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Posted by: Skrill, May 26, 2018, 3:00am
No, it is not. Whatever your opinion on Tommy Robinson, simply filming whilst not on governmental property, showing alleged (that have already been convicted) groping gang members is not worthy of a jail-time. Tommy has been rushed through the court system, and sentenced to 13 months in prison all within the space of 3 hours. Wished the police acted this quickly against actual criminals, like groping gangs.

The reality of England's prisons today doesn't bode well either, there is a radical Islamic edge to them now. Last time Tommy was in prison for 'breaching the truth' he was kept in solitary confindment for his own safety. The lamestream media coverage on this is deafning. Well not their fault though is it? Because there is a media ban this incident specifically for the UK. Time to move George Orwell's 1984 to the non-fiction section.
Posted by: Skrill, May 26, 2018, 3:18am; Reply: 1
Posted by: Skrill, May 26, 2018, 3:19am; Reply: 2
Posted by: Skrill, May 26, 2018, 3:24am; Reply: 3
Posted by: Skrill, May 26, 2018, 3:26am; Reply: 4
Posted by: pontoonlew, May 26, 2018, 8:55am; Reply: 5
Tommy Robinson was 'reporting' on trials that had reporting restrictions. These trials have restrictions to give the VICTIMS the best chance of getting the right verdict without self absorbed idiots like Mr Lennon making the trial collapse.

He was on a suspended sentence for doing this exact thing and he's done it again. Those kind of laws mean we DO have a free country and allows for a fair trial.

This man should never ever be defended as he's scum of the earth, yesterday showed that.
Posted by: Skrill, May 26, 2018, 11:40am; Reply: 6
Quoted from pontoonlew
Tommy Robinson was 'reporting' on trials that had reporting restrictions. These trials have restrictions to give the VICTIMS the best chance of getting the right verdict without self absorbed idiots like Mr Lennon making the trial collapse.

He was on a suspended sentence for doing this exact thing and he's done it again. Those kind of laws mean we DO have a free country and allows for a fair trial.

This man should never ever be defended as he's scum of the earth, yesterday showed that.

Jailing independent journalists is just part and parcel of living in a totalitarian police state. Very clear lack of freedom of speech and freedom of the press here. Hitler's Nazi Germany, Stalin's Soviet Union, Kim Il-sung's North Korea and Mao's China all had rules and restrictions too, should the people living under these governments have simply just followed the laws and restrictions?

Go and watch the video, Lennon even talks to the police affirming that he won't stand on governmental property, therefore contradicting his suspended sentence.  
Posted by: pontoonlew, May 26, 2018, 1:40pm; Reply: 7
Quoted from Skrill

Jailing independent journalists is just part and parcel of living in a totalitarian police state. Very clear lack of freedom of speech and freedom of the press here. Hitler's Nazi Germany, Stalin's Soviet Union, Kim Il-sung's North Korea and Mao's China all had rules and restrictions too, should the people living under these governments have simply just followed the laws and restrictions?

Go and watch the video, Lennon even talks to the police affirming that he won't stand on governmental property, therefore contradicting his suspended sentence.  

It's about the right to a fair trial, if Robinson hadn't harassed defendants for years and calling them 'Muslim Paedos' before they were found guilty he probably wouldn't have been banned from doing it in the first place.

A fair trial is a demoncratic right for us all and the fact there has been a blackout on this case until verdict is people like Lennons fault.
Posted by: grimsby pete, May 26, 2018, 3:31pm; Reply: 8
We do live in a free country Skrill because you are allowed to post this rubbish without any problem.

Posted by: Skrill, May 26, 2018, 4:23pm; Reply: 9
"The Slow Death of Free Speech in the UK"
Posted by: ska face, May 26, 2018, 4:25pm; Reply: 10
If Tommy Robinson doesn’t want to abide by OUR laws, he should intercourse off and live somewhere else.
Posted by: Skrill, May 26, 2018, 4:26pm; Reply: 11

You argue that he broke a restriction, but it is hardly jail worthy. These attacks on freedom makes Britain look bad on the international stage, it hurts tourism people. It also hurts British legacy on liberty, how can a country that created the Magna Carta turn to this? Its authoritarianism by political correctness.
Posted by: Skrill, May 26, 2018, 4:48pm; Reply: 12
Quoted from ska face
If Tommy Robinson doesn’t want to abide by OUR laws, he should intercourse off and live somewhere else.

But some laws are just terrible ska, anti-freedom, like Hate Speech laws.
Posted by: ska face, May 26, 2018, 5:04pm; Reply: 13
OK then, put it this way - Lennon carries on calling people “Muslim paedos” as they enter court, the case collapses due to his prejudicial “reporting” and these sex offenders walk free. Who benefits there then? Nobody but Stephen Lennon, a bloke who has made a comfortable living from the deaths of people in this country. He turned up in Manchester to promote “his” book days after 22 people, mainly children, were blown up (by someone previously assisted by British security services...).

You’ve already had it explained to you why he’s back in jail, again, and you know full well it’s nothing to do with free speech. If you’re arsed about free speech why don’t you speak up for blacklisted trade union members, HSBC whistleblowers or environmental activists infiltrated for decades by undercover police?

Lennon is a charlatan who cares for nothing other than making cash and promoting himself. He lived around the corner from Finsbury Park mosque when it was at the centre of Europe’s Islamist network, what did he do then? Jack excrement.
Posted by: KingstonMariner, May 26, 2018, 11:45pm; Reply: 14
Quoted from Skrill

Dear me. Relying on that rag of the Russian government. Their sole intent is to stir up ill-feeling in the west. Divide and rule. And you fell for it.
Posted by: Skrill, May 28, 2018, 7:41pm; Reply: 15
Posted by: barralad, May 28, 2018, 10:01pm; Reply: 16
Quoted from Skrill

You argue that he broke a restriction, but it is hardly jail worthy. These attacks on freedom makes Britain look bad on the international stage, it hurts tourism people. It also hurts British legacy on liberty, how can a country that created the Magna Carta turn to this? Its authoritarianism by political correctness.

Which part of "If you act like this again you will go to prison" do you suppose Mr Robinson or whatever his current name is found difficult to understand? I'll ask you the question again. If you were the father of one of the girls who was raped by this gang of utter barstewards and tomorrow the lawyers acting for the defence go for and succeed in getting the case dismissed because of the prejudicial comments of Robinson how would you feel then?
Posted by: LH, May 28, 2018, 10:04pm; Reply: 17
Has your Mrs left you Skrill or has she got a puncture?
Posted by: LH, May 29, 2018, 9:43pm; Reply: 18
The ‘innocent’ accused pleaded guilty...
Posted by: Skrill, June 3, 2018, 9:55pm; Reply: 19
Highlight the predominately Muslim racial targeted drug, alcohol, prostitution rings = Get sentenced 13 months.

Thank the Thought Police - 1984.  
Posted by: Skrill, June 3, 2018, 10:05pm; Reply: 20
Posted by: ska face, June 3, 2018, 10:15pm; Reply: 21
Have you ever had an original thought, Skrill?
Posted by: Grim74, June 4, 2018, 10:31am; Reply: 22
It's bad enough Enoch Powell being proved right, ( if only they listened) but I think we all need to be more concerned that George Orwell's future predictions are becoming a reality.
Posted by: Skrill, June 7, 2018, 8:00pm; Reply: 23
Posted by: Skrill, June 7, 2018, 8:02pm; Reply: 24
Posted by: Skrill, June 7, 2018, 9:17pm; Reply: 25

Our government and institutional judiciary are both utterly insane.
Posted by: barralad, June 8, 2018, 2:11pm; Reply: 26
Quoted from Skrill

Yeah but he's not been suspended for "Supporting Tommy Robinson" he's been suspended for contravening his employers rules on engagement in social media activities in the same way that espousing any political beliefs from whatever part of the political spectrum you take your opinions on social media impacted heavily on my job in the Public Sector. This was personally and from the point of view of a training officer who had to drum this fact into the heads of not only people who supported the right but also the left including believe me some who made Marx look like a Tory. People are made aware of these rules from day one and if they do not like them they are perfectly free not to take up the offer of employment. It couldn't be clearer.
Posted by: ska face, June 13, 2018, 7:54am; Reply: 27
Here Skrill, couple of easy questions for you that’ve been wracking my brain for a while now -

1) Had Stephen Yaxley Lennon ever done anything for the broader good of this country? Can’t see where he’s stopped any terror attacks, or grooming gangs, and the country doesn’t seem to be particularly safe with the nonce-factory that is the EDL defending us...

2) What are you actually going to do if the courts decide to let him out tomorrow that will benefit us all?
Posted by: Skrill, June 13, 2018, 10:38pm; Reply: 28
Quoted from ska face

1) Had Stephen Yaxley Lennon ever done anything for the broader good of this country? Can’t see where he’s stopped any terror attacks, or grooming gangs, and the country doesn’t seem to be particularly safe with the nonce-factory that is the EDL defending us...    

2) What are you actually going to do if the courts decide to let him out tomorrow that will benefit us all?

Hi Ska face

1) Stephan Lennon has highlighted the many existential threats that face the United Kingdom, having seen the issues of groping gangs (his cousin was a victim I believe). Having left the EDL and began a united campaign with many Brits of all creeds, genders, races and backgrounds (go look at the Football Lads alliance, or various free Tommy protests or Freedom Protests [after conservative Austrian and Canadian got arrested for being, well conservative], he has used his supposedly ordained rights of free speech and expression to explain, with real life experience (go look at his Oxford Union speech) the perils of a Balkanisation of Europe due to mass-immigration of majority Muslim countries who fail to integrate. This is important as he has highlighted how the government has failed at integration, for instance using coaches of Muslim demographic children to football games with no native children there, where these children should be mixed between all the other children from all creeds.

Look at Poland, no terror attacks. This is the case Stephan argues. It is the trait of insanity to keep doing the same thing but expecting different results.      

2) Similar to the Count Dankula case, it highlights the total hypocrisy and destruction of the British legacy of freedom of speech. (a lot of "ofs"  ;D). Every patriotic Brit should be angry at seeing how far this country has gone beyond the vision of Loche, John Stuart Mill and other classical liberals. The Gems of Western society are special and can be easily broken.
Posted by: Skrill, June 13, 2018, 10:51pm; Reply: 29
Posted by: ska face, June 13, 2018, 11:03pm; Reply: 30

1) intercourse all
2) intercourse all

Sound. Just thought I’d confirm that.

This love affair you have with him is extremely cult-like. You sound brainwashed pal.
Posted by: Skrill, June 14, 2018, 12:34am; Reply: 31
I sound brainwashed for defending liberty and freedom of speech? Because jailing someone for breaking a tyrannical media restriction that shouldn't have been set up in the first place is okay in a free nation? This is on the same level of crap seen in Iran, Saudi Arabia or Turkey in regards to freedom.  

Cult like? Pretty sure you can see my earlier post/rants about the potential jailing of Count Dankula, or the Austrian, American and Canadian conservatives that were BANNED from the UK for nothing. The problems we see today with regards to Home Office faults with citizenship are a result of wrong paperwork or bureaucrats failing as bureaucrats do.

You just ignore these problems, ignore the fact based arguments, the solution to these problems are similar to what Poland, Austria, Italy and Eastern Europe are doing. The return to stop and search, stripping anti-freedom hate speech laws, stop policing the internet and get out there to police criminals, stop wasting resources on diversity budgets etc, create a British Bill of Rights that protects our freedoms, get a sustainable immigration target, lower tax to increase gov revenue and increase employment and productivity.

Stephan deserves gratitude because he is in jail for nothing. A cult of personality is someone like Corbyn who has a history of political mishaps, economic illiteracy, and seems totally oblivious to the root causes of the problems with the Housing crisis, NHS etc, even on record for praising  Venezuela for turning into a socialistic crap-house, yet keeps followers shouting drone chants. Stephan has been silenced, Anjem Choudary is far worse and is already deemed okay to enter UK society, a man who supports ISIS. Stephan's crime? For highlighting the groping gang problem. Oh but muh ex-EDL or something..        

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength - 1984 is a warning not a manual.
Posted by: KingstonMariner, June 14, 2018, 12:41am; Reply: 32
Quoted from Skrill

Interesting stats those. What that says to me is that the cost can be a feature of how a country chooses to respond to a situation. And/or that the % of muslims of the population doesn't have so much impact. e.g. France with an higher % of Muslims than the UK, but with a similar overall population and a similar GDP per capita spends roughly the same as the UK.

Germany with a much bigger population than the UK, a slightly higher disposable income per capita after housing costs, and a similar sized muslim population has spent massively less than the UK, and despite having taking in well over a million migrants in recent years.
Posted by: ska face, June 14, 2018, 7:26am; Reply: 33
Quoted from Skrill
I sound brainwashed for defending liberty and freedom of speech? Because jailing someone for breaking a tyrannical media restriction that shouldn't have been set up in the first place is okay in a free nation? This is on the same level of crap seen in Iran, Saudi Arabia or Turkey in regards to freedom.  

Cult like? Pretty sure you can see my earlier post/rants about the potential jailing of Count Dankula, or the Austrian, American and Canadian conservatives that were BANNED from the UK for nothing. The problems we see today with regards to Home Office faults with citizenship are a result of wrong paperwork or bureaucrats failing as bureaucrats do.

You just ignore these problems, ignore the fact based arguments, the solution to these problems are similar to what Poland, Austria, Italy and Eastern Europe are doing. The return to stop and search, stripping anti-freedom hate speech laws, stop policing the internet and get out there to police criminals, stop wasting resources on diversity budgets etc, create a British Bill of Rights that protects our freedoms, get a sustainable immigration target, lower tax to increase gov revenue and increase employment and productivity.

Stephan deserves gratitude because he is in jail for nothing. A cult of personality is someone like Corbyn who has a history of political mishaps, economic illiteracy, and seems totally oblivious to the root causes of the problems with the Housing crisis, NHS etc, even on record for praising  Venezuela for turning into a socialistic crap-house, yet keeps followers shouting drone chants. Stephan has been silenced, Anjem Choudary is far worse and is already deemed okay to enter UK society, a man who supports ISIS. Stephan's crime? For highlighting the groping gang problem. Oh but muh ex-EDL or something..        

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength - 1984 is a warning not a manual.

Step away from the computer, get some fresh air, read an actual book or two and reassess your life.

Alt-right conspiracy theories are for teenagers and people who drink Relentless for breakfast. Have you even read 1984?
Posted by: Skrill, June 14, 2018, 1:07pm; Reply: 34
Quoted from ska face

Step away from the computer, get some fresh air, read an actual book or two and reassess your life.

Alt-right conspiracy theories are for teenagers and people who drink Relentless for breakfast. Have you even read 1984?

Ad hominem

You most likely get your news from the lamestream media then? That is why you think anything right from Lenin is "far-right'".

Posted by: ska face, June 14, 2018, 2:39pm; Reply: 35
Go on then, entertain us. Just picking on one minuscule element of your rambling statement, what are the root causes of the housing crisis, and what actually is the housing crisis in your opinion?

See if you can tell us without copying & pasting from breitbart.
Posted by: Skrill, June 14, 2018, 4:35pm; Reply: 36
Quoted from ska face
Go on then, entertain us. Just picking on one minuscule element of your rambling statement, what are the root causes of the housing crisis, and what actually is the housing crisis in your opinion?

See if you can tell us without copying & pasting from breitbart.

Simple supply and demand. The demand is far higher (300,000+ immigration for decades) than the supply of building homes. Barker Review said the UK needed to build 260,000 private sector homes each year, but only 130,00-a-year have been built in the last 10 years. This explains why rent is high.
Posted by: LH, June 14, 2018, 6:11pm; Reply: 37
It doesn’t help that anyone with the money is able to go out and buy houses to rent to others. Houses become scarce, demand for houses goes up with growth in population (without researching (or being a xenophobe) longer life expectancy will be a bigger cause of population growth than immigration) and thus house prices rise. In some areas you have to pay over what a house is worth in order to beat the competition to buy it. In short white middle to upper class people have caused the housing crisis not brown people.

PS - this ridiculous thread has been up on here for weeks. How is that for free speech?
Posted by: Grim74, June 14, 2018, 6:36pm; Reply: 38
Anybody who doesn’t believe unfettered immigration is linked to the UK housing crisis is seriously deluded. But don’t worry Comrade Corbyn would have 100,000 house’s built a year if the unthinkable was to happen and he got in to power, whilst at the same time increasing unskilled immigration back to hundreds of thousands🙄
Posted by: barralad, June 14, 2018, 7:48pm; Reply: 39
Quoted from Grim74
Anybody who doesn’t believe unfettered immigration is linked to the UK housing crisis is seriously deluded. But don’t worry Comrade Corbyn would have 100,000 house’s built a year if the unthinkable was to happen and he got in to power, whilst at the same time increasing unskilled immigration back to hundreds of thousands🙄

Wouldn't you be better off campaigning to get the legions of young, unqualified white people currently unemployed to do the jobs that mean that British farmers etc. have to recruit from overseas to get their crops out of the fields etc. etc.?
Whilst we are on the subject of housing can you think of a better way of "solving" the housing crisis than building more (especially affordable ones). It would provide a shot in the arm to the construction industry as well
Posted by: KingstonMariner, June 14, 2018, 8:00pm; Reply: 40
Quoted from Skrill

Simple supply and demand. The demand is far higher (300,000+ immigration for decades) than the supply of building homes. Barker Review said the UK needed to build 260,000 private sector homes each year, but only 130,00-a-year have been built in the last 10 years. This explains why rent is high.

Britain doesn't need to build 260,000 private sector homes each year. It needs to build 260,000 homes each year.
Posted by: KingstonMariner, June 14, 2018, 8:06pm; Reply: 41
Quoted from barralad

Wouldn't you be better off campaigning to get the legions of young, unqualified white people currently unemployed to do the jobs that mean that British farmers etc. have to recruit from overseas to get their crops out of the fields etc. etc.?
Whilst we are on the subject of housing can you think of a better way of "solving" the housing crisis than building more (especially affordable ones). It would provide a shot in the arm to the construction industry as well

To illustrate the point, whilst I'm sat here writing this at 8PM there's two Latvian builders up in my roof. They'll probably be there gone 9 as they have a lot of this week. Good hard working lads.

Now it's not building a new house but it's creating additional space, as many houses round here have, which helps boost the housing capacity. When their kind get kicked out after we leave the EU I wonder who'll be available to help boost our housing stock. I didn't notice many British builders queuing up to quote for the work.
Posted by: barralad, June 14, 2018, 8:34pm; Reply: 42
Quoted from Skrill

Simple supply and demand. The demand is far higher (300,000+ immigration for decades) than the supply of building homes. Barker Review said the UK needed to build 260,000 private sector homes each year, but only 130,00-a-year have been built in the last 10 years. This explains why rent is high.

So why haven't the private sector stepped up to the mark and pulled their collective fingers out and doubled their "contributions"? Here's a couple of pointers:-
1. The sort of housing that is desperately needed at the moment isn't attractive in terms of potential profit.
2. Successive governments (including Blair's) have failed to provide enough courses for youngsters to learn the trades needed to build houses so that housebuilders in some of our bigger population centres are relying heavily on the very people you consider have caused the problem in the first place. A friend of mine had to pay to set up his own bricklayers course in Derby so concerned was he about the lack of educational facilities available to staff his building business.

Governments should take the shackles off local authorities and let them borrow the money required to build affordable homes. There has never been a better time to borrow money. Of course what the Tories really should have done is right the wrong Thatcher did over "Right to Buy" and allowed L.A.s to keep the money they got from the sale of council houses under the scheme to reinvest in replenishing the housing stock. The trouble is, the very thought of councils (which would probably be more likely to be Labour councils) borrowing money is enough to have the right wing accusing them of profligacy.
Posted by: ska face, June 14, 2018, 8:34pm; Reply: 43
Quoted from Skrill

Simple supply and demand. The demand is far higher (300,000+ immigration for decades) than the supply of building homes. Barker Review said the UK needed to build 260,000 private sector homes each year, but only 130,00-a-year have been built in the last 10 years. This explains why rent is high.

You summed up the problem in one word - “simple”. The housing crisis is far from simple and your insistence on blaming it on immigrants shows that your arguments are lazy and you don’t really care about addressing the structural realities and biases that exist in this country - you appear to blame everything on this boogeyman (which at the minute is immigrants but started off as Muslims earlier in the thread...) without really daring to punch up at the people who really do create the problems, often intentionally, in this country and beyond.

The housing crisis is a result of a myriad of factors, including an outdated and ineffective planning system, 40 years of neoliberal housing policy, an aging population, changing public opinions and the loss of a culture where housing is seen as a public good, the loss of local authority power, land banking linked to artificially inflated land prices, massive changes in the economy and the shift in the job market (and then where these jobs are located), infrastructure,  planning obligations, climate change, a growing population and public health.

The internet is an incredible resource. It’s a shame people like you decide to waste it in a big circle-jerk punching down at people, rather than trying to increase your understanding of issues.

Best get on the old brain force pills mate.
Posted by: barralad, June 14, 2018, 8:44pm; Reply: 44

Quoted from Skrill
I sound brainwashed for defending liberty and freedom of speech? Because jailing someone for breaking a tyrannical media restriction that shouldn't have been set up in the first place is okay in a free nation? This is on the same level of crap seen in Iran, Saudi Arabia or Turkey in regards to freedom.  

Cult like? Pretty sure you can see my earlier post/rants about the potential jailing of Count Dankula, or the Austrian, American and Canadian conservatives that were BANNED from the UK for nothing. The problems we see today with regards to Home Office faults with citizenship are a result of wrong paperwork or bureaucrats failing as bureaucrats do.

You just ignore these problems, ignore the fact based arguments, the solution to these problems are similar to what Poland, Austria, Italy and Eastern Europe are doing. The return to stop and search, stripping anti-freedom hate speech laws, stop policing the internet and get out there to police criminals, stop wasting resources on diversity budgets etc, create a British Bill of Rights that protects our freedoms, get a sustainable immigration target, lower tax to increase gov revenue and increase employment and productivity.

Stephan deserves gratitude because he is in jail for nothing. A cult of personality is someone like Corbyn who has a history of political mishaps, economic illiteracy, and seems totally oblivious to the root causes of the problems with the Housing crisis, NHS etc, even on record for praising  Venezuela for turning into a socialistic crap-house, yet keeps followers shouting drone chants. Stephan has been silenced, Anjem Choudary is far worse and is already deemed okay to enter UK society, a man who supports ISIS. Stephan's crime? For highlighting the groping gang problem. Oh but muh ex-EDL or something..        

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength - 1984 is a warning not a manual.

Which part of "If you act like this again you will go to prison" do you suppose Mr Robinson or whatever his current name is found difficult to understand? I'll ask you the question again. If you were the father of one of the girls who was raped by this gang of utter barstewards and tomorrow the lawyers acting for the defence go for and succeed in getting the case dismissed because of the prejudicial comments of Robinson how would you feel then?

I know you don't like answering questions but if you could break off from your adoration of Yaxley-Lennon and give some thought to the highlighted question above (which I asked you earlier in the thread) I'd be genuinely interested in your answer.
Posted by: KingstonMariner, June 14, 2018, 9:58pm; Reply: 45
Quoted from barralad

Which part of "If you act like this again you will go to prison" do you suppose Mr Robinson or whatever his current name is found difficult to understand? I'll ask you the question again. If you were the father of one of the girls who was raped by this gang of utter barstewards and tomorrow the lawyers acting for the defence go for and succeed in getting the case dismissed because of the prejudicial comments of Robinson how would you feel then?

I know you don't like answering questions but if you could break off from your adoration of Yaxley-Lennon and give some thought to the highlighted question above (which I asked you earlier in the thread) I'd be genuinely interested in your answer.

He's still waiting for Alt to produce the stock answer.
Posted by: Grim74, June 14, 2018, 11:06pm; Reply: 46
Quoted from barralad

Which part of "If you act like this again you will go to prison" do you suppose Mr Robinson or whatever his current name is found difficult to understand? I'll ask you the question again. If you were the father of one of the girls who was raped by this gang of utter barstewards and tomorrow the lawyers acting for the defence go for and succeed in getting the case dismissed because of the prejudicial comments of Robinson how would you feel then?

I know you don't like answering questions but if you could break off from your adoration of Yaxley-Lennon and give some thought to the highlighted question above (which I asked you earlier in the thread) I'd be genuinely interested in your answer.

I think you are missing the point somewhat,  Robinson was stupid that day he breached his conditions and was arrested for it, no arguments there but it was the way in which he was sentenced and banged up within a matter of hours with little defence and to top it off we had the reporting on it totally banned, it was like something out of North Korea.IIfthis had of been any other person I’m quite sure the police would would of at least issued a warning, Tommy was on footage even asking if he was ok to film as he wasnt even on court grounds,

Anybody who follows Tommy will be well aware that the state is out to get him, now this might sound like some far fetched conspiracy to the ill informed but just take a look at where he is now....(don’t bother checking the MSN as they are not reporting) he’s been moved from a “safe” prison in Hull to a majority Muslim prison where reports suggest that the make up is more than 1 in 3 muslims, the move was sanctioned by the home office knowing full well his life will now be in danger.

For all those who clap and cheer at the jailing of Tommy Robinson and for those that will cheer even further at the thought of the danger he is in right now, I say you are ignorant and  full of the MSN narrative how about try and read his bio and learn something, and just remember that it’s because of the pressure from people like Tommy Robinson, Anne Marie Waters, Sarah Champion (soon after sacked by Labour), Jayne Senior the brave Rotherham whistleblower,  that we the “plebs” now have the exposure of this systematic rape and abuse on an industrial scale from the Muslim rape/ grooming gangs. Just think if it wasn’t for these brave individuals who were prepared to raise their heads above the parapet and risk everything the abuse would of grown along with the Muslim population, just think maybe down the line it could of been your daughter/granddaughter.

We see on a daily basis throughout the UK how pollitical correctness is increasing
dont forget the police knew what was happening, the councils and social services knew, even the government knew, but they covered it up for more than 25 years in the name of pollitical correctness and now as we enter the age of Cultural Marxism the minority’s will become even more somewhat untouchable, I thank you Tommy Robinson.
Posted by: barralad, June 15, 2018, 6:45am; Reply: 47
Quoted from Grim74

I think you are missing the point somewhat,  Robinson was stupid that day he breached his conditions and was arrested for it, no arguments there but it was the way in which he was sentenced and banged up within a matter of hours with little defence and to top it off we had the reporting on it totally banned, it was like something out of North Korea.IIfthis had of been any other person I’m quite sure the police would would of at least issued a warning, Tommy was on footage even asking if he was ok to film as he wasnt even on court grounds,

Anybody who follows Tommy will be well aware that the state is out to get him, now this might sound like some far fetched conspiracy to the ill informed but just take a look at where he is now....(don’t bother checking the MSN as they are not reporting) he’s been moved from a “safe” prison in Hull to a majority Muslim prison where reports suggest that the make up is more than 1 in 3 muslims, the move was sanctioned by the home office knowing full well his life will now be in danger.

For all those who clap and cheer at the jailing of Tommy Robinson and for those that will cheer even further at the thought of the danger he is in right now, I say you are ignorant and  full of the MSN narrative how about try and read his bio and learn something, and just remember that it’s because of the pressure from people like Tommy Robinson, Anne Marie Waters, Sarah Champion (soon after sacked by Labour), Jayne Senior the brave Rotherham whistleblower,  that we the “plebs” now have the exposure of this systematic rape and abuse on an industrial scale from the Muslim rape/ grooming gangs. Just think if it wasn’t for these brave individuals who were prepared to raise their heads above the parapet and risk everything the abuse would of grown along with the Muslim population, just think maybe down the line it could of been your daughter/granddaughter.

We see on a daily basis throughout the UK how pollitical correctness is increasing
dont forget the police knew what was happening, the councils and social services knew, even the government knew, but they covered it up for more than 25 years in the name of pollitical correctness and now as we enter the age of Cultural Marxism the minority’s will become even more somewhat untouchable, I thank you Tommy Robinson.

That you can put the likes of Yaxley-Lennon in the same category as Sarah Champion and the "Rotherham whistle blower" beggars belief. All "Tommy" has done is fed off the work done by others. He protests outside courts where people that have already been been caught are being tried.  Where is his work to actually expose these scumbags? You talk about these people being untouchable but they are on trial and are being sentenced.  Seeing as Skrill doesn't want to answer the question why don't you have a go?
Posted by: mariner91, June 15, 2018, 9:31am; Reply: 48
Quoted from Grim74

Anybody who follows Tommy will be well aware that the state is out to get him, now this might sound like some far fetched conspiracy to the ill informed but just take a look at where he is now....(don’t bother checking the MSN as they are not reporting) he’s been moved from a “safe” prison in Hull to a majority Muslim prison where reports suggest that the make up is more than 1 in 3 muslims, the move was sanctioned by the home office knowing full well his life will now be in danger.

FYI, a majority has to be over 50%. Educate yourself.
Posted by: barralad, June 15, 2018, 3:29pm; Reply: 49
Quoted from mariner91

Oh dear! Facts getting in the way of things again...😂😂😂
Posted by: Grim74, June 15, 2018, 6:03pm; Reply: 50
Quoted from barralad

That you can put the likes of Yaxley-Lennon in the same category as Sarah Champion and the "Rotherham whistle blower" beggars belief. All "Tommy" has done is fed off the work done by others. He protests outside courts where people that have already been been caught are being tried.  Where is his work to actually expose these scumbags? You talk about these people being untouchable but they are on trial and are being sentenced.  Seeing as Skrill doesn't want to answer the question why don't you have a go?

Tommy has done more to bring the evil of Islam extremism to our attention more then anybody else in the public eye, but because he’s a working class lad he will always be easy meat for the left wing MSN that dominate. He gets shouted down as a racist without any logical debate because these cowards are to scared to listen, when in reality he has many ethnic friends and colleagues.
Did you read my post to fast! These monster are only in court because of the few people that are prepared to stand up and risk the careers and expose them.

I’m sure Skrill can answer for himself but you obviously didn’t read my post properly  because I did say Tommy was stupid and by that I mean risking the trial and his freedom.
Posted by: Grim74, June 15, 2018, 6:16pm; Reply: 51
Quoted from mariner91

I stated a report not a fact! Another one who can’t read.
The latest report is that the wing he is on is majority Muslim, you quote the Cambridge news anywayway they are no better than the GY telegraph how can they state Tommy wasn’t moved on home office orders? They know sweet FA.

A majority doesnt have to be over 50% when it’s a relative majority clever girl private.
Posted by: ska face, June 15, 2018, 7:16pm; Reply: 52
Skrill - while you’re chatting about 1984, just remember that George Orwell went to Spain to shoot people like you (thumbup)
Posted by: barralad, June 15, 2018, 7:24pm; Reply: 53
Quoted from Grim74

Tommy has done more to bring the evil of Islam extremism to our attention more then anybody else in the public eye, but because he’s a working class lad he will always be easy meat for the left wing MSN that dominate. He gets shouted down as a racist without any logical debate because these cowards are to scared to listen, when in reality he has many ethnic friends and colleagues.
Did you read my post to fast! These monster are only in court because of the few people that are prepared to stand up and risk the careers and expose them.

I’m sure Skrill can answer for himself but you obviously didn’t read my post properly  because I did say Tommy was stupid and by that I mean risking the trial and his freedom.

Did you even bother to read my post? All Tommy many aliases has done is attempt to bask in the reflected kudos of the really brave people who have exposed these scum. I don't disagree that it is the efforts of these people that have brought the perpetrators of these dreadful crimes to account. Where we are poles apart is in the assertion that Tommy deserves to be included in that list. You go on about the establishment but as an M.P. Sarah Champion is right in the middle of that establishment. She used her position to ask questions in areas where others cannot get. I agree with the Labour Party on most things. I do not agree with the way she has been treated.
Posted by: barralad, June 15, 2018, 9:02pm; Reply: 54
Quoted from Grim74

I stated a report not a fact! Another one who can’t read.
The latest report is that the wing he is on is majority Muslim, you quote the Cambridge news anywayway they are no better than the GY telegraph how can they state Tommy wasn’t moved on home office orders? They know sweet FA.

A majority doesnt have to be over 50% when it’s a relative majority clever girl private.

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't use the phrase relative  majority to describe the situation in that prison. The report said that he'd been moved to a prison where a majority of the inmates were Muslim. That is patently untrue.
Posted by: Grim74, June 15, 2018, 9:28pm; Reply: 55
Quoted from barralad

Did you even bother to read my post? All Tommy many aliases has done is attempt to bask in the reflected kudos of the really brave people who have exposed these scum. I don't disagree that it is the efforts of these people that have brought the perpetrators of these dreadful crimes to account. Where we are poles apart is in the assertion that Tommy deserves to be included in that list. You go on about the establishment but as an M.P. Sarah Champion is right in the middle of that establishment. She used her position to ask questions in areas where others cannot get. I agree with the Labour Party on most things. I do not agree with the way she has been treated.

Tommy was taking his EDL marches to Muslim rape towns up and down the country over 10 years ago holding demos and posting leaflets to highlight the abuse, one notable march was in Aylesbury about 2008/2009 after the Barnodos charity had reported to the local authorities that children were being groomed by Pakistani men, but guess what the authorities totally ignored the report, hence a visit from Tommy and the EDL.

Some years later and this is only from memory but  I think after god knows how many convictions the local authorities actually had the Nerve to isssue an apology!

I think we can agree Sarah champion spoke out against the establishment in telling the truth that we do have a problem with mostly Muslim men raping our children, but as you know the Labour Party won't have their core voters insulted and she quickly lost her job and we certainly won't get to hear from her again.
Posted by: Grim74, June 15, 2018, 9:33pm; Reply: 56
Quoted from barralad

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't use the phrase relative  majority to describe the situation in that prison. The report said that he'd been moved to a prison where a majority of the inmates were Muslim. That is patently untrue.

If you are talking about religions and there are many in the prison population these days then why not? But I take your point the report was inaccurate.
Posted by: LH, June 15, 2018, 11:22pm; Reply: 57
I can’t wait for the day they change signs for towns from stuff like ‘historical market town’ to ‘muslim rape town’.
Posted by: Skrill, June 25, 2018, 7:30pm; Reply: 58
The story of Britain under the SNP, Conservatives and Labour.
Posted by: ska face, June 25, 2018, 7:42pm; Reply: 59
Welcome to Skrill’s Tin Foil Corner
Posted by: Marinerz93, June 28, 2018, 6:52pm; Reply: 60
UK is turning into a Police state, GCHQ knows everything you say and do online and the more Muslims who come here the closer we will be to blasphemy laws, which are currently being done through "Islamophobia" is meant effectively to destroy the little that remains of free speech in the UK. APPG rather trying to define "Islamophobia" why don't they concentrate and convene on child grooming gangs, FGM, child marriages, honour killings and Sharia courts all running counter to British law? Oh yes, and anti-semitism.  Jews are suffering more than Muslims with some leaving the country because they no longer feel safe but don't let that get in the way of those far left bed wetting liberals.


Why can't the Police act as quick to jail these Muslim pedophiles and Muslim extremists.
Posted by: ska face, June 29, 2018, 10:20am; Reply: 61
flipping hell  ;D. Have a read of what you’ve just written.

Antisemitism is bad, but islamophobia is ok.

Excellent contribution.
Posted by: Maringer, June 29, 2018, 10:42am; Reply: 62
I'd be tempted to respond if I had something to read through.

If your argument is based on Youtube rants/polemics, you're probably on the wrong track. No time to waste listening to/watching videos.
Posted by: Marinerz93, June 29, 2018, 9:02pm; Reply: 63
Quoted from ska face
flipping hell  ;D. Have a read of what you’ve just written.

Antisemitism is bad, but islamophobia is ok.

Excellent contribution.

I think the points I've raised about Parliament and APPG putting more time and effort into trying to define "Islamophobia" when the reason why people detest Islam is child grooming gangs, female genital mutilation, child marriages, honour killings and Sharia courts all running counter to British law and your reply is as weak as your moral compass, what is it, do you and Maringer like child grooming gangs, female  genital mutilation, child marriages, honour killings and Sharia courts there are parts of the UK where this is acceptable, you must live in those areas, I'm guessing you both don't have daughters.
Posted by: Marinerz93, June 29, 2018, 9:16pm; Reply: 64
Quoted from Maringer
I'd be tempted to respond if I had something to read through.

If your argument is based on Youtube rants/polemics, you're probably on the wrong track. No time to waste listening to/watching videos.

You like reading, read the link see how peaceful Islam has been in the last 30 days, there were 148 Islamic attacks in 21 countries, in which 813 people were killed and 853 injured.

Just be thankful you don't need to go looking for firewood in Damboa or a young Shepard boy in Kesserine
Posted by: Grim74, June 29, 2018, 11:26pm; Reply: 65
I remember the days when all religions were free to criticise a time free of weak appeasement, how did we ever get to this state?
Posted by: Skrill, July 10, 2018, 6:24pm; Reply: 66
I guess the classical liberals won the arguments here then? Since i'm only seeing Ad homins against my case.
Posted by: arryarryarry, July 15, 2018, 12:40am; Reply: 67
Quoted from ska face
If Tommy Robinson doesn’t want to abide by OUR laws, he should intercourse off and live somewhere else.

I don't see you suggesting that Muslims who would rather act under Sharia Law than accept UK Law should intercourse off and live somewhere else.
Posted by: Grim74, July 15, 2018, 3:55pm; Reply: 68
I went on the pro Trump Rally yesterday and as I got of the tube at Vauxhall the police where telling people it had been cancelled, I carried on anyway as I wanted to see this new USA embassy, well when I got there I found the the event hadn't been cancelled at all!!! The organisers told me the police do this as a way of disrupting an event that the London mayor  doesn't agree with.

Interesting to see later on at the free speech rally (wasn't aloud to march like the commies/socialist bed wetters on the Saturday) that there was a minor scuffle and why do you think this was? The police didn't take to kind to a blow up effigy with the mayors face on!!!

so there you have it you can have free expression on one side insulting the democratically elected leader of the free world even endorsed by the little pip squeak Khan himself, but your can't insult the monumental failure of at is the London mayor.
Posted by: barralad, July 15, 2018, 4:57pm; Reply: 69
Quoted from Grim74
I went on the pro Trump Rally yesterday and as I got of the tube at Vauxhall the police where telling people it had been cancelled, I carried on anyway as I wanted to see this new USA embassy, well when I got there I found the the event hadn't been cancelled at all!!! The organisers told me the police do this as a way of disrupting an event that the London mayor  doesn't agree with.

Interesting to see later on at the free speech rally (wasn't aloud to march like the commies/socialist bed wetters on the Saturday) that there was a minor scuffle and why do you think this was? The police didn't take to kind to a blow up effigy with the mayors face on!!!

so there you have it you can have free expression on one side insulting the democratically elected leader of the free world even endorsed by the little pip squeak Khan himself, but your can't insult the monumental failure of at is the London mayor.

I suspect that little anecdote came from the same source as the picture of Muslims praying in Cairo that was claimed to be the masses attending the pro-Trump rally which appeared on my social media this morning.
Posted by: barralad, July 15, 2018, 4:59pm; Reply: 70
Quoted from arryarryarry

I don't see you suggesting that Muslims who would rather act under Sharia Law than accept UK Law should intercourse off and live somewhere else.

Where are these Muslims wanting Sharia Law in Britain?
Posted by: Grim74, July 15, 2018, 5:10pm; Reply: 71
Quoted from barralad

Where are these Muslims wanting Sharia Law in Britain?

Where ever there is a Muslim community, 23% of of UK muslims want sharia law according to a channel 4 poll.... just to stress channel 4!!! So in reality the number must be even greater.
Posted by: Grim74, July 15, 2018, 5:20pm; Reply: 72
Quoted from barralad

I suspect that little anecdote came from the same source as the picture of Muslims praying in Cairo that was claimed to be the masses attending the pro-Trump rally which appeared on my social media this morning.

I walk the walk pal I was there! and I’ll tell you another thing at the Trump rally we were served up with warning notices from the police that if we were planning to leave the event to attend the free speech rally a few miles away then we would have to leave the Trump rally individually, anyone in a group of more than two could face arrest, these were good people no thugs or hooligans many elderly people there just to show there support for the president, I asked a police officer if they issued similar warnings to the lefties yesterday and he honestly just looked embarrassed to be even issuing the leaflets.
Posted by: ska face, July 15, 2018, 5:37pm; Reply: 73
Quoted from arryarryarry

I don't see you suggesting that Muslims who would rather act under Sharia Law than accept UK Law should intercourse off and live somewhere else.

They can want what they like. I want the queen on the guillotine, the abolishment of monarchy and the requisition of all their Ill-gotten gains, but the reality is something quite different. What I want is irrelevant. Muslims in the country who want to live under sharia law are free to want that, as long as they accept that they live under the laws of UK and will be punished suitably should they break those laws.

Your hero Stephen Yaxley Lennon appears to think that this country’s laws don’t apply to him. That’s why he’s in jail. Again. If he doesn’t like it, he can go elsewhere (but not America, because they’ve banned him for trying to illegally enter their country).

Maybe the people who fund him at the Middle East Forum, who pay his legal fees (despite all the other fundraisers...where’s that money going?) and who fund events like yesterday’s propaganda festival, would like to rehome him.
Posted by: jock dock tower, July 16, 2018, 10:55am; Reply: 74
We must have, collectively, the most seriously deranged uber right nutcases on any football forum in the UK?
Posted by: Grim74, July 18, 2018, 11:03am; Reply: 75
Quoted from jock dock tower
We must have, collectively, the most seriously deranged uber right nutcases on any football forum in the UK?

I thought you were better than this Jock, I’m suprised that you had to resort to childish insults without any reasoning! how about come on a forum and actually having a debate with those of a different opinion.
Posted by: ska face, July 18, 2018, 12:26pm; Reply: 76
Looking forward to seeing you march about this lot, lads...

I’ll not hold my breath.
Posted by: Grim74, July 18, 2018, 2:05pm; Reply: 77
Quoted from ska face
Looking forward to seeing you march about this lot, lads...

I’ll not hold my breath.

Why would anyone march? These scumbags have been banged away job done although not long enough in my opinion. I don’t buy the establishment view that far right is on the rise absolute BS. The likes of th BNP and the NF have virtually been eradicated and rightly so, although I can accept there’s will be a few twisted head cases laying dormant waiting for the day of reckoning but they will have hell of a long wait.

Now if we look to the far left with the antifa terrorists supported by the likes of the looney left momentum well very little gets reported or condemned, they mob up with their faces covered with many carrying weapons and their aim is to intimidate and close down free speech with violence if necessary, absolute fascism in every sense.
Posted by: ska face, July 18, 2018, 6:58pm; Reply: 78
Anti-fascists are the real fascists? ;D Christ

Interesting to see you disagree with the establishment view that the far right is on the rise, but the facts show your opinion to be garbage. 2 years ago an MP was shot in the head and stabbed to death in the streets by a far-right terrorist. But for one racist's bottom going, as described in the link above, another MP would've been killed with a machete and potentially a policewoman too (who happened to be investigating the terrorist for child grooming, the far right have a thing for that...). Last year another far-right terrorist murdered a man outside a mosque in Finsbury Park and attempted to murder tens more only because he couldn't get close enough to Sadiq Khan or Jeremy Corbyn. Last year 28 far-right terrorists were arrested or convicted of terrorist offences, and 4 right-wing terrorist plots were thwarted by security services. The number of people referred to the Prevent counter-terrorism programme increased by 28% for extreme right-wing individuals between 2017 and 2018. Mark Rowley, the former head of counter terrorism police in the UK has spoken about the influence that Tommy Robinson has had on right wing extremism...I suppose he's the establishment when talking about Yaxley-Lennon though, eh?

The NF might not be as visible as they once were (despite them holding demonstrations up and down the country most weeks, still, including one in Grimsby last year), but they've been replaced by this current movement of "I'm not racist, but..." groups which have seen the biggest right-wing marches in generations. Of course you'll say that they're not right-wing, that's the usual line, but how else would you describe their actions? Seig-heilling, attacking muslims, assaulting trade unionists, attacking the police, kicking police horses - you said you "walk the walk", you must be happy to associate with these people? If not, what have you done to prevent it? Perhaps that community need to get their house in order, where's the condemnation? What are the elders doing? Perhaps they should be interned?







History will look back at this lot in the same way that Oswald Moseley's blackshirts are remembered, and rightly so.
Posted by: Grim74, July 19, 2018, 6:26pm; Reply: 79
Quoted from ska face
Anti-fascists are the real fascists? ;D Christ

Smell the coffee that’s the point🙄  it’s like me saying I’m anti-socialist.

Quoted Text
Interesting to see you disagree with the establishment view that the far right is on the rise, but the facts show your opinion to be garbage. 2 years ago an MP was shot in the head and stabbed to death in the streets by a far-right terrorist. But for one racist's bottom going, as described in the link above, another MP would've been killed with a machete and potentially a policewoman too (who happened to be investigating the terrorist for child grooming, the far right have a thing for that...). Last year another far-right terrorist murdered a man outside a mosque in Finsbury Park and attempted to murder tens more only because he couldn't get close enough to Sadiq Khan or Jeremy Corbyn. Last year 28 far-right terrorists were arrested or convicted of terrorist offences, and 4 right-wing terrorist plots were thwarted by security services. The number of people referred to the Prevent counter-terrorism programme increased by 28% for extreme right-wing individuals between 2017 and 2018. Mark Rowley, the former head of counter terrorism police in the UK has spoken about the influence that Tommy Robinson has had on right wing extremism...I suppose he's the establishment when talking about Yaxley-Lennon though, eh?

2 extreme right wing nut cases who have killed in how many years? (not affiliated with any far right groups by the way) doe not mean the far right is on the rise the, even the guardian admit support/ membership for far right groups is at an all time low, but then again I’d imagine you’d class UKIP as being far right 😆 I would love to see the individual case facts to your statistics as I don’t class people who learn to make their dog to seig- heil as a joke to be extreme right wing, or even school kids with UKIP leaflets, they will stick you on prevent for owning a golliwog these days. ( I’ve got 2 don’t report me😂)

Quoted Text
The NF might not be as visible as they once were (despite them holding demonstrations up and down the country most weeks, still, including one in Grimsby last year), but they've been replaced by this current movement of "I'm not racist, but..." groups which have seen the biggest right-wing marches in generations. Of course you'll say that they're not right-wing, that's the usual line, but how else would you describe their actions? Seig-heilling, attacking muslims, assaulting trade unionists, attacking the police, kicking police horses - you said you "walk the walk", you must be happy to associate with these people? If not, what have you done to prevent it? Perhaps that community need to get their house in order, where's the condemnation? What are the elders doing? Perhaps they should be interned?

NF in Grimsby? Did the telegraph do a report on this I must of missed that one.
Look you will always get morons attach themselves to left and right wing groups, but I think I speak for both sides when I say they are a the small minority, the people I met especially at the Trump march was a fantastic mix of good people - old, young, black, white, Asian, no idiots in sight, admittedly there were a few idiots at the freedom march but again the minority, the only real trouble came when a guy wearing a communist t shirt stood up in the middle of the crowd hurling obscenity’s but like I said idiots on both side.






History will look back at this lot in the same way that Oswald Moseley's blackshirts are remembered, and rightly so.[/quote]
Posted by: Grim74, July 19, 2018, 11:48pm; Reply: 80




History will look back at this scum and Say the Nazi’s of the 21st Century.
Posted by: ska face, July 20, 2018, 9:07am; Reply: 81
See, that's the problem, any moron can post a load of lies, fake images and made up quotes.

The issue is that people like you are ignorant enough believe it. Perhaps that's why the country's in the state it's currently in.

Oh, and I'd be particularly careful about using the "it's just a small minority" line when trying to defend your nazi mates, given that your crippling fear of 1.6billion muslims is predicated on the actions of...yeah, a small minority.

Stick to collecting golliwogs, real edgy that, how old are you again? ;D
Posted by: Grim74, July 20, 2018, 8:28pm; Reply: 82
Quoted from ska face
See, that's the problem, any moron can post a load of lies, fake images and made up quotes.

The issue is that people like you are ignorant enough believe it. Perhaps that's why the country's in the state it's currently in.

Well you certainly bit there 🎣
If you can be bothered to trawl back I had this out with that other left wing loon Maringer when I educated him on where the quote originated from, at end of the day the quote still stands up regardless who said it, as your antifa terrorist friends carry on proving. you can see from the pictures Antifa love to close free speech down (good old Nazi style) especially in our brainwashed libtard university's.

Quoted Text
Oh, and I'd be particularly careful about using the "it's just a small minority" line when trying to defend your nazi mates, given that your crippling fear of 1.6billion muslims is predicated on the actions of...yeah, a small minority.

Stick to collecting golliwogs, real edgy that, how old are you again? ;D

No idea what your on about.... my fear of 1.6 billion muslims? Running low on your medication?

As for the golliwogs I knew you wouldn't be able to resist  🎣
I do actually own a couple I bought them when the kids were younger whilst shopping in scarbourgh lovely happy place low on diversity.
Do you know the golliwog was from the imagination of an innocent young girl, but the hysterical left took offence at some point on behalf of black people then stigmatised it which led to it being banned ( nazi style) absolute shameful, you fornicators would find racism in a bag of crisps.

It's because of your sick left indoctrination we now have the next generation of libtards wanting history erased, burning books removing statues and now re-wording famous poems (good old nazi style) I bet you hated seeing all the national flags flying during the World Cup, good that makes me so happy thinking about that I almost want to do the Nazi salute. I understand now why the a few minority seik heil, it's not because they are racist it's purely to wind the anti English, self hating, hysterical bed wetting, professionally offended left wing lunatics (edited) like you. 🤚
Posted by: Maringer, July 21, 2018, 8:55am; Reply: 83
Ah, classic Grim obfuscation and misdirection.

Step 1. Quote something which sounds clever and supports whatever right-wing whinge kick you're on that particular day.

Step 2. Somebody subsequently refutes this entirely providing reliable information to do so.

Step 3. Grim ignores said information entirely (I imagine with fingers in ears saying "La La La, can't hear you"), throws in a few childish attempts at insults which would be laughed out of anywhere but a Facebook comments thread under some bizarre polemic from a right-wing loon and sits back, somehow thinking he's proved his point!

Reality doesn't really intrude much into Grim's world sometimes.
Posted by: KingstonMariner, July 22, 2018, 11:23am; Reply: 84
Quoted from ska face







History will look back at this lot in the same way that Oswald Moseley's blackshirts are remembered, and rightly so.

I think history will look back at that lot as Roderick Spode's Blackshorts.

The bullet-headed loon at the top looks like a character played by Al Murray.
Posted by: ska face, July 23, 2018, 10:09am; Reply: 85
So just to take this thread full circle, is the UK a free country?

Well you’re free to openly seig heil in the middle of London, next to the cenotaph and in the face of police, because you’re only doing it to own the libs.

You’re free to glass trade unionists and beat women with chairs because they oppose the removal of workers rights. Presumably you’ve never heard of weekends, or sick pay...

You’re free to demand a career criminal is released from one of his prison sentences, a result of him pleading guilty to potentially collapsing a child-abuse trial for the second time, because some shady American company will fund the whole sorry spectacle.

You’re free to abuse anyone who might be a Muslim, or who even works for an organisation that might have some link to the middle-east because preventing that would be an infringement of your right to free speech, apparently.

Oh how oppressed you are  ;D your pathetic little victim complex is absolutely tragic. Still, keep putting tape over your mouths, you’re in good company...

Posted by: Grim74, July 23, 2018, 9:44pm; Reply: 86
Quoted from ska face
So just to take this thread full circle, is the UK a free country?

Well you’re free to openly seig heil in the middle of London, next to the cenotaph and in the face of police, because you’re only doing it to own the libs.

You’re free to glass trade unionists and beat women with chairs because they oppose the removal of workers rights. Presumably you’ve never heard of weekends, or sick pay...

You’re free to demand a career criminal is released from one of his prison sentences, a result of him pleading guilty to potentially collapsing a child-abuse trial for the second time, because some shady American company will fund the whole sorry spectacle.

You’re free to abuse anyone who might be a Muslim, or who even works for an organisation that might have some link to the middle-east because preventing that would be an infringement of your right to free speech, apparently.

Oh how oppressed you are  ;D your pathetic little victim complex is absolutely tragic. Still, keep putting tape over your mouths, you’re in good company...


You talk excrement those idiots have probably already had the knock have you not seen the Sky news police appeal today? Police don't react on days like that unless it's absolutely necessary just like they dont at the football, they gather evidence for later arrests unless you happen to be a Muslim hitting people with sticks of course, (no don't remember a Sky appeal for that one.) at least your Antifa terroists friends will be fine having been allowed to cover their cowardly faces.

Have not got a clue what your rambling on about in the next paragraph we still talking 2018?

Of course we are free to demand the release of a political prisoner that the establishment wants silencing, after all it worked for ant establishment terrorists like Gandi and Mandela who are now regarded as hero's. are you so sure he even pleaded guilty? I'm not disagreeing its just that reports are conflicting.

Are you just upset today that the UK government won't object to the death penalty of the Muslim butchers? At least the terrorist supporting Labour Party are doing their bit for you, if only they were as vocal while Muslim gangs were raping and sodomising our kids.

Again stop talking excrement no one is free to abuse a Muslim where are you getting this excrement? It's because of the professionally offended on others behalf like you we now have this bullshit islamaphobia, its because of the liberal bed wetters like you (and Muslim terrorist to be fair) we now have blasphemy laws through the back door.

It's funny how you try and link me to an extreme lefty like Hitler😉 a man who just like antifa opposed anyone with violence anyone who would dare to opposes their warped totalitarian worldview. Tell me why are the left so aggressive when things don't go your way?

I remember the horrible Labour years I remember every time they won an election thinking intercourse, bollox, and just excepting a democratic choice, I don't remember people on the right marching on parliament anytime screaming injustice whilst defacing war hero statues, every time the Torys win there is uproar from the losing minority, then we have Brexit and Trump I don't know how many on the left voted either way on Brexit but it was pretty obvious it was the left on the protest march after they LOST the vote, what is wrong with you people?.
Posted by: codcheeky, July 23, 2018, 10:41pm; Reply: 87
Quoted from Grim74

You talk excrement those idiots have probably already had the knock have you not seen the Sky news police appeal today? Police don't react on days like that unless it's absolutely necessary just like they dont at the football, they gather evidence for later arrests unless you happen to be a Muslim hitting people with sticks of course, (no don't remember a Sky appeal for that one.) at least your Antifa terroists friends will be fine having been allowed to cover their cowardly faces.

Have not got a clue what your rambling on about in the next paragraph we still talking 2018?

Of course we are free to demand the release of a political prisoner that the establishment wants silencing, after all it worked for ant establishment terrorists like Gandi and Mandela who are now regarded as hero's. are you so sure he even pleaded guilty? I'm not disagreeing its just that reports are conflicting.

Are you just upset today that the UK government won't object to the death penalty of the Muslim butchers? At least the terrorist supporting Labour Party are doing their bit for you, if only they were as vocal while Muslim gangs were raping and sodomising our kids.

Again stop talking excrement no one is free to abuse a Muslim where are you getting this excrement? It's because of the professionally offended on others behalf like you we now have this bullshit islamaphobia, its because of the liberal bed wetters like you (and Muslim terrorist to be fair) we now have blasphemy laws through the back door.

It's funny how you try and link me to an extreme lefty like Hitler😉 a man who just like antifa opposed anyone with violence anyone who would dare to opposes their warped totalitarian worldview. Tell me why are the left so aggressive when things don't go your way?

I remember the horrible Labour years I remember every time they won an election thinking intercourse, bollox, and just excepting a democratic choice, I don't remember people on the right marching on parliament anytime screaming injustice whilst defacing war hero statues, every time the Torys win there is uproar from the losing minority, then we have Brexit I don't know how many on the left voted either way but it was pretty obvious it was the left on the protest march after they LOST the vote, what is wrong with you people?.

I remember horrible Tory years of greed and selling off everything that made a profit or was socially useful to society , I remember adverts on tv saying we need miners and there are 200 years of coal reserves under the UK I remember if you wanted a council house it was a stepping stone, there have never been marches because the Tories have won , maybe against wars cuts to the poorest and immoral invasions .I remember Thatcher saying " there is no such thing as society"
When you make up quotes like anti fascists will be the new fascists you have lost any argument.
Fascists are fascists and is up to all decent people to stand up, all decent people are anti fascist
Posted by: Grim74, July 23, 2018, 11:01pm; Reply: 88
Quoted from codcheeky

I remember horrible Tory years of greed and selling off everything that made a profit or was socially useful to society , I remember adverts on tv saying we need miners and there are 200 years of coal reserves under the UK I remember if you wanted a council house it was a stepping stone, there have never been marches because the Tories have won , maybe against wars cuts to the poorest and immoral invasions .I remember Thatcher saying " there is no such thing as society"
When you make up quotes like anti fascists will be the new fascists you have lost any argument.
Fascists are fascists and is up to all decent people to stand up, all decent people are anti fascist

Not getting into a Tory debate but whatever you think about Thatcher and yes she made good and bad decision like all of the great political leaders, but just remember one thing she saved us from socialism! now that ends any debate.

How have I lost the argument on the so called anti- facists..... you are aware of antifa??? are you honestly saying they are not facists? Come on be honest have you not seen the violent protests, the violent attacks with weapons on people, attacks on historical monuments, the storming of campus because there are alternative world views and opinions on offer that they don't agree with.
Posted by: codcheeky, July 23, 2018, 11:30pm; Reply: 89
Name one of Thatchers good decisions, mostly she argued against the majority of Britons interests , while supporting apartheid South Africa
Posted by: mariner91, July 23, 2018, 11:55pm; Reply: 90
Well this thread has proved unequivocally that Grim is insane.

Any right wing fascist nutjob, such as yourself Grim, who tries to argue that Hitler was left wing or socialist proves that they don´t understand what socialism is or that they´re really quite thick. In this case, I think it´s the latter.
Posted by: mariner91, July 23, 2018, 11:58pm; Reply: 91
Also, your continual argument that antifa are fascists is so boring and once again proves how thick you are.

Here´s two definitions of fascism for you seen as you can´t be arsed to research it yourself yet clearly don´t fully understand what it means:

Definition of fascism
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
Posted by: LH, July 24, 2018, 12:38am; Reply: 92
This has been my favourite thread of the close season.
Posted by: Grim74, July 24, 2018, 8:03am; Reply: 93
Quoted from mariner91
Also, your continual argument that antifa are fascists is so boring and once again proves how thick you are.

Here´s two definitions of fascism for you seen as you can´t be arsed to research it yourself yet clearly don´t fully understand what it means:

Definition of fascism
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

Lefty socialist outraged at the suggestion Hitler's one of their own 😂
Hitler a capitalist 😂
Posted by: Maringer, July 25, 2018, 11:32pm; Reply: 94
Waitaflippingminute. Did I just read somebody seriously claiming that the Nazis were left-wing?!?

Fuckwittery of the very highest order.
Posted by: Grim74, July 26, 2018, 7:14am; Reply: 95
Quoted from Maringer
Waitaflippingminute. Did I just read somebody seriously claiming that the Nazis were left-wing?!?

Fuckwittery of the very highest order.

Fuckwittery? Did they teach you that at Uni🤔
No you didn’t! If that answers your question, look I know you suffer left wing derangement by seeing things that are not even there but do try reading more carefully you old nincompoop (whatever the intercourse that means).

Is the United Kingdom a free country anymore? was the topic and the answer is becoming more increasingly a big fat no. Ithink this thread shows us that it’s not about left or right wing ideology being the driving factor but it is the extreme versions especially the left put put together and you will find a very very thin line between them... are you keeping up Maringer? Think of an horseshoe where the far left and right nearly come together.

Just like the Natzism and Communism one would say both are extreme on the opposite ends of the horseshoe but share many traits, evil dictatorships, preached class warfare, anti-capitalist, nationalistic -( did you see Comrade Corb’s announcement this week😂) i’ll carry on -  nationalisation, militarisation, death camps and of course no freedom of speech to name just a few.

Your can bang on on about interpretation all you like but the actual FACT is that they were both authoritarian regimes that led to the death of millions of innocent people, and yet today in the UK it’s acceptable to celebrate Communism but not Nazi, wear Commi t-shirts but not Nazi, have pin up posters of monsters like Stalin, Mao, murders like Lenin, Castro, even terrorists like Che! but if I was to walk through Islington with a Hitler T- shirt on.. no flipping way i’d get burnt to death by skinny latte’s.

And this highlights the main cause for concern in this Country as it seems it’s perfectly correct to be left, it’s even ok to be extreme left but it’s wrong to be right even though the majority of people (if polls are to be believed) lean to the right. And the MSN are complicit in the BS! why do we not have a right wing news channel? All we seem to get is left wing cultural Marxism PC propaganda leading to less and less free speech or  the acceptance of the erasure of our traditions even Punch and Judy is not safe FFS.
Posted by: ska face, July 26, 2018, 8:16am; Reply: 96
“Why do we not have a right wing news channel?”

In a thread where you’ve compared Stephen Yaxley-Lennon to Mahatma Ghandi, I think this comment is possibly the worst. Some achievement, I’ll give you that.
Posted by: codcheeky, July 26, 2018, 9:41am; Reply: 97
"Why do we not have a right wing news channel?" Surely th i is a poor attempt at irony

BBC = Broadcasting By Conservatives
ITV is even further to the right and Sky News is laughably right wing
Posted by: barralad, July 26, 2018, 1:33pm; Reply: 98
Quoted from codcheeky
"Why do we not have a right wing news channel?" Surely th i is a poor attempt at irony

BBC = Broadcasting By Conservatives
ITV is even further to the right and Sky News is laughably right wing

Add to that the published press (excepting the Mirror, although that's a shadow of its former self, and the Guardian which is the true flagship of centre left opinion) and it's beyond doubt that we live in a country where half a dozen foreign billionaires try to tell us what to think.
Posted by: Skrill, July 27, 2018, 5:42pm; Reply: 99
One last point, Tommy Robinson has sure been dealt a poor hand however, where are all the law defenders when Angel Merkel, Tony Blair and other European politicians broke all sovereign laws and power of the state over law and all sorts of other laws, when they invited the entire world to European nations during the Migrant Crisis for clear political gain? Of course without regard to the economic and societal damage.
Posted by: ska face, July 27, 2018, 6:03pm; Reply: 100
What laws?
Posted by: barralad, July 27, 2018, 6:46pm; Reply: 101
Oooh this should be good! Stay tuned....
Posted by: ginnywings, July 27, 2018, 11:36pm; Reply: 102
As the saying goes:-

Never try to play chess with a pigeon. He knocks over all the pieces, sh1ts all over the board, and then struts around like he has won.
Posted by: KingstonMariner, July 28, 2018, 7:31am; Reply: 103
Quoted from ginnywings
As the saying goes:-

Never try to play chess with a pigeon. He knocks over all the pieces, sh1ts all over the board, and then struts around like he has won.

LMFAO!  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Posted by: Skrill, August 1, 2018, 4:16pm; Reply: 104
Posted by: ska face, August 1, 2018, 4:50pm; Reply: 105
Not going to bother expanding on your “sovereign laws” claim then? Thought as much. Skrill’s first foray into the world of independent thought ends in predictable failure.

So he’s out then. Is the UK a free country anymore? Put it this way - you can plead guilty to breaking the law and still walk the street, so yeah, I think so.
Posted by: Maringer, August 1, 2018, 5:47pm; Reply: 106
Return of the Yax? Unsurprisingly, Skrill's linked tweets are incorrect.

Yaxley or Robinson or Harris, or whatever he's calling himself these days, won his appeal relating to the charges in Leeds but faces a retrial so it's yet to be decided if he's innocent of those. Still guilty of the charges from Canterbury as his appeal about those failed. So it seems he's not been proven innocent yet.
Posted by: Skrill, August 1, 2018, 7:37pm; Reply: 107

Tommy looked like his been starved by the state. How anyone can take a blind eye to this is beyond me. Only rant about things when it directly affects you?
People have been shouting at and accusing, supposed criminals, since the 1910s. The fact he won his appeal legitimises my point.

This is a victory for English Common Law. Now any injustice taken by the government for "wrong-think", or using free speech, or for highlighting a tyrannical media censorship or gang rapes for that matter, can refer to this appeal/case. We don't have a US constitution here so we cannot cite 1st-2nd amendments.
Posted by: Skrill, August 1, 2018, 7:54pm; Reply: 108
Posted by: ska face, August 1, 2018, 8:26pm; Reply: 109
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

“People would go up to his cell, open the flap and SHOUT at him”

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Who are you, his mum? Grow up, you’re absolutely pathetic. Glad to hear you’re interested in prison reform though, poor little Stephen only getting his three square a day? Boo hoo. Suck it up, snowflake.
Posted by: LH, August 1, 2018, 9:31pm; Reply: 110
“Looked like he’d been starved by the state.” Ffs.
Posted by: Welwynmariner, August 2, 2018, 2:44pm; Reply: 111
Quoted from Maringer
Return of the Yax? Unsurprisingly, Skrill's linked tweets are incorrect.

Yaxley or Robinson or Harris, or whatever he's calling himself these days, won his appeal relating to the charges in Leeds but faces a retrial so it's yet to be decided if he's innocent of those. Still guilty of the charges from Canterbury as his appeal about those failed. So it seems he's not been proven innocent yet.

It's a re-hearing rather than a re-trial isn't it? In front of a different judge?

The argument was all about the failure to consider mitigating circumstances and the length of the sentence for what he pleaded guilty to in Canterbury. All the Tommy Robinson apologists conveniently ignore the fact that he pleaded guilty to contempt on both counts.
Posted by: Maringer, August 2, 2018, 3:35pm; Reply: 112
I've not followed it all closely enough so you're probably correct.

Have to say, from what I've read he seems to be a bit of an odd character. I can't help but wonder if his 'activism' isn't just a way of making a decent living for him these days. A convicted fraudster on a number of occasions so it wouldn't surprise me if he's willing to spend a bit of time in the clink from time to time in order to make a bit of money. I don't doubt folks on the far right are willing to bung him some money and he's done stuff with various bits of the media in recent years which has probably paid as well.

Still a horrible scrote, of course.
Posted by: Grim74, August 2, 2018, 7:13pm; Reply: 113
Quoted from Maringer
I've not followed it all closely enough so you're probably correct.

Have to say, from what I've read he seems to be a bit of an odd character. I can't help but wonder if his 'activism' isn't just a way of making a decent living for him these days. A convicted fraudster on a number of occasions so it wouldn't surprise me if he's willing to spend a bit of time in the clink from time to time in order to make a bit of money. I don't doubt folks on the far right are willing to bung him some money and he's done stuff with various bits of the media in recent years which has probably paid as well.

Still a horrible scrote, of course.

Muslim child raping gangs or Tommy Robinson, I know who's side I'm on.
Posted by: kamakazebear, August 2, 2018, 7:33pm; Reply: 114
Quoted from ginnywings
As the saying goes:-

Never try to play chess with a pigeon. He knocks over all the pieces, sh1ts all over the board, and then struts around like he has won.

Was going to bite to one of Grim's ridiculous posts and then I saw this. Absolutely spot on.
Posted by: ska face, August 2, 2018, 7:34pm; Reply: 115
Per head, there are probably more paedophiles, deviants and wronguns on your average EDL March than in any mosque -
Posted by: Maringer, August 2, 2018, 11:40pm; Reply: 116
Quoted from Grim74

Muslim child raping gangs or Tommy Robinson, I know who's side I'm on.

Not a binary choice though, is it? You don't have to pick one or the other when both are wrong. These gangs of alleged sexual predators (who apparently happen to be not very observant Muslims) were entitled to a fair trial. His grandstanding could have led to a mistrial and potentially guilty men going free.

I see Yax has a history of beating up his missus in public as well as the criminal fraud and other various convictions he's had for violence so he's hardly a model citizen, is he?

I still maintain that he's more of a chancer than a serious political activist. Apparently his reunion with his (very upset) kids was filmed and immediately released as a propaganda piece. What sort of a toerag do you have to be to use your kids in such a way? The 'Tommy Robinson' sort.
Posted by: Grim74, August 3, 2018, 8:22am; Reply: 117
Anyone struggling with the definition of fascism in 2018? Well here it is in all its glory -
Posted by: ska face, August 3, 2018, 8:58am; Reply: 118
That’s not fascism - you’re thinking of “capitalism”, my mate.

Farage can sit and spout his views all day but there’s no requirement that he should get paid for doing so, and that Joe Public should foot the bill.

If all those brands are happy to sponsor his views, and put their money where their mouth is then they are free to do so. If however what they actually care about is profit, then that’s a decision they have to make.

Unlucky for you that.
Posted by: Marinerz93, August 4, 2018, 10:08pm; Reply: 119
Quoted from barralad

Where are these Muslims wanting Sharia Law in Britain?

There are various sources saying 4 in 10 or just over 40% want Sharia law to replace parts of British law. There are 80 practicing Sharia courts around the United Kingdom. While there are undoubtedly lots of different councils and tribunals dealing with Sharia principles, they are not courts of law. It's not clear how many exist, or how many different types there are.

To see Sharia in action search "What Life Is Like Under Sharia Law" and "Women and Sharia Law"

Posted by: ska face, August 7, 2018, 8:12am; Reply: 120
I see Lennon’s supporters have spent the weekend trashing socialist book shops and intimidating staff.

Now where have we seen that before...?
Posted by: Grim74, August 7, 2018, 11:48am; Reply: 121
Quoted from ska face
I see Lennon’s supporters have spent the weekend trashing socialist book shops and intimidating staff.

Now where have we seen that before...?

Fake news once again only one commie anti - Jew supporting shop entered and nothing was trashed unless you including a fascist poster.

Where have you seen this before? Was it the Winston Churchil themed cafe by any chance that was targeted by far left Labour supporters?
Posted by: ska face, August 7, 2018, 12:28pm; Reply: 122

This is the company you keep. Think that says it all really.
Posted by: Maringer, August 7, 2018, 3:28pm; Reply: 123
Lots of villages missing their idiots that weekend apparently.

Grim becoming less coherent in his defence of the indefensible week by week.
Posted by: Grim74, August 7, 2018, 6:40pm; Reply: 124
Quoted from ska face

This is the company you keep. Think that says it all really.

Quoted from ska face

This is the company you keep. Think that says it all really.

No but I'd like to shake their hands.
We need Commie book shops like we do Nazi book shops.

And you call that trashing 😂 Your either the biggest snowflake on the fishy and (that's saying something) or just a plain old bullshixxer
Posted by: Grim74, August 7, 2018, 6:41pm; Reply: 125
Quoted from Maringer
Lots of villages missing their idiots that weekend apparently.

Grim becoming less coherent in his defence of the indefensible week by week.

Churchill cafe 😉
Posted by: Grim74, August 7, 2018, 6:46pm; Reply: 126
Keeping on the theme of free speech what's the snowflakes opinion on the Borris  Johnston comments? I think he's a coward not to call for a ban but how can anyone even the fishyflakes on here disagree with his opinion. Threresa the appeaser now demanding he apologises FFS. god she makes me sick.
Posted by: Skrill, August 7, 2018, 7:30pm; Reply: 127
Ska you know the MakeBritainGreatAgain crowd are anti-nazi right?

After watching the video the actions are unacceptable. The battlefield of ideas is the place to debate, not ruining book shops. No better than the left's ANTIFA.
Posted by: ska face, August 7, 2018, 8:29pm; Reply: 128
What do they want, a medal? They look like a bunch of sex offenders to me, the type of deviants who got bullied at school and now spend their time in bushes near playgrounds. Which probably says a lot about your movement that these are the leading lights of it.

13 minutes of footage showing about 15 of your mates trying to intimidate a single worker in a book shop, cackling like schoolboys who’ve just found a splat mag under a hedge? If that was me I’d want to be distancing myself from them as much as possible, not trying to defend them.

Tommy Robinson’s red-capped boot boys  ;D Back to your wotsits, tinfoil hats and victim complex.
Posted by: Maringer, August 7, 2018, 9:08pm; Reply: 129
Quoted from Grim74

Churchill cafe 😉

Ah, please feel free to point out where I defended that particular protest. Two wrongs don't make a right, you know.

A bit pointless to protest in that manner as I thought everyone knew that Churchill was a bit of a excrement a lot of the time. Did a good job in the war, of course.
Posted by: barralad, August 7, 2018, 11:08pm; Reply: 130
Quoted from Grim74

No but I'd like to shake their hands.
We need Commie book shops like we do Nazi book shops.

And you call that trashing 😂 Your either the biggest snowflake on the fishy and (that's saying something) or just a plain old bullshixxer

"Commie bookshops"?? Are you a McCarthyite? Better check under your bed lad for those reds. One of the books those morons picked up was a critique of the abortion laws in Ireland...hardly Marxist is it unless of course you view a woman's right to decide what should happen to her body as ultra left wing.
As for the book about the "Jewish Question" it has absolutely nothing to do with the Nazi interpretation of the Jewish "Problem" resulting in the final solution and everything to do with a Marxist interpretation of the role of the Jews in a (modern) Europe. Abram Leon-one of the authors was a Jew and was murdered by the Nazis in 1944.
Posted by: Grim74, August 8, 2018, 10:49am; Reply: 131
Quoted from barralad

"Commie bookshops"?? Are you a McCarthyite? Better check under your bed lad for those reds. One of the books those morons picked up was a critique of the abortion laws in Ireland...hardly Marxist is it unless of course you view a woman's right to decide what should happen to her body as ultra left wing.
As for the book about the "Jewish Question" it has absolutely nothing to do with the Nazi interpretation of the Jewish "Problem" resulting in the final solution and everything to do with a Marxist interpretation of the role of the Jews in a (modern) Europe. Abram Leon-one of the authors was a Jew and was murdered by the Nazis in 1944.

You keep kidding yourself Nazism and Communism are both evil ideologies with an end result of human suffering and misery, they should both be condemned to the history books. It's a disgrace to humanity that one is accepted and revered by extreme left wing idiots.
Posted by: barralad, August 8, 2018, 11:49pm; Reply: 132
Quoted from Grim74

You keep kidding yourself Nazism and Communism are both evil ideologies with an end result of human suffering and misery, they should both be condemned to the history books. It's a disgrace to humanity that one is accepted and revered by extreme left wing idiots.

And you keep kidding yourself that socialism must equate to communism.
Posted by: Maringer, August 9, 2018, 7:49am; Reply: 133
Or that communism as a concept is necessarily a bad thing. As history shows, the reality doesn't work due to human nature (i.e. the people who get to the top of the tree tend to be shits, regardless of the political or economic system in play). This is why it has just a handful of adherents (idealists) in most Western countries. Nothing wrong with the ideal that everybody should have enough however, which was the aim of the social democracy in operation from after the war until Thatcher started swinging her wrecking ball to destroy all that her betters had built before her.
Posted by: Grim74, August 9, 2018, 6:58pm; Reply: 134
Quoted from barralad

And you keep kidding yourself that socialism must equate to communism.

Let me educate you.... Socialism is the precursor to communism.

The goal of socialism is communism -

Vladimir Lenin
Posted by: Grim74, August 9, 2018, 7:04pm; Reply: 135
Quoted from Maringer
Or that communism as a concept is necessarily a bad thing. As history shows, the reality doesn't work due to human nature (i.e. the people who get to the top of the tree tend to be shits, regardless of the political or economic system in play). This is why it has just a handful of adherents (idealists) in most Western countries. Nothing wrong with the ideal that everybody should have enough however, which was the aim of the social democracy in opI eration from after the war until Thatcher started swinging her wrecking ball to destroy all that her betters had built before her.

Nice wind up!
Socialism always ends in tears, and a wrecked economy oh and I nearly forgot a body count.
Socialism is the cancer of Society thank you Mrs M. for saving us.( albeit temporarily) because it never ends does it....Labour is Socialist.
Posted by: ska face, August 9, 2018, 7:13pm; Reply: 136
Oh, the body count argument again is it?

Posted by: Grim74, August 9, 2018, 8:22pm; Reply: 137
Quoted from ska face
Oh, the body count argument again is it?


That’s it then it’s comfirmed you’re absolutely moronic, end of debate.
Posted by: Maringer, August 9, 2018, 8:40pm; Reply: 138
Even though more left-wing than for some years, the current Labour Party policies are very much within the moderate social democratic range and of the sort which wouldn't have looked much out of place in the Conservative Party manifesto from the early 1970s. In fact, Grim, with the oncoming shitestorm we're facing thanks to the appalling failure of the policies of your beloved Tories over the past 40 years (and the Tory-lite New Labour administration to a lesser degree), they'll need something a lot more radical to deal with the fallout after whatever disastrous form of Brexit May manages to cobble together.

Your blind adherence to right-wing rhetoric is all the more impressive when it doesn't take much awareness to see how the country is falling apart around us. Poverty rising, inequality up, social care in catastrophe, Tory councils facing financial ruin and cutting services to the bone, education in crisis, NHS on the brink of collapse, no hint of a plan to deal with the aftermath of Brexit etc etc etc.

If Labour get into power, they'll not be trying to implement full-blown socialism, just social democracy. Let's hope it's enough.
Posted by: barralad, August 9, 2018, 8:59pm; Reply: 139
Quoted from Grim74

Let me educate you.... Socialism is the precursor to communism.

The goal of socialism is communism -

Vladimir Lenin

I doubt there is much you could educate me on. Communist in the goal of socialism is communism shocker. If only there were hundreds if not thousands of democratic socialist thinkers over time who don't agree with Lenin's assertion...
Posted by: Grim74, August 13, 2018, 8:08am; Reply: 140
Is the United Kingdom feee anymore?

Your not even free to display pride in your Countey with these hateful lefty illegitimates around.

The corbyn left will not stop until the country is gone and we are merely a piece of land.
Posted by: ska face, August 13, 2018, 8:25am; Reply: 141
Hahahahahahaha the snowflake right strikes again!

“We will not be stopping!”

“oh...hold on...not only will we be stopping with the flags, we will be closing down COMPLETELY because of a handful of comments on tripadvisor” ;D

Absolutely pathetic. Where’s this Blitz Spirit, stiff upper lip and all that?
Posted by: ska face, August 13, 2018, 8:33am; Reply: 142
Oh, and if you want to look at this targeted campaign of negative reviews, here they are - all two of them.

One complaint about hash browns, the other about poor attitude from the owner.

Still, nice of millionaire, privately educated former city trader Nigel Farage to pile in and stick it to the elites. You can’t even fly an England flag anymore...apart from last month when the whole country was covered in them, in people taking over towns and city centres waving flags and wearing England shirts.

  ;D ;D ;D

Absolutely tragic.
Posted by: barralad, August 13, 2018, 9:00am; Reply: 143
Well the advertising they've had over this should secure their future for a while! Gammons from all over Britain will be flocking for their full English.
Incidentally there has been a traditional cafe on this site for years. In the heady days when we played Dagenham and Redbridge on a regular basis it was a regular stopping place. Remains to this day the only place I've eaten where bubble and squeak was part of the breakfast fayre...delicious!
Posted by: Grim74, August 13, 2018, 11:15am; Reply: 144
Quoted from ska face
Hahahahahahaha the snowflake right strikes again!

“We will not be stopping!”

“oh...hold on...not only will we be stopping with the flags, we will be closing down COMPLETELY because of a handful of comments on tripadvisor” ;D

Absolutely pathetic. Where’s this Blitz Spirit, stiff upper lip and all that?

Actually agree with you they should stand and fight these lefty haters who hate their Country, heritage, skin colour etc, etc,after all the corbyn left are just like your typical school bully, but once you stand up to them they’re as weak as a butterfly. Had one call me a racist once (because he was losing the argument) and a mere slap across the chops was enough to see him scurry off.

But nevermind supporting hard working tax paying patriotic Brit’s! shouldn’t you be defending the workshy burka wearing cult members? Have you not heard attack’s on Muslims have gone through the roof and Islamaphobia is back on the rise 😂😂😂😂
Posted by: ska face, August 13, 2018, 1:56pm; Reply: 145

“Islam and communism are violent ideologies which must be stopped”

“I laugh at women being abused in the street and assault people who disagree with me”

Well...that or lie about it on the internet! Either way, you’re doing a tremendous job here.
Posted by: Grim74, August 13, 2018, 5:45pm; Reply: 146
Whoosh straight over his head thick as Diane abbots thighs😂
Posted by: Marinerz93, August 13, 2018, 5:56pm; Reply: 147
Quoted from ska face
Oh, the body count argument again is it?


Talking of body counts what is the greatest genocide in history?
Posted by: ska face, August 13, 2018, 6:02pm; Reply: 148
Potentially the genocide I’ve committed on my brain cells by contributing to 15 pages of this thread. Think I’ll leave it to grim and skrill to rock in the corner babbling about how oppressed they are. Poor lambs.
Posted by: Grim74, August 13, 2018, 6:56pm; Reply: 149
Oh you having a bad day Ska boy! What with your pin up boy comrade Corbyn in the msn spotlight yet again (not counting the BBC they’re still creaming theirselves over Boris) but you have to feel sorry for old corbo accidentally wandering into a wreath laying ceremony for a group of terrorists, held the wreath and then photographed with the wreath, all without his knowledge. the gift that keeps on giving 😂
Posted by: barralad, August 13, 2018, 9:09pm; Reply: 150
Quoted from Marinerz93

Talking of body counts what is the greatest genocide in history?

Depends which source you use but a recurring theme is the European colonisation of Central and South America which saw several civilisations completely eradicated.
Posted by: codcheeky, August 15, 2018, 5:46pm; Reply: 151
Quoted from Grim74
Oh you having a bad day Ska boy! What with your pin up boy comrade Corbyn in the msn spotlight yet again (not counting the BBC they’re still creaming theirselves over Boris) but you have to feel sorry for old corbo accidentally wandering into a wreath laying ceremony for a group of terrorists, held the wreath and then photographed with the wreath, all without his knowledge. the gift that keeps on giving 😂

Apparently the Black September terrorists are not only buried in a different cemetery but indeed a separate country, there was also a Tory Lord at the the same ceremony but facts are irrelevant to some of our press if a good smear is potentially available
Posted by: barralad, August 15, 2018, 7:00pm; Reply: 152
Quoted from codcheeky

Apparently the Black September terrorists are not only buried in a different cemetery but indeed a separate country, there was also a Tory Lord at the the same ceremony but facts are irrelevant to some of our press if a good smear is potentially available

Now Coddy...don't you realise that Grim subscribes to the mainstream press maxim that if you chuck enough mud some of it will stick...
Posted by: Maringer, August 15, 2018, 9:18pm; Reply: 153
I don't think the Tory Lord (or the Libdem one for that matter) were actually at this wreath laying ceremony. They went to the conference but not to that bit. The wreath Corbyn was pictured with was in memory of those killed (including Tunisian civilians) by the Israeli attack which was condemned unanimously by the UN Security Council (how often does that happen, eh?) as well as the Thatcher government and pretty much everyone else.

More lies from the right-wing media to claim otherwise, of course.

When a state such as Israel bombs and murders civilians in another country, surely that makes them a terrorist state in the same way which Libya was accused? If not, why not?
Posted by: headingly_mariner, August 16, 2018, 10:16pm; Reply: 154

Who else does it on such a scale? Was it 1400 children in Rotherham alone? What other group passes around young English girls for rape - I would let the authorities know if you know who they are. Even if there are other groups, why would that preclude the EDL from highlighting the problem of Asian gangs?

If you think the EDL and Asian grooming gangs need condemning equally I find that very alarming to be honest.

When have i said they need condemning equally? Rapists and paedophiles need to be in prison.

Grooming and child abuse is not a problem exclusive to one ethnicity. White Britons have a pretty horrific record of organised child grooming and cover ups going back years. Look at the scale of abuse uncovered in operation yewtree. Look at the scale of abuse and cover ups in the Catholic Church, in children’s homes and even in football.

The EDL are a joke and they use the suffering of children to radicalise people to hate one specific group.

this was my response to the quoted post from the locked thread. Thought it would fit in nicely on here.
Posted by: Grim74, August 17, 2018, 5:40am; Reply: 155
It’s easy to sweep the Muslim grooming gang problem under the carpet by pigeon holing it with with the rest of the paedo’s in the country, but when you take into account the Muslim population is only aprox 5% then you soon realise this problem is epidemic.

The looney left can call this (non race) issue racist all they want as a way of closing down the debate, but the ironic thing is it’s because of them that being called a racist is not even offensive anymore 😀 it’s more a badge of honour as it shows you have won debate. Even better you’ve also upset the lefty. 😂
Posted by: Maringer, August 17, 2018, 8:35am; Reply: 156
The problem here is the conflation between these grooming gangs and Islam as a whole. Some are claiming they did it because they are Muslims. This is the equivalent to saying all those paedophile priests over the years did it because they were Catholic or Christian.

The reality is that these groups/people did it because they are criminals, not because of their religion.

The vast majority of Muslims in this country (and Christians, Jews, Hindus, atheists etc etc) are decent law-abiding citizens and you will struggle to find anyone defending what these men did in just the same way that you wpuldnt find people in the church defending what these paedophile priests did.

No doubt that the Rotherham case was a bad one because the police and local authorities completely failed these girls, but it's not just Muslim criminals taking advantage of kids in care or from difficult backgrounds.

The idea that the EDL are carrying out some sort of a noble cause by noisily protesting when trials against criminals such as these are going on is beyond laughable. It's dogwhistle politics of the most base type. The prosecutions show that the system is now working and interfering with the trials (and in the case of 'Robinson', potentially risking mistrials) is grandstanding trying to influence the hard of thinking. Seems to be working to some degree, unfortunately.

As for the serial criminal/fraudster/wife-beater/self-priming opportunist 'Tommy Robinson', the fact that he takes his pseudonym from a Luton hoolie tells you all you need to know about the man.
Posted by: Grim74, August 17, 2018, 2:26pm; Reply: 157
Oh look grandstanding TommyRobinson exposed this mosque over 2 years ago and everyone cried the usual ‘racist’ and ‘islamophobe’ tropes. The BBC reports it 2 years later and everyone is suddenly concerned.
Posted by: Marinerz93, August 25, 2018, 5:38pm; Reply: 158
Quoted from barralad

Depends which source you use but a recurring theme is the European colonisation of Central and South America which saw several civilisations completely eradicated.

Talking of body counts, Muslim historian Firishta [full name Muhammad Qasim Hindu Shah, born in 1560 and died in 1620], the author of the Tarikh-i Firishta and the Gulshan-i Ibrahim, was the first to give an idea to the medieval bloodbath that was India during Muslim rule, when he declared that over 400 million Hindus got slaughtered during Muslim invasion and occupation of India. Survivors got enslaved and castrated. India’s population is said to have been around 600 million at the time of Muslim invasion. By the mid 1500’s the Hindu population was 200 million.
Posted by: Marinerz93, August 25, 2018, 5:57pm; Reply: 159
Quoted from Maringer
The problem here is the conflation between these grooming gangs and Islam as a whole. Some are claiming they did it because they are Muslims. This is the equivalent to saying all those paedophile priests over the years did it because they were Catholic or Christian.

The reality is that these groups/people did it because they are criminals, not because of their religion.

The vast majority of Muslims in this country (and Christians, Jews, Hindus, atheists etc etc) are decent law-abiding citizens and you will struggle to find anyone defending what these men did in just the same way that you wpuldnt find people in the church defending what these paedophile priests did.

No doubt that the Rotherham case was a bad one because the police and local authorities completely failed these girls, but it's not just Muslim criminals taking advantage of kids in care or from difficult backgrounds.

The idea that the EDL are carrying out some sort of a noble cause by noisily protesting when trials against criminals such as these are going on is beyond laughable. It's dogwhistle politics of the most base type. The prosecutions show that the system is now working and interfering with the trials (and in the case of 'Robinson', potentially risking mistrials) is grandstanding trying to influence the hard of thinking. Seems to be working to some degree, unfortunately.

As for the serial criminal/fraudster/wife-beater/self-priming opportunist 'Tommy Robinson', the fact that he takes his pseudonym from a Luton hoolie tells you all you need to know about the man.

Grooming is heinous and anyone involved in it should be chemically castrated. The Muslim grooming gangs are different because they are targeting any young girl who isn't Muslim. they target poor white girls and Sikhs, not Muslims because they want their girls pure so they are virgins when they marry their middle aged husbands.

No other faith allows non followers to be used and abused like the Koran. If you are playing a numbers game there are far more Christians in the world than Muslims so why is it that Muslim grooming gangs far out weight Christian or other faith ones, especially in the UK. Why is it in Norway, Finland, Denmark and other European countries the majority of rapes in most cases 8 / 10 are carried out by Muslims, look at what happened in Cologne over Christmas. The Islam ideology promotes this abuse and it can not be defended.
Posted by: Maringer, August 25, 2018, 11:06pm; Reply: 160
Quoted from Marinerz93

Talking of body counts, Muslim historian Firishta [full name Muhammad Qasim Hindu Shah, born in 1560 and died in 1620], the author of the Tarikh-i Firishta and the Gulshan-i Ibrahim, was the first to give an idea to the medieval bloodbath that was India during Muslim rule, when he declared that over 400 million Hindus got slaughtered during Muslim invasion and occupation of India. Survivors got enslaved and castrated. India’s population is said to have been around 600 million at the time of Muslim invasion. By the mid 1500’s the Hindu population was 200 million.

Tee hee. Population of the Indian subcontinent was nowhere near 600 million until very recently:

That's unless you think that modern medicine, immunisation and mechanisation to support such a vast population was available 500-700 years ago before them there dastardly Mooslims destroyed it all.

Where on Earth do you get this sort of nonsense from?

Ancient historians of whatever creed or era are known for ludicrous exaggerations about battles and conquests and the like. Back in the Dark Ages, there was forcible conversion into all sorts of religions:

Here's what the Koran has to say about this sort of thing:

Most Christian Kings/Emperors didn't pay any attention to Christian teachings so it is a surprise that some Muslim Kings should act in the same manner?
Posted by: Marinerz93, August 28, 2018, 1:41am; Reply: 161
Quoted from Maringer

Tee hee. Population of the Indian subcontinent was nowhere near 600 million until very recently:

That's unless you think that modern medicine, immunisation and mechanisation to support such a vast population was available 500-700 years ago before them there dastardly Mooslims destroyed it all.

Where on Earth do you get this sort of nonsense from?

Ancient historians of whatever creed or era are known for ludicrous exaggerations about battles and conquests and the like. Back in the Dark Ages, there was forcible conversion into all sorts of religions:

Here's what the Koran has to say about this sort of thing:

Most Christian Kings/Emperors didn't pay any attention to Christian teachings so it is a surprise that some Muslim Kings should act in the same manner?

Verse (ayah) 256 of Al-Baqara is a well-known verse in the Islamic scripture, the Qur'an.[1] The verse includes the phrase that "there is no compulsion in religion

Utter excrement, no compulsion in religion, please explain why apostates are killed for leaving Islam, and they are killed in predominately Muslim countries, why people are ostracized by families and communities for leaving Islam. Are you simply going to brush away and scoff at what happened to the Yazidi's of northern Iraq because you and your Mooslim friends have the same Sharia beliefs.

Quran (4:89) - "They wish that you reject Faith, as they have rejected (Faith), and thus that you all become equal (like one another). So take not Auliya' (protectors or friends) from them, till they emigrate in the Way of Allah (to Muhammad). But if they turn back (from Islam), take (hold) of them and kill them wherever you find them, and take neither Auliya' (protectors or friends) nor helpers from them."   Verse 4:65 says that those who have faith are in "full submission" to Muhammad's teachings.  This verse explains what should happen to Muslims who do not "have faith" and (along with verses 90-91) do not agree to banishment and subjugation.  

Quran (9:11-12) - "But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then are they your brethren in religion. We detail Our revelations for a people who have knowledge. [b]And if they break their pledges after their treaty (hath been made with you) and assail your religion, then fight the heads of disbelief - Lo! they have no binding oaths - in order that they may desist."[/b]

Other verses that seem to support the many Hadith that establish the death sentence for apostates are Quran verses 2:217, 9:73-74, 88:21, 5:54, 9:66.

No compulsion you say, proven to be balderdash by the Koran.

In the last 30 days the religion of peace, has carried out 121 Islamic attacks in 25 countries, in which 753 people were killed and 675 injured. Good job Christians 2.1 Billion aren't as blood thirsty as those Peskie Mooslims 1.3 Billion eh.
Posted by: Maringer, August 28, 2018, 11:28pm; Reply: 162
Quoted from Marinerz93

Utter excrement, no compulsion in religion, please explain why apostates are killed for leaving Islam, and they are killed in predominately Muslim countries, why people are ostracized by families and communities for leaving Islam. Are you simply going to brush away and scoff at what happened to the Yazidi's of northern Iraq because you and your Mooslim friends have the same Sharia beliefs.

No, you don't get to change the subject here - Apostacy is a different subject to that which we were discussing originally. Stop trying to obfuscate.

Following your amusing claim that 400 million or so Indians were killed/enslaved/castrated/whatever following invasion by an Islamic empire 600 or so years ago (and, ridiculous numbers aside, the only reference I could find to this as reported by your Islamic historian mentioned a despot in Kashmir, a small part of northern India, not the whole country), I pointed out that Islamic teaching doesn't endorse forced conversion of people of other religions. The despot in Kashmir was obviously ignoring these teachings because, well, he was a despot. In just the same way that Christian/Hindu/whatever despots ignored the teachings of their own religions. You can't go from claiming 400 million people died because of Islamic mistreatment then suddenly flip your argument when I pointed out how ludicrous your claim was. This is not to say that there wouldn't have been mistreatment/massacres after the Islamic invasion of India you originally mentioned. It's what occurs after invasions by foreign powers - the British Empire was guilty of the same.

Apostacy is a different issue because, as the wikipedia link to the Al Baqara verse notes, some Islamic scholars claim that the Koran doesn't actually endorse severe punishments for this, whereas others do. No surprise here because, let's face it, religions don't exactly tend to have any sort of coherency about their teachings. Look at all the crazy excrement in the Old Testament for an example of this. What matters is the way in which people pick and choose the sensible bits (i.e. be kind to each other, help people, respect other religions etc etc) and ignore the crazy excrement.

Thankfully, these days, the majority of Christians ignore the crazy OT excrement (but for a large number of Americans, of course). Oddly enough, the majority of Muslims ignore their crazy excrement as well, even those living in countries dominated by theocracy. 3 million or so Muslims live in the UK. Now, just how many of them are murdered for Apostacy? One or two a year, perhaps, though these would no doubt be 'honour' killings as much as anything else. Not to say that some aren't mistreated or ostracised by families, but the vast majority of Muslims in Britain ignore the craziest excrement in this regard, because they are just normal people.

As I've noted in the past, the biggest cancer in Islam has been caused by the Saudis sending their Wahhabi bullshit around the world for the past 40 years, all supported by the Yanks and the rest of the West, of course, just as long as they keep pumping the oil. Combined with the Western coups and invasions which have led to millions of Muslim deaths while letting the Israelis do whatever they please to the Palestinians without barely a harsh word, you can see why the extremism has been expanding around the globe.

Muslims claiming Islam is the 'religion of peace' do so because that's what they believe based on their own take on the Islamic teachings. They ignore the crazy OT-esque excrement of the Koran/Hadith and focus on the sensible bits. The fact that a minescule fraction of others from their religion don't agree is neither here nor there.

If you wanted to do a Christian/Muslim death tally from the past few decades, I think you'll find that rather a lot more Muslims have been killed by Christians than vice versa. Probably with even more Muslims killed by other Muslims, of course, though generally following the destruction of their countries by Western powers.
Posted by: Marinerz93, August 29, 2018, 10:10am; Reply: 163
Quoted from Maringer

No, you don't get to change the subject here - Apostacy is a different subject to that which we were discussing originally. Stop trying to obfuscate.

Following your amusing claim that 400 million or so Indians were killed/enslaved/castrated/whatever following invasion by an Islamic empire 600 or so years ago (and, ridiculous numbers aside, the only reference I could find to this as reported by your Islamic historian mentioned a despot in Kashmir, a small part of northern India, not the whole country), I pointed out that Islamic teaching doesn't endorse forced conversion of people of other religions. The despot in Kashmir was obviously ignoring these teachings because, well, he was a despot. In just the same way that Christian/Hindu/whatever despots ignored the teachings of their own religions. You can't go from claiming 400 million people died because of Islamic mistreatment then suddenly flip your argument when I pointed out how ludicrous your claim was. This is not to say that there wouldn't have been mistreatment/massacres after the Islamic invasion of India you originally mentioned. It's what occurs after invasions by foreign powers - the British Empire was guilty of the same.

Apostacy is a different issue because, as the wikipedia link to the Al Baqara verse notes, some Islamic scholars claim that the Koran doesn't actually endorse severe punishments for this, whereas others do. No surprise here because, let's face it, religions don't exactly tend to have any sort of coherency about their teachings. Look at all the crazy excrement in the Old Testament for an example of this. What matters is the way in which people pick and choose the sensible bits (i.e. be kind to each other, help people, respect other religions etc etc) and ignore the crazy excrement.

Thankfully, these days, the majority of Christians ignore the crazy OT excrement (but for a large number of Americans, of course). Oddly enough, the majority of Muslims ignore their crazy excrement as well, even those living in countries dominated by theocracy. 3 million or so Muslims live in the UK. Now, just how many of them are murdered for Apostacy? One or two a year, perhaps, though these would no doubt be 'honour' killings as much as anything else. Not to say that some aren't mistreated or ostracised by families, but the vast majority of Muslims in Britain ignore the craziest excrement in this regard, because they are just normal people.

As I've noted in the past, the biggest cancer in Islam has been caused by the Saudis sending their Wahhabi bullshit around the world for the past 40 years, all supported by the Yanks and the rest of the West, of course, just as long as they keep pumping the oil. Combined with the Western coups and invasions which have led to millions of Muslim deaths while letting the Israelis do whatever they please to the Palestinians without barely a harsh word, you can see why the extremism has been expanding around the globe.

Muslims claiming Islam is the 'religion of peace' do so because that's what they believe based on their own take on the Islamic teachings. They ignore the crazy OT-esque excrement of the Koran/Hadith and focus on the sensible bits. The fact that a minescule fraction of others from their religion don't agree is neither here nor there.

If you wanted to do a Christian/Muslim death tally from the past few decades, I think you'll find that rather a lot more Muslims have been killed by Christians than vice versa. Probably with even more Muslims killed by other Muslims, of course, though generally following the destruction of their countries by Western powers.

You've more front than Brighton telling me I don't get to change the subject and do it several times yourself, hypocrite, I quoted an Islamic historian and you added the Koran to try and prove your point which falls flat on it's face, I then quote the Koranic verses exposing that there is compulsion to religion with Islam under penalty of death if you don't submit to Islam,  then you have the gaul to accuse me of trying obfuscate the debate, you've more neck than a herd of ET's. I gave you the name of the Islamic historian and if you did a bit of research you'd see that the slaughter of the 400 million Hindu's happened over 13 centuries as Mooslims hacked their way across the subcontinent. In some places wiping out all Hindus, for example in Afghanistan in the year 1000 was the total annihilation of the Hindu population; the region is still called the Hindu Kush, i.e. Hindu slaughter.” Peskie Mooslims eh. They killed in the name of spreading Islam quoting the Koran to justify it, don't try and flower it up.

There is no fluffing over apostasy is different issue bullshit, if you leave Islam, especially in a Muslim run country you will be murdered, prove me wrong, become a Muslim if you aren't already, then go to any Muslim country, then shout outside the biggest Mosque you don't believe in Mohammed and you are leaving Islam, l'll look out for the video of your lynching. Which Koran are you referring to as there is at least 26 Korans in circulation. Further to your mendacious claim there is no compulsion to religion in Islam, 23 Muslim majority countries, as of 2013, additionally covered apostasy from Islam through their criminal laws, no compulsion you say. Do a simple search on the web for persecuted for apostasy in the UK, I didn't want to post a link in case it offends your apologist views, and are you saying that because no one has been murdered as a apostate that honour killing is acceptable way round saying the Koran isn't responsible, because it's in the UK, and  that they haven't been threatened with death, do you believe that if a Muslim decides to leave Islam he can do it freely in the UK and without fear?

You quote the old testament based primarily upon the Hebrew Bible (or Tanakh), a collection of ancient religious writings by the Israelites but completely ignore the fact that Jesus teachings form the new testament. Is that more obfuscate bullshit going on, surely not.

I quoted an Islamic historian, and I can agree that Mooslims exaggerate because Mohammed claimed he split the moon in half and also that he flew to heaven on a winged donkey with a womans face, and he bargained with God to get down daily prayers from 50 times, through Moses telling Mohammed to negotiate with God, 50, 45, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15,10, 5. What a wheeler dealer eh.

You then changed the subject yet again with Christians killing Mooslims over the last few decades but give no figures, I can accept the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were over oil, gas and revenge, but when was these Mooslims killed as part of a Jihad, Unlike the Jihad carried out out by Mooslims, I on the other hand do have some figures for you.
There were 2207 Islamic attacks in 41 countries, in which 10723 people were killed and 17790 injured.
There were 2131 Islamic attacks in 40 countries, in which 9171 people were killed and 18612 injured.
There were 2034 Islamic attacks in 48 countries, in which 9258 people were killed and 17462 injured.
There were 1997 Islamic attacks in 57 countries, in which 9097 people were killed and 16926 injured
There were 2484 Islamic attacks in 58 countries, in which 11557 people were killed and 20272 injured.
There were 2831 Islamic attacks in 48 countries, in which 16792 people were killed and 29589 injured.
There were 3008 Islamic attacks in 55 countries, in which 32872 people were killed and 27529 injured.
There were 2889 Islamic attacks in 53 countries, in which 27640 people were killed and 26169 injured
There were 2498 Islamic attacks in 59 countries, in which 21362 people were killed and 26730 injured.
There were 2043 Islamic attacks in 61 countries, in which 16367 people were killed and 14360 injured.
There were 1340 Islamic attacks in 51 countries, in which 7988 people were killed and 8374 injured.

That's 25,462 Islamic attacks in 61 countries, in which 172,827 were killed and 223, 813 injured in the last decade and this year isn't finished yet and going on Islamic form for murder we can expect another 1,000 Islamic attacks killing at least another 8,000 people and injuring at least another 6,000 by the religion of peace, lets not forget the mutilation of the female genitals, rape and intimidation that goes hand in hand with this peaceful religion.

So looking at the stats Islam is proving to be year on year consistent at delivering around 2,000 Islamic attacks in over 50 countries, killing around 10,000 to 30,000 people and injuring around 10,000 to 25,000. Peskie Mooslims, I don't have the stats for grooming gangs and rapes carried out by Mooslims on other faiths, but I can pretty much guarantee that Mooslims raping Mooslims is as rare as rocking horse excrement. I would also say that Mooslims kill more Mooslims than they do other faiths at large, what does that say about them.
Posted by: ska face, August 29, 2018, 1:36pm; Reply: 164
How are you defining an “Islamic attack”, out of interest?
Posted by: Marinerz93, August 29, 2018, 2:31pm; Reply: 165
Quoted from ska face
How are you defining an “Islamic attack”, out of interest?

Muslims, either on their own or in groups who carry out a set of attacks or campaigns of violence citing Islamic or Islamist motivations to justify their violent tactics through the interpretation of the Koran and Hadiths. Some of these are honor killings or Sharia executions.

An Islamic attack can more than often target other belief systems within Islam such as Sunni's attacking Shia's or Baha'is (comedian Omid Djalili spoke of the persecution his family suffered in Iran)
Posted by: ska face, August 29, 2018, 5:09pm; Reply: 166
Quoted from Marinerz93

I would also say that Mooslims kill more Mooslims than they do other faiths at large, what does that say about them.

That perhaps the situation is slightly more complex than you might appreciate and reducing the situation to merely list of spurious figures to be copied & pasted might not be the most accurate way of understanding the issue?
Posted by: Marinerz93, August 29, 2018, 6:55pm; Reply: 167
Quoted from ska face

That perhaps the situation is slightly more complex than you might appreciate and reducing the situation to merely list of spurious figures to be copied & pasted might not be the most accurate way of understanding the issue?

Complex maybe to someone who has never lived and worked in a Muslim country. Why is the list spurious do you want me to give you details like
                                                    Killed   Injured
2018.08.26     Pakistan     Punjab     2     0     An unmarried couple is gunned down for 'honor' by the woman's family.
2018.08.05     Ethiopia     Jijiga     29     0     Six priests are among twenty-nine Christians killed in targeted violence by a Muslim mob.
2018.08.26     Thailand     Muang     1     1     Muslim 'insurgents' shoot a 14-year-old boy at a grocery.
2018.08.25     Lebanon     Minieh     1     0     A man is murdered and mutilated in a supermarket parking lot by a cleric who accused him of blasphemy.
2018.08.23     France     Trappes     2     1     A known terror advocate 'with psychiatric issues' stabs his mother and sister on the street while shouting praises to Allah.
2018.08.23     Pakistan     Faisalabad     0     6     Mullahs whip up a mob that injures six religious minorities and razes their house of worship.
2018.08.20     Chechnya     Grozny     0     2     Five child suicide bombers, between ages 11 and 16, manage to cause only a few injuries.
2018.08.19     Pakistan     Mardan     2     0     A man shoots his two sisters to death over 'suspicions of character.'
2018.08.17     Nigeria     Ali Goshe     4     0     Boko Haram slit the throats of four farmers, including a 75-year-old.
2018.08.11     Egypt     Mostorod     0     2     A suicide bomber kills only himself during a botched attempt to enter a church.
2018.08.06     Nigeria     Munduri     7     0     At least one woman is among seven villagers beheaded by a pro-Sharia group.
2018.08.03     Nigeria     Gasarwa     5     0     Three children and two elderly adults are burned to a crisp by Boko Haram.
2018.07.21     India     Kulgam     1     0     An off-duty cop is abducted from his home by Islamists and tortured to death.
2018.07.19     Chad     Daboua     18     12     Islamists slit the throats of eighteen residents of a peaceful fishing community.
2018.07.13     Pakistan     Mastung     149     186     One-hundred and fifty people at a political rally are wiped out by a suicide bomber.
2018.07.11     Nigeria     Taraba     42     0     Forty-two people, mostly women and children, are massacred by Miyetti Allah.
2018.07.11     Pakistan     Sharifabad     1     0     An 18-year-old girl is honor killed by her family for having been raped.
2018.07.03     Somalia     Galmudug     5     0     Five villagers are killed by al-Shabaab for resisting having their children 'recruited'.
2018.06.22     Nigeria     Barkin Ladi     2     0     Two young children of a Christian cleric are hacked to death.
2018.06.20     Nigeria     Kai     4     0     Four members of a Christian family are slaughtered, including two children.
2018.06.17     France     La Seyne-sur-Mer     0     2     A woman in a veil slashes customers at a supermarket while yelling praises to Allah.

That's just a small snap shot from this months slaughter by the religion of peace.

Feel free to do a search on any of the outcomes of the Islamic attack, such as Jijiga : 29 people killed and over ten Churches burned due to violence. I assure you they are not so spurious.

I research further when I read something and check elsewhere to get a truer picture.
Posted by: Rodley Mariner, August 29, 2018, 7:02pm; Reply: 168
Good copy and pasting from a website which is openly anti-islamic. Definitely an impartial source which M93 will have verified independently.
Posted by: Marinerz93, August 29, 2018, 7:12pm; Reply: 169
Quoted from Rodley Mariner
Good copy and pasting from a website which is openly anti-islamic. Definitely an impartial source which M93 will have verified independently.

What does anti-Islamic mean to you?
Posted by: Grim74, August 29, 2018, 8:02pm; Reply: 170
Makes me laugh when people say it’s a peaceful religion because I actually have to agree, there are millions of Muslims in various parts of the world all living under medieval sharia law and I guess that would be kind of peaceful as no one wants to even think of breaking the law.

Talking about Muslim on Muslim attacks although rarely reported it actually does happen here as the case below shows.
Posted by: ska face, August 29, 2018, 8:19pm; Reply: 171
Quoted from Marinerz93

Complex maybe to someone...

See, even in that list of mainly unverified incidents, there's enough information to begin to doubt your hypothesis that Muslims kill purely because they are Muslim, and not as a result of any other factor. I only bothered reading the first five examples, and even then there are two which someone with any critical faculties might want a more in-depth look at - namely an attack by "insurgents" (which suggests involvement in a larger conflict) and one by a person with "psychiatric issues" where he stabbed his mother and sister. In fact, a 30 second search indicates that this being an attack motivated purely by religious fervor is quite unlikely, and that it's more likely that this was due to ongoing family issues -

But...we all know this. Obviously you have your view, sad as it is, and it doesn't seem like any kind of rational thought or explanation will convince you otherwise. Ah well.
Posted by: Marinerz93, August 29, 2018, 9:01pm; Reply: 172
Quoted from ska face

See, even in that list of mainly unverified incidents, there's enough information to begin to doubt your hypothesis that Muslims kill purely because they are Muslim, and not as a result of any other factor. I only bothered reading the first five examples, and even then there are two which someone with any critical faculties might want a more in-depth look at - namely an attack by "insurgents" (which suggests involvement in a larger conflict) and one by a person with "psychiatric issues" where he stabbed his mother and sister. In fact, a 30 second search indicates that this being an attack motivated purely by religious fervor is quite unlikely, and that it's more likely that this was due to ongoing family issues -

But...we all know this. Obviously you have your view, sad as it is, and it doesn't seem like any kind of rational thought or explanation will convince you otherwise. Ah well.

That larger conflict is to spread Islam, using faculties would make that clear.

Reading your link, nothing is proven, you have people saying he wasn't a Jihadist, not all jihadists are open about what they do, he was jailed in 2003 for a military offence, so are Kebabs weapons of mass destruction. Also Islamic law of estate-distribution is different to other countries laws for inheritance so if he killed them over a row with inheritance which it looks like, then it will be because his share under French law would be half of what he is entitled to under Islamic law, (I think we can determine that this religious grounds)
The breakdown of the distribution is as follows:

Wife: 12.5%
Son 1: 25%
Son 2: 25%
Daughter 1: 12.5%
Daughter 2: 12.5%
Daughter 3: 12.5%

Maybe you should have put more than 30 seconds into it or is that your limit.

You should be feeling sad for all the victims of the religion of peace not someone criticizing the ideology of Islam, aren't we free to critise any religion. That's the problem with apologists, never lived or worked in a Muslim country, it kind of changes your view when you see women being stoned to death for adultery on the word of a husband with no proof, or a woman being decapitated in a car park because her husband claimed she killed one of their daughters. There are hundreds of videos on the net, sad as it is.

I'll change my view of Islam when they stop murdering people daily and trying to push their bogus Ideology on the world through coercion and fear, rational thought would say this the right approach. Funny how we don't have a debate on the evils of other religions, such as Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists and the like. What other religion is doing what the Muslims are doing today in the name of religion, you may need to put more than 30 seconds into finding that.
Posted by: headingly_mariner, August 29, 2018, 9:03pm; Reply: 173
It seems a few posters have been radicalised themselves. Their is a really dangerous trend in people groomed by far right propaganda in our area. I see it more and more that people quote obscure verses of the Koran, trot out unsupported figures of crimes and share bizarre fake news websites as if it is some sort of truth that people are trying to keep quiet.

Biggest threat of terrorism in the Humberside Police area is from the far right.
The problem of far right radicalisation is very similar to problem of Islamic radicalisation. The people pumping this shite out prey on the insecurities of individuals and brainwash them into hate.
Posted by: Marinerz93, August 29, 2018, 9:14pm; Reply: 174
Quoted from headingly_mariner
It seems a few posters have been radicalised themselves. Their is a really dangerous trend in people groomed by far right propaganda in our area. I see it more and more that people quote obscure verses of the Koran, trot out unsupported figures of crimes and share bizarre fake news websites as if it is some sort of truth that people are trying to keep quiet.

Biggest threat of terrorism in the Humberside Police area is from the far right.
The problem of far right radicalisation is very similar to problem of Islamic radicalisation. The people pumping this shite out prey on the insecurities of individuals and brainwash them into hate.

The Police are all over far right groups like a rash, and rightly so. I live in work in and around Grimsby and I've never heard of any far right group, grooming people or spreading propaganda, unless you are talking about Leeds as I don't have any local knowledge of that area.
Posted by: Rodley Mariner, August 29, 2018, 9:16pm; Reply: 175
M93 - you're free to criticise and we're all free to point out you're posting generalised, unsubstantiated balderdash. Stop being such a snowflake just because we disagree with you.
Posted by: Marinerz93, August 29, 2018, 9:21pm; Reply: 176
Quoted from Rodley Mariner
M93 - you're free to criticise and we're all free to point out you're posting generalised, unsubstantiated balderdash. Stop being such a snowflake just because we disagree with you.

Sort of thing a bedwetting apologist would say, what's balderdash is Islam being a religion of peace, that's substantiated with dead bodies in over 50 countries.
Posted by: barralad, August 29, 2018, 9:23pm; Reply: 177
Quoted from Grim74
Makes me laugh when people say it’s a peaceful religion because I actually have to agree, there are millions of Muslims in various parts of the world all living under medieval sharia law and I guess that would be kind of peaceful as no one wants to even think of breaking the law.

Talking about Muslim on Muslim attacks although rarely reported it actually does happen here as the case below shows.

Your statement about millions of Muslims living under Sharia Law interested me enough to turn to my friend Google and see if indeed it was the case. Unsurprisingly it doesn't appear to be the case. Of course in some countries (particularly those in the Middle East led by Saudi Arabia) it is full Sharia law that rules the roost. However in many many others particularly in Africa and further East in Asia some aspects of Sharia law have been incorporated into legal systems often stemming from those used in the European countries which once colonised that particular country (usually France). The "favourite" parts for incorporation appear to be those that deal with civil matters such as legal questions over inheritance and family matters. Now I'm not at all in favour of the "values" that are prevalent regarding the Sharia view of women etc. but I cannot imagine such rules causing fear and anguish to the extent you seem to be suggesting. I was surprised to read that in some prominent Muslim countries-namely Turkey (where Sharia was expressly banned in 1924) Sharia has no legal basis in the interpretation of law in that country. Like the claim that the U.K. is on the verge of total subjugation to Sharia Law made regularly on Social Media (N.B. I'm not accusing you of making that claim) it smacks of near hysterical over-reaction.
I do remember when the su ject came up before on here a poster pointing out that some of the features of Sharia Law such as those demanding mutilation for the perpetrators of various crimes such as theft and rape would find a great deal of sympathy amongst the more right leaning posters....
Posted by: barralad, August 29, 2018, 9:35pm; Reply: 178
Quoted from Marinerz93

The Police are all over far right groups like a rash, and rightly so. I live in work in and around Grimsby and I've never heard of any far right group, grooming people or spreading propaganda, unless you are talking about Leeds as I don't have any local knowledge of that area.

Mate...are you serious?? Since when has any group right or left had to rely on actual physical presence of a group to groom/radicalise people in this day and age. It's all over the Internet. I applied for a part time job in a school and the training was partly about the risks of radicalisation and how to spot the signs of it and guess what-along with the obvious risks of Moslem radicalisation a significant part dealt with the effect of groups from the right of the political spectrum. Ask yourself in a Unitary Authority where 97% of the inhabitants are white British and most local Muslims work in the NHS or other public services which radicalisation is more likely. Grimsby especially is full of estates with disaffected, young people particularly men.

Posted by: Marinerz93, August 29, 2018, 9:36pm; Reply: 179
Quoted from barralad

Your statement about millions of Muslims living under Sharia Law interested me enough to turn to my friend Google and see if indeed it was the case. Unsurprisingly it doesn't appear to be the case. Of course in some countries (particularly those in the Middle East led by Saudi Arabia) it is full Sharia law that rules the roost. However in many many others particularly in Africa and further East in Asia some aspects of Sharia law have been incorporated into legal systems often stemming from those used in the European countries which once colonised that particular country (usually France). The "favourite" parts for incorporation appear to be those that deal with civil matters such as legal questions over inheritance and family matters. Now I'm not at all in favour of the "values" that are prevalent regarding the Sharia view of women etc. but I cannot imagine such rules causing fear and anguish to the extent you seem to be suggesting. I was surprised to read that in some prominent Muslim countries-namely Turkey (where Sharia was expressly banned in 1924) Sharia has no legal basis in the interpretation of law in that country. Like the claim that the U.K. is on the verge of total subjugation to Sharia Law made regularly on Social Media (N.B. I'm not accusing you of making that claim) it smacks of near hysterical over-reaction.
I do remember when the su ject came up before on here a poster pointing out that some of the features of Sharia Law such as those demanding mutilation for the perpetrators of various crimes such as theft and rape would find a great deal of sympathy amongst the more right leaning posters....

Some good points there Ian, have you looked at the religious police role in enforcing Sharia law and how they treat non Muslims?
Posted by: ska face, August 29, 2018, 9:46pm; Reply: 180
Quoted from Marinerz93

That larger conflict is to spread Islam

You what?

Quoted Text
Reading your link, nothing is proven, you have people saying he wasn't a Jihadist, not all jihadists are open about what they do

Right, so nothing is proven and you've people saying he wasn't a Jihadist, yet you felt confident enough to give the impression that he was just 2 posts back? Obviously you weren't expecting to be pulled on it, so just how many of these supposed thousands of incidents are as full of holes as this one? Or have I just stumbled upon the only one in the whole list that isn't exactly as black and white as made out?

Quoted Text
he was jailed in 2003 for a military offence, so are Kebabs weapons of mass destruction

Do you know what he the offence was? It could be absolutely anything. Desertion, looting, malingering, drugs or alcohol offences, pissing in the Corporal's boot...anything. Again, you don't know. Don't even have a clue.

Quoted Text
Also Islamic law of estate-distribution is different to other countries laws for inheritance so if he killed them over a row with inheritance which it looks like, then it will be because his share under French law would be half of what he is entitled to under Islamic law, (I think we can determine that this religious grounds)

Can we? Yet another huuuuuuge reach there.

Please don't have me down as some kind of apologist just because I want to see some kind of evidence rather than bigoted guesswork.  I'm not trying to change your view, you've obviously set your stall out in life and have nailed your colours to the mast as someone who'll believe anything and everything dished up as long as it has an anti-Muslim slant. Your view doesn't bother me, but it bothers me that people put such ill-informed rubbish up as unalterable fact to try and convert others to share their narrow minded view of the world.
Posted by: Marinerz93, August 29, 2018, 9:47pm; Reply: 181
Quoted from barralad

Mate...are you serious?? Since when has any group right or left had to rely on actual physical presence of a group to groom/radicalise people in this day and age. It's all over the Internet. I applied for a part time job in a school and the training was partly about the risks of radicalisation and how to spot the signs of it and guess what-along with the obvious risks of Moslem radicalisation a significant part dealt with the effect of groups from the right of the political spectrum. Ask yourself in a Unitary Authority where 97% of the inhabitants are white British and most local Muslims work in the NHS or other public services which radicalisation is more likely.

If it's on the internet Ian then GCHQ are all over it. Radicalisation is going to happen more in a place where there is conflict rather than none, that's what people who groom/radicalise people go for it's a breeding ground for trouble, it is far less likely to happen here with 97% of the population being white British. There is no angst to feed off.

I can accept that just because I haven't seen it, that it isn't going on, what volumes are you talking about? What evidence is there that there is a right wing problem in this Town.
Posted by: Marinerz93, August 29, 2018, 10:09pm; Reply: 182
Quoted from ska face

Please don't have me down as some kind of apologist just because I want to see some kind of evidence rather than bigoted guesswork.  I'm not trying to change your view, you've obviously set your stall out in life and have nailed your colours to the mast as someone who'll believe anything and everything dished up as long as it has an anti-Muslim slant. Your view doesn't bother me, but it bothers me that people put such ill-informed rubbish up as unalterable fact to try and convert others to share their narrow minded view of the world.

Sort of thing a Muslim apologist would come out with, I always check what I read with other sources and spend more than 30 seconds researching what I have either read or seen. I don't like the ideology, that is true. I too get bothered when people put up ill informed crap, especially when they haven't even lived or worked in a Muslim country, that's narrow minded.
Posted by: Grim74, August 29, 2018, 10:22pm; Reply: 183
Quoted from barralad

Your statement about millions of Muslims living under Sharia Law interested me enough to turn to my friend Google and see if indeed it was the case. Unsurprisingly it doesn't appear to be the case. Of course in some countries (particularly those in the Middle East led by Saudi Arabia) it is full Sharia law that rules the roost. However in many many others particularly in Africa and further East in Asia some aspects of Sharia law have been incorporated into legal systems often stemming from those used in the European countries which once colonised that particular country (usually France). The "favourite" parts for incorporation appear to be those that deal with civil matters such as legal questions over inheritance and family matters. Now I'm not at all in favour of the "values" that are prevalent regarding the Sharia view of women etc. but I cannot imagine such rules causing fear and anguish to the extent you seem to be suggesting. I was surprised to read that in some prominent Muslim countries-namely Turkey (where Sharia was expressly banned in 1924) Sharia has no legal basis in the interpretation of law in that country. Like the claim that the U.K. is on the verge of total subjugation to Sharia Law made regularly on Social Media (N.B. I'm not accusing you of making that claim) it smacks of near hysterical over-reaction.
I do remember when the su ject came up before on here a poster pointing out that some of the features of Sharia Law such as those demanding mutilation for the perpetrators of various crimes such as theft and rape would find a great deal of sympathy amongst the more right leaning posters....

I too have had a quick look and found that Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Brunei, Qatar, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan and Mauritania apply the sharia code predominantly or entirely while it applies in some parts of Indonesia. So I would guesstimate well over 500 million! so yes my point is valid and stands.

Yes 500+ muslims living in peace Because no one wants to break the the law, or even be accused of breaking the law for that matter, because you can expect to be beheaded in the street or even hung from cranes in these lovely Muslim countries. I say we don’t want this kind of Muslim integration  leave them in peace and do not import this barbaric culture because ours is and will always be superior.

You would be correct to point out most Muslim countries like Turkey you mentioned do have a mix of religious and secular laws which practice the less draconian forms of sharia, although In recent years the Turkish government has been going the same way as a lot of these moderate countries by imposing more Sharia. The government now monitor individual freedom and jail anyone they deemed to have insulted the peaceful religion of Islam.
Posted by: barralad, August 30, 2018, 9:18am; Reply: 184
Quoted from Marinerz93

If it's on the internet Ian then GCHQ are all over it. Radicalisation is going to happen more in a place where there is conflict rather than none, that's what people who groom/radicalise people go for it's a breeding ground for trouble, it is far less likely to happen here with 97% of the population being white British. There is no angst to feed off.

I can accept that just because I haven't seen it, that it isn't going on, what volumes are you talking about? What evidence is there that there is a right wing problem in this Town.

You have heard of the dark internet I assume. Isn't the problem for the British security services that Muslims living here are being radicalised by propaganda coming from areas where there is conflict? You'd have to ask the education authorities about the scale of the actual problem locally but as I say they are worried enough to provide tips on how to spot the signs.
As for local evidence I'd say trying to burn down a mosque would be right up there. A few months back I watched three blokes refusing to get in a taxi on Top Town rank and abusing the driver for the seemingly heinous crime of being a Somali. I know this because I wanted to get home so was  very glad to get in his car and he told me. He also said that he'd moved here from Swansea because  he'd heard the people were friendlier...
Posted by: barralad, August 30, 2018, 9:24am; Reply: 185
Quoted from Grim74

I too have had a quick look and found that Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Brunei, Qatar, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan and Mauritania apply the sharia code predominantly or entirely while it applies in some parts of Indonesia. So I would guesstimate well over 500 million! so yes my point is valid and stands.

Yes 500+ muslims living in peace Because no one wants to break the the law, or even be accused of breaking the law for that matter, because you can expect to be beheaded in the street or even hung from cranes in these lovely Muslim countries. I say we don’t want this kind of Muslim integration  leave them in peace and do not import this barbaric culture because ours is and will always be superior.

You would be correct to point out most Muslim countries like Turkey you mentioned do have a mix of religious and secular laws which practice the less draconian forms of sharia, although In recent years the Turkish government has been going the same way as a lot of these moderate countries by imposing more Sharia. The government now monitor individual freedom and jail anyone they deemed to have insulted the peaceful religion of Islam.

Or of course 500 million might live in peace because, you know, they might just want to get on with their lives like to millions of people who live in this country somehow manage to avoid getting on the wrong side of our laws..
The changes in Turkey by the way have far more to do with Erdogans concerns for his own regime than any religious context and as such are essentially secular.
Posted by: Grim74, August 30, 2018, 10:23am; Reply: 186
Quoted from barralad

Or of course 500 million might live in peace because, you know, they might just want to get on with their lives like to millions of people who live in this country somehow manage to avoid getting on the wrong side of our laws..
The changes in Turkey by the way have far more to do with Erdogans concerns for his own regime than any religious context and as such are essentially secular.

Difference is we have a legal and justice system whilst they have a 1400 year old book. keep hold of them straws😂
Posted by: Marinerz93, August 30, 2018, 10:43am; Reply: 187
Quoted from barralad

You have heard of the dark internet I assume. Isn't the problem for the British security services that Muslims living here are being radicalised by propaganda coming from areas where there is conflict? You'd have to ask the education authorities about the scale of the actual problem locally but as I say they are worried enough to provide tips on how to spot the signs.
As for local evidence I'd say trying to burn down a mosque would be right up there. A few months back I watched three blokes refusing to get in a taxi on Top Town rank and abusing the driver for the seemingly heinous crime of being a Somali. I know this because I wanted to get home so was  very glad to get in his car and he told me. He also said that he'd moved here from Swansea because  he'd heard the people were friendlier...

I am well aware of the dark net and the sort of dealings that go on in it and so are the authorities. Muslims living here are more likely to be radicalised in the mosques than dark web, a result of that was one of the Manchester bombers after hearing speaker after speaker at his local mosque calling for Jihad using the Russians and British as reasons why Syrians were being killed. He then bought tickets to the Ariana Grande concert and the death of young girls was the result as challenged by the BBC the Iman walked away from the interview.

As pointed out by someone in an earlier thread a lot of the Mosques are being funded by the Saudi's who are pushing the stone age Wahhabi ideology. Your experience of the Somali taxi driver, did they know he was a Muslim or was it because he was black, because that's racist and nothing to do with ideology.

I have a couple of experiences I'd like to share, I did a job for a chap who was also a taxi driver and he was from Afghanistan. He told me of the horrible way of life under the Taliban living in Kandahar. After I told him I'd been there his wife made me some Nan-i-Afghani bread and they both told me how welcoming Grimbarians had been.

The other one was a Turk, he was so full of hate towards the Jews and Americans because he claimed they were in cahoots to kill all Muslims and were in a constant crusade against them. Even though Turkey benefits greatly from American bases in Turkey and NATO money which as we know the bulk of that money comes from the Americans.
Posted by: ska face, August 30, 2018, 1:51pm; Reply: 188
Quoted from Marinerz93

I am well aware of the dark net and the sort of dealings that go on in it and so are the authorities. Muslims living here are more likely to be radicalised in the mosques than dark web, a result of that was one of the Manchester bombers after hearing speaker after speaker at his local mosque calling for Jihad using the Russians and British as reasons why Syrians were being killed. He then bought tickets to the Ariana Grande concert and the death of young girls was the result as challenged by the BBC the Iman walked away from the interview.


So the thing that radicalised this person was a speech by one preacher, delivered 5 days before the bombing, where nobody even knows if Salman Abedi was even present - especially as this was during a period where he’d been widely reported as being a recluse and going off the radar of the security services?

But being part of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, along with his father and brother (who is still out there, btw), taking part in armed combat during the Libyan civil war as part of a western-backed “rebel” militia group, growing up in a household with a father who’d been part UK-facilitated plots to assassinate Gaddafi...that had no part in his radicalisation? Part of an armed group likely trained by British security forces, allowed to travel to and from the area without question and then finally rescued by the British Navy in Libya and allowed to catch a flight back to Manchester with nobody blinking an eye. This had no bearing on his actions whatsoever? It was a sermon by one imam that Abedi might not have even heard.

Do us a favour.
Posted by: barralad, August 30, 2018, 3:22pm; Reply: 189
Quoted from Grim74

Difference is we have a legal and justice system whilst they have a 1400 year old book. keep hold of them straws😂

Our justice system that has its roots in the laws of Ancient Rome and the canonical diktats of the church of the Middle Ages??
Posted by: Grim74, August 30, 2018, 3:26pm; Reply: 190
Quoted from barralad

Our justice system that has its roots in the laws of Ancient Rome and the canonical diktats of the church of the Middle Ages??

Hey  area I’m no barrister but I’d hazard a guess it’s been tweaked a few times since the Roman days.
Posted by: Marinerz93, August 30, 2018, 9:19pm; Reply: 191
Quoted from ska face

So the thing that radicalised this person was a speech by one preacher, delivered 5 days before the bombing, where nobody even knows if Salman Abedi was even present - especially as this was during a period where he’d been widely reported as being a recluse and going off the radar of the security services?

But being part of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, along with his father and brother (who is still out there, btw), taking part in armed combat during the Libyan civil war as part of a western-backed “rebel” militia group, growing up in a household with a father who’d been part UK-facilitated plots to assassinate Gaddafi...that had no part in his radicalisation? Part of an armed group likely trained by British security forces, allowed to travel to and from the area without question and then finally rescued by the British Navy in Libya and allowed to catch a flight back to Manchester with nobody blinking an eye. This had no bearing on his actions whatsoever? It was a sermon by one imam that Abedi might not have even heard.

Do us a favour.

likely trained by British security forces, what cadre course was he on, I'll search for his troop picture  ;D

Are you really claiming that hate preaching only occurs once before a Muslim goes off on his jihadiholidays.

Posted by: ska face, August 30, 2018, 9:25pm; Reply: 192 you read?
Posted by: Marinerz93, August 30, 2018, 9:49pm; Reply: 193
Quoted from ska face you read?

Lina Ahmed, 21, said: “They are a Libyan family and they have been acting strangely. A couple of months ago he [Salman] was chanting the first kalma [Islamic prayer] really loudly in the street. He was chanting in Arabic.

“He was saying ‘There is only one God and the prophet Mohammed is his messenger’.’

Months later he goes off on his Jihadiholdiays to meet up with his family, pretty much in the zone before he goes I would say. He was radicalised long before he went on his Jihadiholidays, all he did was learn the extremist skills when he got there.

Thousands of British Muslims have traveled to their Jihadiholdays, do you think we have the resources to watch every one of them every minute of the day. Muslims are told to pray 5 times a day before they can read. The brainwashing starts at an early age. The scrutiny from the security services goes on each case and what risk they put them at. Also the French and US security services knew about him.

I think a few of you Muslim apologists need to watch a few of Maajid Nawaz's videos.

Posted by: Marinerz93, August 30, 2018, 10:29pm; Reply: 194
Quoted from barralad

Or of course 500 million might live in peace because, you know, they might just want to get on with their lives like to millions of people who live in this country somehow manage to avoid getting on the wrong side of our laws..
The changes in Turkey by the way have far more to do with Erdogans concerns for his own regime than any religious context and as such are essentially secular.

Thought this may be of interest to you Ian, regarding Sharia.

Posted by: Grim74, August 30, 2018, 11:01pm; Reply: 195
Straight from the horses wait for the Barra twist 😆
Posted by: Grim74, August 30, 2018, 11:26pm; Reply: 196
The absolute state of some of our city’s now did you vote for this Barra? Because I sure as hell didn’t. Well there’s no going back now that’s for sure.
Posted by: barralad, August 31, 2018, 8:17am; Reply: 197
Quoted from Grim74
The absolute state of some of our city’s now did you vote for this Barra? Because I sure as hell didn’t. Well there’s no going back now that’s for sure.

Unless somehow you can print the article in full I cannot read it without subscribing. All I see is one persons opinion of his first visit to London as a teenager? I'm not suggesting that the Wall Street Journal (where I assume that this article came from based solely on the initials wsj) is rabidly right wing or islamophobic but it is a personal view of an individual experience.
I spend a great deal of my time in the East Midlands and see first hand the integration of different faiths including Islam in Nottingham, Leicester, Loughborough etc. For some reason this discussion seems to have mutated into both you and Dave thinking that I'm a supporter of Sharia Law. I only got involved in the first place because I wanted to offer an alternative view to your quite frankly ridiculous assertion that every Muslim is a disciple for Sharia Law. Just perhaps those followers of Islam who are so well integrated into  British society in those aforementioned cities/towns are there because they are far more forward thinking than to accept the literal meaning of the Koran and British society offers them the conditions where they can flourish.

Posted by: Grim74, August 31, 2018, 9:18am; Reply: 198
Quoted from barralad

Unless somehow you can print the article in full I cannot read it without subscribing. All I see is one persons opinion of his first visit to London as a teenager? I'm not suggesting that the Wall Street Journal (where I assume that this article came from based solely on the initials wsj) is rabidly right wing or islamophobic but it is a personal view of an individual experience.
I spend a great deal of my time in the East Midlands and see first hand the integration of different faiths including Islam in Nottingham, Leicester, Loughborough etc. For some reason this discussion seems to have mutated into both you and Dave thinking that I'm a supporter of Sharia Law. I only got involved in the first place because I wanted to offer an alternative view to your quite frankly ridiculous assertion that every Muslim is a disciple for Sharia Law. Just perhaps those followers of Islam who are so well integrated into  British society in those aforementioned cities/towns are there because they are far more forward thinking than to accept the literal meaning of the Koran and British society offers them the conditions where they can flourish.

First off! there is nowhere I have posted anywhere that I ascertain that every Muslim is a disciple for Sharia Law, Ridiculous.
I have worked and been in contact with many Muslims who are only Muslim in name, being a passive or even moderate Muslim. Of course many are just ordinary people who do not have a lot of interaction with islam and live their lives much like anybody else. ( you need to understand I totally get that).
But You need to understand Being “against islam” IS NOT THE SAME as being against all Muslims.

Like you I’ve worked around the East Midlands also Birmingham, Coventry, Luton, Stoke, most of West Yorkshire, Manchester, North and East London and I’ve got to say that my take on the Muslim community (interaction) is somewhat different from yours as there isn’t any. In fact SOME places I am made to feel like a stranger in my own country, SOME place resemble a third world City, and others like Nelson lancs  are basically Muslim enclaves.

This theory of yours that the Muslim community even wants to (genuinely) intergrate into British society falls flat on its bottom when you consider a recent ICM poll that suggest far from the normal pattern of integration. The following statements are taken from the channel 4 documentary following up from the poll-

Some 23% told ICM they would like there to be areas of Britain where Sharia law is introduced instead of laws laid down by Parliament.

The constant reassurances that only a “tiny” number of Muslims hold any of those dreadful views are swiftly revealed to be dangerous wishful thinking. One in three British Muslims thinks that taking a second wife is acceptable while 52% say that homosexuality should be illegal. (And, no, this is not a product of “Asian” culture because Sikhs and Hindus are among the strongest supporters of same-sex marriage.)

Anyone hoping that more liberal voices will emerge from younger Muslims can dream on: 35% of 18-to-24-year-olds think it’s cool to keep more than one wife.

39% of British Muslims believe that women should always obey their husbands.
As for the place of women, 39% of British Muslims believe that women should always obey their husbands. Ah, so that would account for the extremely low rate of Muslim inter-marriage: no self-respecting female would hook up with that kind of honking chauvinist piggery.

The part of the programme that upset me most is an interview with Elham Manea, a Muslim academic from Zurich who sat in on Sharia courts in the UK for four years. Elham was shocked to encounter “the most fundamentalist reading of Islam” you can find outside of the Taliban.

She says ruefully: “I did not expect to see segregated communities living by their own rules in the UK with grave consequences for the rights of women”. Nor did we, Elham, nor did we.

As I’ve already said Barra many Muslims in the U.K. do not think this way I’m not that blinkered but the concern for me is the numbers! because this in depth poll suggests that the passives and moderates may just be in the minority. Weather you like it or not the isslamification of the UK is growing but this is where you are blinkered in my opinion more Islam is a going to be a terrible thing for all of us.
Posted by: barralad, August 31, 2018, 10:40am; Reply: 199
Quoted from Grim74

First off! there is nowhere I have posted anywhere that I ascertain that every Muslim is a disciple for Sharia Law, Ridiculous.
I have worked and been in contact with many Muslims who are only Muslim in name, being a passive or even moderate Muslim. Of course many are just ordinary people who do not have a lot of interaction with islam and live their lives much like anybody else. ( you need to understand I totally get that).
But You need to understand Being “against islam” IS NOT THE SAME as being against all Muslims.

Like you I’ve worked around the East Midlands also Birmingham, Coventry, Luton, Stoke, most of West Yorkshire, Manchester, North and East London and I’ve got to say that my take on the Muslim community (interaction) is somewhat different from yours as there isn’t any. In fact SOME places I am made to feel like a stranger in my own country, SOME place resemble a third world City, and others like Nelson lancs  are basically Muslim enclaves.

This theory of yours that the Muslim community even wants to (genuinely) intergrate into British society falls flat on its bottom when you consider a recent ICM poll that suggest far from the normal pattern of integration. The following statements are taken from the channel 4 documentary following up from the poll-

Some 23% told ICM they would like there to be areas of Britain where Sharia law is introduced instead of laws laid down by Parliament.

The constant reassurances that only a “tiny” number of Muslims hold any of those dreadful views are swiftly revealed to be dangerous wishful thinking. One in three British Muslims thinks that taking a second wife is acceptable while 52% say that homosexuality should be illegal. (And, no, this is not a product of “Asian” culture because Sikhs and Hindus are among the strongest supporters of same-sex marriage.)

Anyone hoping that more liberal voices will emerge from younger Muslims can dream on: 35% of 18-to-24-year-olds think it’s cool to keep more than one wife.

39% of British Muslims believe that women should always obey their husbands.
As for the place of women, 39% of British Muslims believe that women should always obey their husbands. Ah, so that would account for the extremely low rate of Muslim inter-marriage: no self-respecting female would hook up with that kind of honking chauvinist piggery.

The part of the programme that upset me most is an interview with Elham Manea, a Muslim academic from Zurich who sat in on Sharia courts in the UK for four years. Elham was shocked to encounter “the most fundamentalist reading of Islam” you can find outside of the Taliban.

She says ruefully: “I did not expect to see segregated communities living by their own rules in the UK with grave consequences for the rights of women”. Nor did we, Elham, nor did we.

As I’ve already said Barra many Muslims in the U.K. do not think this way I’m not that blinkered but the concern for me is the numbers! because this in depth poll suggests that the passives and moderates may just be in the minority. Weather you like it or not the isslamification of the UK is growing but this is where you are blinkered in my opinion more Islam is a going to be a terrible thing for all of us.

Firstly (well actually possibly fifthly or sixthly by now) I am not a supporter of or an apologist for (copyright Marinerz93) Sharia Law. I don't believe in any form of capital punishment and am somewhat bemused by the desire of Muslims to have more than one spouse. The treatment of women in general under Sharia disgusts me. I cannot do copy and paste on my phone but some of the issues you raise in this latest post deserve closer examination.
23% of Muslims think Britain should have areas set aside for Sharia Law. So to introduce some sortvof perspective that's 23% of a group that make up less than 10% of the British population. It's not even a majority (or anywhere near) of Muslims!
Do we allow polygamy in this country? No of course we do not. Why? because the laws are rightly made by the majority. Not one British mainstream party has ever included polygamy in its election manifesto. For the legalisation of polygamous marriages to take place groups supporting it would have to have a very considerable majority...who knows what will happen in the distant future but I cannot speak for you but it ain't happening in my lifetime.
I can think of quite a few "Christian" groups who think that homosexuality should be illegal and these are people far closer to power and don't even get me started on fundamentalist right wing American Christian groups.  FFS it WAS illegal in this country until well into my lifetime. It isn't now because over time a majority believed that the law should really isn't rocket science...
Posted by: Grim74, August 31, 2018, 11:42am; Reply: 200
Well yes we do allow polygamy, forced marriages, FGM, or at least turn a blind eye to it, everyone knows it’s happening but sod all gets done about it. The was a report recently about U.K. Muslim men some already married who go back to Pakistan regularly and marry young family members, usually cousins just to get them a visa, absolutely shocking but nothing gets done because the politicians as well as the people are experiencing a shilling effect as we don’t want to be seen to be islamaphobic. Blesphemy is not in law but it’s also here.

As for the very conservative poll you should be concerned because just like the Brexit polls showed people are not always honest and hide there true feelings. And Muslims are no different except they will lie definitely the devout Muslims to protect Islam it’s a deceit tactic they are commanded to use in foreign lands called Taqiyya, you should read up on it, it’s in the Koran.
Posted by: barralad, August 31, 2018, 1:01pm; Reply: 201
Quoted from Grim74
Well yes we do allow polygamy, forced marriages, FGM, or at least turn a blind eye to it, everyone knows it’s happening but sod all gets done about it. The was a report recently about U.K. Muslim men some already married who go back to Pakistan regularly and marry young family members, usually cousins just to get them a visa, absolutely shocking but nothing gets done because the politicians as well as the people are experiencing a shilling effect as we don’t want to be seen to be islamaphobic. Blesphemy is not in law but it’s also here.

As for the very conservative poll you should be concerned because just like the Brexit polls showed people are not always honest and hide there true feelings. And Muslims are no different except they will lie definitely the devout Muslims to protect Islam it’s a deceit tactic they are commanded to use in foreign lands called Taqiyya, you should read up on it, it’s in the Koran.

Perhaps when you finish your reading of the Koran you'll point me in the direction of the British family law that allows polygamy etc. To say that nothing gets done about it as a line of argument is weak. We have laws for all sorts of things but there will always be people who think they are above that law and try to circumvent it. The ability to enforce that law is a moot point which could be argued about all aspects of law breaking such as ever catching/prosecuting the low-life that breaks into your house and is a totally different argument. To lay the cause at a conspiracy of silence is disingenuous.
Posted by: Marinerz93, August 31, 2018, 1:06pm; Reply: 202
Quoted from barralad

For some reason this discussion seems to have mutated into both you and Dave thinking that I'm a supporter of Sharia Law. I only got involved in the first place because I wanted to offer an alternative view to your quite frankly ridiculous assertion that every Muslim is a disciple for Sharia Law.

I haven't claimed you are a supporter of Sharia law nor accused you of being an Islamic apologist. You know I respect you as one of the most balanced and informed posters on here. People think that Muslims because they are a minority group in the UK deserve special defense, go to any Islamic country and see if that defense is offered to minority groups, because it isn't. To understand what it means to be a Muslim in a majority Muslim country you have to understand what makes a Muslim in those countries.

There are 91 Koran verses that say that Mohammed is the perfect example for all of humanity to imitate in the smallest detail. What Mohammed
said and did is called the Sunna.

The Sunna is found in two texts: the Sira (the biography of Mohammed) and the Hadith (his traditions). Here is an example of the Sira:

Then I cut off his head and brought it to the apostle [Mohammed] saying, ‘This is the head of the enemy of God, Abu Jahl.’ He said, ‘By God than Whom there is no other, is it?’ Yes,’ I said, and I threw his head before the apostle and he gave thanks to God.

A hadith usually only a paragraph long, is an action, brief story, or conversation about or by Mohammed. The action can be as elementary as
Mohammed’s drinking a glass of water or putting on his sandals. A collection of hadiths is called the Hadith or Traditions.

So, the Hadith contains the Sunna (the ideal speech or action) of Mohammed, that is, his pronouncements. The actual words or deeds that one should follow, are the Sunna; the story that gives us the Sunna is the hadith.

There is a subtle difference between the Sunna and the hadiths. The actual actions of Mohammed are the Sunna, the report of that action is
the hadith. The Sunna is analogous to water, while the glass holding the water is the hadith. There are many collectors of hadiths, but the most authoritative collector were Bukhari (Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Bukhari). The next in rank is Muslim (Abu Al-Husayn Muslim). Here is an example of a hadith about adultery from Bukhari that is used in Sharia family law.

[Bukhari 3,38,508] Mohammed said, “Unais, confront this man’s wife and if she admits committing adultery have her stoned to death.”

It should be noted that the Shia Muslims have their own Hadith collections, but when it comes to the hadiths that affect the non-Muslim, all Hadith collections are equivalent. Islam is not just a religion, but an entire way of life. It is a separate and complete civilization with its own political system. All of Islam is based on the Koran, the Sira and the Hadith. The problem is that to learn what the proper Islamic way to do something is to be found in thousands of pages and is far too complicated to be practical use. So, the Sharia takes everything about the subject, for instance, marriage, and codifies all of the information into one ordered system called the Sharia.

Sharia is based on the Sunnah - the way of life of Muhammad as recorded in the Hadith (traditions).  It is an organized body of rules derived from various Quran verses and historical narrations.

Sharia is not optional; it is prescribed for believers (5:48).  Although Muslims as individuals often decide which parts to follow or ignore, the Quran (33:36) says that it is not fitting for a believer to choose for themselves (i.e., disregard) any matter already decided by Allah.

Ergo the problem with Islam, if the Koran is the final word of God, you can't suspend what he has decreed, what Muslim will openly say suspend what the Koran says about adulterers or other passages that don't fit in with today's society. You know that Muslims consider Mohammed to be the perfect example for all of humanity to imitate as there are 91 Koran verses telling us that. Look at Mohammed's life and tell me is that the sort of life anyone should imitate or condone.

One final point, under Sharia nothing about Islam may be criticized.
Posted by: Skrill, October 20, 2018, 5:20am; Reply: 203
For the "Lets not have a free press because one day it might but probably won't cause a mistrial" crowd.
So it seems tommy was right after all:
Posted by: Marinerz93, October 22, 2018, 8:09pm; Reply: 204
They should be deported or exiled to serve their sentance in their country of family origin. Predators born from a hateful ideology deserve no place in a modern civilization.
Posted by: ska face, October 22, 2018, 8:18pm; Reply: 205
Quoted from Skrill
For the "Lets not have a free press because one day it might but probably won't cause a mistrial" crowd.
So it seems tommy was right after all:

The free press exists, as do the laws your hero broke. Still, made him some cash hasn’t it?
Posted by: Marinerz93, October 22, 2018, 9:31pm; Reply: 206
Quoted from ska face

The free press exists, as do the laws your hero broke. Still, made him some cash hasn’t it?

The law must be applied equally when it is relevant, one of the main tabloids did the same thing Robinson did and received a £10k fine, why weren't they locked up and why has it taken the Police an absolute age to do something about these widespread grooming gangs by protecting one evil, another will rise to challenge it.
Posted by: ska face, October 22, 2018, 9:40pm; Reply: 207
Was the reporter from the tabloid on a suspended sentence for having already committed that crime?

Why did it take so long for the police to act? Probably for the same reasons they didn’t act in Rotherham, or in the Saville cases, or Westminster and thousands of other cases across the country - because of institutionalised sexism, a victim blaming culture and contempt for (predominantly) working class victims.

But you can’t say that because it makes you a yoghurt-weaving, sandal-wearing, hemp-smoking lefty lunatic. Better to just blame the muzzers, eh?
Posted by: Marinerz93, October 23, 2018, 2:00am; Reply: 208
Quoted from ska face
Was the reporter from the tabloid on a suspended sentence for having already committed that crime?

Why did it take so long for the police to act? Probably for the same reasons they didn’t act in Rotherham, or in the Saville cases, or Westminster and thousands of other cases across the country - because of institutionalised sexism, a victim blaming culture and contempt for (predominantly) working class victims.

But you can’t say that because it makes you a yogurt-weaving, sandal-wearing, hemp-smoking lefty lunatic. Better to just blame the muzzers, eh?

The reports say the Police didn't act because they were frightened of being labelled racist or Islamophobic, something those bet wetting social warrior liberals have pushed on society, if only they stuck to weaving yoghurt maybe thousands of young pre teen girls wouldn't have had their lives ruined.

Why did they get fined £10K if they committed no crime.

Better blame the muzzers, oh dear are you saying those pictured are innocent of raping, torturing and trafficking young girls. It's their ideological upbringing that led to how they viewed those young pre teen girls, and how they groomed them.
Posted by: Maringer, October 23, 2018, 8:32am; Reply: 209
So, these criminals were arrested, prosecuted and convicted. Good job nobody did anything stupid to cause a mistrial, eh? Might have risked letting guilty men go free.

As for the ridiculous Idea of deporting British-born citizens to other countries, why should these other countries have to pay for our failings? It's bad enough that we nick their doctors from them instead of paying to train our own, without trying to send them our criminals as well.
Posted by: ska face, October 23, 2018, 8:51am; Reply: 210
Quoted from Marinerz93

Why did they get fined £10K if they committed no crime.

Better blame the muzzers, oh dear are you saying those pictured are innocent of raping, torturing and trafficking young girls. It's their ideological upbringing that led to how they viewed those young pre teen girls, and how they groomed them.

How about responding to the points I made rather than the ones you wish I had.
Posted by: Marinerz93, October 23, 2018, 7:05pm; Reply: 211
Quoted from Maringer
So, these criminals were arrested, prosecuted and convicted. Good job nobody did anything stupid to cause a mistrial, eh? Might have risked letting guilty men go free.

As for the ridiculous Idea of deporting British-born citizens to other countries, why should these other countries have to pay for our failings? It's bad enough that we nick their doctors from them instead of paying to train our own, without trying to send them our criminals as well.

We would get better value for money by exiling these people to a country that has the same ideology, they could integrate easier into their way of life than they ever could in the UK.

Ridiculous is your belief they see themselves as British you have no concept of their mind set, an example of that mindset is the amount of young pre teen girls groomed, raped and trafficked in this country. they don't see themselves as criminals they see it as their right by obeying their God who has said they can do that without punishment.
Posted by: ska face, October 24, 2018, 12:54pm; Reply: 212
Why do you keep asking what I’m saying? You can see what I’ve asked you in black & white there in front of you. You could try answering the question if you like.  
Posted by: Marinerz93, October 24, 2018, 3:37pm; Reply: 213
Quoted from ska face
Why do you keep asking what I’m saying? You can see what I’ve asked you in black & white there in front of you. You could try answering the question if you like.  

I've answered several of your questions just saying.


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