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Posted by: LH, November 6, 2017, 9:04pm
Saw earlier that there was going to be a programme on about the BTP policing the railways for the footy and thinking it could finally be the national exposure to the heavy handed policing that many experience week in week out. Well errrr... it wasn’t that. Mainly showed the vile, racist and anti-semitic chants by some of the clubs famed for that sort of thing like Chelsea.

It’s fair enough that these twits need exposing but, judging by Twitter, Channel 4 have managed to fool the wider public into thinking that all football fans stoop this low. When will these forced misconceptions and character assassinations end?
Posted by: Gaffer58, November 7, 2017, 10:59pm; Reply: 1
Oh sorry but the way our firm, oops fans are treated I thought all football fans were hooligans.
Posted by: grimsby pete, November 8, 2017, 11:15am; Reply: 2
People who never go to a football match think all fans are hooligans .

The media only show the trouble makers,

Honest law abiding fans are not news are they ?
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