lost/stolen book at the last home game. Club trying to locate to see if someone was trying to use it to get in yesterday.
Posted by: Ipswin, December 31, 2017, 11:09am; Reply: 38
Quoted from LH
Lost/stolen book at the last home game. Club trying to locate to see if someone was trying to use it to get in yesterday.

Lost or stolen ? Are you sure the owner didn't chuck it away? There should be 100s in the bins after yesterday

Posted by: LH, December 31, 2017, 11:35am; Reply: 39
Lost but it being stolen can’t be ruled out. Some people like being punished, don’t they?
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