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Posted by: GrimRob, March 12, 2019, 10:05am
Is Storm Gareth going to threaten the game?
Posted by: grimsby pete, March 12, 2019, 11:35am; Reply: 1
Not much rain before the game but very windy and heavy rain during match,
Posted by: FishOutOfWater, March 12, 2019, 1:37pm; Reply: 2
Just checked the BBC Weather for the Wirral and between 7 and 10 this evening it's just showing as windy, with rain due through the night  following, so should get away with it.

If memory serves me right when we played them at home it was a bit of a stormy night so more of the same from that last performance would be good

Posted by: Les Brechin, March 12, 2019, 2:24pm; Reply: 3
Macclesfield v Exeter is off.
Posted by: Chrisblor, March 12, 2019, 2:50pm; Reply: 4
Decided against going myself earlier this morning after seeing the 50mph winds forecast during the match. Can't imagine if it does still go ahead that it will be a particularly high quality game if played in those conditions.
Posted by: Son of Cod, March 12, 2019, 2:57pm; Reply: 5
Hopefully it'll be on, wouldn't want them to "park the park" for nothing...
Posted by: Mikoo, March 12, 2019, 4:14pm; Reply: 6
Quoted from FishOutOfWater
Just checked the BBC Weather for the Wirral and between 7 and 10 this evening it's just showing as windy, with rain due through the following night, so should get away with it.

If memory serves me right when we played them at home it was a bit of a stormy night so more of the same from that last performance would be good


Indeed it was, and what a game it was.

Was in a foul mood before kick off, especially after slipping and smashing my phone. When they opened the scoring I thought it was going to be a long night... How wrong I was, performance more than made up for the £55 it cost to repair my phone screen ;D
Posted by: Garth, March 12, 2019, 5:42pm; Reply: 7
High winds will equal the play, and give us a slight chance of getting something from the game.
Posted by: GYinScuntland, March 12, 2019, 6:27pm; Reply: 8
Storm Gareth FFS!
Why can't they just call it a fcuking storm, the country has gone loopy.
Posted by: blundellpork, March 12, 2019, 8:01pm; Reply: 9
Quoted from GYinScuntland
Storm Gareth FFS!
Why can't they just call it a fcuking storm, the country has gone loopy.

It’s a silly Americanism. Back when they were simply unnamed storms we cracked on. Now they have a name, people seem to get in a twist whether life as we know it will end.

Posted by: Tommy, March 13, 2019, 12:30pm; Reply: 10
Storm?   :-/

I just call it a windy day.
Posted by: arryarryarry, March 13, 2019, 6:09pm; Reply: 11
Quoted from Tommy
Storm?   :-/

I just call it a windy day.

My wife has that problem every day.
Posted by: Civvy at last, March 13, 2019, 6:17pm; Reply: 12
Quoted from GYinScuntland
Storm Gareth FFS!
Why can't they just call it a fcuking storm, the country has gone loopy.

Calm down Gaz. It’s not personal 😉
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