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Posted by: 140381 (Guest), October 15, 2023, 4:52pm
We are Devo!
Posted by: It Bites, October 15, 2023, 4:53pm; Reply: 1
Quoted from dicko995
Lets all take a step back and listen to all our comments on this site.  We, Grimsby, Cleethorpes,  Nationwide, International wide, and anywhere else. GTFC is a worldwide Club, a Club to be recognised and adored by local folf, here or anyone who has moved away from home to other pastures. We all keep in contact by the means of this site, The Fishy, as do the players, The staff, and even the Chairman and his helpers. We, as supporters, and as great we are, ome and especially away from home, turn up and support our hero,s in the black and white stripes that we all honour, to play for and to support for. History is in the past, and the future is yet ro be read, but the present is what we are all concerned about. We all know what is happening now, and its a very disturbing time to all of us, and we all are at the same mind that its not going very well for us. We are all chanting (well most uf us) for Paull Hursts head to be chopped off, and looking at recent results from the beginning of the season , it feels a just cause. Some rants on this forum seem logical and just, and some seem embarrassing, especially when accusations that are terrible to calling certain players or the manager, staff, and above. Just take a step back and tink about this. We are Town, we are supporters, we live and breathe our Club, and yet we criminalise ourselves into turning against our dream, our club, our players, etc. We typr on here our feelings, and its not just for us to read, our players, staff, manager, and the owners look at this. It doesnt help our achievements to bonding as a Club to be recognised. Yes, we are in a rut, and yes, we can get out of it, but  we all need to come together and fight tis upset. Lets let the staff have a chat on monday and see where the problem is, and lets not let them see us bickering on here. I stand by all in the Club, and stand by us supporters, lets stay the course, We Are Town .

It’s a lovely sentiment but most players and managers have little or no sentiment towards football clubs .
Posted by: BulkyMariner, October 15, 2023, 4:56pm; Reply: 2
I get the sentiment of your post, but I wish people would stop suggesting we are the only fans who complain about poor runs of form. Look at Gillingham fans when they came to BP, top of the league and booed the players of at HT. People are allowed to complain at poor results, doesn't make them any less of a fan than someone who doesn't.

At the end of the day, 99% on here want the club to do well. People just have different ideas about how that should happen.
Posted by: LocalLadGTFC, October 15, 2023, 4:57pm; Reply: 3
To answer the question stated, yes we are really fans. Two seasons of watching terrible football at BP and yet still getting gates over 6000. One of the best travelled teams in the league. The football is dire and yet we still all put our hands in our pockets and do our bit. People are entitled to opinions and some people are at the end of there tether with what we've had to watch, I rarely see many people resorting to any personal comments about anyone. I've been one of Hursts biggest supporters but it's coming to the end. Fans are the life of a football club like ours and 3 wins in 17 isn't good enough coupled with the intolerable style of football.
Posted by: grimsby pete, October 15, 2023, 4:58pm; Reply: 4
Football is a passionate game and we are all passionate about our team.

Sometimes we go over the top with our comments which is understandable.

Things will return to normal if we can win a couple of games.

I can not see it starting next week though.
Posted by: HerveJosse, October 15, 2023, 4:58pm; Reply: 5
Quoted from dicko995
Lets all take a step back and listen to all our comments on this site.  We, Grimsby, Cleethorpes,  Nationwide, International wide, and anywhere else. GTFC is a worldwide Club, a Club to be recognised and adored by local folf, here or anyone who has moved away from home to other pastures. We all keep in contact by the means of this site, The Fishy, as do the players, The staff, and even the Chairman and his helpers. We, as supporters, and as great we are, home and especially away from home, turn up and support our hero,s in the black and white stripes that we all honour, to play for and to support for. History is in the past, and the future is yet ro be read, but the present is what we are all concerned about. We all know what is happening now, and its a very disturbing time to all of us, and we all are at the same mind that its not going very well for us. We are all chanting (well most uf us) for Paull Hursts head to be chopped off, and looking at recent results from the beginning of the season , it feels a just cause. Some rants on this forum seem logical and just, and some seem embarrassing, especially when accusations that are terrible to calling certain players or the manager, staff, and above. Just take a step back and tink about this. We are Town, we are supporters, we live and breathe our Club, and yet we criminalise ourselves into turning against our dream, our club, our players, etc. We typr on here our feelings, and its not just for us to read, our players, staff, manager, and the owners look at this. It doesnt help our achievements to bonding as a Club to be recognised. Yes, we are in a rut, and yes, we can get out of it, but  we all need to come together and fight tis upset. Lets let the staff have a chat on monday and see where the problem is, and lets not let them see us bickering on here. I stand by all in the Club, and stand by us supporters, lets stay the course, We Are Town .

There speaks someone who hasn’t attended many games  recently I suspect
Posted by: Mappers, October 15, 2023, 4:59pm; Reply: 6
Quoted from dicko995
Lets all take a step back and listen to all our comments on this site.  We, Grimsby, Cleethorpes,  Nationwide, International wide, and anywhere else. GTFC is a worldwide Club, a Club to be recognised and adored by local folf, here or anyone who has moved away from home to other pastures. We all keep in contact by the means of this site, The Fishy, as do the players, The staff, and even the Chairman and his helpers. We, as supporters, and as great we are, home and especially away from home, turn up and support our hero,s in the black and white stripes that we all honour, to play for and to support for. History is in the past, and the future is yet ro be read, but the present is what we are all concerned about. We all know what is happening now, and its a very disturbing time to all of us, and we all are at the same mind that its not going very well for us. We are all chanting (well most uf us) for Paull Hursts head to be chopped off, and looking at recent results from the beginning of the season , it feels a just cause. Some rants on this forum seem logical and just, and some seem embarrassing, especially when accusations that are terrible to calling certain players or the manager, staff, and above. Just take a step back and tink about this. We are Town, we are supporters, we live and breathe our Club, and yet we criminalise ourselves into turning against our dream, our club, our players, etc. We typr on here our feelings, and its not just for us to read, our players, staff, manager, and the owners look at this. It doesnt help our achievements to bonding as a Club to be recognised. Yes, we are in a rut, and yes, we can get out of it, but  we all need to come together and fight tis upset. Lets let the staff have a chat on monday and see where the problem is, and lets not let them see us bickering on here. I stand by all in the Club, and stand by us supporters, lets stay the course, We Are Town .

Hurst has been given way more leeway by the boards and fans - most would have already turned a while ago tbf . I was edging about a month ago , It does not mean I /we don't support town - we have a pretty stable , loyal and respectful fanbase in general ; yes BP has become a bit of a morgue but numbers are still strong .

We deserve better imo , we have had 20 years of crap barring promotions from division 5 , a day at cardiff , a few cup games and of course the great FA cup run .

It's really scraping the barrel in truth . It's the fans club at the end of the day and we have been stuck in a rut of demise at levels 4 and 5 .

We need a brighter future  I just hope Pettit & Stockwood can deliver and it's not yet another false dawn on the horizon .
Posted by: Southwark Mariner, October 15, 2023, 5:13pm; Reply: 7
is that or .com?
Posted by: lew chaterleys lover, October 15, 2023, 5:40pm; Reply: 8
Quoted from dicko995
Lets all take a step back and listen to all our comments on this site.  We, Grimsby, Cleethorpes,  Nationwide, International wide, and anywhere else. GTFC is a worldwide Club, a Club to be recognised and adored by local folf, here or anyone who has moved away from home to other pastures. We all keep in contact by the means of this site, The Fishy, as do the players, The staff, and even the Chairman and his helpers. We, as supporters, and as great we are, home and especially away from home, turn up and support our hero,s in the black and white stripes that we all honour, to play for and to support for. History is in the past, and the future is yet ro be read, but the present is what we are all concerned about. We all know what is happening now, and its a very disturbing time to all of us, and we all are at the same mind that its not going very well for us. We are all chanting (well most uf us) for Paull Hursts head to be chopped off, and looking at recent results from the beginning of the season , it feels a just cause. Some rants on this forum seem logical and just, and some seem embarrassing, especially when accusations that are terrible to calling certain players or the manager, staff, and above. Just take a step back and tink about this. We are Town, we are supporters, we live and breathe our Club, and yet we criminalise ourselves into turning against our dream, our club, our players, etc. We typr on here our feelings, and its not just for us to read, our players, staff, manager, and the owners look at this. It doesnt help our achievements to bonding as a Club to be recognised. Yes, we are in a rut, and yes, we can get out of it, but  we all need to come together and fight tis upset. Lets let the staff have a chat on monday and see where the problem is, and lets not let them see us bickering on here. I stand by all in the Club, and stand by us supporters, lets stay the course, We Are Town .

The Fishy has no influence whatsoever on anything that happens at the club. The site is a minute fraction of thousands of people who support Town worldwide.

Just think of it as some people talking down the pub about the football, and the events at their favourite club. We don't create anything that happens down at BP, we just comment on it.
Posted by: It Bites, October 15, 2023, 5:41pm; Reply: 9

The Fishy has no influence whatsoever on anything that happens at the club. The site is a minute fraction of thousands of people who support Town worldwide.

Just think of it as some people talking down the pub about the football, and the events at their favourite club. We don't create anything that happens down at BP, we just comment on it.

Absolutely ☝️
Posted by: ginnywings, October 15, 2023, 5:49pm; Reply: 10
I'm a fan who buys his ticket, goes to games with hope, rather than expectation, and can't see the point in expending energy and thought into ranting and raving, either at the ground, or on social media.

As fans, we have absolutely no say in how the club is run, who the board hire and fire, what players are signed, who manages them and what formation/style we attempt to play.

The only choice we have is whether to attend or not, and no amount of wishing things were different is going to change anything, even if you think you know better than the board or the manager (you don't, otherwise you would be in their position) and all the time expended on finding fault with everything because you are angry we lost to Accrington Stanley is energy sapping and draining.

You can tie yourselves in knots thinking that you have the answer, but it's mostly a reactionary and simplistic view you are expressing, borne of frustration.

It sort of feels like those who complain and shout the loudest feel like they are the proper fans, and others who are more studied in their thinking are saps and happy clappers, who are lacking drive and ambition, and somehow don't care as much as they do, so are to be distrusted in their views.

In my years supporting Town, I've seen some of the best and some of the worst football you could imagine, but it's mostly been middling nothingness, much like every other lower league club has witnessed. Watching lower league football isn't glamorous and there are 24 teams in the league, only 4 of which can get promoted, with the other 20 clamouring for a position that isn't the bottom 2.

I'm as p1ssed off as anyone at the current situation, and would desperately love to see us playing rip roaring, attacking, winning football, and while PH is the manager, I will support him and his players, because I am a GTFC fan and he is the manager. If tomorrow, he isn't the manager, then I will support whoever is his replacement.

That is all we can do.
Posted by: golfer, October 15, 2023, 6:07pm; Reply: 11
Agree entirely Ginny. If most of us including myself waited until the next morning to give our thoughts after anger and frustration had died down calmer more constructed views would be expressed.
Posted by: The Caterham Mariner, October 15, 2023, 6:25pm; Reply: 12
Quoted from dicko995
Lets all take a step back and listen to all our comments on this site.  We, Grimsby, Cleethorpes,  Nationwide, International wide, and anywhere else. GTFC is a worldwide Club, a Club to be recognised and adored by local folf, here or anyone who has moved away from home to other pastures. We all keep in contact by the means of this site, The Fishy, as do the players, The staff, and even the Chairman and his helpers. We, as supporters, and as great we are, home and especially away from home, turn up and support our hero,s in the black and white stripes that we all honour, to play for and to support for. History is in the past, and the future is yet ro be read, but the present is what we are all concerned about. We all know what is happening now, and its a very disturbing time to all of us, and we all are at the same mind that its not going very well for us. We are all chanting (well most uf us) for Paull Hursts head to be chopped off, and looking at recent results from the beginning of the season , it feels a just cause. Some rants on this forum seem logical and just, and some seem embarrassing, especially when accusations that are terrible to calling certain players or the manager, staff, and above. Just take a step back and tink about this. We are Town, we are supporters, we live and breathe our Club, and yet we criminalise ourselves into turning against our dream, our club, our players, etc. We typr on here our feelings, and its not just for us to read, our players, staff, manager, and the owners look at this. It doesnt help our achievements to bonding as a Club to be recognised. Yes, we are in a rut, and yes, we can get out of it, but  we all need to come together and fight tis upset. Lets let the staff have a chat on monday and see where the problem is, and lets not let them see us bickering on here. I stand by all in the Club, and stand by us supporters, lets stay the course, We Are Town .

OUCH ..interesting  point of view ,point taken

Posted by: Squidgy Fred, October 15, 2023, 6:52pm; Reply: 13
Quoted from ginnywings
I'm a fan who buys his ticket, goes to games with hope, rather than expectation, and can't see the point in expending energy and thought into ranting and raving, either at the ground, or on social media.

As fans, we have absolutely no say in how the club is run, who the board hire and fire, what players are signed, who manages them and what formation/style we attempt to play.

The only choice we have is whether to attend or not, and no amount of wishing things were different is going to change anything, even if you think you know better than the board or the manager (you don't, otherwise you would be in their position) and all the time expended on finding fault with everything because you are angry we lost to Accrington Stanley is energy sapping and draining.

You can tie yourselves in knots thinking that you have the answer, but it's mostly a reactionary and simplistic view you are expressing, borne of frustration.

It sort of feels like those who complain and shout the loudest feel like they are the proper fans, and others who are more studied in their thinking are saps and happy clappers, who are lacking drive and ambition, and somehow don't care as much as they do, so are to be distrusted in their views.

In my years supporting Town, I've seen some of the best and some of the worst football you could imagine, but it's mostly been middling nothingness, much like every other lower league club has witnessed. Watching lower league football isn't glamorous and there are 24 teams in the league, only 4 of which can get promoted, with the other 20 clamouring for a position that isn't the bottom 2.

I'm as p1ssed off as anyone at the current situation, and would desperately love to see us playing rip roaring, attacking, winning football, and while PH is the manager, I will support him and his players, because I am a GTFC fan and he is the manager. If tomorrow, he isn't the manager, then I will support whoever is his replacement.

That is all we can do.

Good post Ginny. Having supported Town for more than 5 decades, these are also my sentiments. GTID.


Posted by: arryarryarry, October 15, 2023, 7:25pm; Reply: 14
Quoted from HerveJosse

There speaks someone who hasn’t attended many games  recently I suspect

Well he doesn't know how/when to start a new paragraph.
Posted by: MuddyWaters, October 15, 2023, 7:34pm; Reply: 15
Quoted from ginnywings
I'm a fan who buys his ticket, goes to games with hope, rather than expectation, and can't see the point in expending energy and thought into ranting and raving, either at the ground, or on social media.

As fans, we have absolutely no say in how the club is run, who the board hire and fire, what players are signed, who manages them and what formation/style we attempt to play.

The only choice we have is whether to attend or not, and no amount of wishing things were different is going to change anything, even if you think you know better than the board or the manager (you don't, otherwise you would be in their position) and all the time expended on finding fault with everything because you are angry we lost to Accrington Stanley is energy sapping and draining.

You can tie yourselves in knots thinking that you have the answer, but it's mostly a reactionary and simplistic view you are expressing, borne of frustration.

It sort of feels like those who complain and shout the loudest feel like they are the proper fans, and others who are more studied in their thinking are saps and happy clappers, who are lacking drive and ambition, and somehow don't care as much as they do, so are to be distrusted in their views.

In my years supporting Town, I've seen some of the best and some of the worst football you could imagine, but it's mostly been middling nothingness, much like every other lower league club has witnessed. Watching lower league football isn't glamorous and there are 24 teams in the league, only 4 of which can get promoted, with the other 20 clamouring for a position that isn't the bottom 2.

I'm as p1ssed off as anyone at the current situation, and would desperately love to see us playing rip roaring, attacking, winning football, and while PH is the manager, I will support him and his players, because I am a GTFC fan and he is the manager. If tomorrow, he isn't the manager, then I will support whoever is his replacement.

That is all we can do.

I would never choose to not go, that’s for certain. What has got under my skin is seeing players downing tools and not being their best for the fans.

I don’t like seeing us lose, but seeing players downing tools or playing for themselves is another matter. Let’s be straight about this, there’s things that aren’t right and I trust the owners to sort it. I also reiterate what I’ve said before, I think he’s had his time, it’s been mostly good with some great days in there,let’s not spoil it for the sake of a few more games.
Posted by: dicko995, October 15, 2023, 7:35pm; Reply: 16
And ther proves my point on this site. I have been lenient and i get lots of red crosses from most. Yes, i do attend all home matches and sit in the box which i yearly pay for, i see what you all see, im not a proud person whom sits in a quiet box and not get the atmosphere of sound, but im there heart and soul. I didnt expect applause from you all, as i see a lot of you have made your mind up, and condemned Hursty, dont know why i bother submitting.
Posted by: GYinScuntland, October 15, 2023, 7:41pm; Reply: 17
I think someone was fishing for green ticks but didn't get the catch  they expected.
Posted by: arryarryarry, October 15, 2023, 8:16pm; Reply: 18
I do think fans have a voice and will be heard at some point.

If season ticket holders stop going and non season ticket holders stop buying and the current performances continue and things start to get ugly at home games then I think the board will have no choice but to act it they want to keep fans on their side.
Posted by: Mappers, October 15, 2023, 8:33pm; Reply: 19
Quoted from ginnywings
I'm a fan who buys his ticket, goes to games with hope, rather than expectation, and can't see the point in expending energy and thought into ranting and raving, either at the ground, or on social media.

As fans, we have absolutely no say in how the club is run, who the board hire and fire, what players are signed, who manages them and what formation/style we attempt to play.

The only choice we have is whether to attend or not, and no amount of wishing things were different is going to change anything, even if you think you know better than the board or the manager (you don't, otherwise you would be in their position) and all the time expended on finding fault with everything because you are angry we lost to Accrington Stanley is energy sapping and draining.

You can tie yourselves in knots thinking that you have the answer, but it's mostly a reactionary and simplistic view you are expressing, borne of frustration.

It sort of feels like those who complain and shout the loudest feel like they are the proper fans, and others who are more studied in their thinking are saps and happy clappers, who are lacking drive and ambition, and somehow don't care as much as they do, so are to be distrusted in their views.

In my years supporting Town, I've seen some of the best and some of the worst football you could imagine, but it's mostly been middling nothingness, much like every other lower league club has witnessed. Watching lower league football isn't glamorous and there are 24 teams in the league, only 4 of which can get promoted, with the other 20 clamouring for a position that isn't the bottom 2.

I'm as p1ssed off as anyone at the current situation, and would desperately love to see us playing rip roaring, attacking, winning football, and while PH is the manager, I will support him and his players, because I am a GTFC fan and he is the manager. If tomorrow, he isn't the manager, then I will support whoever is his replacement.

That is all we can do.

Good post

In all honesty I love Town but have always gone for a few beers , a bit of a laugh and the games sort of irrelevant - if we win its a bonus and i walk away buzzing , if not I have had a good day - ( Weymouth , Bromley , Eastleigh and Solihull come to mind ) just a good time even if the game was not great .

I know there are people who the result and performance is everything , and if that's the case they have been short changed for far too long at home , there are probably some like me , some like that and others in between or just going out of moral duty to our team .

I have enjoyed the Gillingham game this season and that's about it , a weird one as it looked like it was coming and we had a chance of a good season , I was quite optimistic actually .

But the bits and pieces , to put it politely , after that have in the main been dreadful . We have seen good times , some of us luckily great ones ; I just think we deserve a bit more otherwise the future of our fanbase may well become a distant memory in that they support their hometown club through 'thick and thin' because lets face it , in the main they have seen the thin .

Posted by: Rick12, October 16, 2023, 8:24am; Reply: 20
Quoted from It Bites

It’s a lovely sentiment but most players and managers have little or no sentiment towards football clubs .
Definitely. Money is the end game . You can't live on sentiments. Ask any aspiring youngster who is very good quality where they would like to end up and most would say to play at the highest level possible .

Posted by: Grantham_Mariner, October 16, 2023, 9:16am; Reply: 21
True fans are those that who could have been there where there on Saturday.
True fans stayed to the end.
True fans will be there at Sockport, or will be keeping up to date on line, radio or TV.
True fans will support the club whatever.
True fans know it can hurt supporting the club but are still there for it.
True fans support each other and respect their views.
Posted by: Croxton, October 16, 2023, 9:24am; Reply: 22
Quoted from Grantham_Mariner
True fans are those that who could have been there where there on Saturday.
True fans stayed to the end.
True fans will be there at Sockport, or will be keeping up to date on line, radio or TV.
True fans will support the club whatever.
True fans know it can hurt supporting the club but are still there for it.
True fans support each other and respect their views.

I left early on Saturday but I will pull my socks up at 'Sockport'. And Donny.
Posted by: diehardmariner, October 16, 2023, 9:29am; Reply: 23

The Fishy has no influence whatsoever on anything that happens at the club. The site is a minute fraction of thousands of people who support Town worldwide.

Just think of it as some people talking down the pub about the football, and the events at their favourite club. We don't create anything that happens down at BP, we just comment on it.

I'm not so sure to be honest.  Fenty was triggered numerous times by stuff on here.  What was the phrase he coined for some of the more vocal posters against his reign?  Didn't he try to get their details too?

I think 1878 are a bit more savvy than Fenty when it comes to reacting to their wider noise in the system but I'm pretty sure The Fishy is still read from within.  For a forum that doesn't have a major amount of activity, everyone seems to know about it and what's getting said (sadly often in a negative tone).

Twitter is by far busier when it comes to GTFC based opinion but the limitations on characters in a post and I think perhaps more of the consistency on here with regards the same posters, I'd argue this is probably a better barometer of the mood music surrounding the club.  Put it this way, if the club aren't even glancing over here to gauge opinion then they're missing a trick.
Posted by: DB, October 16, 2023, 10:28am; Reply: 24
Some weeks ago I suggested to someone that all did not seem right behind the scenes at Cheapside. No major information, just a gut feeling about small things that give you an impression.

After Saturday's game you get the impression that not all is right and, apart from Rose, did the others really give 100%, were they exhausted when they came, and needed to sit down before coming off at the end? , or did they trot off?

I don't recall a player's spouse/partner resorting to remarks on the media. It looks as if cracks are breaking through Hurst's tight reigns on discipline, previous players were transferred for not meeting his standards, so is Maher about to go? We know about Harry but to me, he seems to be anonymous on the pitch these last 2 games and Waterfall has not been at his very best but played.

There is far too much going on and it would appear that Hurst and Doig have lost the dressing room. I sincerely hope that I am totally wrong. I very much appreciate what Hurst and Doig have done in the past but we cannot live in the past. Last season the home games were bleak in points and entertainment value, a factor that has continued this season. We were lucky to beat Barrow and now move onto Stockport where 99.9% believe in a defeat.

I contrast this to the sides of George Kerr. An entertaining Home victory was always predicted and was it to be by 2 or 3 goals. Even if we lost you knew the team put 100% into their game. I remember they lost and their Sunday morning lay in was replaced by a jog up and down Cleethorpes Beach.

I've been a fan of the managers merry go round but something is seriously wrong and needs fixing fast. It's alright saying wait a few more games etc., like some said in our relegation season. The time is now for JS & AP to act.
Posted by: 123614 (Guest), October 16, 2023, 10:53am; Reply: 25
Quoted from diehardmariner

I'm not so sure to be honest.  Fenty was triggered numerous times by stuff on here.  What was the phrase he coined for some of the more vocal posters against his reign?  Didn't he try to get their details too?

I think 1878 are a bit more savvy than Fenty when it comes to reacting to their wider noise in the system but I'm pretty sure The Fishy is still read from within.  For a forum that doesn't have a major amount of activity, everyone seems to know about it and what's getting said (sadly often in a negative tone).

Twitter is by far busier when it comes to GTFC based opinion but the limitations on characters in a post and I think perhaps more of the consistency on here with regards the same posters, I'd argue this is probably a better barometer of the mood music surrounding the club.  Put it this way, if the club aren't even glancing over here to gauge opinion then they're missing a trick.

To be fair, the Fishy is hardly a barometer of the majority of GTFC supporters.  I haven't done the math myself, but how may posters do you think there are on here regularly, and what percentage of them want Hurst out?  If I was to say somewhere between 100-200 posters, I think that might be a bit over generous, but even if it was 200, that is not a significant amount in the grand scheme of things.

We have regularly been getting crowds of 6000+, how many of them want Hurst out, we don't know.  There are many other supporters who cannot get to games, myself included, I don't want Hurst out, how many of the others do, again we don't know.  

The Fishy is a very small representation of fans who support GTFC, and I think that the owners will be looking more at attendances than popping on here to see what a minority of GTFC fans are thinking.

Posted by: MuddyWaters, October 16, 2023, 11:06am; Reply: 26
Quoted from 123614

To be fair, the Fishy is hardly a barometer of the majority of GTFC supporters.  I haven't done the math myself, but how may posters do you think there are on here regularly, and what percentage of them want Hurst out?  If I was to say somewhere between 100-200 posters, I think that might be a bit over generous, but even if it was 200, that is not a significant amount in the grand scheme of things.

We have regularly been getting crowds of 6000+, how many of them want Hurst out, we don't know.  There are many other supporters who cannot get to games, myself included, I don't want Hurst out, how many of the others do, again we don't know.  

The Fishy is a very small representation of fans who support GTFC, and I think that the owners will be looking more at attendances than popping on here to see what a minority of GTFC fans are thinking.

I don't want to be unreasonable but if you went to games you might have a greater understanding as to why many fans want him gone.
Posted by: 123614 (Guest), October 16, 2023, 11:14am; Reply: 27
Quoted from MuddyWaters

I don't want to be unreasonable but if you went to games you might have a greater understanding as to why many fans want him gone.

As you know absolutely nothing about me, I will enlighten you, I am disabled and live in Barton upon Humber, I have no means of getting to games as the discomfort and pain I suffer just walking a short distance is intolerable.  You might want to think again before you comment on people you know nothing about.  Also I watch every game live on Mariners TV, so just cut out the BS please.

Posted by: diehardmariner, October 16, 2023, 11:18am; Reply: 28
Quoted from 123614

To be fair, the Fishy is hardly a barometer of the majority of GTFC supporters.  I haven't done the math myself, but how may posters do you think there are on here regularly, and what percentage of them want Hurst out?  If I was to say somewhere between 100-200 posters, I think that might be a bit over generous, but even if it was 200, that is not a significant amount in the grand scheme of things.

We have regularly been getting crowds of 6000+, how many of them want Hurst out, we don't know.  There are many other supporters who cannot get to games, myself included, I don't want Hurst out, how many of the others do, again we don't know.  

The Fishy is a very small representation of fans who support GTFC, and I think that the owners will be looking more at attendances than popping on here to see what a minority of GTFC fans are thinking.

And this would be a very crude type of opinion polling.

The feel on here and the definite shift in opinion over the last few weeks, certainly over the weekend, is more or less a mirror of what I've seen on social media and amongst the voices heard during and whilst leaving the game on Saturday.

I don't have the exact data behind it, which no doubt won't suit your selective arguments about facts, but I'm incredibly confident when saying that you're in a significant minority who don't wish for a change.

Posted by: diehardmariner, October 16, 2023, 11:19am; Reply: 29
Quoted from 123614

As you know absolutely nothing about me, I will enlighten you, I am disabled and live in Barton upon Humber, I have no means of getting to games as the discomfort and pain I suffer just walking a short distance is intolerable.  You might want to think again before you comment on people you know nothing about.  Also I watch every game live on Mariners TV, so just cut out the BS please.

To the Gulag.
Posted by: MuddyWaters, October 16, 2023, 11:23am; Reply: 30
Quoted from 123614

As you know absolutely nothing about me, I will enlighten you, I am disabled and live in Barton upon Humber, I have no means of getting to games as the discomfort and pain I suffer just walking a short distance is intolerable.  You might want to think again before you comment on people you know nothing about.  Also I watch every game live on Mariners TV, so just cut out the BS please.

I did say that I didn’t want to be unreasonable. It’s not just what you see on TV, it’s the atmosphere and the body language.
Posted by: 123614 (Guest), October 16, 2023, 11:24am; Reply: 31
Quoted from diehardmariner

And this would be a very crude type of opinion polling.

The feel on here and the definite shift in opinion over the last few weeks, certainly over the weekend, is more or less a mirror of what I've seen on social media and amongst the voices heard during and whilst leaving the game on Saturday.

I don't have the exact data behind it, which no doubt won't suit your selective arguments about facts, but I'm incredibly confident when saying that you're in a significant minority who don't wish for a change.

I am certain that you cannot prove that.

Posted by: AncientExiledMariner, October 16, 2023, 11:25am; Reply: 32
Quoted from MuddyWaters

I did say that I didn’t want to be unreasonable. It’s not just what you see on TV, it’s the atmosphere and the body language.

A wee bit of gatekeeping going on here...

You can see body language on TV. If your overall opinion is getting swayed by atmosphere, maybe your opinion is heavily influenced. A bit.. "Well, the folks around me didn't like it, so I didn't".
Posted by: grimps, October 16, 2023, 11:25am; Reply: 33
Ive been a fan over 40 years and I live overseas now.
I watch most of the games online (which I pay for) and Every time I go back to the UK i buy some stuff from the club shop, so I suppose I still give them my share of cash.

I'm sure I get just as miserable as everyone else when we lose and I think I still deserve the right to have a whinge when things aren't going well.
Posted by: diehardmariner, October 16, 2023, 11:41am; Reply: 34
Quoted from 123614

I am certain that you cannot prove that.

FFS, that's literally what I said in the exact same sentence that you quoted!

Posted by: 123614 (Guest), October 16, 2023, 11:49am; Reply: 35
Quoted from diehardmariner

FFS, that's literally what I said in the exact same sentence that you quoted!

Did you not say, "but I'm incredibly confident when saying that you're in a significant minority who don't wish for a change."

Incredibly confident!  Then prove it.

Posted by: diehardmariner, October 16, 2023, 12:16pm; Reply: 36
Right, if you read the full sentence then you'll see that I started with "I don't have the exa..."

Forget it.  It's like pissing into a flipping hurricane.
Posted by: ginnywings, October 16, 2023, 12:40pm; Reply: 37
Most of the people I attend with want PH gone and none of them post on here. I think there was a sea change on Saturday and it will only grow if performances and results don't improve over the next few weeks.

Not quite sure we have yet reached a tipping point, but it's close.
Posted by: diehardmariner, October 16, 2023, 1:26pm; Reply: 38
Same here, ginny.

I'd think that my group is quite moderate in their views and certainly not reactionary, especially when it comes to management of the club etc.  

Yet over the last few weeks a few grumbles of discontent/disillusionment have crept in, which just completely fell off the cliff on Saturday.  It seems very much the general theme across the fan base.

It's almost like the see-saw as the weight shifts from one side to another.  It's very gradual and not obviously noticeable, but then suddenly the other side of the see-saw just pings up/down.  I think the mood has slowly crept over the last month or so, Saturday was just the final straw for too many.

Said on another thread that the post second goal evacuation of the ground was interesting on two points.  Firstly that it sent a huge message as to the disillusionment with what was going on, still 16 minutes of time in total to be played at that point. But it also meant there was no large reaction at the final whistle.   The walkout and the post-game reaction from the fans wasn't with the result, it was with the display.  Had that game stayed at 0-0 until the 98th minute and Accrington stole it, you would have heard the booing miles away.
Posted by: Northbank Mariner, October 16, 2023, 2:12pm; Reply: 39
Quoted from diehardmariner
Same here, ginny.

I'd think that my group is quite moderate in their views and certainly not reactionary, especially when it comes to management of the club etc.  

Yet over the last few weeks a few grumbles of discontent/disillusionment have crept in, which just completely fell off the cliff on Saturday.  It seems very much the general theme across the fan base.

It's almost like the see-saw as the weight shifts from one side to another.  It's very gradual and not obviously noticeable, but then suddenly the other side of the see-saw just pings up/down.  I think the mood has slowly crept over the last month or so, Saturday was just the final straw for too many.

Said on another thread that the post second goal evacuation of the ground was interesting on two points.  Firstly that it sent a huge message as to the disillusionment with what was going on, still 16 minutes of time in total to be played at that point. But it also meant there was no large reaction at the final whistle.   The walkout and the post-game reaction from the fans wasn't with the result, it was with the display.  Had that game stayed at 0-0 until the 98th minute and Accrington stole it, you would have heard the booing miles away.

I'm a ponnyite, sit behind the goal and I've made no bones about hating Hurst style of football, I'm one of those didn't want him back tbh, but I've also given the bloke some kudos for some great performances.
Generally I've been in the minority, had some, shall we say, heated debates with people around me, until 5pm on Saturday!!..
There are ardent Hurst fans in and around me, and for the first time on Saturday, even they were saying enough is enough. I honestly don't think it matters of the board back him or not now, the results have become irrelevant, it's the style of play that has turned things sour, and Hurst will never, ever change to an attack at all costs approach I'm afraid.
Posted by: Hagrid, October 16, 2023, 2:18pm; Reply: 40
Quoted from Northbank Mariner

I'm a ponnyite, sit behind the goal and I've made no bones about hating Hurst style of football, I'm one of those didn't want him back tbh, but I've also given the bloke some kudos for some great performances.
Generally I've been in the minority, had some, shall we say, heated debates with people around me, until 5pm on Saturday!!..
There are ardent Hurst fans in and around me, and for the first time on Saturday, even they were saying enough is enough. I honestly don't think it matters of the board back him or not now, the results have become irrelevant, it's the style of play that has turned things sour, and Hurst will never, ever change to an attack at all costs approach I'm afraid.

Strong word to use that one!

Cant see a change happening before the weekend,Not going to Stockport as had a prior engagement but I have a horrible feeling it could turn into Halifax away in 2015, one of my worst days watching town, as toxic as you could ever imagine
Posted by: diehardmariner, October 16, 2023, 2:26pm; Reply: 41
He can go a bit more attack minded though, two videos below from games a matter of 2 days apart in the early midst of the 2014/15 season.   He just always goes back to his default, the approach that he has far more belief in.  I think most of us get that we can't be gung-ho all the time, but just a little bit of less caution would be nice.

Anyway, the Gateshead video is worth watching just for Scott Neilson's celebration in front of Craig Baxter, a matter of months after Baxter had his shin snapped in half by the wind from Neilson's shoelace.


Posted by: lew chaterleys lover, October 16, 2023, 3:23pm; Reply: 42
Quoted from diehardmariner
He can go a bit more attack minded though, two videos below from games a matter of 2 days apart in the early midst of the 2014/15 season.   He just always goes back to his default, the approach that he has far more belief in.  I think most of us get that we can't be gung-ho all the time, but just a little bit of less caution would be nice.

Anyway, the Gateshead video is worth watching just for Scott Neilson's celebration in front of Craig Baxter, a matter of months after Baxter had his shin snapped in half by the wind from Neilson's shoelace.



Do you find it odd when you see clips like this the quality of our play is so much better than today? Every clip on Twitter and elsewhere sees teamwork, players getting forward,  wingers darting down the line and getting crosses in etc. All in Hurst’s reign.

It doesn't matter about the division we are in or the quality of the opposition the principle is we can play so much better under Hurst and the only conclusion I can come to is that he made a complete horlicks of the recruitment process and has panicked.
Posted by: Lincoln Mariner 56, October 16, 2023, 3:52pm; Reply: 43
I would expect that those who post on the fishy provide a very representative percentage of the fans who attend matches. I changed the area of the Upper that I sit in this season and even before the game started those around were sarcastic in their expectations for entertainment in the next 90 minutes and of those of us who still remained at the end there was a significant displeasure at the performance and of those saying that’s it I’m not coming again to watch this crap, or words to that effect.

I commented on Saturday that I was very puzzled by the fact the crowd was 6300 plus as there were numerous spare seat’s around our area of the Upper, I could see a number of empty seats in the Ponny and there looked plenty of seats in the Osmond plus a poor away following. Doesn’t add up to me when we have had large followings, seemingly very few empty seats in any stand but officially very similar attendances as Saturday, very odd.
Posted by: Northbank Mariner, October 16, 2023, 4:54pm; Reply: 44
Quoted from Hagrid

Strong word to use that one!

Cant see a change happening before the weekend,Not going to Stockport as had a prior engagement but I have a horrible feeling it could turn into Halifax away in 2015, one of my worst days watching town, as toxic as you could ever imagine

Its not personal towards him H, its the style I hate, there's just no enjoyment watching it pal.

I'm not so sure about Stockport being the new hdlifax as most of us accept that we're on a hiding to nothing there, but if we play awful on Tuesday week against Colchester, then I'm taking my tin foil hat because I really can see BP becoming so bloody toxic, they'll be quite a few vociferous voices baying for blood of Hurst.
Posted by: Northbank Mariner, October 16, 2023, 4:57pm; Reply: 45

Do you find it odd when you see clips like this the quality of our play is so much better than today? Every clip on Twitter and elsewhere sees teamwork, players getting forward,  wingers darting down the line and getting crosses in etc. All in Hurst’s reign.

It doesn't matter about the division we are in or the quality of the opposition the principle is we can play so much better under Hurst and the only conclusion I can come to is that he made a complete horlicks of the recruitment process and has panicked.

Was Rob Scott still his oppo though?..maybe, just maybe it would be interesting to compare the Hurst style with Scott and post Scott??.
Posted by: Northbank Mariner, October 16, 2023, 4:59pm; Reply: 46
Quoted from Lincoln Mariner 56
I would expect that those who post on the fishy provide a very representative percentage of the fans who attend matches. I changed the area of the Upper that I sit in this season and even before the game started those around were sarcastic in their expectations for entertainment in the next 90 minutes and of those of us who still remained at the end there was a significant displeasure at the performance and of those saying that’s it I’m not coming again to watch this crap, or words to that effect.

I commented on Saturday that I was very puzzled by the fact the crowd was 6300 plus as there were numerous spare seat’s around our area of the Upper, I could see a number of empty seats in the Ponny and there looked plenty of seats in the Osmond plus a poor away following. Doesn’t add up to me when we have had large followings, seemingly very few empty seats in any stand but officially very similar attendances as Saturday, very odd.

Isn't the attendance based on tickets sold rather than registered through the turnstiles?...that would certainly skew the figure to a higher number..
Posted by: Lincoln Mariner 56, October 16, 2023, 5:05pm; Reply: 47
Quoted from Northbank Mariner

Isn't the attendance based on tickets sold rather than registered through the turnstiles?...that would certainly skew the figure to a higher number..

Think previously, but I could be wrong, that we are a club who don’t count season ticket holders in the attendance if they don’t attend which is reason we had crowds of 6500+ last season when apparently no tickets were available to buy. Could be talking utter balderdash, wouldn’t be the first time, but that’s my understanding.
Posted by: diehardmariner, October 16, 2023, 8:00pm; Reply: 48
Quoted from Northbank Mariner

Was Rob Scott still his oppo though?..maybe, just maybe it would be interesting to compare the Hurst style with Scott and post Scott??.

Pretty sure this was post-Scott.

I'd definitely argue that under the guidance of both we were definitely a bit more aggressive in the attack (and in general conversation).

I'm in no way advocating a return for him and it's an observation rather than a stick to beat Hurst with, but I think Scott was a bit more proactive in the transfer market too.  On his own, I can only really think of Bogle and Conteh who Hurst has signed as players who you look and think 'we must have beat some competition for them'.  With Scott here there was Ian Miller, Liam Hearn, Ross Hannah, Anthony Elding, Richard Brodie.... Of course they didn't all work out but all arrived with a bit of a reputation at the level or below and with a pedigree about them. Hurst largely prefers those who go under the radar.
Posted by: aldi_01, October 16, 2023, 8:12pm; Reply: 49
In answer to the question, I guess it depends what you regard as a fan or supporter.

Personally, I’ve reached a point where I’ve realised just standing there and moaning from minute one, berating players, moaning about subs or what not just isn’t necessary or has any real impact. There’s a flipping goon that sits near me that blew a gasket on Saturday as their lad rifled one in the top corner…ya know, just as Eisa has done this season.

We have a core of fans that quite frankly, if Hurst won the European cup would moan. That’s how it is. I also suspect, with the many platforms in which every Alf Ramsey can comment, even the great Lord and saviour himself, Alan Buckley would be hounded. Let’s not kid ourselves that at times his football was turgid, and that feat season of 98, we hardly flew into the playoffs and dominated all season.

A supporter is there to support, some of our fans would do best to remember that. You go through moments as a fan of a club when things get tough (this isn’t even close to be as tough as we’ve known) when you question things, very rarely your allegiance to a club, but Saturday was another of those moments, like Halifax, Dagenham, Bath City where my issue was being associated with some of our fan base.

We can all have and are entitled to an opinion but on a day when we were raising awareness of mental health, it was quite frankly flipping embarrassing, again.

Town fans have shown multiple times how they can club together for the greater good, but, and there is a but, we do seem to over react and turn quicker than milk…I do believe social media and this idea of instant gratification is a contributing factor to that though. Perhaps it’s an issue across football, who knows but for now, a fan would support their club, not pray the dole queue on someone, merely because they don’t feel entertained. It’s sport. Sometimes it’s a bit excrement…and besides, there really are more important things to get angry about…
Posted by: IlkleyMariner, October 16, 2023, 8:22pm; Reply: 50
I’ve been a fan for umpteen years

I think we have some good players

I think PH is an experienced honest manager

We are not buddies but I have met him. He’s a decent hardworking guy.

I’ve no idea what is going wrong and I hope it gets fixed in the next four or five weeks, but to sack him now is foolish.
Posted by: HerveJosse, October 16, 2023, 8:32pm; Reply: 51
Quoted from Lincoln Mariner 56
I would expect that those who post on the fishy provide a very representative percentage of the fans who attend matches. I changed the area of the Upper that I sit in this season and even before the game started those around were sarcastic in their expectations for entertainment in the next 90 minutes and of those of us who still remained at the end there was a significant displeasure at the performance and of those saying that’s it I’m not coming again to watch this crap, or words to that effect.

I commented on Saturday that I was very puzzled by the fact the crowd was 6300 plus as there were numerous spare seat’s around our area of the Upper, I could see a number of empty seats in the Ponny and there looked plenty of seats in the Osmond plus a poor away following. Doesn’t add up to me when we have had large followings, seemingly very few empty seats in any stand but officially very similar attendances as Saturday, very odd.

I agree with you on the attendance point the low figures reported for home support when all home seats were sold out earlier in the season are unrecocialbe with figure on Saturday when there clearly many more empty seats . I used to be very good at judging the attendance and I would have put Saturday at about 5600 . I know most don’t care about this stuff but just another odd thing going on at our football club.
Posted by: lew chaterleys lover, October 16, 2023, 8:43pm; Reply: 52
Quoted from HerveJosse

I agree with you on the attendance point the low figures reported for home support when all home seats were sold out earlier in the season are unrecocialbe with figure on Saturday when there clearly many more empty seats . I used to be very good at judging the attendance and I would have put Saturday at about 5600 . I know most don’t care about this stuff but just another odd thing going on at our football club.

I thought it looked about right (6k +) from where I was sat for what it's worth.

Personally I prefer to count the tickets sold regardless of who turns up.
Posted by: toontown, October 16, 2023, 8:57pm; Reply: 53
We've counted only those in attendance in the past, in contrast to say Doncaster who last season counted all tickets sold regardless of how many attended.
Posted by: blundellpork, October 16, 2023, 10:56pm; Reply: 54
The answer is really in the word itself- attendance. Otherwise it needs to be announced as tickets sold.
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