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Posted by: DB, March 11, 2021, 8:43am
I would like to thank all of you who gave me red cross's. I have achieved the mile stone of just over 1,000 as I type.

To those who chose to tell me why you disagree with me I sincerely say thank you again, as it is good to know why. Our views may differ but the end result for all is a victorious Mariners team now and in the future.

To those who did not choose to say why they disagreed with me, keeping their reasons to themselves not sharing with The Fishy members, I thank you as well. For it is your 100's of red cross's that made this achievement possible.

Posted by: BobbyCummingsTackle, March 11, 2021, 8:55am; Reply: 1
I am just a teensy bit skeptical about our comments on here leading to a victorious team. Evidence would suggest otherwise.
Posted by: promotion plaice, March 11, 2021, 9:14am; Reply: 2

If they are bothering you DB just turn them off   :)
Posted by: 140381 (Guest), March 11, 2021, 9:18am; Reply: 3
Posted by: denni266, March 11, 2021, 9:40am; Reply: 4
I think its refreshing to read and take in some posts that are thinking outside the box so to speak,  un like Hurst who never thinks outside the box and likes his chosen few to be in the box with him at all times ,, penalty box that is  :P ;D
Posted by: DB, March 11, 2021, 11:27am; Reply: 5
Quoted from promotion plaice

If they are bothering you DB just turn them off   :)

Thank you for your concern PP, but their not. What I do really appreciate is a good debate on different views all of which want the same end result.
Posted by: Son of Cod, March 11, 2021, 11:53am; Reply: 6
Quoted from DB
I would like to thank all of you who gave me red cross's. I have achieved the mile stone of just over 1,000 as I type.

To those who chose to tell me why you disagree with me I sincerely say thank you again, as it is good to know why. Our views may differ but the end result for all is a victorious Mariners team now and in the future.

To those who did not choose to say why they disagreed with me, keeping their reasons to themselves not sharing with The Fishy members, I thank you as well. For it is your 100's of red cross's that made this achievement possible.


You'd have got there a bit faster if I had them switched on so apologies for that.
Posted by: DB, March 11, 2021, 12:09pm; Reply: 7
I am just a teensy bit skeptical about our comments on here leading to a victorious team. Evidence would suggest otherwise.

Now you should know be by now positive optimism pre match day up to the final whistle. Then the opposite till the red wine dulls the senses, unless we win, then it's celebration time!!!!!
Posted by: DB, March 11, 2021, 12:13pm; Reply: 8
Quoted from Son of Cod

You'd have got there a bit faster if I had them switched on so apologies for that.

I kook forward to your support.
Posted by: GrimRob, March 11, 2021, 12:13pm; Reply: 9
The subject should be Red Crosses, a completely superfluous apostrophe, so I gave you a red cross.
Posted by: DB, March 11, 2021, 12:23pm; Reply: 10
Quoted from GrimRob
The subject should be Red Crosses, a completely superfluous apostrophe, so I gave you a red cross.

Sorry Rob, English language has always been a problem for me, but hey I keep on trying. Thank you for explanation as well, I do appreciate it.
Posted by: GYinScuntland, March 11, 2021, 1:57pm; Reply: 11
If it's red crosses for disagree and green ticks for agree there should be an option for those that don't really care either way.
It's not very inclusive is it?
It's 2021 after all.
Posted by: Sir Matt Tease, March 11, 2021, 2:18pm; Reply: 12
Quoted from DB
I would like to thank all of you who gave me red cross's. I have achieved the mile stone of just over 1,000 as I type.

To those who chose to tell me why you disagree with me I sincerely say thank you again, as it is good to know why. Our views may differ but the end result for all is a victorious Mariners team now and in the future.

To those who did not choose to say why they disagreed with me, keeping their reasons to themselves not sharing with The Fishy members, I thank you as well. For it is your 100's of red cross's that made this achievement possible.


I think that you will find that the majority of the red cross brigade on here are the posters who are unable to construct a sensible, well thought out  and logical reply to the original post. People no longer seem to possess the ability to enter into discussion and argue their point in a well reasoned way, hence the red cross.

Posted by: Kris2, March 11, 2021, 2:40pm; Reply: 13
There is an option to turn them off. I usually get at least 1 red cross on every post I make, probably from the same person. I made somebody on here upset a few years ago and they've made it a goal to red cross every post I ever made since.  ;D
Posted by: DB, March 11, 2021, 2:43pm; Reply: 14
Quoted from Kris2
There is an option to turn them off. I usually get at least 1 red cross on every post I make, probably from the same person. I made somebody on here upset a few years ago and they've made it a goal to red cross every post I ever made since.  ;D

That's the impression I have
Posted by: jonnyboy82, March 11, 2021, 2:56pm; Reply: 15
Make a thread about red crosses,  jesus christ things are excrement atm aren't they.
Posted by: DB, March 11, 2021, 2:59pm; Reply: 16
Quoted from jonnyboy82
Make a thread about red crosses,  jesus christ things are excrement atm aren't they.

I also started a thread about Jesus Christ on the non football site if you wish to discuss Him there.
Posted by: lee65, March 11, 2021, 4:13pm; Reply: 17
Quoted from jonnyboy82
Make a thread about red crosses,  jesus christ things are excrement atm aren't they.

Yeah, but so far this season we haven't had many other "crosses" worth mentioning in a thread  ;)
Posted by: Sir Matt Tease, March 11, 2021, 4:24pm; Reply: 18
Quoted from Sir Matt Tease

I think that you will find that the majority of the red cross brigade on here are the posters who are unable to construct a sensible, well thought out  and logical reply to the original post. People no longer seem to possess the ability to enter into discussion and argue their point in a well reasoned way, hence the red cross.

You see, I rest my case. I have attracted six numbnuts already in one afternoon.

I posted during the day as I thought that all the children were back at school, obviously not !  ;)

Posted by: BobbyCummingsTackle, March 11, 2021, 4:28pm; Reply: 19
Quoted from GYinScuntland
If it's red crosses for disagree and green ticks for agree there should be an option for those that don't really care either way.
It's not very inclusive is it?
It's 2021 after all.

There is: Ignore the post. Move on.
Posted by: friskneymariner, March 11, 2021, 5:25pm; Reply: 20
Quoted from Sir Matt Tease

I think that you will find that the majority of the red cross brigade on here are the posters who are unable to construct a sensible, well thought out  and logical reply to the original post. People no longer seem to possess the ability to enter into discussion and argue their point in a well reasoned way, hence the red cross.

Think you will find this only applies to the pro-Fenty brigade,mainly because there is no logical argument to support him.
Posted by: louth_in_the_south, March 11, 2021, 10:09pm; Reply: 21
Every time someone belly aches about getting red x’s they automatically receive one from me
Posted by: GYinScuntland, March 12, 2021, 12:45am; Reply: 22
So is it right that if you moan about red crosses you get some but if you say red crosses are ace you get some too?
But if you say green ticks are good you'll get red crosses too? Maybe a green tick but not as many ticks as crosses?
If you get loads of red crosses does that count towards post of the week? Or just the ticks?
If so you're all girl privates, if not I love you all to bits.
Posted by: BlackandWhiteBarmy2, March 12, 2021, 1:20am; Reply: 23
Got a thing about crosses haven't you DB? There's the red ones, then there's the one that Jesus was all hung up about, Towns lack of them, whats next? crosses on ballot papers?
Posted by: Rick12, March 12, 2021, 6:32am; Reply: 24
Sorry if the red crosses has upset you DB. Dont worry about it. I get the impression your a nice enough type but a bit sensitive. In life so long as you try to come from a truthful place that's all that matters. No one is going to get it right all the time and sometimes the truth that's nearest to the mark is often the most unpopular.

Ive stated this before but the problem with typing views on the fishy its a bit artificial. People may be bold/brazen even rude yet in real life in a pub or a chat face to face on the terraces when people see you face to face its often all a different ball game.

Rio Ferdinand stated it as well in his book. You get people that bully others online "keyboard warriors" he calls them yet face to to face there sometimes a scrawny  teenager who's still developing.
Posted by: GollyGTFC, March 12, 2021, 8:13am; Reply: 25
Quoted from DB
I would like to thank all of you who gave me red cross's. I have achieved the mile stone of just over 1,000 as I type.

To those who chose to tell me why you disagree with me I sincerely say thank you again, as it is good to know why. Our views may differ but the end result for all is a victorious Mariners team now and in the future.

To those who did not choose to say why they disagreed with me, keeping their reasons to themselves not sharing with The Fishy members, I thank you as well. For it is your 100's of red cross's that made this achievement possible.


Feedback: I gave you a Red Cross because the plural of Red Cross is “Red Crosses”.
Posted by: DB, March 12, 2021, 11:54am; Reply: 26
Quoted from GollyGTFC

Feedback: I gave you a Red Cross because the plural of Red Cross is “Red Crosses”.

Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately my English has always let me down
Posted by: GollyGTFC, March 13, 2021, 1:21pm; Reply: 27
Quoted from DB

Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately my English has always let me down

No problem my friend. So what is your first language?
Posted by: DB, March 13, 2021, 1:47pm; Reply: 28
Quoted from GollyGTFC

No problem my friend. So what is your first language?

Pint of Guinness please.
Posted by: GollyGTFC, March 13, 2021, 1:52pm; Reply: 29
Quoted from DB

Pint of Guinness please.

The pubs are closed unfortunately.
Posted by: DB, March 13, 2021, 1:58pm; Reply: 30
Quoted from GollyGTFC

The pubs are closed unfortunately.

A can will do nicely, chilled of course.
Posted by: DB, March 13, 2021, 10:32pm; Reply: 31
Some times things surprise you, pleasantly like the half offer from Golly for a pint of Guinness. What I refer to is, I believe the term is lateral thinking, the suggestion on another post.

It was stated that having a red cross was considered a badge of honour. What can I say I mean being honoured by over 1,100 red crosses, it's overwhelming. I didn't know how to cope, but as Golly regrettably failed to supply my Guinness I have had to make do with some red wine.

Cheers and thank you one and all for honouring me.
Posted by: ginnywings, March 14, 2021, 9:57am; Reply: 32
Or you could just get on with your life and not mention red crosses at least once a day, every day.
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