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Posted by: James77, July 27, 2009, 10:40pm
Stumbled on this - inside the Ice Factory. Our heritage slowly crumbles away.


Posted by: GTFCDan, July 27, 2009, 10:53pm; Reply: 1
Those pictures are great!
Posted by: theicenian, July 27, 2009, 11:13pm; Reply: 2
The photo of the crusher is the one used to crush ice for boxing up to supply the merchants.  The ice dropped into trawlers was taken on the conveyors in blocks and crushed on the end of the conveyor just before it dropped. You could stand at ground level and watch the blocks passing along the conveyor.
Posted by: kiss a fish, July 27, 2009, 11:57pm; Reply: 3
I pass that every morning and evening and keep saying to my other half that I will take some pics of it one day but those pics are awesome icey, how did you come across those?
Posted by: theicenian, July 28, 2009, 12:44am; Reply: 4
Wasn't me it was James77 who found them. My Dads office was very close to there,I can remember going there as a small kid and standing in the office window watching the trains working on the other side of the wall that was on the other side of Fish dock rd where the road is going in the opposite direction now.And also watching the unloading of butter and bacon boats.
Posted by: TownLad87, July 28, 2009, 2:57am; Reply: 5
Good photos :) history of GY and the fishing industry. Was talking to me dad earlier :) me grandad worked there. cheers for putting them pictures up Icenian. me dad went onto say his catch was iced up by me grandad ha and me grandad told the other lads not to nick any fish as it was his lads catch ha. good old times. :)
Posted by: Teesknees, July 28, 2009, 7:01am; Reply: 6
Is this not a Listed Building? Maybe it should be, maybe it's a bit too late!
Posted by: theicenian, July 28, 2009, 10:06am; Reply: 7
Quoted from Teesknees
Is this not a Listed Building? Maybe it should be, maybe it's a bit too late!

Therein lies the problem.Some want to preserve it,some don't so it sits there rotting away.

Oh and its James77 who found and put up the photos not me.All I did was comment on them as when I was a young lad I watched all that working flat out.

Posted by: GTFCDan, July 28, 2009, 3:45pm; Reply: 8
How can people look at the photo's clearly posted by James77 and then think icy posted them??  ;D
Posted by: TownLad87, July 28, 2009, 5:04pm; Reply: 9
sorry James77 had a few beers last night me concentration wasnt as good as it should of been. Good photos mate! :)
Posted by: Teesknees, July 28, 2009, 7:25pm; Reply: 10

Therein lies the problem.Some want to preserve it,some don't so it sits there rotting away.

Well, I see it is Listed so the local authority have a responsibility as well as the current owners to look after it. The LA should have a Buildings at Risk register and I would have thought this should be on it.. it's then the owners responsibility to take care of it!!
But Local authorities seldom do anything about it as going to court takes too much time and costs too much!

To see other Listed Buildings in and around town go on Images of and have a butchers!

I'm boring myself now so best go!
Posted by: kingofthekippers, July 28, 2009, 8:25pm; Reply: 11
Quoted from Teesknees

Therein lies the problem.Some want to preserve it,some don't so it sits there rotting away.

Well, I see it is Listed so the local authority have a responsibility as well as the current owners to look after it. The LA should have a Buildings at Risk register and I would have thought this should be on it.. it's then the owners responsibility to take care of it!!
But Local authorities seldom do anything about it as going to court takes too much time and costs too much!

To see other Listed Buildings in and around town go on Images of and have a butchers!

I'm boring myself now so best go!

The problem is that the Ice Factory has been allowed to crumble for so long that any expenditure on it would effectively be a complete waste of cash. If the council did pursue putting it on a buildings at risk register the owners could use that defence to successfully argue against it.

I love local history and have photographed the docks many times but I think the ice factory should be levelled and replaced with new facilities for present-day businesses because we need to do something to reduce local unemployment.
Posted by: James77, July 28, 2009, 8:45pm; Reply: 12
I've had a search of that site - not much more about GY...but you can bet people will be snooping around Tioxide once everyone's off site. All highly illegal of course etc etc.

There's plenty of stuff from Hull - here's a few good'uns:

J Marr trawlers: [url][/url]
Lord Line (what a great building): [url][/url]
Boothferry Park: [url][/url]
Floodlights: [url][/url]
Posted by: theicenian, July 28, 2009, 9:22pm; Reply: 13
Quoted from Teesknees

Therein lies the problem.Some want to preserve it,some don't so it sits there rotting away.

Well, I see it is Listed so the local authority have a responsibility as well as the current owners to look after it. The LA should have a Buildings at Risk register and I would have thought this should be on it.. it's then the owners responsibility to take care of it!!
But Local authorities seldom do anything about it as going to court takes too much time and costs too much!

To see other Listed Buildings in and around town go on Images of and have a butchers!

I'm boring myself now so best go!

It will therefore belong to ABP. The Great Grimsby Ice co. would only have a lease on it. If the agreement is similar to the other buildings on Fish Dock rd it will be leased out by the Great Central Rly Co. and then the LNER and subsequently ABP.But the original will be the GCR.  Icenian senior reckons the machinery inside was imported from Norway.

Posted by: tomb, August 3, 2009, 1:46pm; Reply: 14
Awesome photos.  
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