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Posted by: Southwark Mariner, February 12, 2024, 7:47pm
Tweet 1757117459247530310 will appear here...
Posted by: Spurn boy, February 12, 2024, 8:19pm; Reply: 1
A very open and honest interview, I truly believe we will improve and pull away from our current position in the league and just hope the players have the same belief.
Posted by: Swansea_Mariner, February 12, 2024, 8:28pm; Reply: 2
After a terrible interview on the weekend I do think that was much better from him. Interesting that JT had fact checked the  'first error leading to a goal caused by playing out from the back point' and found it to be True.
Posted by: HertsGTFC, February 12, 2024, 8:38pm; Reply: 3
Good interview both in terms of the questions & answers.

Let’s see what the next 5 days brings.
Posted by: Zmariner, February 12, 2024, 9:29pm; Reply: 4
Much better interview, got to get a result tomorrow, although truthfully I am not too confident. I will bet against us and be delighted to lose my money. I dont think he is a bad bloke at all but I don't trust this team. Nervous about the game tomorrow could go 3:0 either way. They will be in  our faces and we need to take our chances.  Utm
Posted by: RichMariner, February 12, 2024, 10:30pm; Reply: 5
Time is a great healer. I think we've all calmed down from immediately after the defeat on Saturday and we'll go to Colchester with renewed belief.

However, I still feel like I'm hoping we'll get a result there, rather than believing it.

He certainly talks well, with carefully chosen words. You can tell he's methodical and a thinker. But in trying to be balanced, there's just a few too many areas where I'm still left wondering what to think.

For example, he was 'delighted' that Wilson stayed. If that's how he was feeling, why let him speak to Crawley? You don't let a striker you're delighted by leave for a team in the same division.

It's not a relegation battle but it is. It's easier to play away because the fans will stick with us 'through thick and thin' but I'm not having a go at the home fans, etc.

I'm not deliberately trying to stir things up, I want Artell to be successful with us. I have nothing against him. I just think, given some appalling results and performances, and while he's presiding over one of the worst home runs in our recent history, it should be healthy to remain sceptical.

This isn't me saying he should go, or anything like that. We just need to see something more from this team, perhaps sooner than he'd like.

If he really understood the situation then he'd know this. I appreciate the work he's doing but the evidence so far, on the whole, is that it's not translating. Danny Rose may think we pass it out from the back much better since Artell joined, but that's not something that's bearing fruit.

I do worry that this will end the way previous endeavours have ended. This isn't just about surviving; it's also about seeing something to get excited about next season. Both are still in the balance for me.

Maybe the tide will turn tomorrow. I certainly hope so!
Posted by: moosey_club, February 12, 2024, 11:10pm; Reply: 6
Quoted from RichMariner

For example, he was 'delighted' that Wilson stayed. If that's how he was feeling, why let him speak to Crawley? You don't let a striker you're delighted by leave for a team in the same division.

It's not a relegation battle but it is. It's easier to play away because the fans will stick with us 'through thick and thin' but I'm not having a go at the home fans,

He can be delighted if he wanted him to stay but acknowledging that if Wilson wanted to go he wouldn't stand in his way as he would be left with a disinterested or unhappy player in the camp.

It is easier to play away from BP....its also easier to watch away from BP too ..i find you get alot less of the wondrously witty and supportive shouts like "Why don't you just fck off Rogers" ..when at away games. Artell is bang on...Cartwright getting pelters, booing , ironic cheers when he hits a long must suck the life out the players as much as it has me listening to it at times this season.  

We are supposed to be supporters.....clues in the name.
Posted by: Norseman, February 12, 2024, 11:53pm; Reply: 7
Delighted Wilson stayed .But left him out of the squad Saturday. Really!!
Posted by: livosnose, February 13, 2024, 12:16am; Reply: 8
Quoted from Norseman
Delighted Wilson stayed .But left him out of the squad Saturday. Really!!

Scores  tomorrow
Posted by: davmariner, February 13, 2024, 1:26am; Reply: 9
A genuine question. What do people find so good about the interview? In this audio clip alone he:

• Had multiple cringeworthy digs at his predecessor.
• Gave a false generalisation of our previous playing style.
• Spoke about our relegation season inaccurately.
• Suggested fans are on the back of Harvey Cartwright (despite having been seen/heard berating him himself).
• Contradicted himself regarding whether we’re in a relegation fight.
• Said nothing to really justify why he’s stubbornly sticking to a failing plan.
Posted by: Southwark Mariner, February 13, 2024, 2:39am; Reply: 10
I was wondering if "we can only control what we can control" was a tautology. I think it's more a truism. Won't count for much when we're back in non-league.
Posted by: 137 (Guest), February 13, 2024, 4:24am; Reply: 11
Quoted from davmariner
A genuine question. What do people find so good about the interview? In this audio clip alone he:

• Had multiple cringeworthy digs at his predecessor.
                                                               No, he didn't

• Gave a false generalisation of our previous playing style.
                                                               That's how he saw it. Football opinions usually disagree.

• Spoke about our relegation season inaccurately.
                                                                No, he didn't
• Suggested fans are on the back of Harvey Cartwright (despite having been seen/heard berating him himself).
                                                                  Some are

• Contradicted himself regarding whether we’re in a relegation fight.
                                                                  Was being honest

• Said nothing to really justify why he’s stubbornly sticking to a failing plan.
                                                                  He said that's how we'll get better as a football team

I think you'd find fault with anything he said tbh. A serial moaner is not much of a supporter in my book.

Posted by: 123614 (Guest), February 13, 2024, 7:54am; Reply: 12
Quoted from RichMariner

We just need to see something more from this team, perhaps sooner than he'd like.

If he really understood the situation then he'd know this.

Would you care to explain this to me please, especially 'perhaps sooner than he'd like' I really don't get what you are trying to say here.  Also the second part I highlighted doesn't make sense.

Posted by: MuddyWaters, February 13, 2024, 8:01am; Reply: 13
I’m on the fence about this.

Performances under DA were generally pretty good up till Harrogate and have been generally worse since. That implies he’s not getting the job done.

I’m on the fence because it’s still relatively early but there’s increasing pressure on him and that interview admitted that he was feeling the fans frustration.
Posted by: Mayaman, February 13, 2024, 8:06am; Reply: 14
Quoted from Swansea_Mariner
After a terrible interview on the weekend I do think that was much better from him. Interesting that JT had fact checked the  'first error leading to a goal caused by playing out from the back point' and found it to be True.

Wasn't there a goal that came from an inaccurate pass which Vernam failed to control that led to a goal?  Surely, that's playing out from the back.
Posted by: RichMariner, February 13, 2024, 8:06am; Reply: 15
Artell obviously gets the benefit of the doubt with this broadly being a squad Hurst built, but also he came into this with his eyes open.

Our home form is hugely concerning, and I do question the wisdom around his methods so far. He talks a good game, so far he’s not been able to back this up.

My worry is that we scrape survival in such a way that people think finishing 21st is a success, he recruits a load of his own players and we’re 19th in October next season.
Posted by: Zmariner, February 13, 2024, 8:34am; Reply: 16
Quoted from davmariner
A genuine question. What do people find so good about the interview? In this audio clip alone he:

• Had multiple cringeworthy digs at his predecessor.
• Gave a false generalisation of our previous playing style.
• Spoke about our relegation season inaccurately.
• Suggested fans are on the back of Harvey Cartwright (despite having been seen/heard berating him himself).
• Contradicted himself regarding whether we’re in a relegation fight.
• Said nothing to really justify why he’s stubbornly sticking to a failing plan.

You are clearly on a tiresome mission. For the greater good, it would be much better if we could get a couple of good results now.
If we lose the next couple, then I suspect David Artell will be done but until that happens I will fully support utm

Posted by: Mappers, February 13, 2024, 8:35am; Reply: 17
Quoted from RichMariner
Artell obviously gets the benefit of the doubt with this broadly being a squad Hurst built, but also he came into this with his eyes open.

Our home form is hugely concerning, and I do question the wisdom around his methods so far. He talks a good game, so far he’s not been able to back this up.

My worry is that we scrape survival in such a way that people think finishing 21st is a success, he recruits a load of his own players and we’re 19th in October next season.

My major worry is similiar -  if the worst happens Artell uses the 'it wasn't my squad ' line and doesn't take any accountability and the board give him longer to implement in the NL with things getting even worse - my fear is they now have a plan and will stick with it at  any cost .

Hoping my optimistic side is right : we win a few ,comfortably stay up with Artell building a promotion challenging side for next season and this last six months is just a blip .

I think some of his thoughts are good and I enjoy his interviews to a degree , he's obviously what you can describe as a new breed manager . Whether that fits us as a club or will bring us regular success is anyone's guess .

I'm not sure what we will get tonight , it's somewhat of a lottery isn't it ?
Posted by: Heisenberg, February 13, 2024, 8:40am; Reply: 18
Quoted from RichMariner
Artell obviously gets the benefit of the doubt with this broadly being a squad Hurst built, but also he came into this with his eyes open.

Our home form is hugely concerning, and I do question the wisdom around his methods so far. He talks a good game, so far he’s not been able to back this up.

My worry is that we scrape survival in such a way that people think finishing 21st is a success, he recruits a load of his own players and we’re 19th in October next season.

That’s your worry? My only worry is relegation. You’ll have far worse worries in October if we’re in the conference.

This season is a write-off at best. If we stay up, we breathe a sigh of relief, and DA gets the summer to work on things.

I have my fingers crossed for him, as I want him to succeed. I especially want him to outfox the Cowley’s tonight, but i do suspect their general ‘sportsmanship’ may be the deciding factor,
Posted by: GrimRob, February 13, 2024, 9:09am; Reply: 19
It's an article of faith with him that we have to play a certain way to get promoted. Most zealots have some form of holy scripture they can point to, with him though we just have to accept it as a truism. This is specific to Grimsby presumably since plenty of other teams don't play that way and get promoted.

The reason we have been relegated twice is that we played the wrong way (although I am pretty sure Holloway also wanted to play "the right way"). We also got promoted twice playing the wrong way but that doesn't count because it's in the league below where you can get away with playing the wrong way.

We also have to wait a year to see the fruits of our labours learning to play the right way, but we don't need to worry about relegation since in the meantime "we won't get relegated" (another truism). The key to this belief I presume is that the two sides at the bottom keep losing although it is completely unaffected by how we play, other than when we play them.
Posted by: davmariner, February 13, 2024, 11:30am; Reply: 20
Quoted from 137

There’s an old saying that goes something along the lines of when you get personal, you’ve lost the argument.

I don’t want my team to be relegated to the National League for the third time, and right now, that’s exactly the direction we’re going in under David Artell.
Posted by: 137 (Guest), February 13, 2024, 11:48am; Reply: 21
Quoted from davmariner

There’s an old saying that goes something along the lines of when you get personal, you’ve lost the argument.

I don’t want my team to be relegated to the National League for the third time, and right now, that’s exactly the direction we’re going in under David Artell.

Maybe I lost the argument in your mind, but check out the ticks and crosses.  :P

Nobody on this forum wants to see us relegated, you're just sh1tting yourself too soon imo.
Posted by: davmariner, February 13, 2024, 11:50am; Reply: 22
Quoted from 137

Maybe I lost the argument in your mind, but check out the ticks and crosses.  :P

Nobody on this forum wants to see us relegated, you're just sh1tting yourself too soon imo.

I don’t really pay attention to ticks and crosses on a single thread, but if you have a look at the poll for whether we ditch Artell it shows my view is far from a minority.
Posted by: forza ivano, February 13, 2024, 12:18pm; Reply: 23
Think he mentioned that Tharme is available. The knowledgeable stockport pair on comms mentioned him favourably, saying he was a good solid centre half
Posted by: toontown, February 13, 2024, 2:28pm; Reply: 24
Quoted from forza ivano
Think he mentioned that Tharme is available. The knowledgeable stockport pair on comms mentioned him favourably, saying he was a good solid centre half

Yeah but Maher was a decent solid defender last year but that doesn't mean he is gonna be any good at meeting the very particular needs of Artell ball. Of course I should expect he's better than Rodgers so it's got to help.
Posted by: Mayaman, February 13, 2024, 3:56pm; Reply: 25
How can people moan before we kick a ball.  Yep, I get frustrated but if I don't like it I can unfollow.  Im backing the Mariners. Come on Town!!!  UTM!
Posted by: Poojah, February 13, 2024, 4:04pm; Reply: 26
Positive vibes from Danny Cowley.

Posted by: headingly_mariner, February 13, 2024, 4:35pm; Reply: 27
I am struggling to warm to Artell.

We were promoted under Hurst and then FA Cup quarter finalists. He needs to focus on what he's doing.

He's also way off saying that's the first goal we've conceded due to playing out, it's a the first direct keeper mistake.
We've had our pockets picked numerous times playing out from the back. We repeatedly turned the ball over to Walsall within 30 yards of our goal and a couple of their goals came from that.

I want to see us play football, I want to see us play from the back, but we can't do it stubbornly every time we get the ball, opposition teams must believe that on occasion we can go long in behind.

I think he's a male masturbator, I hope he is a successful male masturbator.
Posted by: Nelly GTFC, February 13, 2024, 4:41pm; Reply: 28
Posted by: RichMariner, February 13, 2024, 5:36pm; Reply: 29
Put it this way…

If he was a manager that had been in post for longer than he’s been, he’s two or three games from the sack.

He’s given more grace on account that he’s only been in post for a dozen games.

Having said that, lose the next two and he’s on seriously borrowed time, irrespective of his length of tenure. Fans are desperate for reassurance. We’ve had too many managers in our recent history who can talk the talk but cannot walk the walk.

Like I say, hope everything works out. Maybe the penny drops soon and the players hit their stride.
Posted by: Poojah, February 13, 2024, 5:45pm; Reply: 30
Quoted from RichMariner
Put it this way…

If he was a manager that had been in post for longer than he’s been, he’s two or three games from the sack.

He’s given more grace on account that he’s only been in post for a dozen games.

Having said that, lose the next two and he’s on seriously borrowed time, irrespective of his length of tenure. Fans are desperate for reassurance. We’ve had too many managers in our recent history who can talk the talk but cannot walk the walk.

Like I say, hope everything works out. Maybe the penny drops soon and the players hit their stride.

There’s a stark scenario whereby we are only a single point above the relegation zone come Saturday evening, and adrift of the sides above us.

Now, that would require an absolutely nightmarish sequence of results, and probably a pretty unlikely one at that, but it is eminently possible all the same.

If that were to transpire, I very much doubt he’d get an extra game. I’m all for giving managers time, especially when they are attempting to transition us to a more progressive way of playing, but we shouldn’t underestimate how quickly our current 7 point cushion could be eroded and we find ourselves plunged deeply into shít creek.

It’s sobering I know, but a positive performance and result is crucial tonight, for Artell and us more broadly.
Posted by: Sigone, February 13, 2024, 5:47pm; Reply: 31
Quoted from Poojah

There’s a stark scenario whereby we are only a single point above the relegation zone come Saturday evening, and adrift of the sides above us.

Now, that would require an absolutely nightmarish sequence of results, and probably a pretty unlikely one at that, but it is eminently possible all the same.

If that were to transpire, I very much doubt he’d get an extra game. I’m all for giving managers time, especially when they are attempting to transition us to a more progressive way of playing, but we shouldn’t underestimate how quickly our current 7 point cushion could be eroded and we find ourselves plunged deeply into shít creek.

It’s sobering I know, but a positive performance and result is crucial tonight, for Artell and us more broadly.

Or we could be 13 points clear and be very chilled out.
Posted by: Poojah, February 13, 2024, 5:51pm; Reply: 32
Quoted from Sigone

Or we could be 13 points clear and be very chilled out.

Absolutely. I was merely pointing out the potential precariousness of our position, and that Artell doesn’t necessarily have a guaranteed 4 or 5 games to keep himself in a job.
Posted by: malkamalka, February 13, 2024, 6:45pm; Reply: 33
Look, I get how some people feel, but to be honest, the Owners did keep saying it was going to be tough for a couple of years. The thing we have to do is trust in the process. When they came in, the club was a basket case after years of neglect by the previous regime.

We got out of the Conference and stabilised then things (as they always do in football), started to get dodgy, So, they changed the manager. Apart from three or four new signings, the basis of the team is the same. So he has to work with what he has. This is nothing new - Arsenal under Arteta being a case and point.

I think it will take 2/3 more windows to get the team right, although the major target during that transition is not to get relegated, I hope that with each window, the team improves and during 25/26, rather than scrapping around at the bottom, we're challenging the top 10 places.

None of that will happen if we change the manager every 6-8 games.
Posted by: toontown, February 14, 2024, 12:22am; Reply: 34
That's a really cringey interview in parts tbh. At least not as bad as the interview I. Saturday I suppose.

I didn't realise what people were meaning by the David Brent thing but it's shining through in that interview. Were he says the bit about Donovan Wilson said I didn't really want to leave cos you've been such a great manager to me - LOL that is Brent all over. Or the bit where he name drops fans most popular player (Rose) just said to me today how much better we are at playing out from the back now (if it was the office Brent would then look to the camera with smug grin and fiddle with tie). Just reminded me exactly of a scene in the office of Brent taking a phone call and saying to camera crew "oh it's just a member of staff wanting to say what a great job I'm doing". LOL

Also the bollox about we got relegated because we hoofed it. No we didn't. In the relegation season Hollowhead had us start the season trying to play out from the back! The comparisons at the time were McKeown moaning about he thinks we're Barcelona - they're not usually associated with hoofing it! We did change style after even Hollowhead could see it didn't work, didn't we get turned over away at some non league team in the cup whilst trying to knock it about on the edge of our own box I seem to remember. Was hursts team a hoof it team in the 2ne half of season, can't remember but passing it out from the back was how that season started to go downhill. It's also the only previous time we've played that style

As for hoofing it being how we got out of the national league - don't think so, it wasnt the prettiest but it wasn't kick and rush either. Playing it into Taylor for layoffs was one of our main themes, and pushing FBs forward, hunt as a passer in the first half of the season and towler as a good on the ball CB for a while, not one for the purists but hardly Wimbledon circa 1989. So more bollox made up to try and suit his narrative to shore up his position.

Oh and the bit about plan f etc was just a massively long winded way of saying there is no plan b apart from doing plan a better. Which he can't say cos it would paint him as predictable and challinor just gave an interview about how we were predictable and thus easy to plan against.

Oh and he finally admitted we were in a relegation battle - hopefully his eyes have opened!

Anyway he can give as many Brent like interviews as he wants and rewrite history to suit himself as much as he wants if he just starts winning flippin games of football like he's paid to do. Donny is an absolutely massive must not lose game now - do your talking on the pitch Artell, they're as shite as us, show us your plan A can flippin work with this team and beat them! That's all.
Posted by: MuddyWaters, February 14, 2024, 7:39am; Reply: 35
Quoted from toontown
That's a really cringey interview in parts tbh. At least not as bad as the interview I. Saturday I suppose.

I didn't realise what people were meaning by the David Brent thing but it's shining through in that interview. Were he says the bit about Donovan Wilson said I didn't really want to leave cos you've been such a great manager to me - LOL that is Brent all over. Or the bit where he name drops fans most popular player (Rose) just said to me today how much better we are at playing out from the back now (if it was the office Brent would then look to the camera with smug grin and fiddle with tie). Just reminded me exactly of a scene in the office of Brent taking a phone call and saying to camera crew "oh it's just a member of staff wanting to say what a great job I'm doing". LOL

Also the bollox about we got relegated because we hoofed it. No we didn't. In the relegation season Hollowhead had us start the season trying to play out from the back! The comparisons at the time were McKeown moaning about he thinks we're Barcelona - they're not usually associated with hoofing it! We did change style after even Hollowhead could see it didn't work, didn't we get turned over away at some non league team in the cup whilst trying to knock it about on the edge of our own box I seem to remember. Was hursts team a hoof it team in the 2ne half of season, can't remember but passing it out from the back was how that season started to go downhill. It's also the only previous time we've played that style

As for hoofing it being how we got out of the national league - don't think so, it wasnt the prettiest but it wasn't kick and rush either. Playing it into Taylor for layoffs was one of our main themes, and pushing FBs forward, hunt as a passer in the first half of the season and towler as a good on the ball CB for a while, not one for the purists but hardly Wimbledon circa 1989. So more bollox made up to try and suit his narrative to shore up his position.

Oh and the bit about plan f etc was just a massively long winded way of saying there is no plan b apart from doing plan a better. Which he can't say cos it would paint him as predictable and challinor just gave an interview about how we were predictable and thus easy to plan against.

Oh and he finally admitted we were in a relegation battle - hopefully his eyes have opened!

Anyway he can give as many Brent like interviews as he wants and rewrite history to suit himself as much as he wants if he just starts winning flippin games of football like he's paid to do. Donny is an absolutely massive must not lose game now - do your talking on the pitch Artell, they're as shite as us, show us your plan A can flippin work with this team and beat them! That's all.

And pick players who can play in the way you want. That means players that can pass and move.
Posted by: Mappers, February 15, 2024, 8:02am; Reply: 36
Quoted from toontown
That's a really cringey interview in parts tbh. At least not as bad as the interview I. Saturday I suppose.

I didn't realise what people were meaning by the David Brent thing but it's shining through in that interview. Were he says the bit about Donovan Wilson said I didn't really want to leave cos you've been such a great manager to me - LOL that is Brent all over. Or the bit where he name drops fans most popular player (Rose) just said to me today how much better we are at playing out from the back now (if it was the office Brent would then look to the camera with smug grin and fiddle with tie). Just reminded me exactly of a scene in the office of Brent taking a phone call and saying to camera crew "oh it's just a member of staff wanting to say what a great job I'm doing". LOL

Also the bollox about we got relegated because we hoofed it. No we didn't. In the relegation season Hollowhead had us start the season trying to play out from the back! The comparisons at the time were McKeown moaning about he thinks we're Barcelona - they're not usually associated with hoofing it! We did change style after even Hollowhead could see it didn't work, didn't we get turned over away at some non league team in the cup whilst trying to knock it about on the edge of our own box I seem to remember. Was hursts team a hoof it team in the 2ne half of season, can't remember but passing it out from the back was how that season started to go downhill. It's also the only previous time we've played that style

As for hoofing it being how we got out of the national league - don't think so, it wasnt the prettiest but it wasn't kick and rush either. Playing it into Taylor for layoffs was one of our main themes, and pushing FBs forward, hunt as a passer in the first half of the season and towler as a good on the ball CB for a while, not one for the purists but hardly Wimbledon circa 1989. So more bollox made up to try and suit his narrative to shore up his position.

Oh and the bit about plan f etc was just a massively long winded way of saying there is no plan b apart from doing plan a better. Which he can't say cos it would paint him as predictable and challinor just gave an interview about how we were predictable and thus easy to plan against.

Oh and he finally admitted we were in a relegation battle - hopefully his eyes have opened!

Anyway he can give as many Brent like interviews as he wants and rewrite history to suit himself as much as he wants if he just starts winning flippin games of football like he's paid to do. Donny is an absolutely massive must not lose game now - do your talking on the pitch Artell, they're as shite as us, show us your plan A can flippin work with this team and beat them! That's all.

The only player we have had that I can remember (since Handyside) , who could play the ball out well from the back was Simon Ramsden in Slades first season - he was a very good footballer but slade had the heavy artillery of Whittle & Jones either side of him , with him being the ball player , receiving it from the keeper or one of them 2 giving him it and  Ramsden starting the game off .

Maybe Andy Smith was just about competent, but he got schooled in that way .

Maher and Rodgers are not that good on the ball , neither does Tharme look a ball player . That will surely be a priority in the summer for Artell  
Posted by: headingly_mariner, February 15, 2024, 9:49am; Reply: 37
Quoted from Mappers

The only player we have had that I can remember (since Handyside) , who could play the ball out well from the back was Simon Ramsden in Slades first season - he was a very good footballer but slade had the heavy artillery of Whittle & Jones either side of him , with him being the ball player , receiving it from the keeper or one of them 2 giving him it and  Ramsden starting the game off .

Maybe Andy Smith was just about competent, but he got schooled in that way .

Maher and Rodgers are not that good on the ball , neither does Tharme look a ball player . That will surely be a priority in the summer for Artell  

Maher is good on the ball and a good passer.
He often plays good forward passes into feet or space. He was also very good defensively last season. We've struggled to make a defensive unit, but he is a good player.
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